HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-01-21, Page 4TUE HERALD
issned every Thursday. afternoon froth the
victoria$t. Zurich, by
U. S. subscrlptott $x,so strictly in advance,
Rates for display and contract advertisements will be
given on apphation,
Transient notices such as legal, corporation, so, a.
ma cents per line tot first i'sertien and 5 cell tor
1tlefOreach subsequent Insentinn,
Notices al entertainments, socials: etc. at whit' M
adrniss ion fee is charged or a epeciai.collection r IM 2
will lie charged for at the regular advertising est
1�otices of religious or other meetings the obje, dX
which is the benefit of the contntunity„and not fat VIC
onal or sectarian interest or gain, will .be cheer. 14
.t]dvertisments without specific dittctions will be
dcerted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran-
sient sdvertismenrs must be paid for it .advance.
Astray advs. fix for three insertions.
No paper discontinued until all arrearsges are paid.
Jbanges for contract advertisements .inta.t,be in the
office by 6 p. m., Tuesday, otherwise they will be left
over until the following week.
Address all cetctmtuniea apps to
THE HERALD, Zurich,Ont.
THURSDAY, JAN. 20., ,91G
In this column we will discuss matt
Iters relating to local conditions, else
provincial and dominion news of ina-
,portance as well as articles of general
.interest. If you know of something;
:suitable for this section of the Herald
we will be pleased to publish same.
Railroads operating in or through
the„province of Ontario will shortly
find that they cannot serve liquor to
passengers either at a bar or at the
dinner .table. It is understood that.
the Ontario license board will shortly
deal with `the question. It is likely
that means will be found and mach•
inery operated to peovent the railways
dispensing aleholic refreshment to
thirsty passengegs.
The ,$1.00 weekly newspaper in
Canada will soon be a thin;, of the
past. Alberta Saskatcbe;,-an and
Manitoba have put the prie o up to
$1,50 and British Columbia for some
time past has been selling for $:2.00
This gives the publishers better marg
in and will helpto final -=e more
easily, The result should be a better
newspaper. A poorly paid cditgt is
like a poorly nasal preacher, T.iu,nrt
from hand to mouth does not get the
jest out of a man,
An elohange puke it aptly thus:
A working man and his wife, with
out children can probably save five or
six thousand dollars in their life time
and thus provide for old age. A work
ing man with Bye or six children in-
vests thatmoney,' which the other
man saves, in his children. These
children are his provision for old age.
Each child costs, on an average, two
thousand dollars to raise and .educate.
There is not a doubt that, if the roan
with children had been childless, he
could have saved as much money ae
his childless neighbor. The money
he might have saved is represented by
the children which he gives to the
state in their young manhood. If he
ribs- a boy to his country's service,
giving the one or two thousand
dollars, which the half J)P cost bila;
he is giving the staff 6;a stns"1, '—
should ld lean in his deeli Jing years.
His childless nn6npor gives $5 or $10
or $5^, and feels he has done well.
-This is a time when every man should
stand at the bar of his own conscience
and ask himself, "Am I giving as
much as my neighbor is giving when
he gives his boy?"
On Wednesday morning a happy
event was ,celebrated in the R 0 church
Drysdale, awhen.Rev A Rondot . per
formed the ,ceremony which united
Walter Jeffeey,in marriage with Jane,
oldest daaaghter.of Mr and Mrs John
Charette. The ,wedding party repair-
ed to the h,oaue of the groom where
dinner was served and later to the
home of the bride where the evening
was spent. ` 'ourteorrespondent joins
with their tnaaay ifriends in wishing
them bon voyage 'through life,
Mrs R Ayotte of Pigeon, Mich., at-
tended the funerail.of;her mother, Mrs
1VIrs Jeffrey passed away on Sunday
morning at the home of her daughter,
Mrs Louis Jeffrey, .aged 84 years,
Deceased was taken down with a
paralytic stroke two years ;ago from
which she never fully recovered. Her
husband predeceased her 14 years ago.
Three sons survive Frank, Bemie
and Clifford, all of the Sauble line,
also five daughters, Mrs Louis Jeffrey,
St Joseph, Mrs Jos Ravelle and Mrs
Andrew Desjardine, Grand Bend, Mre
Leon Jeffrey, Babylon line and Mrs
R Ayotto, Pigeon, Mich. The funeral
was held en Tuesday to the R C cem-
etery, Drysdale, the pallbearers being
six grandsons.
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute was held at the home of
Mrs A J MoDonald on January 11th.
The meeting was spent in the usual
way after the business was transacted.
Airs Sant Hey gave a paper on "Fresh
air in the home,” and Mrs Wm Dou-
glas gave a paper on, "Of interest to
woman " Followed i 1
d b l
cession by those present the Sheeting
y a ve y ciis-
ws,s, closd by singing lidotl save the EXE
I King,"Mr
Miss .Lena Wilhelm of Caediton is
visiting with friends here,
Several from here attended the:.
dance bald at Grand Bend, Friday
Walter ,Fassold has accepted a & Son eMith G Kellerman on as
Mrs' Oalllxtleisch of Zurich visited
relatives and friends for several days
this week.
Mr and Mrs Fred Jennings of Thed-
ford attended ,Rha funeral of the latter's
the late William Brown,
Mr and Mrs R Goetz visited . with
friends and yelati..yes in Sarno last
Miss Mary.Englan,d left for London
where she will ren:Lain in the hospital
for treatment,
On Saturday evening of last week
William Brown passed ,away after an
illness of only a few days of Brights
Disease, which was the cause of his
death, He resided on the 14tn con,
for a number of years and about three
years ago disposed of his farm and re-
tired to Dashwood. He was highly
esteemed and respected and had a
cheerful word for every one. His de-
mise will be greatly regretted by the
whole community, who extend sincere
sympathy to the bereaved relatives,
Besides his sorrowing wife he is sur`
vived by four daughters and three
sons; Mrs F Jennings of. Thedford,
Clara of New Westminister, B. 0.,
Lydia of London, John of Rosthern,
and George of South River, Ont, avid
Adeline and Norman at home; and
also by five brothers and three sisters.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon to the Goshen Line cemetery
arid. was largely attended
lid 11I .1 Joseph Douglas and
children of Asquith Sask„ are visiting
the former's mother, Mrs P Douglas.
Mr Douglas is slowly recovering from
his recent serious illness,
Mrs Mary McDougal and sisters of
Strathroy are visiting at the home of
Mr. John Douglas.
Mr, and Mrs. P. Brennerman, who
were visiting friends in Michigan have
returned home.
Mrs. John Keys, who was visiting
friends in Buffalo and New York, has
Quite a number iia this vicinity are
laid up with la -grippe.
Miss Lillie Denomnie, who was vis-
iting friends in Detroit has returned
home accompanied by her cousin
Miss D Dunning has been laid
up with la grippe. Her many friends
will kwww da - LMAn iYa-
.. ,Z o sura eaeo ,y recovery.
Mr and Mrs A. T Douglas spent
Saturday with friends in Hensall.
Mr Joe Bechler is on the sick list.
Mr and Mrs Fred Turner have re-
turned from their wedding trip and
have settled down to the sterner real-
ities of life,
"cis�I Values in Horse Goods
hvibg to the mild winter we are compelled to re-
d'tce-our stock of winter goods at almost cost.
Here are a few values:
80x8() jute, dill lined, $3 00 for $2.25
72x76 t`
n lar
tt .1
2.75 for 2.25
72x72 duck " " 2.55 for 1.75
r , wool blankets reduced. Mitts and gloves.will
be sold at cost,
a P.. TADE =
Get "More Money" torr rour Skunk
Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher
and other Fur bearers collected in your section
slur tom XMAS DIRECT to "SHTJB R7I" the largest
Ieonse in the World dealing exclusively In tIOHTII Ammar,' RAW ru0S
a reliable-responsible—safeliurnouseWith nnunblemished tep-
utation existing for' more than a third of a century " o long suc.
cessfulrecord ofsending FurShionerspromot,SA'CISFACTORi'
ANI) 1)i2O1tITA$bl+; returns. Write for 'grj 1 a Ruben OluvOcr."
the onlyreliable, accurate market report and price list published.
Write icorit—NOW—it`,FRE.E
AucDa lCHCGo s A ,
1 Geo Washington, of the Molsons
Bank staff, it as been transferred to the
' Forest branch.
Duncan, McEwen, , government
surveyor, is visiting at his home here.
Among [those who have been ser -
lonely ill .of late are: John teeny, R.
J.Drysdale, A. MoTarrart, Mr and
Mrs R. Bonthron and Mrs H. Fisher.
Mueh -sympathy is -felt for the fam-
ily of Mr Duncan Taylor, owing to
the sad death'of the son, John Taylor,
who had been teaching school at
Meese Jaw, Saryk.
H. C Soldan men* hurt his back
and was confined to his home for a
week or more.
Much interest is taken in the by-
law vote for hydro power which will be
held here on Jan 24th. The measure
will likely earry with a !large major-
Mrs Nesbitt, of Toronto, visited
friends here last week. She intends
to return to Hensall in the spring to
McKinnon—At Zurich, on Jan 16th
to Dr and Mrs A J Melfi nnon, a
Brown—At Dashwood, on Jan 15th,
William Brown, aged 67 years 8
months and 18 days.
Jeffrey—At St Joseph, Mrs Jeffrey
in her 83rd year.
Jeffrey:—Charrette—At Drysdale, on
Jan 19th, by Rev A Rondot, Walter
Jeffrey to Miss Jane Charrette, both
of Sauble Line, Hay.
Elliott—Rathwell—In London, on
Jan 5th, by Bey G S Hazen, Stella
daughter of Mr and Mrs Win Rath -
well, of Stanley, to A H Elliott, of
F�. Classified
The little son of B W F Beale)
met with a painful accident a fe
days ago, On a cold frosty day..;
stuok his tongue to an iron post an
was held there until water could. `-b
got to free him. Part of the skin wa
torn off.
The Ladies' Aid took charge of the
choir, and officiated as ushers and col-
lectors in Main street Methodist chur-
ch last Sunday. Special collections
were taken in aid of the society.
Mrs Jos Wambold attended the fun-
eral of her Sister at Port Huron last
Geo 13artner, of Exeter north, was
fined $10 and bound over to keep the
peace for one year by a Clinton magis-
trate for pointing a gun at Wm Hatt-
er, also of Exeter north.
F Boyle has taken the agency for
the Gray -Dort automobile.
COinfit 1'iW
d-rigg for twenty years jeweler
and watchmaker in Clinton, has dis-
posed of his business to R N Jones of
Port Elgin.
Mrs Ellen Clark, widow' of the late
Alex Clark, passed away on Jan 9th
at the home of Mrs J Lamport, Grad -
ton in her 77th year.
Messrs G C Petty, W Pfaff, G
Brown and A Smith were elected
councillors of Hensall at the election
held last Monday.
Rev J Elliott of Goderich, who re-
cently left for England,- has been ap-
pointed chaplain of the Canadain of
the Canadian Contingent at Bram-
shot camp.
John Fingland, of Auburn, an ex -
reeve, bas been chosen as township
clerk of nutlet, to succeed James
Campbell, who has been clerk for
nearly 30 years.
Reuben Graham, of the Graham
House, Clinton, was fined $100 and
costs on Tuesday for violation of the
C T A, as a second offence.. He was
also fined $10and costs for interfering
ith the constables in performing
eir duties,
A ,quiet wedding; took place at the
manse, in Varna, on Wednesday Jan
nth, when Miss Mary Pearl John-
4ton, eldest daughter of Mr and, Mrs
Ross ;fob netdrt,of 131akie, was, united
in marriage by Rev.D Johnston; pastor
!if the Presbyterian Church, to Fred
W. Tamer, son of lift and Mrs Rob
eta Turner, Stanley. After the sere
nrony.,the couple left on theevening
train for Goderich.
Barristers, :Solicitors, Notaries
Public .Cc. Otlice, on the Square, 2nd
door from Hamiiton St. Godericb.
Private funds to loan at lowest rates
II. Jr. T). CooxE.
AIr. Cooke will be in Hensall' on Friday
and Saturday of each week.
R A. J. Mac1£INNON late House
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the
House .Staff, New York Palyclinic
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich,
Dr N. F, Schram, Late Rouse
Surgeon and House Physician
of V icto is IIospital, London,
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine of
Western University, London.
Main Office at Dashwood, Ont.
Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of
each week.
Cross Fertilizer Co.
I am taking orders for the aboye
celebrated brand of Fertilizer for
delivery next Spring.
- I handled this brand last seas,'n
and had splendid success with it,
Basic Slag has been used with
greatest success on beans, etc,
Prices Cash $20.00 F. O.B.,
Station. $22 on 8 months time.
Sydney Basic Slag can be sowed
at the same time as the beans and if
the fertilize Comes into contact
with the seed it will not do it the
'slightest harm. Basic Slag is dif-
ferent in this respect to other fer-
tilizers which ought not to be allow-
ed to touch the seed, othewise there
is great risk of germination being
R' , R. No. 2, .. Zurich.
Hess, the Jewellers, have been ap-
pointed agents for the New Bracelet of
Friendship. "Ad•A•Linii". 25' cis
per Link. Initials engraved a
Call and see best models of
Cutting Boxes and
Root Puipers
Couple of new Gray gasoline engines, latest models,
which will be sold at a big reduction. See them.
Get my Prices before Ziu rig.
To the People of Zurich and vicinity:
I wish to announce that I have opened a Dealer's
Agency .and Service Station in Zurich for the season of
1916 for Maxwell Cars.
Do you• know why the Maxwell is called the
Here are some facts:
More miles per gallon of gasoline
1L 1G ii
cylinaer, oil
1 1
set of tires
Lowest after cost car
Do you really know this car? Do you know that next to the Ford,
the Maxwell had the largest increase of sales in 1915 in the United States
and that the American•cities are full of Maxwells?
Let us tell you about our
Shock Absorbing Radiator
Special Steering Device
Rear Axle, Special Clutch
and steels nd materials used in it.,
We wish our many friends in Zurich and vicinity the Season's Compliments
H. Galiman Phone 25 Zurieh
W. E. Oestricker, Crediton
IWe carry a large stock of storm sash and storm
doors, made ar y size or style.
Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill
E simates given and contracts taken. Office
I at planing mill.
Stable on mei
We handle the nlostirproved Stable Equip-
ment on the market. Farmers, fit your stables
in a modern and sanitary way and you will be
well repaid for the extra cost by the increased
results. Get our prices on
Stanchions, Water Bowls and
Fixtures, Litter Carriers,` etc.
We recently installed an outfit of stanchions and fixtures for John
Erb, Bronsrr, 1 ,'ertira interested are welcome to inspect same
We also
install equipments,
of every kind
See us
about 1t