HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-31, Page 4min uumuilliiililihllllupupemlliimummmitonnu mmllumum. e0111)7 GrallaPrini (I a ho Award) *1veal, to Dictionaries at the Panama- Pacif c Exposilion was e.a-anleaifo E STEWS N• EIN INTERNATIONAL Superiority of Educational Meait ▪ T• his new creation answers with E final authority all kinds ofuzzling E q• uestions such as t `Ilow' is Fruem ysl g. pronounced?'' 'Where is Tlccn - cders? " "What i'e a, continuous voy- age?" "What t That ial a hon it er?" "What 5 is white coal;"' "How is slut pro - 2 flounced?" and thousand.. of others, E E More then 4 O,(3t05 t,'eoet+nir,ry Terms. f -33,055 lice iaR is al Sitsjests. 12,00O -_Biographrical 'Entries. Gm VAG Miss- •r','f.:iisrta. 277i110 Pages, Tho only diction- • 2r'j ultra '.3 di°Ait1OI stage—a sireke :,a ndLdia s genie$ !t„$L'larII Paper daises. e • - 01":"11 x '''r'''''; -r -4"r i� Writs for cpcci 1h ti t nenration pngeas,,otic it t o Erse, a Hen Of Maps - if - t . -'t 1.10. ,A JJ 1 oc7�., r E '3.r , c, I `, t h u� r w+'yl� you name this g paper, C. a 1 :- MEItiuIIM c0•, y.. a ~r Springfield, Blass. IIIIIIIII11111111111111111IIIi111tl1i 1111111Iligilninfl11111Ililllllll111111U11tIlllilllllllt111, I •••11s Tyci Issued every Thursday afternoon from the W3RAL'P PRINTING OFFICE victoria St, Zurich, by ANDREW .C. 1-113,SS and C:11E$'tER L, SiYI1111 SUBSCRIPTION GE S1.00 A YEAR EY. $' subscripton iir,ro strictly in advance, ADVERTISINe '£ERNI$M Pates for display and contract advertisements will he sWen on, appliatton. 'transient notices such as legal, cotpotation,se ret etc„ 10 cents per Bale•fol first 1'$ertirn and 9 p' Int for ea*+h subsequent insertion. Mines of entertainments, socials etc. at which au ken` adddtiss ion fee is charged or a special rusk t lot will be charged for at the regular ads, .4n,in;g. rates Notices of religious or other meetings the object of which is the benefit of the community and not for per - anal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerfully rserted free. Advertisments without specific ditcetions will be v:werted untitl lorbld and charged accordingly. '1°rau- ete tt advertismenrs must be paid for in advance. Address all communications to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. s THURSDAY, DEC. 30, 19.15 MARRIED Dewey -- Ravelle At the Grand Bend manse, on Friday, Dec '24, by Rev Carrier, Mr 5 Dewey, to Miss Marie Ravel)e, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Btvelle, Grams Bend. Armstrong Reid --- At Fairview Farah, Stanley on Saturday, Dec. 25, Mr G.D. Armstrong, to Miss Margaret Reid, daughter of Mrs. Andrew Reid. Stanley. ESPONDENCE ST. JOSE 'D- Mr Alf Papineau, of Ingersoll, silent Xmas at his home Nero. Miss Mary Spencer of London, is spending her holidays at her home here, Messrs W Jeffrey and M Overholt spent Sunday with frioncls on the 14th Con, Mr and Mrs Louis Jeffrey, spent Xmas at the home of 11r J Gelinas, Drysdale. 11Ir Irvin D Smith spent Sunday with friends at Ailsa Craig. Mr John Groff and sister Mabel spent Sunday at the house of Mr M Meidenger, Zurich, Mr Nelson Denomne sold a heavy horse to Mr D Allen, of Grand Bend. • For Sale Seed Oats for sale, 0. A, 0., 72, pure, grown from registered stock. Price $1.25 per bushel. Also Sonae 0. A, C. barley at the same price. Apply quick.. Frank Coueblin, R. R. No. 2, Crediton: bet "More Money" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP TOUR FURS DIRECT to "SHUBERT" the largest house in the World dealing exclusively In NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS a reliable—responsible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rep- suc- cutati .71 esstul record of sending Fur Shippers prompt SATISFng f or ' more than a third of a century," ACTORY ANI PROFITABLE returns. Write for "rhe ,bubert S€,bipprr,,. the c -=1y reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for it—NOW—it's FREIE 1f� yq 25-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE, A. D. SSS 6J �Fa�o, Inc. Dept,C 316CHICAGO, U.S.A., 1. sratattaGowermagmmorg COUNTY NEWS At the County assizes last Friday at Goderich, before Judge Doyle, a suit entered by Chas 0 Lee, against Riehard Porter for $200. The jury's verdict being that the defendant .pa) the plaintiff $150. and costs. Abraham Knecbtel, Dominion In speetor of Forests, died at his home at Ottawa on Friday, Dec, 10th. De ceased was well known in the county Brussels being his birth place. At the Guelph Winter Fair,. L 0 Charlesworth, of Blyth, was awarded second prize for his entire horse, Jay Medium, and John Barb secured first prize for a Shorthorn Junior Bull. The Hydro Commission have sent their estimate for furnishing power to Hensall. The amount asked is, $10,- 000. and is spread over a : period of i thilly years. s. The Intron Medical Association met at Clinton a short time ago. Scientific papers wele read by Drs McKay and Burrows, and new officers elected for the coming year: Reginald Blackstone, of" Goderich,. the popular bandmaster of the 83rd regiment, died last Wednesday. A short time ago he was in full health, but recently be was ordered to under- go an operation for appendicitis, He rallied well from the operation but heart failure set in early Wednesday and he passed away at noon. W Acheson, proprietor of the Cow= ercial hotel, at Hensall, pleaded guilty to a violation of the Canada Temperance Act and was fined $100 and costs as a second offense, j E THANK YOU F YOUR PATRONAGE IN ' 1 H NGYQ LTi t��`•.�T l�,y. I�" ye+�:'ej s E'THE T tl GE Cts O M P ., IETS s THE SEASON" EVE AT YOUR SER V iCE GERGE. Rp HESS & CO., JEWELLERS P f ZURICH >i £rl1 two ears of choice a. stallions, ?i?°: G'.lt sc:fire in ron>sectioii. Office, Zurich; 4 mare..=nd cattle �, .x .r,�is btation lase Ont: 1�'•rtlday.- EXETER. Mr 0 W Robinson and Mr Jos Hawkins have formed a partnership in the implement business formerly conducted by Mr Robinson; The Public School held an interest- ing entertainment in the assembly last Tuesday afternoon, when a good' programme was giyen. Mr E E Hall of Winnipeg shipped rstiedI LEGAL :CARDS. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, `Solicitors, Notaries Public sec. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from _ Hamiibon St. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDFOOT, K. 0. .1. L. KILLORAN. E. J. 1). Coors':. 111r. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week, MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late Hausa Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug MASSEY-HARRIS Implements.. Call and see best models of Cutting &. oxas s Root Pulpers GRAY ENGINES Couple of new Gray gasoline engines, latest models_ which will be sold at a big reduction. See them. an Get A large number of hydro men left for Centralia to continue the high tension line to Luean. rtes t)i Mr Wallace Fisher lata of Peterboro has been made manager of the Dom- inion Bank at Marmora. Har y Parsons, son of Mr Williams Parsons, has joined the Middlesex battalion for overseas service. Inspector Torrance, of South Huron had a visit from Wm Moffatt, of Cen- tralia, last Friday, and they together visited Police Magistrate Andrews, where Moffatt pleaded guilty to vio- lation of the CanadaTemperar-ce Act, and paid a fine of$50 and: costs as a first offence for ``causing to be shipped into Centralia" liquor in the name of Win O'Reilly. There have to date, 56. men of Clin- ton recruited, this does not include officers, and Goderich expects a record Week, as about thirty - inen eligible for active service intimated Christmas Day their intentions towards this encs. A number of the men who so intimat- ed are sailors who spent the season on the Great Lakes. These are all robust able bodied men and will make good recruits. lintnEENIIIMERMERSIMMIEIMMIS I have made arrangements with Silverwoods Dairy, London, to take eream at My Residence, Zurich, anytime during the week. Cream is teHted when brought to my residence and paid for on delivery. Price paid tl t week was•33 cents per pound. Eighost Cash Price for Ent US�N, SON, phone 5 /Well `i } insozmumirarennewnwtsmarammitosaunammiturnomontervm 110j. .; AME T S . 1 have a full stool: of all hinds of Horse Blankets on band. I waaa lnekv to purchase.a large;itock of All Wool Blankets before the ativt:ttice in prices and have decided to retail them at the old price while they hist. Call in and see our values. 1� r 'S and GL VIPAS A large assorttnent of Men's Mitt end Gloves on hand. Our prices are just a little lottor than li»mall. Call and see befcre you buy,.- HARNESS, rry.HARNESS, TRUNKS, ROBES; WHIPS, rre. R. F. STADE ZURICH w 11yf- zemu To the People of Zurich and vicinity:: I wish to announce that I have opened a Dealer's . Agency and Service Station in Zurich for the season of' 1916 for Maxwell Cars. Do you know why the Maxwell is called the WON BR C '.` 1' N. F. Schram, Late House Surgeon and House Physician of Vieto is Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of Mt dioine of WesternUnlver°sily, London. •Main Office at Dasbwood, Ont. Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. . UNDERTAKING Prompt, Service Moderate:Charges Tailor Sbop and Laundry 41.4 W. H. HOFFMAN Zurieh. - Ontario iseinftimmummeenimmumme Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG 1st. 2ncl. 3rd. 4th. Lowest after cost car • Do you really know this car? Do you know that next to the Ford, the Maxwell had the largest increase of sales in 1915 in the United States and that the American cities are full of Maxwells? Let us tell you about our Here are some facts: More miles per gallon of gasoline c.c c c c c cylinder oil C « set of tires Shock. Absorbing Radiator Special Steering Device Rear Axle, Special Clutch and steels and materials used in it. We wish our many friends in Zurich and vicinity the Season's Compliments. H. Gellman Phone 25 Zurich AGENT W. E Oestricker, Crediton DISTRIBUTOR I am taking orders for the above celebrated brand of Fertilizer for delivery next Spring. I handled this brand. last season and had splendid success with it. Basic Slag has been used with.' greatest success on beans, etc. Prices Cash " $20.00 F. 0.B., Station. $22 on 8 months time. Sydney Basic Slag can be sowed at the sante time as the beans and if the fe: tilize comes into contact with the seed it will not do it the slightest harm. Basic Slag is dif- ferent in this respect to other fer- tilizers which ought not to be allow- ed to touch the seed, othewise there is great risk of germination being destroyed, JOSEPH RAO R, R. No. 2, Zurich. CI) E1 $5 'SEAr EX. PERIl.+ "TRADE MARKS DEslnNs COPKR1a1-YSS anyone sending a sketch and description may teolctcly ascertain oar opinion free whether an tafventton ie probably natentable. Communion., tions etridtly Confidential. HANDBOOK on eatento sent tree. Oldest agency for securing patents. Fatonta taken through Munn & Co. reeolvSL epeatut notice, without charge, ilk the d. ria r•: a tt ,y flinatrated tdceitly. loratt eh" hu.15110' n •no•. scientific Journal. TEriHC '.V CantlA .. 't Searrestage „ren'*i" 4olrt bo all no�yt�atytr.n�,u ,e�yq` pg�� �[ t �' +Jq.ohh & Co 381nra .ws Ncit i .. ➢kYYr,ia"•b 05105; ti2f 1° ":'.. 'Neebtflotoct.ti;.f+, Let Us Arrange ,Your Clubbing List. Our 3.016 'Wes are as follows: Herald Et '5 ti tl and Daily Globe $3 75 " t Weekly Globe 1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire 8 75. Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 Daily News 2 85 Weekly Star.. 1 75 " London Free Press Morning Edition.... 3 50 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition, 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition-- 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate... 2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star ,. 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 Canadian Country- man 150 it EE tt tt ti CC E` t' tf 51 11 We can give you, rate ori otos papexe not on above list. The Herald Zttrieh