Zurich Herald, 1915-12-24, Page 8♦0.,rw ..
relents, Peels,
'o,ctes, etc.
adheF�' musts
Cort season is here, and we
would l-,; r,ldeeed to show ;yon the
leading models of the Season in
Ladies' and children's Coats, e
are sure it would please and profit
you to spend a little tune lookin,g
over our various lines.
Winter Goods
We are ready to supply your
wants in the line of heavy. Dress
Goods, Serges, in the different
colors, Ga.berdrnes, Whipcords,
Velveteens, heavy Cloaking, etc.
We have reeently placed in
stock a fine range of Mom';; and
Boys' Suits. T's a 4e ars well nmde
in newstyit•- and a.t•,• i. bt ir, r'vory
respect. We 6+,;.; saw; you money
on your new suit. huge also a
lot of nice Overt 'ate, Shirts, Col
'ars, Ties., Hats, ('a;ty G1ovea,
Socks, etc, etc,
em -'1 Groceries Ealways on hand.
•VVv.:. People e UflC from: n near and far
To spend their money at
� d - gjazarewt
,r y,?.. =eve
Is right. Will you be among the throngs this year.
Svr'raevery day on the Arew Edison
)ictiuonci .%)i,';r Instrument. Orli' Slogan Shop Early
Big sale of Fancy China at 10c, 15e and 20c
Dandy stuff, to see it is to buy it
Dandy brush and comb sets in boxes, 25c, 35e, 50c
Dandy Brooches. best quality, in boxes, 50c
Dales Chocolates, in boxes, 25c up
Willard's Chocolates, in bulk, .30c, 40c' 50c, 60c lb
Slier.'iai Mixtures for Xmas
landies of all ;;ort at short prices. Salted peanuts,
roasted peanuts rn;ld other nuts. Also oranges, etc,
gip. 1
$5,85 c.'asl and $4 per month for 11 months will
nt a No, 30 Diamond Am berola, with 12 Edison Blue
inberel indestrut- table l •or'ds in your home.
This Instill:m::nt i. built the • 'ne as 'larger Edlsons, is gear
riven, and a h err speeker, he5 er. ierl born, a goad all round Im-
minent. .Ask to hoar it . We carte a, large stock of the newest re
rds for We instrument, Etch reoutd plays 44s minutes, •
ring your friends to Powell's Bazaar,
cross from the Bank of Commerce.
Aro disappearing, if von want any conte soon.
hue 55
Big Choice
Cu ning... with ter ragratir out, sv xecn Lcrss,s- ussu -recti ✓n ..w ,........
Sj1.11-f.....Bnd in "peace time Lailisid. El: crow o
Corrected every Thursday,
Butter ;,.
Dried Apples
Wheat new
I+'lour.. •. 3,00
Low Grade:...,...,.
Live slogs fob Hensall
PUBLIC NOTICE 9s hereby given
t at a sheeting of the Eleetore of •the
lyieelkality of the `T'orvnship of Hay
, will be held in . the
05 Monday, - Dec. 27th, 1915,
.98 at the hourfrom one to .two o'clock;
35 p, m., for the purpose of nominating
candidates for Reeve' and Councillor's
GQ for the Township of Hay for the year
8.50 191 ';,and in case a poll is demanded,
$25.00 palls will be opened on
26.00 Monday, Jan. d;— 191?
35.00 in the several polling subdivision of
8.25 the Township, as follows:
Local News
Miss Elva Heyrock, of London, is
home for the holidays. .
Mr Wm Decber has retnrned from
a pleasant visit to Pigeon, Mich.
lI Gellman, G Oestreicher, D A
Can telon, Proudfoot, Killoran_& Cooke,
School closed on Wednesday for
the holidays. It will reopen on Jan-
uary 4th.
Mr Bernard Mittelholtz, of western
Canada, is renewing acquaintances
'Messrs Theo Mittelholtz' and L
Zettel are visiting relatives in Berlin
over the holidays.
MrdeJohn Pfaff, of the Blind Line,
returned on Tuesday from a visit with
relatives at Blyth,
Our mailing list is corrected to date.
If you have paid your subscription the
label will show it.
Lettuce, cranberries, grapes, oranges,
fruits of all kinds. Also oysters and
ice cream at Mrs McCormicks.
Miss Flora Hess, 'Who is attending
Goderieh Collegiate Institute, is spend-
ing the holidays al her honor here.
Servant Wanted.? For. small family
in Clinton. Light. housework. For
particulars apply at Herald offiee,
Miss Clifton, Who has had' charge
of J Preeter's millinery department,
left for her home in Streetsyille on
Mr A Snrerus, of the staff of the
public school, .Oakville, is spending
the holidays at his home on the
Bt'enson Lineikee,; .
L Prang recentlyLinalled water~
bowls end fixtures for 'George Gram,
of the Parr line and Joshua Snider,
of the Sauble Line.
Misses Olive O'Brien and Freda
Kalbileiseh, of the Normal School,
Stratford, are spending the holidays
at their homes here,
Mrs Jos Foster, Jr., accompanied
by her 'Mother, Mrs John Yost, who
has been visiting ger, left on Saturday
to spend the Christmas at the home
of her parents at Kinda, Mich.
Mr Robt B Manson and bride of
Bisbee, Ariz,, are visiting at the home
of his brother, Mr J A. Manson, Stan-
ley. The former leas beeu absent in
the United States for about nine years.
The report of the vote on church
union in the Iluron Presbytery shows
a good majority in favor of adopting
the proposal, The vote stood 2247 for
and 1609 against; a majority for of
C A Brownell, advertising man-
ager of the Ford Motor Company
spent just $6,000,000 in the United
States last year. He says that ad-
vertising is the only way to reach the
people and is one of the greatest busi-
ness forces of the day. "But to be
such" he said, "it must be reliable;
people will consult it as they do a
Remember the Christmas entertain-
tnent of the Evangelical church S
School, on Monday eve, Dec 27th at
8 o'clock. The most beautiful canta-
ta: "The search for a King," will be
rendered by the school assisted by the
choir. This unique cantata is so diff-
erent from those of former years, that
its rendering will bo one of the season's
events, Its author certainly has
brought dory upon himself, Doots
open at 7 &clock. A:dmissian adults
25 cents children 10 cents,
Besides this there will be a scenic
display transforming the entire front
of the church into amle
an. ra
y w
thele- and the i in
of Bo m plains, p of the
shepherds as they appear today; show-
ing the announcements to the sheph-
erds and the coming of the wise men.
This is the most inagnifieient Xinas
soerie production ever attempted; thus
providing a rich Christmas feast hi
itself. Worth going many miles to
see, Come iia good time and secure a
good seat.
rape. -the �essiniist thinks they are
►r ,� at :4.513. Tn. i.
Poll Polling D. R. 0. Clerk
No. Place
1 School No 2 J Northcott \1 Russel
2 School No 14 D Burns WD Thompson
3 Town Hall A 11' Hess W O'Brien
W Ekes' shop A Melick• W G Hess.
6 School No 12 B Surerus • H Xru ager
6 Hartleib's Hall J $ Goetz D Tiernan
7 School No 3 T+l J Troyer W Caldwell
8 Bisonetto 131'k S Spencer M Corriveau
ii,1d Polls will be kept open from 9
o'clock, a. rn., until 5 o'clock, P. m.,
and no longer,
Fred. Hess, Sr.,
Dated at Zurich, Dec.15th, 191
We wish to express our sincere
thanks for the kindness and sympathy
extended to us in our sad bereavement
by the Canadian Order of Foresters,
Agricultural. Society and all kind
friends,also for the beautiful flowers
given by the sccieties and friends to
the late Robei t E Snowden.
Mrs Snowden Sr, and family.
is easily decided if you buy a McCrary Kitchener Range.
This firm has been making stoves for 60 years. Or a
Superb Favorite, made in Sarnia. The third generation
generation of this firm is now making stoves.
NOW if you buy one of the above makes of stoves,
you will not make a miss shot, but bit the goal every
time. And then for cheapness we can knock out any.
departmental store in Canada. •
Cook Move, with reservoir bares wocd or coal for $18.00 up.
Look at the cut of the above range with reservoir waiming closet, tile beck
in closet and thermoneter, highly nickeled, guaranteed in every way for $38.-
00 cash _
Hundreds of people of Zurich andvicinity tesify that the best stoves are al•
ways sold at Hartleibs.
IL �r�rPi!l
PHONE 13�., H
32 inches hig
On December 1st we started 'a Voting Contest which should !neve of great interest to everybody. For
every cash purchase of ten cents, a vote will be given for the most popular. miss in Zurich or district. A 50-
centpiu•cbase entitles you to 5 votes, a $1 purchase to 10 votes and so on. The contest will end on the
everting of December 24th at 10 o'clock when the votes will be counted by three reliable men and the girl for
whom the largest number of votes have been cast will he preteutecl with a beautifril, life size full -dressed Doll
entirely free of charge. Anyone can enter this contest.
See this beautiful' ll df 41101 6y, at our store.
pecal till. Xmas
Crinkle tissue paper, all colors, 5c a toll
Ladies' H ad . ags
Regular $1.50 for 51.25
" 1.00 for 85
.75 for 60
We have received a nice line of fancy
writing paper gin boxes with envelopes to
atoh. From 10c to $1.25 a box.
We have a large variety of ladies and
Mens hankerchiefs. Specialin ladies, 25c,
20e, 15c, 3 for 5c, 2 for 25e, 3 for 25c, 4
for 25c.
Men's Overcoats
3 only men's curly lined overcoats, astray
than collar, regular 520 for $13, Regular
$25 for $18.
Men's Gloves, Hats, ttc.
A beautiful line of men's dress shirts.
gloves, hats, caps, braces, mufflers, etc.
Cvu.shioei Tops
At tae each 4,
Gents ► having Set
Regular $2.50 for $1.75
Manicure Sets
1 only regular $4.50 for 53.50
1 only !{ 3.25 for 2,50
Toilet Set
1 only regular $3.50 for $2.50
Crystal Rope En•br'd'ry
3 for 10c
Crumb Tray gush
At 50c each
A Few Speci is
31bs cakes 25c
1 lb Tea 25c
3 boxes Talcum Powder 25c
Seeded raisins 10c a pkg
Ladies' Cloth Coats
We have a few more ladies coats which
we are selling at $4,75, A snap.
Spoon Trays. Sugar Shakers, Salt and Pepper Sets, Bon Bons, Sugar and Cream,
Trinket Boxes, Mustards, Tea Pot Stands
At 25c each While they last.
e artme t
Prices Slaughtered on SUITS and OVERCOATS
Commencing on December 4th we will put on sale our entire stook of Men's nnd Boys' Clothing and
Overcoats. We are going out of these lines and alI goods must bo sold regardless of cost. We will sell
them cheaper than You can buy from the wholesale houses. Now is your
chance for it big bargain. Below
ere only a few values. Reveller $15 suite for $J, Reguler 5111 suits for $6.50 Regular $10 suits for $5,50.
Regular $12.50 overcoats for $8, Regular $11 overcoats ter $6,50, Regular $8.50 overcoats for $5 Regular
$6 overcoats for $8,25. A few boys overcoats at $leach,
C1i 1SYt,flb.