Zurich Herald, 1916-01-28, Page 3FRO ` OLD SCOTLAND N'OTRS OF INTEREST FROM BANKS %AND BRAES. uhR What .Is .Going On .in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. The war ' hospital at Greenock, Smithson, Poorhouse and Asylum, is now ready for soldier patients. The works. erected in Edinburgh for the preparation of sphagnum moss as a surgical dressing have been opened. The Board of Works will not pro- ceed with the erection of the new post office at Duns until after the war. Paisley is suffering from an epi- demic of scarlet fever, and diphtheria has also broken out to an alarming extent. A dangerous type of measles has been prevalent: in Cambuslang, and there has been quite a large number of deaths. The Highland and Agricultural, So- ciety have decided not to take any steps for the holding of the annual show this year. Deepite the war and the high cost of living Dundee is considering the question of spending $20,000 on an organ for the new City Hall. Linlithgow Public School and St. Joseph's school, which have been closed, have re -opened with an atten- dance of only about 50 per cent. Owing to a bad epidemic of mea- sles in the Fintry district the Trinity school has been closed and Birkenhills has also been closed for the same rea- son. , Residents in the Arrochar and Tar - bet districts were rather alarmed by a distinct earth tremor recently. The station building shook and doors rat- tled and windows of houses rattled. • Well over 2,000 MacLeans are in the service of the King, and the cas- ualties have been extremely high, be- tween 35 and 50 per cent. of the 2,000 having either been killed or pro, need. The Duchess of Somerset in opening a rale of work at the Edinburgh Cas- tle Mies ion Church, said that x, 5 00 boy who have been brought up in Dr. Barr.ai'do's Haines, have served in the war. Since the outbreak of the war 494 Motherwell ]nen have been put out of action. Of -these 109 have been killed, al died of wounds, 0 died on service, and the remainder are wounded or prisoners. An effort is being made 'to interest the workers in. Nobel's factory, Ayr- :;hire. in the Scottish Women's Hospi- tals for foreign service, and a mass meeting was held in Saltcoats to t'otise the interest of the employes. The estate at the foot of Loch Lo- mond, which is near Balloch Park, has- become the property of Glasgow cor- poration at the purchase price of ”50,000. The Scottish Matron's Association propose to raise a Scottish memorial to Edith Cavell in the form of an annuity towards the cost of residence n a Houle of Rest for nurses. DIRK ASA SIDE ARM. British Writers Call for Addition to - Soldier's Equipment. Trench warfare has brought back not only armor and the hand grenade, but the dagger, and in England, says the Springfield Republican, there has been of late some curious discussions as to the ethics of stabbing instru- ments. The British pride themselves on the use of the bayonet, and allege that the Gernians shrink from "cold . steel " But in trench fighting fixed bayonets are unwieldy, so the !nen have adopted the practice of taking off the bayonet and using it as a dag- ger. • It is not well suited for that pur- pose, and some military writers are now calling for the addition to the soldier's equipment of a murderous little dirk. One brigade, it is said, has been eo equipped. But this proposal is not without protest. A bayonet, even used as an effective dagger, is a taoldier's weapon, but a dirk is the in- strument of an assassin. In northern countries the knife is taboo, though it was used by knights in the ago of chivalry. In the south the tradition lingers. In Sia•ily the sheath knife is the rus- She Gives Them All the Credit Says Dodd's Kidney Pills Made Rer Well. Miss Gertie Newman, After Two Years' Suffering, Tells How She Found a Complete Cure, Boy's Cove, Notre Dame Bay, Nfld., Jan. .24th (Special). -- "After 'two years of weakness and suffering I am again in perfect health and I give all the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills." That is the statement made by Miss Gertie M. Newman, an estimable young lady living here. She is so overjoyed at her recovery that she wants all suffering women to know how she found her cure. "I had a cold to start with," Miss Newman continues, "and then things just seemed to go from bad to worse. My back ached, I had cramps in my muscles, and I suffered from head- aches. My sleep was broken and un- refreshing, my eyes were puffed and They did me good, •too. A COLD CURE 'THAT CURES. May Come In Handy This T'reaeheroua Wintry Weather. "I've cured my cold," he said. "I'll tell you how I did it. The information ought to come in handy this treacher- ous weather. "1 boiled a quart of wormwood and. horehound together aid drank it hot. Then I took two pills, and put' one kind of plaster• on my chest, another kind on my back and a third kind un- der each arm. "Thanks to my governor's advice, I had sense enough to clap a mustard plaster on my stomach also, and to sleep with red-hot bricks at my feet. "An old lady brought me a bottle of goose oil and showed me how to take it—you suck it, you know, off a` quill. My uncle from the country turn- ed up with a bundle of herbs; these herbs made a tea thatI took a cup/of every half hour. On a cousin's ad- vice I got outside an enormous dose of salts. "My wife got me to take three pills of her own make—they were brown, bitter and about the size of eggs. swollen and I perspired freely with the least exertion. I was always irri- table and in the mornings I had a bit- ter taste in my mouth. "Reading of cures by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, I decided to, give them a trial. I took a dozen boxes in all, and you can see how they helped ine. I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all suffering women." Dodd's Kidney Pills are suffering womait's beet friend. "HUNCR,Y ALL DAY LONG." Berliner Zeitung Reveals German's Distress. Despite the assertions made in the Reichstag that food is ample and star- vation in Germany is impossible, the Berliner Zeitung says: "It is difficult to imagine that things could grow worse just now without some crown- ing disaster. The masses of the peo- ple are hungry all day long, many articles of food having reached a price wholly beyond the reach of the families of the working class. Hun - "The crisis was now reached, and I retired to my bedroom. There, after tossing off a pint of tar balsam, I tat- lowed my nose, steamed my legs in alcohol bath and took large doses of hot rum, spearmint tea and castor oil, which were severally recommended by a sea captain, ray minister and my grocer. Then I took seven different kinds of pills, wrapped round my neck an old stocking of my wife's soaked in hot vinegar and salt and got into bed. "As I dozed off they burned feathers on a shovel before me. "That completed the cure. I am now well. I recommend this simple cure to cold suffers." —4. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN ger renders the people sullen and de- prives them of all joy in victories, though all the bells are ringing and flags wave. The children are under- fed, pale and wan, looking like faded flowers. The extent to which the fall in the birth rate occupies the attention of the Government was shown at the meeting of the People's Welfare Asso- ciation at Berlin. In the meantime we are informed that the military author- ities have forbidden meetings con- vened to discuss the dearness of liv- ing." "For the midday meal," the Vor- waerts says, "one must not arrange matters according to his wish, taste or habit, but must select those foods which are most cheaply obtained. You are advised to hold over water in which sausages have been boiled, which is described as an extraordi-' Mrs. Geo. Huffman, Willington, Is Your Maio a one—or is it a collection of brick walls, carpets, chairs and tapestries? Make it a home by serving for breakfast Shredded Wheat, the food of health and strength. Being reaclyr-cook-, ed it is so easy to prepare a delicious meal with Shredded Wheat in a few minutes. Contains all the goodness of the whole wheat —better than porridges for children or grown-ups. Made in Canada. Man's Inconsistency. Bride—"There, I knew how it Would be. We have not been married a month, and already you hive ceas- ed to care for me." Young husband -"Why, my love, what can you be thinking of ? You are dearer to me than ever." "It isn't so; I know it isn't. You took meals at our house lots of times before we were mar- ried, and you scarcely touched any- thing. Ma said she knew you were truly in love because you had no ap- petite." "Of course, dear, but—" "And now you are actually complain- ing just because I forgot to get any- thing for breakfast." "Could You Believe It.?" "Man, Sandy, what thin legs you've got," said the minister as he met Sandy coming through a field. "Weel, sir, if you had come through the Ont., writes:—"I have used Baby's trouble I've come through you wid Own Tablets and can recommend them have thin legs tae." "I'm sorry to as a wonderful medicine for children. 'Bear that, Sandy, but what trouble I ani the mother of five and have used have you come through?" "Weel, sir, no other medicine for any of them." when I wis a bit laddie I had tae wear no ingrealent whielr would mlure the Thousands of other mothers say the my faither's boots, an.' they were so most sensitive eyes of an infant ar the same thing of the Tablets. That is big for me I had tae stuff straw in the aged. Try it, and know fur• once what real eye comfort s. If your own List i �,• why once a mother has used them for 'tams. Weel, sir, yin day the calves o'l gist c V ills this n] est .Toronto, trc tt herlittle h Id nothing -ria legs came deep 1n' ate up the I $1 to the valmas Drag (7o., l lr au,]f nt I • MAR', THE TRENCH CAW, r Has Supplied Milk to Men on Section of the Front. The Rev. G. H. Donald, in a letter to the congregation of the West Par. ish Church, Aberdeen, published in the Aberdeen Free Press, says; "I was walking up a trench for the fleet time with the signalling officer, and as we trudged along sniffing the air I said to him, "Hello, there's a cow herel' We very soon found the cow in a dug -out all its own with the superscription, `Mary' and the little rhyme about the `crumpled horn' and a 'dug -out that the French had built! "This cow is entered in the books as a `trench store' and has supplied us with excellent milk. She has been well fed and well tended. Ration bis- cuits and grass are her staple food. A soldier farm -boy lovingly tends her, and a sentry is set over her while she feeds on the precious grass plot at the edge of the wood lest some marauding villain from the next battalion should covet her. "She's the picture of content, and the other day a shell burst twenty- five yards from her dug -out and ruin- ed it with bullets •and mud." I' TO SAVE EVES Is the Object of This Free Pre- scription—Try It If Your Eyes Give You Trouble. Thousands'of people suffer from eye troubles because they do not know what to do. They know some good home rent- ecly for every other minor ailment. but none for their eye troubles. They neglect their eyes, because the trouble is not sufficient to drive them to an eye specialist, who would, anyway, charge them a heavy fee. As a last resort they go to CO optician or to the five and ten - cent store, and oftentimes get glasses that they do not need, or which, after being used a few months, du their eyes more injury than good. Here is a simple prescription that every one should use: 5 grains Bon- Opto, 2 ounces water. 1Gse three or four times a day to bathe the eyes. This pre- scription and the simple Bon-Opto sys- tem keeps the eyes clean, sharpens the vision and quickly overcomes inflam- mation and irritation; weak, watery overworked, tired eyes and other similar troubles are greatly benefited and often- times cures! by its use Many reports show that wearers of glasses have dis- carded them after a few weeks' use. It is good for the eyes, and contains nl i00 IV, kite .' L gi 11 i� �� lUl •` t $A - Esc More to' See. Gosling—"Hullo, old man, how are you? I haven't seen much of you lately." Maddox—"You have seen more of. me than I have of. you," Gosling—"How do you make that out." Maddox --"Weil, I'm much bigger , than you." &Iinard's Liniment Curt::: Diphtheria. Kingfishers make their nests oi' fish bones. WARMS POE $AT1E. li ARMS — ALL SIZES STOCK. 1 Grain, Dairy or Fruit. When yank want to buy, write Ii. W, Dawson. Brampton, Ont. i e ones she won use , . l a complete I3on-Onto else The Tablets are sold by mall- straw, an' they've never gape back ; outtn—lablete and alt. cine dealers or by 'mail at 25 cents a since." box from The Dr.,Williams Medicine Vv hen He Married. N Roman Mel me 7 occasion of a well-known 1t edt eng he Best forYour CI°a� began to descant on the NEWSPAYEFLS role swam, JROFIT-istaleING NEWS ANL' JOB. Offices for sale in gaod Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses, Full information o application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide St.,Toronto. M15CC•Li.ANEOUS. (1 ANCDR, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.' qJ internal. and external, cured wit$+ out pain by our home treatment. Writs. us before too Co.. Limited. Coliingwood, Ot Medical America's Pioneer Dog Remedies .EOO1f ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author 1-1. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31st Street, !dew York STORE :PnorT COH- 5`TRI7CTxOif The salesman teat works every day and night during the year. Send tor catalog "`t"' L C td. 11..7. ST. C.u.ti.3R o , Ltd., - 27 Toronto Arcade, - —Toronto Co., Brockville, Ont Robert Lowe the great English I� t as Commoner, was exceedingly sarcastic I " Afraid. i .' and frequently ungallant. Upon the Employer—"Well, what did he say when you called to collect that bill?" Clerk—"That he would break every bone in my body and pitch me out of the window if I showed my face there again." Employer—"Then go back at once and tell him he can't frighten me by his violence." •2� Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- . sure to San, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Merino Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At narily nutritious fluid, rich in fat. Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye This fluid with plain boiled potatoes 5alvcinTubes25c. ForBooi(oftheEyefreeask is. enough for an entire meal." Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago .14 GERMAN LOSSES 3,500,000. NO "FRILLS" Just a Statement About Food. Sometimes a good, healthy commer- cial traveller suffers from poorly se- lected food and is lucky if he learns that Grape -Nuts food will put him right. A-traveliing man writes: "About a • year ago my stomach got in a bad way. I had a headache most of the time and suffered misery. For several months I ran down until I lost about 70 pounds in weight and finally had to give up a good position and go home. Any food that I might use seemed to nauseate me. "My wife, hardly knowing what to do, one day brought home a package of Grape -Nuts food and coaxed me to try it. I told her it was no use, but finally, to humor her, I t; ied a little, and they just struck my taste. It was the first food that I had eaten in nearly a year that diel not cause any suffering. "Well, to make a long story short, I began to improve, and stuck to Grape - Nuts. I went up from 136 pounds in December to 194 pounds the following October. "My • pr blood all right ' I1 isclear, . o brain , g and appetite toe much for any ]van's tic's sword, and in our Southern States pocketbook. In fact, I alt thoroughly Colonel Bowie gave his name to the made over, and owe it all to Grape - most formidable dn;gger known, Aus- iritul reports have specially praised the Dalmations for their adroitness with the knife,. a weapon which ill peace the Goverltnient does its best to disd.ourage. The Southern predilection for stabbing instruments has in the prove progr essivt:' North been regarded as an atavism. Apparently it is ra- ther the last word in scientific war - fere. "I have a clot; that',= nOdily ,thirty inches 'high," "'c'hat'; nothing. 1 have p,+le that stands over four feet," Nuts. I talk so much about what Grape -Nuts will do that some of the men on the road nicknamed me 'Grape -Nuts,' but I stand to -day a_ healthy, rosy-eheeked man ---a pretty good example of. what the right kind of food will do. "You can publish this if you want to. It is a true statement without any frills.". Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Ever read the abeve letter? A new one altxteate front time to tinge. They are gerauitte, true and full of human intereat. Colonel Repington Looks for Final Ef- fort Against Russia. Colonel Repington, military expert of the London Times, says the German military situation is "not brilliant," notwithstanding Germany's successes. He figures that Germany has probably lost 3,500,000 out of the total of 9,000,- 000 men she was able to mobilize ;qtr lana, pastry and sweets Colonel Repington continues: free from ants. Bedbugs "12 the war continues in the future will give no trouble where user!. Write to- n! special trial nrwc. l-'ooklot free. as it has in the past Germany will Marshall J>G lUtarehall, 1~liagara falls, oat. find herself some time between May Distributors for Canada. and October unable to maintain her army effective with the men of mili- tary age then at her disposal. She must therefore before that date force a decision on one front or another." Reviewing the probabilities, Colonel Repington thinks that the tnaiir at- tempt will be made against Russia. He regrets that Russia's new offensive in the south 'synchronizes with quies- cence on the part of the other Allies, and sounds a warning against what he calls "the pleasing fancy that Russia is going to win the war for us," add- ing, "We must firmly decide to win it ourselves." The writer reiterates his previous warnings of a possible German dash against England. "Desperate needs," he says, "often entail desperate reme- dies." "England, therefore, ought not to neglect a single precaution," concludes Colonel Repi.ngton. A Common Delusion. "What was the biggest mistake you ever made?" "Thinking I was too busy ever to make a big mistake." absurdities of ! The intestinal muscles must ]rave' the marriage service. "When I near i c waste to properly develop. The growing tied," he said, `all the worldly good muscles and organs must have abundant with which I endaaa ed my wife might nutrition. The teeth and belles, nerves, muscles, organs, and blood must all have been carried in a bundle over my have abundant inorganic salts. Roman shoulder." Meal. "Well, T certainly "_Ahl but there was your i Meal. is filled with branny waste which i the ietestinal muscles eXerelse - great in g ves preventing constipation and indigestion. did not endow you with that, dear," other known foo. d It's the most marl- t Ivi- was the rejoinder. Ithas more inorganic salts than any • dons food sold Ask your doctor. 11o' not stir Roman Meal Porridge _tt gro- cers, 10c and 25e. Roman Meal le rnacle by Roman ?teal Co., Toronto, and your grocer can irru- cure it from any wholesaler. A Good Rack for Fodder. Cattle do not relish fodder after it has been trampled on or is soiled and muddy. A long narrow, portable rack which can be moved from place to place is, an excellent pen in which to feed such roughage. Minarcl's Liniment; Cures C+arget in Cows DIRK'S RED MITE (ILLER Tr One application .• IFIL S E.• --t. all Mites and prevents 0 their re -appearance dur- ing the season. Keeps fowls free from body lice. Makes scaly legs bright and clean. Deeps Lakes :free front ice owe their im reunity to their depth, and to the pre- sence of springs. Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- nese front Bruises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBIIE, JR., for mankind—an antiseptic liniment for bruises, arts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. $1,00 a bottle at drug- gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. Made in the U. S. A. by W.F.. YOUNG, P. O. F., 816 Lymans lildg., Montreal, Gan. THE LARGEST FIREPROOF i1ESORT! IIOTTL:1N THE WORLD dpi The Spirit of America at play: Magnitude and Cheerfulnoslt, AMERICAN PLAN EUROPEAN PLAN' D. 5. White, Pres. a. Vv. 'Mott, Mgr, Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited. Sirs,—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT for the past 25 years and whilst I have occasionally used other liniments I can safely say that I have never used any equal to yours. If rubbed between the hands and inhaled frequently, it will never fail to cure cold in the head in 24 hours. It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly, J. G. LESLIE. Dartmouth. iffgelerRfiriV&RFOR THE STANDARD FOR THIRTY YEARS Temperature knight, Day and Night Saves Fuel. Starts Fire Before liou Awake. Is Automatic. Send for Catalog "27' R. 3. ST. CLAIR CO., Zit/cited. j 07 Toronto Arceite TORONTO, - OPTT. r; II Of Ott So Flat. Little Boy --"Didn't you get wound- ed at all?" Soldier—"No, not at all." Little Boy -"Not even a slight wound?" Soldier --"Not even a scratch." Little Boy—"Why, you might just as well have stayed at home." SPENDcTECO AnxronmeER > Tr. Minna trip 'Winter Tourist tickets on sale daily to California vitt variable direct and scenic routes. Fear fast modern trains leave Chicago daily - from the most modern railway terminal in the world, Overland Limited :l xtra Furs) Ieaves 7,00 P.M., Los Angeles limited—direct to Southern California ---leaves 10.00 P.M.. San Francisco Limited Ieves 10.00 P.M., Let CaliforniaushelpMail you plan an iattractiv,' trip. Booklets. giving full particulars. mailed on application to B. 11 Bennett, t.r.A i hieagu.& North Western By., 40 Ton:,e it.. Toronto, (bit. Why So? "Oh, yes, w are engaged to be married next epring. But I :Fear sho has not that utter confidence in me that comes with perfect love." "Why ; so?" "Well, when a fellow looks 1 back—as fellows in love naturally will, you know --and sees her testing the' diamond in her engagement ring on the window -pane, don't you think he has good cause to feel a bit dubi- ous l" Musa -We Liniment Corea aistennter,. Windows are colder than walls be- cause glass parts with its heat ]Here quickly. 1+dinter4'ta Liniment Cures Bolds, The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives, Saddle Biding.. Gulf, Tennis, Tachtieg, Fishing and Sea Bathing, Present (Gar- rison of the Ottawa (3sth) 'Regi- ment. PIMCBSS Ofel is open from DECEMBER to MAST Situated on the Harbor of Hamilton, Acrornmodates 40u, Bates : $2:i per week and upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, Managers HAMILTON, • BERMUDA Bermuda is reached by the stearrt- ers of the: Quebec S. S. Co., t:ruttaWey, New aerie a 1T Good Looking Haws Stays good looking— and old harness looks like next when yet, give it regular apt*li- Cations of HARNESS OIL Frevents cracking. Puts lift into the harness. Makes it strong, pliable, last longer. One applicatku will convince you. 7lealer t .75vei•ptelters Tht 14Iperial.Oi1 Company Limited 1?1ti4;iC1116:6 Xia ALL 0111101 to. ED. 7 ISStT?tl 5--'1G«