HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-01-28, Page 1ZURICH Vol. XV • ALD ZURICH,. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1916. {1130**** a1.000®®4,••e••o•••e00 ••••••a•e•••••0••••••••040.0, z • • • • • 4 • 4 4 44• 4 4 44 4 4 44 i 0 4 1 • 4 Now that 1915 is gone and we are about to enter o z• I wish to thank all my Customers and friends o for their support in- dealing with me during the year, a • I, 1 have done the best I could for you. �. I have tried to save you lawny dollars in the past s • I year by braying my stock early and • in the best market • i for cash. • 1 Our stock of merchandise for 1916 is all bought o• before the raise, and most of it in stook. I will there=• fore be in a position to sell you goods at prices which I will be easy on your purse, considering the present • • market prices, andherewith soliciting for a continuation of your trade. V s' -1..'a 3 you all a : 4 •e 4 4> • 4 44 o4 w • Z • • • • a• 0 Q+ •V. • o • tin r 4' • • e• • • • s • 0 0 • e • 0 a a 0 0 • 0 • e • • e A 0 0 0 • • 4. 4. t • • 0 • • i • • A 0 • e ••s 0 • 4 • 0 • • • • • 0 • 0 • 5 LOCAL NEWS, 34 Mr Sol Hardy of Exeter was a 'visit- or in town on Wednesday, Mr 11 H Neeb, reeve of Hay;: left Tuesday for Goderich, to attend ' the January meeting of the Huroncounty. council. Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed: nesday, and Wednesday of the follow - ng week. Mrs Jacob Rader of Dashwood is visiting at the home of her daughter 11Zrs P Haberer, Blind line, at present. Miss M Jackson, of Londesboro, a former school teacher here, was the guest of Mrs Ferdinand Hess this week, • • • 4! • • • • • • • • • • • t • 4 • • • Z. • • • • i • w 0 • • • 4 • 4 • w w yEAI� 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 44. w: 4. 4 • i.• 1J.R 1 .. • • Teleph •one No.g . C H I C.++ 4+++++++++++++++4++++a4 + ++++++++SII+++II +++++ ; ++4 The annual meeting of the _Hay Township Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Co, will be held in the Town Hall here next Monday, Miss Mary Gascho and Mr Sam SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE January 7th, 1916 Dear Friends and Readers.—Ko doubt these few lines from me will come as quite a surprise to most of you people. Nevertheless the old saying is the unexpected always happens. Well, dear readers, things out here have been very quiet for the past few weeks, In fact, nothing at all doing, bub rain, rain, rain, which of course forms mud and which now is nearly two feet deep. Would be pleased to write things home about what happens out here, but that is impossible, as the censors would not let our letters through Our regiment, Lord Strathcona's Horse have now finished with trench duty, as we are again to be mounted in a few weeks to represent Canada in the cavalry. I sincerely hope, providing we get the chance, that we will make iust as good a name for ourselves as our infantry have done. No doubt you know that we were dismounted about the let of last May and were doing duty in the trenches in the latter part of the same month, Gascho, of the 14th con., left Wed- i Festubert being our first engagement nesday for a few weeks visit with friends and relatives at Baden and New Hamburg. Mr and Mrs Henry Gatineau re- turned from their wedding trip on Tuesday evening. They will take up housekeeping above C Hartleib's store for the present. Church union has been carried . in the Presbyterian church. The major-. ity for union with the Methodist and Con gregationalphurches according to' official figures announced was 53,086, In voting this year not one class of the church returned a majority against un-, ion in any synod, The members of the sessions gave a majority of 8,026 for; communicants, 83,079 for; pastoral charges and mission .fields, a iyalorfty, of 7S2 for union, The 'members of the Young Mei., Bible Class of the Evangelical church were'entertained at the home of their worthy teacher, Mr D S Faust, last Friday night to a banquet. About twenty-fiye attended and all' report a most enjoyable time. After the sup- per, the evening was spent in speaches songs and social chat. Before leaving the members voted a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Faust and expressed the wish that he wound soon recover his usual good health and that he would be spared many years to continue the good work he is doing for the young men of the church. IHENSALL FOR HYDRO The vote in Hensall on the hydro- electric debenture by-law on Monday resulted as follows. For the by•1aw, 111; against the by-law, 88, a major- ity in favor of 78. It is estimated the cost of equipment and installation in Hensall will be $10,000. HAND BADLY CUT While assisting to saw wood at the farm of Hugh Love, near Hillsgreen, on Tuesday, John Jarrotb, aged 25, had the misfortune to have his left hand come in contact with the teeth of the circular saw, with- the result that the palm of the hand was laid open to the bone, all the ligaments being cut. Dr A J McKinnon was called and dressed the wound. about the 21st of May. But we have been lucky in regards . to casualties. We have between 90 and 100 of our .original men left out of a full regim- ent,' Christmas and New Years passed very quietty. No more action on the part of our enemies across "No man's Land" than usual. I think they haye almost "shot their last bolt," at least hope so and also hope to see the war end speedily and successfully. But dear friends allow me through the columns of The Herald to thank you for the parcel which was sent by you to me which arrived here in per- fect order. I would certainly be l�le ecl to hear from any of you at a!id would deem it an honor to e same. 1 roinain 2921, Emerson 11 Brown B. 8, L, S. H. (R. C.) France 1st C. E. Burned To Death A terrible fatality occured at the borne of Mr Wm Armstrong, Hills - green, on Jan 12th. The mother had left the children alone in the house, while she visited at a neighbor's for a short time, and during her absence, the children gob hold of some matches. The clothes of Caro- line, 4 years old, became ignited and the little girl was burned nearly to death. Medical aid was summoned and when the physician seen the serious condition of the girl, it was decided to send her to Victoria Hos- pital, Loudon. This was done on Wednesday of last week and after lingering until Friday in suffering she died in the evening. The remains were brought to Hillsgreen for inter- ment. Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted IROIJLAB LETTER Or+ 0 U1•r 13ANK MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current. rates Zurich Branch R. Tr DUNLOP, Manager imesessusameamitemagseonemesomes NO 28 of f4G *G8ff 4f 4-0 446.f4 4tif4 f Start the New Year Right And make this store your shoe store for 4916. Our stock is complete and we feel satisfied we have the goods at prices that will Tease you. We also sell Trunks, Club Bags, Snit Cases Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for , shoes. 9 The Horne of Good Shoes I 1 III iffili111111111111111111114111111111111111$1111l11111161111611111111114111111111111111nllllllllllll4111111111111114811111181111RItiliiHt11111114111116i11114111111111111111111111111111111111111111111liu191111I111111111611161Miat Greatly Thanking ow Customers for their past Team atronarge and wishing them a R. N. PHONE 11 on 82 UrLAS BLAKE tE1411111141111111161II14i111illliilllllllllll11111;ill111 11111111111011111111111111111;II6iill1411.1I1i11i1iiIIIIiIHIII11iih1lili1 11112111111111111011iihigilllllhl4liiiiliiIIIII G1111411111111111111111114U= HURON WEATHER INSURANCE MUTUAL CO The annual meeting of the Huron Weather Insurance. Company was held in the Town Hall here on Wednesday and was fairly well attended. The retiring directors. were Messrs Chas Monteith, Jacob Kellerman and Roger Northcott. The first two named wish• ed to retire an& the election of new directors resulted as follows: Roger Northcott, IIy Raprand R Williams, The following is taken from the 1'Otb annual auditor's report of the company. Total insurance in force Deo 31st, 1915, $2,524,720, Losses during last year $528,84. Total receipts $6,357.28. Expenditures, including losses and salaries, $2,018.- 66. Total assets $96,690.07, Liab • Bides none. Cash on hand and in Bank, $=4838,62. After the annual meeting the board of directors met and the following officers for the year 1016 were elected: President, ZV T Caldwell; Vice•Presicl- ent, Jas Scott; Secretary, A G Smillie. New Ads in this Issue 1'fitff. ° Telephone Meeting, VINSON BF WISE' 10141 Owing to the ocndiiion of the market all goods are advancing in price. Buy now while you can at greatly reduced prides, even if you have to keep the goods over until [next fall, Greatly Reduced Prices Ov all our winter goods such as Overcoats, Sweaters, Winter Caps, Working Gloves , Underwear, etc. Bring along your cash and we will Fell you cheaper than the Oily . departmental stores. DO not miss thls opportunity, ZTJRIOII E. APPEL Timothy eeci Have received a shipment of first-class timothy seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right Flour and Feed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods Cieorge c ( Telephone 23