HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-31, Page 11 Vol. XV 4• 40 4 .o ,.4 .4 ..,4 .o 0 4 • .4 .4 -4 -® -.4 -4' '.4 .® ZURICH FRIDAY• MORNING, DECEMBER SI. 1915. NO 24 .4^"40.00 Prov0044•o4•®•a ••••000••aoo0 r • e 4 4 4 0 4> 0 • 4 4. 0 0 • 0 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 4 about to enter o Now that 1915 is gone and ,we areb ; 1916. I wish to thank all my Customers and friends -4 for their support in dealing with me during the . year. •• 1 have done the best I could for you. . • • I have trier/to save you many dollars in the past ® year by buying my stock early and in the best market for Gash. •• • • Our stock of merchandise for 1916 is all bought 4 before the raise, and most of it in stock. I will there= o fore be in a position to sell you goods at prices 'which will be easy on yota purse, considering the present • -market )rices, and herewith soliciting for a continuation • • of your trade. ' Wishing you all a 4 4.w gr1j, 0 e 4 4 0 • • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 • 4 4 •0 • 4 M 0 w 4 ®. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, s • 4 10 ••' • 4 •4 4 4 •0 • 0 4 0 •• 4 0 • • •. • • w • 4 4 • 0 4 4 s Telephone Ne.9 4 +�II+.�y,:l•,�, 44++++404 4.444�� ++++4 * ++++++++++++++1F++++ r ;IIS a `°'l"a 4 r oEETER s 0 i • 0 • s 4 4 4 0 4 e • c-Am^axra4-16 41)419 419A;•Z,I<; NOMINATIONS I ZURICH POLICE VILLAGE NOMI- Af1hIONS. On Monday evening the following Happy New Year to all. names were submitted as .canditates for Police Trustee for the coming year; H. Yungblut, H. Well, F. W. Hess F. C. Kalbfleisch, E, Stoskopf, Rey,A. M. Streader, Peter Lamont, gasoline engine, slight' y used, Louis After the nomination, the electors Pran present organized a meeting, F. Hess g or. was; appointed chairman and called Mr, Andrew Thiel, Jr, of Preston,.;tile meeting to order. Nast year's trus- son of Mr. Conrad Thiel spent Sunday tees gave a short reuiew of their work at his home here. 'which was satisfactory to all present. Mr A.P Hess, of the staff, visited An animated discussion on the Hydro relatives and funds in South Bend l:;y-law was engaged in by the candit- Ind during the holidays. am which the spectators present grea- Mrs George Innes of Moosejaw Sask 137 enjoyed. F. Kalbtleisch, Rev.A.M. is renewing acquaintences in town, Stroecler, E. Stoskopf, and P. Lamont after an absence of some years. resigned leaving last years Trustees Dr .E 8 Hardie, dentist, will be at' elected by acclamation. the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed -'111.Y TOWNSHIP NOMINATIONS nesday, and Wednesday of the follow i On Monday afternoon the following ng week. nominations for the offices of reeve and councillor were received - Mr: Richard Jennison, of Parkhill, Reeve: -L. Iialbfleisch H, IL Neeb. was ,a visitor in town on Monday. 12r Jennison has enlisted for active over- seas service. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Con. Thiel attended the funeral of Mr. Conrad" hiel of Siebr- ingville last week. Mr N W Holtzman of Fiske Sask is visiting -at his home here during the holidays. Mr Holtzman is an old 'member of the Herald stall'heing ern- ployed here some years ago. Mr and Mrs Roswell O'Brien of Mather, Man, are' visiting relatives and friends in town for some •time. Mu O'Brien having formerly lived .,on the Sauble Line, and left this vicinity:. about thirteen years ago. He finds great pleasure in renewing old friends LOCAL NEWS, sa aye �aL"o .4+s Mr and Mrs Studer of Tavistock spent Xmas at the hoiue of Mr Henry Koehler. A, great big snap on a 6 horse power 0 4 • 4 0 4 N s M a 0 4 0 0 m a a 0 P 0 •e • 0 e 0 0 ••4 0 0 • 0 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .r 4. 0 4. • 4. I ilia i•a O4c . 44 mfr 4f ft 44 44 0400101141 Xmas Gift Suggestions Nothing will suit the boy or girl better than a pair of • HOCKEY SHOES. with steel toes. Ankle supports, skate straps, etc, We have a fine variety. For the ladies, what is nicer than a pair of FINE FELT SLIPPERS 1 f 1 011. 1 Councillors: -E. Datars, S. Dietz,. C, Waiper, H. Krueger, J. Laporte, R. Northcott. At the close of the nomination a public meeting was organized, at which the members of last years coun- cil gave an account of their steward- ship during the past year, The new canditates also aired their views as to how the business of the township should be conducted. The Election will be held on Mon- day 8rd day of Jan 1916. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The nomination was held in the Town Hall on Monday. The result was as follows: Reeve John McKinley, David Dewer, McKinley resigned and Dewer was elected by acclimation. and acquaintances. The councillors were: J T Keys, J Hood, G Hanley and.D Dewer, Dewer SERIOUS ACCIDENT c" '."--' and -the .other -lihree were de Sunday morning while leaving the clary,, ected. As four courciilorS Evangelical church,, Mrs A Ebnes had are n red it leaves one vacancy. the misfortune to fall and fracture her ..STEPHEN hip. She was taken home at , once AR the Council waw reelected by and Drs Campbell and MacKinnon acclimation, Reeve W R Elliot, Dep - summoned to attendher. Mrs Ehnes Reeve J. Love, Councillors; A Neeb, many friends will be sorry to learn T Mawhinney, D Nebb. that she will be confined to her bed - it for some time. Mr George Stanley of Liman will: deliver an address on the Hydro ques- tion in the Town Hall on Friday Jan 7 at 8 P M Mr Stanley has had con- siderable experience on-siderable'experience with this class of work and will be able to explain any matter in connection with this scheme. Any question put to the• speaker will be cheerfully answered to the best of his ability. All those in- terested should snake it a .point to att- end this meeting, - Among the many Christmas visitors we noticed the following:- Miss ollowing:Miss E Harbleib Toronto. Miss P Guhr Seaforth, Miss Ada WurLn Youngstown 0. Mrs Jacobs Chicago. Miss Ada Siebert Toronto. London. London. Godericb. Detroit, London. Waterloo. Seaforth. Buffalo. Detroi t, Miss Selma Wesloh 11Xiss A Wesloh Mr and Mrs G Bisset Mr N 1)eichert and son Mr F E Hess Mr F I-Iowald 11Ir l Appel Mr 0 Williams Mr II Colosky and wife g-,74,3‘11, tlEii T t. Incorporated 1855 - The LS`" NS ANK CAPITAL. and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, 8anisind Business Transacted CIR BANii MONEYS ORDERSI7IT Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Brandd R. T. DUNLOP, Ma ager See the many lines we have. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Donne Butter and egg: taken in exchange for shoes. F I Z 9 ," le The. NorTh5 of Uood Shoes '`44 tGI 445.04 00/ 4$ 44 i t. 1 I I .4. 1 II 'f IlllllilllllllllllllllilIII!IIIII11111181111111111111111IIIllllllllllfllllll81111111111118111!Iliiillllllilllll{illill!1!JItlIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllII11111111(iII!lilllillllillll8111(111111!!!IJIIil11811IIIIIII!1III8111.11IIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIII III111N1{( The Christmas Entertainment of the Evangelical church last Monday Evening was a great success. The fine Cantata, "Tho Search for a King," was beautifully rendered, by the school every participant played his part well thus bringing interest, and Enthusiasm to the whole Cantata. An immense throng greeted the "Best ever" Entertainment given in the church. The various acts and scenes rendered' by the performers, we re well received. Special mention should be made of the inspiring scene given by Mary' and the manger surrounded by six girls dressed in white and the guards, the Solo rendered by Mary, entitled"Angels guard thee," with the choir assisting in the chorus. Also the last scene when all the part- icipants of the evening. Stood on the nlatforni in their various costumes, g joining with the choir in singing the beatiful song, "We refound the King of Kings." The Arabs, Wise mon and Guards, Solo's by, the Watchmen and the Angel, in fact every one rendered special services, which is duly recog- nized -by the school. Standing room was at a prenliun and scores were turned away. The wonderfnll picture of the town of Bethlehem. The Angel and the shepherds and the wise men on their way to the city was greatly admired by all in fact this alone was worth coming many miles to see. The singing by the choir Jern alem and Bethlehem girls was superb. The re- ceipts of the entertainment amounted to $100.60. 1 GRAND BEND Greatly Thanking our Customers for their pastYear's PatIonage a44 wishing them a R N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE Gilt11111111181111111111!1111111111111111111111i11111111111118 li111181111N IM ; I li'd' I ,! 1 I."''I8; IiIlguIVill !I' ! 111!a161'IhCi111i1i11111911!11',fU11111111111111111111111111111118!1111811111iP ;, pretty wedding took place in the Grand Bend manse last Friday evening at seven- o'clock, when Miss Marie daughtor of Mr L Ravelle was united in marriage to Mr S Dewey, son of Myr, and Mrs W Dewey, Rev Carrier performed. the ceremony, A ' soeial evening was spent in Brenner's Hall inmediately., after the ceremony. The young couple have the best wishes uof their 'pally :friends,.. GIFTS Our store is tilled with ;;'aids that male useful gifts. nines that are al waieet, r. ary. You kilt have the choice of a large vatict-y It y of make ibis stole your headquarters for your Xmas ';iii hn-c,-s. See our lines of Gloves Neckwear Mufflers Shirts 1 os era Handkerchiefs :Sweaters Etc. �a APFEIJ ZTJ101 Timothy 'w eed Have received a shipment of first-class timothy seed® No. 1, as to purity. Price is night Flour and Feed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc. Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods eorge McBride Telephone Telephone 23