HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-24, Page 71VO'i.'ES OF INTEREST FROM HER
What Is Going On in the Highlands
and Lowlands of Auld
There are now nearly 900 women
engaged as conductors. of Glasgow
Corporation tramway cars.
Sterling Town Chamberlain .1s to
insure the town's property ° against
risk of damage by hostile aircraft.
Tho Forfar parish council have de
tided not to insure 'any of their pro-
perty against damage by aircraft or
Hamilton ' Town Council, on the
suggestion of Provost Moffat, has ap-
proved of a proposal to establish a
soldiers' club in Hamilton.
At Glasgow Munitions Tribunal a
workman who disobeyed ,the orders of
bis foreman and left his work, thereby
rendering 100 men idle, was fined $10.
Dunblane ladies have opened a
place of rest and entertainment for
the soldiers billeted in the old armory
and it is being taken fu11 advantage
Eight sons, five sons-in-law, and
two grandsons in the fighting line is
the proud record held b`q the Elgin
town• crier and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
James Simpson.
Owing to the dry summer . and
autumn and'to the increased quantity
of water that has been supplied to
Flipping, the Kirkwall supply is now
alinost exhausted.
Lord Hunter and Professor Scott
have conducted an inquiry at Aber-
deen into the circumstances connected
with the recent increase in the rentals
of small dwelling houses.
As the result of a serious outbreak
of measles in the Carriden district,
the schools in that area have been
closed for two weeks. In Blackness
dietriet there "were also some cases
Tho workmen employed in the vac- ROFIT-MKING NEWS AND JOB
ictis floorcloth and linoleum works in r ILOffices floc sale in good Ontario
to fermline, who have been agitating towns, The most useful and interesting
of all businesses, Pull information on
or an increase in wages, have been application to Wilson Publishing Com -
t ranted an increase of 24 cents. pany. 73 West Adelaide St.. Toronto.
e utif ul Musk Ox
Lo -is Than 'Half Usual Pr' ccs
Most Suitable for Autos and
An unusually fortunate
purchase enables us to offer ,
you a beautiful selection of ,
MUSK OX ROBES at prices
less than half usual cost, One t,
of these Robes for sleigh or
cutter would make an ideal
Christmas Gift, They are a
rich brown -black, with beauti-
ful lustre anti perfectly tan-
ned. They are unsurpassed
for warmth, wear and appear- ;)
Makes a, Lrt,nrlene Floor Bug
for the Nome. •
Write to -day for price list
from the largest dealers itr
Canada. 1
• P. O. Box 1410.
338 Notre Dame St. west,
Manufacturers of Quality
Harness, Trunks, Flags, to.
Established 1869.
JAGraALL u S — hOCK,
i in, Dairyor Frt. When you
want to buy. write H. W. Dawson.
Brampton,' Ont.
cession Franklin, $5000.
Louisa Wilder, Birkendale, Muskoka.
temHis Campaign InMesopotamia Is .....J.
Highly Praised.
Any day now we maY bear from
S' JohnN"
f theB •t' h
rens commander-in-chief 'Tl
Away Your Glasses
le inane that thousnnda
ear cyegiassaa who do not really need
agdad, the greatr eii
statement le
Sir i Ir
le" l 19 axiriy in Mesopotamia, Them, Ii yc,s' rt
cif the fall of 73 Mo int tlrt,n these
an Capi a. sands trice tsr;ur thaao `vindorvs" may
Sir John's work has` been in q
South Africa, where he. led a
division with eat dlstinetloil
L' white or brown bucks 35, does 30.
No less. L. W. Murray, Ilairow, Ont.
ambulance wagons, the
Sas motor i
g ,
fie o£ the Scottish Licensed Trade ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.
Defence Association were formally j internal and external, cured with-
esented to the Scottish branch of out pain by our home treatment. Write
I'us before too late. Dr. penman Medical
the Red Cross Society by the Lord
Provost of Edinburgh.
Mr. F. C. Smith, Master of Works,
',infermline, reports that the esti-
• mated value of public structur-es pas-
sed, by the court for the year ending
1� ovember 5th, was $656,520, as com-
pered with $304,660 last year.
At a meeting of the Kirkcaldy Em-
ergency Committee it was decided to
• stop the ringing of the town bell at ` WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3RD.
8 p.rn. an also to recommend that ;ELLIOTT
bell- benot Sunday •
Dog Remedies
And How to Feed
Mailed free to any address by
the Author
118 West 31st Street,New York
e rung on nun ay
c:• any other evenings. � , '.a
Ayr town council has agreed to
snake a grant of $2,500 from the Y onge and Charles Ste., Toronto
funds of the defunct Merchant Com- Demand for our Graduates for last fou
puny, which have fallen to the town, Calendar free W.I.ooEX.LIOTT'Prin Principal
to the Carnegie Library, for the pur-
rose of building a children's reading MAYORS CUT THEIR SALARIES.
room and library. --
The death has occurred at Ardking- Joseph Chamberlain's Son Takes Only
las, Argyllshire, of Sir Andrew Noble, Half of $5,000.
until recently chairman of Sir W. G. Bent on showing their willingness
Armstrong, Whitworth & Co,, and to do their share in practising nation
formerly secretary to the committee al economy several of the Mayers of
els Rifled Cannon and assistant in- provincial English cities have con -
specter of artillery. sented to a substantial reduction in
- ----*,••-•-•---••-- their salaries. Neville Chamberlain,
THE FIRST CUI' OF TEA. son of Joseph Chamberlain, in the re-
_ cent elections was made Lord Mayor
Origin of the Great Chinese Tea of Birmingham, with a salary of $2,-
• 000, instead of the usual $5,000.
Industry. Dr. Charles O'Brien Harding,
The Chinese claim to be the first Mayor of Eastbourne, has accepted a
users of tea as a drink, and how it salary of $950, instead of $1,500.
originated is told in a pretty little
legend that dates from 2,000 years be- Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. Ste,
fore the coining of Christ. A daughter Aching hearts.
of a then reigning sovereign fell in
love with a young nobleman whose "All All seems gayly at a ball. Yet I
humble birth excluded him from mar- suppose many a lady who is dancing
eying her. They managed to ea- here to -night has a heart that is ach-
change glances, and he occasionally big."
gathered a few blossoms and had
then conveyed to her. One day in the
palace garden the lovers met, and the
young roan endeavored to give her a
few flowers, but so keen was the
watchfulness of her attendants all
she could grasp was a little twig with
green leaves. On reaching her room
he put the twig in water and, to-
wards evening, she drank the water in
which the twig had been kept. So
agreeable was the taste that she even
ate the leaves and stalks; every day
• afterwards she had bunches of the
tea brought to her, which she treated
in the same way. Imitation being the
sincerest .form of flattery the ladies
•c,1. the Court •tried the experiment,
- ,lid `with ouch pleasing results that
the eusi.orn spread throughout the
kine;r:inin--and the great Chinese tea
it'dustr�y became a fait accompli.
The man who knows enough to at-
tend tc his' own business `knows E11. 7.
enols gii,
re one of these uofottu
Biasses may be ruining
ha "t 1 of the Fat' East" 3 our eye9 instead of helping them. `Phou-
Most of
mined prove for themselves thltt they can to-.
1 e ltl f they ill t th
"Yes, 01 a couple of corns."
It may be easier to coast a woman
than to drive her, but it's a lot more
expensive. •
lase w r glasses i ey w eaglet �e
following prescription Risers at once ; aro
wi great ,
to any actiae drug store a t0 get a bottle
of pith vis,to tabletsl 1111 a two•nunce bot -sole
workshops during the early days, of
L h b ti German occupation.
was an interlude
.a welcome enough $1O with wurin water and drop in
one Bon
interlude in the dusty business of Southern Ohio tablet. 5fillh this harmless liquid
'siccing under the sun of Ata lava"naniayon
o a likely to be astonislmicerd
India. Educated at Wellington, he At the results right from the atart, Many
Memorial Urging Better Industriall
Pleading that 3,000,000 persons de-
pendent on the industries of Poland
are 'starving, the Workmen's Union of
Poland has sent to the Governor Gen-
eral, herr von Beseler, a memorial
urging the of the factories,.
the adoption of a protective tariff and
the return of machines, mechanical fit-
tings, and especially belts and gears,
which were taken out of factories and
first' serve's in the King's Own Bor- w o ave been told that Y.'
ave .as g- ,
Lancers. One nrattsnr eye -strain, cataract, acre eyelids„ The memorial states that "the
derers and the Bengal weal' eyes, corllunetivitie rind oti er eye
staff appointment after another kept cuaora:,rs, report wona,ritil benefits from working population' of Poland includes
pp the use of this prescrilption, Get this pre- 350,000 workmen in.fa torics, 00,000
flim in the East, and though cam-.acral>tion Yilled anti use ft you may so
ai 'gin took hien once to South Afri- strengthen Your eyes that ala:sseso will not in the building trades and 590,000 in
p g g bt> necessary. T.honaartds who are blind, small industries."Including the fam-
ca and several times to the Hills, he or nearly so, or -wbo wear glasses might isles of these workmen,this industrial
has been long years in the heat.. never hace regtrircd them to they bad eared
for their eyes in time. Savo ,roar eyes be- 'population reaches a total of 3,000,000
When in April he took over the cam fore it is toe late ! Do not become one of th a normal income of
these victims of'negicot. Eyeglasses are
only like crutches, and every few years
they must lin changed to lit the ever -in -
ISSUE 52—'15
mend of our forces in Mesopotamia,
he found himself in the hottest spot
on earth.' Thirst and sand storms -, creasing weakened condition, so better see
if Soli curt,
Elie many others, get clear,
sand storms that carry no refreshing lunithv„ strong mat netle eyes through the
wind with them, but only sand—have prescription Imre l teen. '1 he Telmes nrarg
been amonghis troubles. He has -Co. of Toronto will 511 the .above prescrin-
tion by mail, if your druggist cannot.
General Sir John Nixon
overcome them, and overcome. the
Turks into the Bargain. Germany is
growing a little less confident about a
Berlin -Bagdad thoroughfare, we
all know in what terms Mr. Asquith,
in his statement on the war the other
day in Parliament, referred to Sir
John's victorious campaign. "In
April,' said the Prime Minister, "a
second division was added to the force,
and the command was assumed by
General . Sir John Nixon. After a
brilliant series, and an absolutely,
chequered series, of land and river
operations, the Turks were driven
back both up the Euphrates and up
the Tigris. In July their final posi-
tions on both rivers were captured,
with heavy casualties, and General
Nixon's :force is now within a measur-
able distance of Bagdad. I do not
think that in the whole course of the
war there has been a series of opera-
tions more carefully contrived, more
brilliantly conducted, and with a bet-
ter prospect of final success."
Has Devised Something
The children of Europe are so im-
bued with the martial spirit that it
enters largely into their play, and
even the stories written for present
consumption are for the most part
about battles and valiant deeds. To
meet this situation a woman has de-
evised something in lien of the time
honored tin soldier, something that
will soon relegate the latter to the at-'
tic or a like out of the way corner.
Her idea has been to create minia-
ture figures so flexible or alive, as she
expresses it, that they could assume
any natural attitude. It took much
patience and no end of pains to work
out these diminutive make believe
soldiers. She finally hit upon the no-
tion of a wire skeleton wound about
with thread to represent body en's -
stance. This gave her the desired
flexibility, and it was an easy matter
then to clothe thein suitably, Suitably
in Germany meant a garb of field
gray, the color of the :uniforms worn
by the Kaiser's fighting glen at the
Of course there must be contending.
armies to give the real complexion of
a battlefield, and the enemy is repre-
sented in the uniforms of the Allies.
The wire foundation of the figures
makes it possible to simulate liuntan
movements to a nicety, and therefore
the make believe soldiers may be pos-
ed to represent the digging of
trenches, the throwing of band gren-
ales, the working of guns, the charge
of infantry, the toilsome march or
the peaceful atmosphere of a catnp.
Sixty thousand pairs of boots are
being produced in Northampton every
A '\Volnan
Club Founded to Encourage Raising
of the Animals.
This is the time, when milk is dear
and supplies for the householder are
limited, that the picturesque and use-
ful goat takes a higher position in
the economic scale in England.
Goat keeping by the small holder
has increased considerably since the
war, and suburban residents, too, have
found the ownership of a goat or two
less troublesome and more-pfofitable
than pigeons, rabbits or even poultry.
In the view, however, of the Rev.
A. C. Atkins, founder of the new Na-
tional Utility Goat Club, the keeping
of 'goats for utility purposes should
be more largely extended, and with
•suetuzef age Jo tiomsod ojgt.tta,T,
this aim he is taking a census of alI
the goats in the country.
For 115 days in the month of January
I was suffering with pain of rheumatism
in the foot. I tried all kinds of remedies
but nothing did me any good, One person
told me about MItiARD'S LINIMENT;
as soon as I tried it the Saturday night,
the next morning I was feeling very
remedy y is veru good;
• i this e
good; T tela t
1' cold give you a good certificate any
time that ,you would like to have one.
If any time 1 come to hear about "tny
person sick of rheumatism. •i could tell
them about this remedy.
Yours truly,
216 Rue Ontario East, Montreal.
Feb, 1.4, 1903.
. Her Family.
Modest Suitor—I have only $5,000
a year, sir; but I think I can support
your daughter on that.
• Father (enthusiastically)—Support
her, my dear boy. Why you can sup-
port her entire family on it.
3fivard`s Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Dog Is Quiet Now.
Jones is a meek little plan till he's
roused; then nothing stops him. The
other night Mrs. Jones and he couldn't
sleep a wink all night because of the
noise their neighbor's dog made.
So Jones declared at breakfast that
he'd tackle the owner of the dog on
the way to business, and "get this
thing settled."
"Well, Joseph," asked Mrs. Jones
that evening, "did you do anything
about that wretched dog?"
Mr. Jones puffed out his meagre
chest with pride.
"Yes, I did," he replied. "I told
Brown that if he didn't put a stop to
it I'd -buy a piano and let both our
girls take lessons."
RINE-0 Granulated Eyelids„
' Eyes inflamed by exposure
to Cold ,Winds and Dust
tx. _ quickly relieved by Murino
OUR t' ll L, Eye Remedy. No Smart-
ing, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggists'
60c per Bottle. MurineEyo Salvo inTuhes 29e,
1!'or Hook of the Eye Free write
Marine Rye Romedy Company. Chiragn
inchuc,gis OP[Hika-,a.6 atnecreHc 4c "ge
..r�t1 at �G�, �f��Lr
�pN�PLe LL TrGGl'L'',DAN " MQNsTnEc!
w, .ORON70 ONT.
persons, wi. -
about $150,000,000 a year. Darker and Performer.
certain proportion of this o u- The politician hollers loud
A p P p p To catch the notice of the erowe,
kation, it is stated, has been sent to The statesman labors and si'
Germany, and another section is re- i Andy tries to give ousr all sure show,
ceiving aid from former employers— .
where the latter are still able to help.
"But there is still a great mass of 'minard'e,Liaitueat Cures Garget is
1 whoactually t "1
says the memorial, "and for ths e sake ology, he really means it.
of these persons it is advisable to put p
at least some of the factories into
a �lti3ra
operation, especially the sugar, vine-
gar and yeast factories, mills, brew-
deries, sawmills,. brick yards and foun-
The memorial deals briefly with the
question of articles. commandeered by
the German military authorities,
stating that the complete confiscation
of all raw material would paralyze in-
dustry, and that enough machinery
should be left in the factories to en-
able them to continue in partial oper-
The customs tariff promulgated on
June 22 by the German commander is
criticized as unsuitable, because it
fails to protect Polish industry, and
even in normal times would bring
about its ruin. Therefore the estab-
lishment of the old tariff is asked.
There is a further demand for a low-
ering of railway rates, which are al-
leged to be now on a burdensome and
impossible scale.
are ac ria y s'g, Don't think because a man offer
When Soldiers Were Not Paid.
It is gratifying to know that our
men in khaki, who, according to Mr.
Asquith, are now costing between
£250 and £300 a head, receive their
pay with commendable promptitude,
says the London Chronicle. .In the
prolonged campaigns of former times
our soldiers often received 110 pay for
years, and considered themselves
lucky if they then procured a small
part of what was due to them. In one
of his dispatches, May 27, 1708, Marl-
borough complains of the great hard-
ships 'sufl.ered by a certain regiment
to whom £5,500 was due, and pointed
out that it would "innch eontribute to
the s,rvice if some part of it were
paid to enable the colonel the better:
to clothe his regiment and the officers
to suppoet themselves in the army."
biixiarcl'e Liniment Ou_ce Distemper,
Don't think because e man wears a
large hat that he .is the heart of the
n ..11 HOULE THE WORLD ami
The Spirit of America at play
Magnitude and Cheerfulness.
D. S. White, Pres. J. W. Mott, M
t i :.." w Will
� WVyancl
"None Better."
Winners at biggest shows.
cockerels $2, $3, $5 each. Catalo
!'ox. W, - Niagara Falls, •C
Revision Freres
are manufacturers and can pay you best prices for furs of
all kinds. ' Send for our price list.
There is Still Time to
h ve a Victrola for the
Where there is a Victrola, there is Music, and
where there is music there is always that enter-
tainment and happiness so necessary to home and
social life.
21for this
Victrola Int.
15 ten -inch
Double -Sided
Victor Records
ASO. selections)
your own choice
Other Victrolas $33,50 to $400. Write for a copy
of our Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000
Victor Records, including all standard and popular
music on 10 -inch, double -sided records as low as 90
cents for the two selections.
Any of. "His Master's Voice" dealers will itt you hear them.
]f there is not one in your vicinity notify us and we will see
that you are not disappointed for the holidays,
601 Lenoir Street, Montreal
New Agencies Considered Where We Are Not Properly Represented.