HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-01-07, Page 4;, , N-\\ THE ilEltALAD issued every 'Thursday a.fternoon rsomaas 11BRAfalRtT1)1Cs Victoria St. Zurich, by ANDREW F.USS Alta enuaTonf.- SII/11.1,1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE td.00 A SEAR S• subscripton tkx,so strictly M adv.sumea. o•n- for P‘41P'sPlirrrrdIcL1ItIraGetaTd2veRIVirtlseS sasn'cmtsgssillbe °I'm on .rpi Transient notices such as legal, colvos anion, soviet etc.. so cents Per line Tot fir :It insertion and seaenteiter One far each subsequent insertion. Notices oi entertainments, socials ate. at watinh att • ndmiss on fee is charged or especial callection taken will he charged thr at the regular atIvArtistag rates eatices of religious ,or other meetings the oi4ect of which is the benefit of the community and not for /ser- ene' or sectarian interest or gain, will be cbeersully n3ertett free. Advertisments without. specific ditections wti 'be Inserted untitl forbid aad.eharged accordingly. Tan-. „swat advertismeurs must be paid for in advance. .Address;afl conununications to TRE MERALD, Zurich, Ont THURSDA.1% .0:AN. 6, 1916 SCHOOL REPORTS The following is the szeport of S S a -No 2 Hay for the monesh,of December Wand Forrest, Willie Blaekwell. Sr HI: Annie ;Richardson, Oryicile Smith. Jr III; Mary POI -rest, Grant Love, Wesley Redmond, .01iflord Redmond, Pearl Kipfer, Sr II: Greta Forraata Vera L Gram, \V - ley Richardson, antis Love, Jr II: Russell Conga, Fredrick Quacken- bush, Bell Kyle, Sr Pt II: Bona Blackwell, Margery E Rich- ardson, Luella Jarrott. Sr Pt I: Roy Xyle. Jr Pt I; Glenn Love, Greta Black aa.311, Flor- ence Armstrong. No on Roll 23, S Petty, Teacher. •-•41•"--- 'REPORT OF U S S No 1, HAY AND STANLEY The standing of the pupils was de- termined by the combined results of the term work and the Christmas exaMinations. The names- are in - Order of merit, in the various classes.. Sr IV: 'Marcel Laporte. Jr IV: Leo Corriveau, Alic Dricharine (equal), James Johnston, Sr TTT: Tuffield amomme, Felix Jeffrey, Lawrence Ducharme, Abel Dacharme Sr II: Stella Denomme, Treftley Laporte, Leona Corriveau, Richard. Denomme and Dennis Dttcharme (equal) Harold johnston tr It Donella Denomnie, Gertrnde Dn charme, Nora Jeffrey, Cecilia Laporte. Jr I: Dennis Corriveau, Fergus Jeffrey, Willard Duchartne, Primer: Noel Laporte, Loretta Denomme, Bernice Ayotte, Marie Denomnie, Willitrt Oorriveau, Lloydon Denomnie Annabel Dacharme. R P 1 Dougall, Teacher, • • • _8 30N DASHWOOD IT -2 Brown -left on Monday morning for Dublin, Miss Addle Ehlers of Toronto, returned beano andswill remain for -some time, D Tdienamaisithieweek moving 'into his new house on Main street IV1JEmmersen ,Gebel' Is also isiov- 4rig 'into the hese•vaoated by Mr 'Tieman, which he rpurcaased re- eently. Arthus-Oratipner deft for Fort Wayne, Friday. Mr Rarl Gran owner andaMiss Letta GI,aenther, who have been.spending the holidays at their +homes here left 'for Stratford Mendedy to re - surdas their studies. Mr ,and Mrs (3 Keilerossaa enter tained a number of their friends - to a very pleasant fowl -.supper New Yettl.T'S eve. Mr and Mrs Ed Nollaof Milverton spent the holidays with friends, Mr J 11 Ehlers of Harrisburg is visiting his parents here at present Mr Milton Ehlers of Brantford spent New Year with his parents., Seveal from here attended the dance held at,ffrand Bend New Years Eve. School reopened Monday with our same staff of teachers. Mr Frank Beaver and bride of Bay Port Mich, are spending their honeymoon with relatives here. Thirty couple took a sleighride to the home of Mr and Mrs W White, Crediton East, on Thursday last and helped them celebrate their silver wedding. All had an enjoyable time and before leaving wished Mr and Mrs White 25 more yearaof happiness. fIENSALL • A. recruiting meeting was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening Judge Barron of Stratford addressed the meeting. Mrs R D Bell has 'purchased one Of Mr Cadmore's residences neat the' Loudon road. A number of new houses will be erected in Hensall next year, Edmond Geiger, wife and family, of St Thomas, spent the holidays at the former's home here. Considsrable interest was taken in the election for reeve on Monday. The vote resulted as follows: 1$1.nalliaeonabe 101, Petty 62, Hudson 40, Councillots norninoted did not qualify, so another nomination will be held on Jan 10bh. . BO RN Wolfe—At Dashwood on Jan lst, to Mr and Mrs' T Wolfe, a son. MARRIED Gallman—Thiel—At Hensall, on Deo 24th, by Rev McL. Smith, Miss Frieda Theil to Mr John Gallman, both of Zurich. ENO BLAKE The Decernbernaeeting of the',Woni- en'-s Institute was held -at the home of Mns J Masason"e, A good ,deal of business was transacted alter which a social time wasepent, Thenextaneet- ing will be held atilie home of Mrs A J McDonald en January 11 th. Miss MyrtleMeyers spent the thola days under the patental roof, Mr Langmaid, who taught .sclhool here some time aga, -spent the 'holidays with friends in this Mr and Mrs II &lee and f sassily syent New 'Years day With friends -iii Zurich. Mr Robt Douglas left for the w -et on Tuesday with a car lead of 'horses. Mr and Mrs Wm Cath.eart ojuil children of Toronto spent INTew Years day with Mrs Manson, Sr„ Mrs Cath - cart's mother, Mr John McAndrew of Granthin North Dakota, spent a few days this week calling on friends in this vieinity Mr. Peter Douglas of Asquith. Sask., is visiting his gaandnaother, Mrs P Douglas and other friends. Mr W J Stevens is laid up with a -severe attack of Sciatica. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs Ed Boyesspents a few days with friends in Hamilton. Miss Freda Talbot is slowly recov- ering from her recent serious illness. Mr A Clark and Mr G Freckleton are cutting wood for Mr Walter le this week. Miss Annabel McDonald has returned to Seaforth to resume her studies at the Collegiate Institute after spending the holidays with her mother and other friends in this vicinity. WoddingbelTh are ringing at time of writing. (Too late for last week) Mr and Mrs- Egerton Fairel, Ripley spent a few days at the of Mr and. Mrs Wm Finley. a, Miss Dorothy Donning tvho tang' 1 school here for the last , spending the , n at her on] erJ Strathroy. The trustees are to congratulated on securing such -ci efficient teacher. . DRYSDALE Mrs Laframboise andson Clarence, of Amherstburg, Mrand Mrs Gumbel fon and two children, and Mr and Mrs Leo Laportr of Detroit and two child - ten returned to their respective homes after spending Christmas and New Years holidays at the home of Mr and Mrs J Laporte. • Mr Richard Laporte has returned to to L Assumption College Sandwich to resume his studies. The banns of marriage have been published of Walter Jeffrey and. Mies Charrette daughter of John Charrette. Also of Paul Masse and Miss Gerom- ette. The weddings will take place next week. 'ttriliriamgaronsmommintommionominm: Why not give your boy .and girl an opportunity to S. Maketheir home g study easy and 1. d'ective? Give than the same chaucesto winpro5 motion and success as the lad having the advantage of wEBsTEws •'1;:'"t s '• • aiat • 5 GeeMore3loney" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP OUR FURS DIRECT to "SHUBERT" the largest house In the World dealing exclusively In NORM AMERICAN RAW EURS a reliable- responsible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rep- utation existing for 'more than a third of a century," a long suc- cessful record of sending Far Shinners prompt,SATIS FACTORY AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for "Xife4itaintbart sffibinuer." the onlyreliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for ft—NOW—Wel FREE A.B. SHUBERT I nc. 2527 'WEST AUSTIN AVE, Dente 316CRICAGO, seessoneuessmn ilestetriettsserwassziostr. ......1,1,,,111.0,19.1.eitITI.11.11,1.,..61,1TMIT WRY** _i.1===tr..-.CVNIZADISMOVIIISRIEVIMOMP.IMParts pedal Vallies in Horse Goods Owing to the mild winter -we are compelled to re- duce our stock of winter goods at almost cost. • Here are a few' values: Regular 80x80 jute. full lined, $3 00 for $2.25 72x76 " •• 2.75 for 2.25 72x72 duck " " 2,55 for 1.75 All wool blani<ets ri,difced, Mitts And alovpswill Le sold at cost, R. V. sTADE = zuRicti NEW IPITERATiONAL Dictionary in his home. This new creation answers with final author- ity all kind g of puzzling questions hi history, geogr,aphy, biography, 7--4-= spelling, pronunination,sports, arts, and sciences. 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Paget. E Over 4000 Illustrations. Colored Plates. Tho only dictionary with the Melded Page. The type matter is equivalent to that E of a 15 -volume encyclopedia. More Scholarly, Accurate Convenient, E and Authoritative than any o titer Eng- .1E ftsh 1) etionary. REGIILA11. diatia rAPSR EDITIblislS. laWcalerpaig6esa, 5:51- strations, 000, ' a set of Pocket Dlaps if 'you =Me this ' paper. 114. & 0,4101101;111 CO, E. SIONINGWItLn, MASS.. 4 Plattsville Likes !Hydro • now have a very slice lot of customers and each one is rising more and more all the time. Nearly all the ironing in Plattsville is -done by 'Hydro power, a great deal of eosking is done by it, -while a number have installed electric washing machines, whieh are a great success, say nothing of vacuum clean- ers, small heating.apparatuses, etc. As you khow, we have a humber of retired farmers living -in the village these are some of cm most delighted customers, although they were some- what sceptical at Ilitst, they have more time to enjoy it than most of us have Wishing you the ,compliments o the season and every encoess in carry jog Hydro, 1 an Respectfully yours, R. P. S. Don't overlook the fact that in addition to having a profit -of $2416.- 0I this year we bave paid the firet in- stallment on the equipment erected in the village, by paying '8840,67 on ortr debentures, our actual profit for the yeas $512.34. 'classified Ads •I 1..E,GAL. :CARDS. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & - COOKE. Barristers, :Solicitors, Notaries • Public &c. °lee, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Sb. .Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDFOOT, C, • J. L. KILLOBAN. • H. J. D. COOKE. Mr. Cooke 'Mil be. in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late Haus. Surgeon, Erie County 1ospital,l Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. IJ' N. F. Schram, Late House Surgeon and house Physician Ji.Y iateia yospital, London, , !i'datlate of Fa.oulty of 1116dicine of Western University, London. Main Office at Dashwood, Ont. Visits Shipka Monday afternoon oi each week. Cross Fertilizer Co. • BASIC SLAG I am taking orders.for the above celebrated brand of Fertilizer for delivery next Spring. I handled this brand last season and had splendid success with it. • Basic Slag has been used withi. greatest success on beans, etc. Prices Cash $20.00 F. 0.B., Station. $22 on 8 months time. • Sydney Basic Slag can be sowed at the same time as the beans -and if the fez tilize comes into contact with the seed it will not do it the slightest harm. Basic Slag is dif- ferent in this respect to other fer- tilizers which ought not to be allow- ed to touch the seed, othewise there is great risk of germination mein g deatroyed. JOSEPH RAJ R. R. No. 2, -' Zurich. ,— . ,,,,, 1,...,.Effrimnessanamannamsam HIBERTAKI G Prompt Service Moderate:rharges W. 11. KOFFMAN Zurtch. outatio • lakscsmalaviSaIMMUNA MASSEY-IIARRIS Maple ents Gan :and -see best models of Cutting Boxes arid Root 40' ipers .4.amrstoommus.M.Fsosum.mustalsnacomairesnummatarmiszana..40.... GRAY couple of new Gray gasoline engines, latest models, 'which will be sold at a big reduction. See them. Get ray Prices 'before Buying .L.W.IntrUistaa.111,411.9.•06. • To the People of Zurich and vicinity: wish to announce that I have opened a Dealer's Agency and Service Station in Zurich for the season of 1916 for Maxwell Cars. Do you know why the Maxwell is called the ONIDE!'"! CAR Here are some facts: • 1st. More miles per gallon of gasoline 2nd. 4 4 4 4 cylinder 3rd. " " set 'of tires 4th. Lowest after cost car oil • Do you really know this ear? Do you know that next to the Ford, the Maxwell had the largest increase of sales in 1915 in the United States and that the American cities are full of Maxwells? Let us tell you about our Shock Absorbing Radiator Special Steering Device Rear Axle, Special Clutch and steels and materials used in it, We wish our many friends in Zurich and vicinity the Season's Compliments 11 Gallinan Phone 25 Zurich 111••••••••• AGENT E Oestricker, Crediton. DISTRIBUTOR .1110110:1111:11S...... Let Us Arrange Your Clubbing List. Our 1910 Bates are as follows: 411111011111111=1•111 Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 " 1` Weekly Globe1 75 " Daily Mail and Em- pire..... . ...... . .. 8 75 Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition8 50 Evening BaiLion2 90 Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning -Edition.— 2 90 Evening Edition2 90 Weekly Edition..... 1 75 .1.71 arm & Daley 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers AdVocate, 2 40 Montreal • Family Herald and Weekly Star • ,. 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 1 85 Canadian Country- man ' 1 50 C 4 t •11 t c $ C 11 1t CC CI CC .$4 C4 Wo oan give you rate on other •papers not on above Eta The Herald• Zurich