HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-31, Page 5STRAYED Onto any premises; lot 5, con 12, Hay, a red steer, ebout 2 seats l, Owner can proem() swine by paying expenses, and proving property, . U Oestreioher, Dashwood. Coal BA5inoss I beg to announce to the people of Zurich and vicinity that 1 have now on hand a supply of the very best No 4, Furnace. and Chestnut. Coal and solicit a sharp of yotu patronage. Sheds immediately in front of the old salt buil line Office 'Petty BIoek DH A. OAITTPLON Phone No. 10, HENSALL FA '' F .R SALE Also House, Lot and 1 Acre Lot 20, N. B., Township of Hay, 100 acres, all cleared, all good clay land, orchard, bank barn, driving -shed good dwelling, 'etc., owned by Mr. Jocob Meyer, Sr. This farm issitime ted 2 miles from Zurich, with tele- phone and free mail delivery. Half mile from good public school Farm will be sold at n reasonable price. Also dwelling house, with stable and one acre of land for sale. All kinds of fruit trees and good well on the premises. This property is situa- ted at Wagner's Corner and will be sold with above farm or separately. For further particulars apply to Jaeob Meyer, Jr„ R. R. No. 2, Zurich„ LOCAL NEWS Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING., TO. FIRE INSURANCE. PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR ].TREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich Zurich Meet MARKET --�- :DEALERS IN' Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc CASH `FOR SICS1NS & HIDES r u' .gbii t & Dean .ext �76�1<IiI,J�t U tt .4tlgt @ANBIB A new shipment just in of Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc. i The best that money can: buy A large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearznint, Etc. Leadiud Brands of Cigars. Neilson's Famous Ice Cream RESTAURANT .11drs S Dietz and Mrs Reichert are visiting friends in •Elkhart Ind for some time. • Mr and Mrs Ed, Noll, of Milverton are visiting at the home ,of Mr Henry' Schede, Bauble Line. ]less, the Jewellers, have been ap- pointed agents for the New Bracelet of Friendship. ."Ad -J -Link". 25 ots per Link. Initials engraved free, Mr John Trueznner of Kilmaulo Micb formerly from the 14th• Con Hay, is renewing old acquantanees over the boliclay and visiting his brothers Con. and William on the 14th. •Owing to our mill running night and day, we have a large quantity of mill feed on hand. Wilt sell bran at $21 and shorts at $24 per ton while is lasts. H Cook, Sons & Co,, Heng sail. Now is the time to select and place your order for reading master for the coining year. We club with all the leading daily and weekly newspapers and all farm magazines at close prices. Call at the Herald' Office and leave your order.. The christmas Entertainment given by the 14th Con, S School of the Evangelical church last Sunday even- ing, was a most successful one, The Cantata "The Star of Blessing" indeed proved itself to be worthy of its name,' and all those that took part rendered their part nobly. The church was well filled and the Assembly seemingly well pleased. The receipts amounted to nearly $43.00 RUNAWAY What might have been a serious accident occurred on Friday night, when a horse owned by Jaynes Green tookfright, threw out the driver and clashed iip the street. The runaway wound up at the Evangelical church shed without doing any damage to it- self or cutter. New Ads in this Issue J Preeter. Ruby and Gascho. R. N. Douglas. G. R. Hess & Co, T, L. Warm. Joe. Rau. Frank Couchlin. A liEli'RESE ITtA.LIVE at one for ztnl.toa and • District for the OLD Ri+1Li ABLE 1+ ONTHILr, NURSERIES FARMER?! Why remain idle all Winter when you can take up a paying agency? Choice list of varieties for Spring Planting. Liberal Terms. Hand- some free Outfit. Exclusive Terr- itory. Write now for particulars Stone 8 Wellington The Foothill I useries (Eetablished 1887) TORON' °. owns ap of H PO BICE VILLAGE (3P zuIUOfl HEN S.ALL By -ave No 8, 1915. To take the vote of the ratepay the 17th duy of December; 117615, ana etrs'of the Police 'Village of Zuriob the same is Hereby ratified eonlir entitled to vote on money by—taws, nu a question to be submitted whether the said ratepayers are in favor of a supply of electric power from the Hydro-Ellectrio Power Commission of Ontario, Whereas the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township. of Flay deems it advisable to sub— mit the ratepayers of said Police. Village of Zurich entitled to vote on looney by—laws a•questiotz as to whether the acid rant,pavers Fere in favor of a supply of eleeeric .power frnazi. the Hydro— Eleetrio Power (lomniiseiunof Onteu•ic. '1 nEREF'ORE The Council of the Corporation of 11ie 'Township of. El ay eneetts, as follow$ 1. THAT the following question be siihnritZed to the ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Police Village of Zurich entitled to:. vote on gooney by—laws: ARE You in favor of obtaining from the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario a suppl- Electric Power. 2 That the votes of the said ratepayers shall be ta• esti this question at the following time eid place and by. the Deputy Returning Officer and Poll Clerkhereinafter mentioned, that is to say: On Monday, the Tenth day of January A D„ 1916, beginning at Nine o'clock in the forenoon and con tinning until Five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day at the Town Hall in the Police Village of Zurich; tiara G. Heys, Deputy Returning Officer, Samuel E. Faust, Poll Clerk. 3 A trate copy of this by-law shall bepublished in the following James Green, and wife, while dxiv- ing up street last Tuesday, their horse took fright and threw then out of the cutter shaking them up considerably. A number of the leading men 'of Henna met in the Council Chamber last Monday night and organized a re- cruiting league, for the purpose of ass- isting recruiting in Hensall and dist- rict. • They propose holding some good rousing recruiting meetings. Lieut. Col Combes, Major Shaw, and L. H. Musgrove were present and delivered • Airing addresses. When the Hydro bylaw carries a commission will be appointed, who will have complete control of everything connected with light and power. The commission will consist of three elect- ed by the people. A Patriotic drill was rendered by 16 young ladies of the Methodist S School last Wednesday evening. The receipts for the evening amounted to $40. Nelson Blatchford returned from the West last ,Saturday. While there he was taken ill with typhoid fever and confined to the hospital for several weeks, James Bonthron and child, are visiting here from West. The council have submitted the Judge's decision in the dump ground case to a leading lawyer for an option. Robert J Drysdale was electedPres- ident, G 0 Petty, Secretary and George Sutherland Treasurer of the Hensall branch of the Bible Swishy. OREDITON The • Christmas program of the Methodist Church was held last Thurs- day night. A splonded programme had been prepared and everybody present enjoyed it thoroughly. C1aronce Silber; of Detroit, 'was operated on for appendicitis and is malting a mid recovery from the. operation: On Ohr'iStlnee thcr Sunday school of the Evangelic'11 church gave their annual entertainment, The recitations drills and the • beautiful Bethlehem Christmas Pageant were rendered in very good style. Miss Ella Link left for Ubly, Mich., last week to visit friends and relatives. for a few weeks. reed and adopted by the Council ao the Corporation of the Township o1 Ilay and a dopy of this by-law. shall be posted at the `town Hall, the Post Office, the Township Clerk's Of'fice,and the Herald. print ing office. 4 On the 3rd day of January, 11110 at his oiliee in the Council Cham— bers on Victoria Street in the Pol— ice Village of Zurich at two o'clock in the afternoon the Reeve will in writing signed by hiin appoint two persons to ,attend at the final sum— ming rip of the votes by tile Clerk of this Township and one person to attend each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of the answering of the saiti question in the affirmative,. and a like number on behalf of the person, interest in and desirous of the answering of the said question in the negative respectively, 5. The llth dray of January. 1916, at the said Council Chamber Town Hall, Zurich, at twelve o'clock in the forenoon is hereby appointed for the summing tip by the Clerk of of thi Township of the ntunber of votes given in the affirmative and in the negative respectively, Madge Pasted and Enacted this nth day of December, A D , 19'5 L Kalbfieisch Reeve F. Hess, Sr., Olerh NOTICE • Take notice the above is a true copy of a by—law passed by the v y Municipal Connell of the Uoz•poraa— tion of the Township of Hay on the 11th day of December, A, D„ 1015. newspaper on the days hereinafter eAn,i Further Take Notice that ut mentioned, that is to say : In the' the hour, day and place therein fix Zurich Herald, a newspaper ed for taking the votes of the elect urs the,pnlla will be held. First publication the 17th day of December, A. D., 1915. Dated et Zurich, December 13th 1915 F, Hess, Sr., Clerk. publishers in the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Elay, continued in at least one number of such paper each week for three successive weeks, the date of the first publication being e ad years shall be Os follows. Eeok Interest Principal 'ROA Year Annual Amount The Corporation of the Township-n,of-Hay. .. BY=LAW NO. To Authorize the Borrowing of $5668.87 by the Issue and Sale of Debent- tures, to provide for the Cost of a plant to distribute Electric Power to i e supplied by the IHydro Electric • Power Commission of Ontario for the Police Village of Zurich. Wherees by By-law duly assented I (mist payable in each of the othea years of the said period. And whereas the total amount to be raised annually by special rate for paying;tIie. sitid debt and interest as hereinafter provided is $390.00, the same to be levied upon the rateable property in the said Police village. And whereas the amount of tli whole rateable property of the said Township of Hay according to the last revised Assessment Roll there of is $2,419,333. And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Township is 630 000, which amount has been incurred wholly for local improvement purposes And Whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Police Village of Zurich according to the last revised Assessment Roll thereof is $168,000, And Whereas the amount of the existing Debenture debt which is leviable upon the said Police Vill- age is nothing. Therefore the Connell of the to by the raterayers entitled to vote . on money bylaws of the Police Village of Zurich in the Township of Hay in the County of Huron the said -ratepayers declared that they are in favor of obtaining from the flydro•Eleotric P.zwer Commission of Ontario a supply of Electric power for the said. Police Village under Act and atnendments thereto, And whereas the board of Trus- tees of the said Police Village have requested the Council of the said Township of Hay in which the Police Village is situated to issue debentures as provided in the Power Commission Act and to levy and collect a,spectal rate upon the rateable property in the said Police. Village for the . payment thereof, such debentures to be for the sum of $5668, 37 in a11, repayable with interest as hereinafter set forth, which is the amount of'the debt intended to bo oreated, hereby being the amount required to pro— vide for the cost of work, plant, tnaohlinery and appliances news- Corporation of the ---Township of sary for the distribution of Mee Hay enacts as follows : trio Power in the said Village to be 1 That for the purpose aforesaid supplied by the Tel it, shall be lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township to borrow the suni of $5668.37 and to issue and dispose of Debentures of the. said Tewnship Corporation to tae atr cunt of in all of $5658.37, such debentures to be for the au ouuts and payable as heroine er set forth which debentures shall be issued at one time and dated of the elate of issue and shall be pay able in accordance With • the next succeeding clause hereof and shall be issued in sutras of not less than Power Commission of Ontario. And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hay deems it advisable to submit to the ratepayers of the said Police Village entitled to vote on money bylaws, this by-law to provide for the issue of said debentures and to issue the said debentures if this by law shall be dilly assented to by the ratepaavers of the said Police Village entitled to vote on money by laws. And whereas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable 10 yearly sums, being the currency of stied debentures, said :treerly stuns being of such respective amounts' that the aggregate amount payable each ;gear for principal and interest in respect of the said debt shall be es nearly as possible equal to the awn• 1. 2 311.76 $ 78,24 eet.o,01 307,40 82 5¢ esti se, 3 302.94 87,04 3:10,O1 4 298.13 91 87 390 (3 5 293;08 99 92 390,00 6 287.75 102 25 390,00 7 282.12 117.88 . 390 00 8 276.18 113 82 390.00 9 269. 92 120,08 390.00 10 263,32 126,68 390.00 11 256.35 133,65 390.00 12 249.00 141,00 390.00 13 241.24 148,76 • 300.00 14 233,07 156 93 390.00 15 224.42 165.58 390.0e 16 215,23 174 77 390,00 17 205,79 184 21 300.00 18 393 56 100 43 890.00 19 18.184 X051'2 890.00 173 60 216 40 390.00 16169 228.31 390.00 149.I3 240.87 890.00 135.88 254.12 390 00 I2I.90 288.10 390.00 I07,I6 282 84 390.00 0I,60 298.40 390.00 75.19 2(4.81 390.u0 57.88 332.12 390.00 39 61 350.89 390 00 20.33 369,67 390.00 3. Each of the said debenture s shall be signed by the Reeve ar:d Treasurer of the said township lar d the Clerk of the said '] ownehip shall attaeb thereto the Corporate seal of the suia Township and the said Debentures shall hear interest at the rate of Five and one-half per cent per annum, payable yearly at the office of the Township Treasur- er on the 31st day of December in each and every year during the cur rency thereof, 4. The proceeds of the said Deb entures shall be paid by the Town ship Treasrirer to the Corporation of the Board of Police Trustees for the said Police Village of Zurich, to be applied for the purpose afore- said and for no other purpose 5. Daring' the currency of the said debentures their shall be rais ed, levied and collected annually be special rate on all rateable property in the said Police Village of Zurich the suer of t390 CO 1n each of the said thirty years aforesaid for the pavnrent of the principal money and interest payable in each year upon the said debentures. 20 21 22 23 24 25 27.2276 28 20 :30 $100 00 each, and all shall be Dity— able within thirty years thereat ter as hereinafter stated, at the office of the Treasurer of the said Town ship 2. The said Debentures shall be payable in thirty annual install meats during the thirty years next after the lssue thereof and the re- spective amounts of principal and interest payable during each of the. 7, On the 3rd day of January, ,A, D , 1910, the Reeve shrill ra tte'nd et the Town Sall in the Police Village of Zurich at 12 o'olook in the fore noon to appoint person}, to attend at the polling p1ac•e aforesaid and at tbu final salntinine rap of the votes by the (.perk on behalf of the persons interested in and proinot ing oropposing the passing of this by-law respectively. 8.. The lith clay of January, A, D: ; 1910, at the said Tow=n Hell, Zurich, rat the hourr of 12 o'clock in the forenoon, ie. hereby 'appointed for tine stanzuzing up by the Clerk of. this Corporation of the number of votes given for and • against the alai by law. 9, This by-law shall take effect upon, from and after the final pass ing thereof, Provisionally Passed the 11th day of December 1915. 6. That the votes of the said rate payers of the said Police Village ata:,l l 00 to seri on this by -law on the Tenth day of January, A. . D. 19.6, at the Town Hall, in the said Police Village of Znrich, conznzen— '•rnt at the hour of Nine, o'clock t..1., and continuing until Five P NI hr 0 Bess, as Deputy ".'turning Officer and -Samuel E 1+'anst as Poll Clerk. CLERK. REEVE, NOTICE Take notice that the above is a true copy 01 it pi'opteed By Law which has been token into consid- er aticn and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Town ship of Hay in the event of the tae:e ret, of the elector a of the Police iliag' of Zurich • being obtained thereto, after one month from the fiat i+ublicution in the Zurich Herald. said first publication bring ou the 17th day of December, A D., 1915,.and at the .hour, clay sand place therein for the tuking of the votes of the elect{ rs, the Holl will be belts, (Signed) F. Fac ss, br , Tort r;ship Clerk, SPECIAL NOTICE TO LEASEHOLDERS A leaseholder who is entitled to vete on this by—law is one who has a lease of preperty in the Police Village of Zurich which extends over the ensiling thirty ye ars, who is entitled to vote on money by—laws and for which property he or she is rated on the last revised Assessment Roll to the amount of at least $100,00 and who, under his or her own lease, has covenant ed to pay all Municipal taxes in respect of property leased (other than those assessed for local im prove ments) provided, however, that every leaseholder who desires to vote on the said By—Law vast file at the office of the Township Clerk at least ten days prior to the date of voting, a statutory declur talon stating shat his or her lease meets the itbove requirements. The names of the leaseholders ne glect.ing to file such a deet„ration will not he placed• on the Voters.,, List for stroll voting, F. Hess, Sr., Township Clerk, j TIND We carry a large stock of storm sash and storm o,-,rs, made at, -v- size or style. Shingles, limber, laths -And all planing mill products-. Estimates given and contracts taken. Office at 1)'aning nlill.� SteMegifelEZE 03,E 7.ti SC ZURICH 1 Stable Equipment We handletli a most improved Stable Equip- ment on the market, Farmers, fib your stables in as modern and sanitary way and you will be \veil repaid for the extra cost by the increased results. Get oui' prices on Stanchions, Water; Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. We recently installed an outfit of stanchions and fixtures for John Erb, Bronson Line, and parties interested are welcome to inspect sante. We also install equipments of every Mud See us about it LOUIS PRANG