HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-01-21, Page 8SPCIAL IN LAD1E REDUCTIONS COATS We have a few Ladies' and Children's Coats still on hand, which must be sold, so now we are offering them at greatly r'ednoed prices. These are new coats, up -to- date in style and made of good servicea,ble materials. We can wave you money. Hare aro a few prices: 1 brown Tweed reg $16 50 for $13 1 only fur lined, reg $35 now for $25 1 „ heavy Melton cloth $12 kr $10 1 „ blk Arabian lamb 22.50 for $18- A few girls' and child, err's coats at 25 1 ,, brown Eng Tweed trimmed with black plush reg $20 50 for $16 coats to clear at 1 ,, blk Zibeline cloth $18 for i$16 1 „ striped „ n $18 50 for $15 per cent off. 6 only ladies' cloth $4 each. All a 1 „ or, R c fit off % is d !fluffs at a .i lar Price. Mn's Overco .t „ $10 50 for $9 50 4 „ boys overcoats size 33 to 36 to clear at $3 50 each 1 doz boys toques reg 25c for 15c ea 1 only hveay, lined astrachan lined, Marmot collar reg $25 for $20 2 „ blk astr'n lined $15 for $,11 59 1 ,, heavy cloth reg $12 50 for $ll 1 ,, $11 for $9 75 S U 4 PE MATS We have a lot of stamped mats again in si_= ck in different patterns and sizes. Prices from :ii.? cents to 60 cents. Fresh Groceries always on ;hand R1JBY arid. GASOIIO PHONE 17 CREAM WANTED. I have made arrangements with Silverwoods Dairy, London, to take eream at My Residence, Zurich, anytime during the week. m. Creais tested when brought to my residence and paidifor on delivery. Price paid ti i week was 33 cents per pound. I3ighest Cash PriUU for E2 gs L IIUDS0N, phone 5 ZUkJCH 13 ' 1A *el tt I WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR [)ATRONAG E IN THEPASTF}....fISHINJG YOU "THE GOMPLIMENTG OF THE SEASON” EVER AT YOUR SERVICE GEORGE R ® HESS 00 JEWELLERS ti r 19 ZURICH E60,-7x.°.+..�'�r..4. �.ui a"9''"'"y�^a! �5�bic �2�w'dw`sf , `ZA.0°: • CKttt , s4 Y s. F,J ?s 'syk h' "'e s a+ Sr,4i9•4Pc!M' St l eq LOCAL t A.RK.T Corrected every Thursday. $.26 30 Dried Apples 05 Potatoes 75 Wheat new 1.02 1.06 Oats 38 88 Barley 45 50 Buckwheat 65 Flour 3.25 3,75 Bran $25.00 Shorts 28.00 Low Grade 85.50 Live Hogs fob Hensall 9.00 Butter Eggs Local News Misses Celia Hess and Verde Fuss are visiting relatives and friends in Saltford, near Goderich. The annual meeting'of the Zurich Agricultural Society will be held in the Town hall :here next Thursday. Mr Louis Weber, of town, under- went a successful operation for rup- ture at a London hospital last week. A number of good cows for sale, due to calf about March 1st. Apply to F Eisenbach, Babylon Line, Zurich P. 0. A Bible Conference will be held in Mennonite church, Zurich commenc- ing Jan T8th to 28rd. Everybody is welcome. Mr Thos Davidson, son of Wm Davidson, Goshen line south, left, on Thursday for Hensel+where be has. enlisted in the 161st Battalion. Lost—Antomobile tire chain be- tween my farm, Bronson Line, and Crediton. Finder kindly notify me or leave ai D Mclsaac's blacksmith shop, Crediton. Alfred Melick, Zurich. Mr Jacob Kipfer and bride returned last week from a short wedding tri to Baden and points in IbIichigan. They are staying with the bride' narentr, Mr and Mrs John Gascho; Bronson Line, fora short time. a 14Is l Mr A Heideman will be at my offic over T L Wurtn's store, every Se* day until.February ebruary 15th, 1916, to set tie accounts clue me, Anybody no able to pay accounts in cash will Scat. tie by note. J. J. Merrier On page 5 of the issue we publle the by-laws necessary to be voted u by the ratepayers of .Dashwood to giv the townships of Stephen and Ha power to issue debentures to cover th cost of construction, equipment, etc. for a supply of hydro power for tba village. As Dashwood is situated i two townships it is necessary to pas two by-laws. The vote will be het on Feb 14th. The new stamp of three -cent valu issued by Portmaster-General Casgraia to overcome the inconvenience cause by the necessity of affixing an "extra war stomp of one cent to all letters is now being sent out. The stamp i the ordinary two -cent stamp, the issue of the new stamp has been greatl faciliated and is now being made 'a the rate of a million' a day. All cities in Canada have already been supplies and instruction have been issued tc the distribution offices in each provin ce to have the stamps distributed a expenditiously as possible. Within r week's time the department will be in a position to issue these stamps at the rate of 2.000,000 per day. Triumph of 0. A. C. No. 72. It is interesting to note that at th college in 1915 the '0 A 0 No 72 oats gave a yield at the raie of 103.f; bushels per acre, its nearest cempetitot 'American Banner,' yielding 92.t bushels," said Professor Zavitz, in re viewing the results of co-operativ experiments in agriculture carried of at the college and on more than 4,Q0i farms through Ontario. Advertise in the Herald SOUTH HURON FARMERS STITUTE MEETINGS The Regular Meetings of the Sout Huron Farmers Institute will be hel at Brucefield, Jan 20, 2 p m. Varna, Jan 20, at 7.30 p m Exete J,an.21, .at 2 and 7.30 p m. To be addressed by J 0 Duke, Rutt Yen; Robt Murphy, Allison; and 1 Mary McKenzie Smith, Gravenhar'st, The Subjects to the discussed ai "Maintaining the Fertility of the Soi "l)ua Purpose Cattle" ; "The Choice Occupation" "Business End of Earn ing" ; "Some of the Needs of Ontar. Agriculture"; Etc. At afternoon meetings Dr Maa Mckenzie Smith will address the la les only. Subject selected. Alex Buchanan, Pres. A. H. Dtitipo, Secretsi LET PEOPE KNOW Lost, strayed, for sale, wanted, found, to rent, card of thanks, and all want ads, for insertion in this coin tun will be charg- led for at a rate of 25c each insertion Prov - icling they don't exceed 5 lines,' payable strictly in.:advance, e h yI. MEETING 01+ HURON COUNTY ' COUNCIL The council of the corporation of the Oouuty of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of God- Arich, on Tuesday the 25th. inst. at the hour of 3 o'clock. All , accounts for settlement must be placed with the clerk before this date. Dated Jan 10th 1916. W Lane Clerk. Knitting Done I have ;:.installed a new knitting machine and am now in a position to .do work of this kind. Charges are 15 cents and 20 cents.a pair for knitting stockings or socks, and 10 cents a pair for knitting on the leg part. Walter Steele, R. R. No. 8, Zurich, Phone 8 on 81. Bull and Boar For Service Shorthorn Durham Bull for service. $1.5o with privilege of returning, to be paid following January. Also Im- proved Yorkshire Boar for service, $1,00. Joseph Rau, Drysdale. ,STRAYED Onto my premises, lot 5, con ' 12, Hay, a red steer, about 2 years old, Owner can procure same by paying expenses, and proving property. G Oestreicher, Dashwood. For Sale Seed Oats for sale, 0. A, C., 72, pure, grown from registered stock. Price $1.25 per bushel. Also some 0. A, 0. barley at the same price. I Apply quick.. Faruk Couchlin, R. R. No. 2, Crediton. ANNUAL MEETING The Tenth Annual Meeting of the t Huron Weather Insurance Mutual Company will be held in'the . ' Township Rall, Zurich, on Wednesday Jau 26th, 1916, at 1.80 p.m. to receive and dispose of the Financial Statement and Auditor's Report, tc elect Directors and Auditors and trail.e sact such other business as may bE considered for the welfare of the Com. pant. n, D. Fotheringham, Pres. s A. G. Smillie, Secy. I e FOR SALE 1 0. A. C. No 72 oats. The oats yol 1 read so much about, Price $,1,00 pe 3, bushel. Guaranteed free of wild oat , and noxious weeds, 0, 'Copp tele s phone, 18 on 93, R. R. No 2 Zurich New Ads in this Issue r Ruby & Gescbo. Tenders Wanted. I Dashwood Hydro By -Laws. Proud and Jealous. b A member of The Toronto Tele• gram" staff, who is in the fighting line in France, writes as follows tc his paper: "A pretty good story is going the rounds arising out of the rivalrj existing between the first and seconc " contingents. An officer of the seconc remarked to an officer of the first, ii London on sick leave— " 'We've had a h-11 of a time living 3 down your reputation in England.' "'Ah, um,' said• the sick man, a he slowly surveyed the spick ani span ot1cer of the second contingent 1 'Is that so? Let me tell you, you'] ) have one h-11 of a time living up t our reputation in France.' "So you see we are already bee= as well as proud of ou ing jealous, fighting fame." Life Story in Teeth. h Camp dentists can almost tell are d eruit's life -story from his teeth. military dental clinic of six chat has been in operation at Niagara fc several months, and during that ti the mouths of 3,000 ,patients hall >. been looked into. And the gene, )r conclusion from this inspection . that the Canadian -born as a who] have better teeth than those born ' ee the British Isles, that of Canadi 1" teeth those of city boys are the bes 5f' and those of rural recruits are shod 1, ingly bad. io .A 'volunteer dentist who has mac a name for himself as a hard work left for his home recently. Ile .^y Dr. 1': 'leetzel of'Barbados. Dr. Te a. tel., who is a brother of Mr. Justi teetzel, heard in Barbados that vc dentists were wanted, cabl he was coming, and, without waits ;y for .rte ans�v'er set cult for Toronto. • 0 THESTOVE QUESTION i is easily decided if you buy a McClary Kitchener Range. This firm has been making stoves for 60 years. Or a Superb Favorite, made in Sarnia. The third generation generation of this firm is now making stoves. Now if you buy one of the above makes of stoves, you will not make a miss shot, but hit the goal every time. And then for cheapness we can knock out any departmental store in Canada. Cook Stove, with reservoir burns wood or coal for $18.00 ; up. Look at the cut of the above range with reservoir ,varming closet, tile 1 ack in closet and thermoneter, highly nickeled, guaranteed in every way for $38.- 00 cash. Hundreds of people of Zurich and vicinity tesify that the best stoves are al- ways sold at Hartleibs. r e. 1-IMRTLEIB, 7u2icn HURON'S LARCEST;COMBINATiON ,STORE The London' Advertiser HREE EDITIONS MORIING, NOON; NIGHT Western Ontario's Greatest Daily • AU the News call the Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2 a year Circulation Dept., London Advertiser Clubbed with the Zurich Herald, $2,90 a year, for both papers. �I ccvo3v•�� •s;'ssb a'I8V11003INI SPP5A-JIPH er p,ied suodnorl >�.e zip uu i�aous �o� oanss� s.aea� 10 tu.aal lzoq� *ol panssl 1iii��11e01. Zurich Agency HERALD OFFICE 11 e work( is Tee Ce 01- err ng We Wish to EExteud t� Our M LndCustoiiers. L. T. LWURM ZURICH PHONE 28