HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-24, Page 1I
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Winter Specials
LI)RI�. �
In• • s•pite of the factthat there has been very •
t great advances in practically every line of merchan- :
Z dise, caused by the great war, ;we are still in a •
41 position to offer you many lines at Old Prices
While they last. •e
Men's Ladies' .: rid. Children's •
1 These we bought nearly twelve months ago and therefore we s
are able to sell them at Old Prices and would ask you to lay in •
i your supply before new prices go into effect, •
Wool Blankets, Flannelett Blau- 1
kets, Co.pforteJts, Sweater Coats,
Socks and Hosiery all at Old Prices•
I, Grey Cotton 36 inches wider reg 124 for 10e, or by the web at AZ
90 a yd. •
Furs and Fur Coats •
•• Pars have not been as cheap for many years as,tbey were the0.
last season and this is a good tine to, bay your supply for the •
T. supply of raw furs have advanced to almost double the price they_ o
• were last stetson and this will mean much higher prices foeiftee1
c► lines of fur goods next season. • 'We have a large stock of Ladies' •
neck furs of all kinds from 53.00 up. Fur bats large size muff
• and Scarf $25, and 15., 'wolf Sett $27,
• Ladies' Rat Lined Coat Sable Collar 545 and 40, Russian er
,j, .Rat Satin lined 550 and 40. Fur Collar Coats Quilted lining
•• from 515 to 525.
A nice line of men's Coon coats at $50, $62
• $ t0 and $75. .Also; all kinds of black dog coats, ••,
• walloby, beaver and Galloway coats at'cJose prices.
• Men's fur collar coats for $10, $15, $20 and $25. •
• •Tne best values we have ever shown. •
• •
•v'ooat; m •
,I:.. j , do °nits i
We want to clear out our men's overcoats and in order to do o
• we are cutting the prices from now until the end of the ,year to :
•er make them move out. 17
• Regular $12 coats for 85 '515 coits for 510, 58 coats for 55,
• Everything must go at a BIG REDUCTION, •
• Oar inen's and boys' ready to wear suits are something •
• worthy of your consideration. We have recently put into stock •
• some very nice lines of new suits •
• Fine navy worsted latest styles, 520. Dark gray, ram quality, •
ees 522,50. Brown,with small check, 520. Brown tweed, fine ttripe 2
• 515. Dark gray tweed, plain pattern. 515. Also some lines to e
clear at HALF PRICE, Boys Suits at all prices.
• A Lot of Ladies, Mantles ••
To clear at big reduction as we are going out of the i'1ant1e
business. So what we have left will go tit a snap, 0%
Also a nice stook of useful Xmas Prasen is of all descriptions, 9
Candies, Nuts, Oranges, etc., for he ho'idartrade,•-
We are showing a very nice line of skates and hockey sticks.
• All kinds of silverware, out glass, carving sets, carpet sweepers, 4.
4 vadum cleaners, eto,, whioh would make very acceptable Xmas
• Stoves Etc: High oven Pen-
insula; Peerlessrange; Gilt: Edge; I
I Happy Thought; Regal Base I
Burlier; Elegant : ase tinder
are headers in the Coni l n ity.
,®..,,gym m,.
Produce of all kinds taken
. EETER 1:
dI. Telephone No.y --- Z U R C 11 •
40•14++.e4-44+++++++++++++++++4 3erreeite>~ 4.44++SII++ ++•4•+44 e -e
NO 23
to e ere e -e. ,-n 4-e 1.-04-16 * : e
Merry Xmas!
Taesday, Dec 21st, was the shorter;
day of the year.
Mrs Campbell returned this week
from a few. month's , visit with her
daughter at Berlin,
We handle only Nelson's famous
bon -bons. Nothing better mande.
Mrs McCormick.
It looks like real 'old-fashioned
weather for Christmas. Lots of snow
good sleighing and cold.
Next Monday the nominations for
township and village officials will be
held in the town Hall, Zurich.
Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be at
the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed-
nesday, and Wednesday of the fotlow-
ng week. -
Miss Margaret Stelck and bliss
Mable Orper of Guelph are visitng
at the former's mother ever .their
Messrs H Kropp, R Geiger and E J
Hess, who are , attending Toronto
University, are spending the holidays
at the respective homes here.
Mr and Mrs Dan Herford and fam-
ily, of Elkton, Mich., are visiting at
the home of the latter's parents, Mr
and Mrs John Gillman, town.
The annual meeting of the rate -
Payers of S S No 7, Hay, will be held
in the school house, Zurich, next
Wednesday. Mr H Yungblut is the
retiring trustee, but is eligible for re-
Mr Edward Hey, son of Mr 0 Hey
left on Monday for Drumheller, Alta.,
where be has secured a good position
in a store as clerk, Before 'leaving
his friends gave him a pleasant -party
and presented hirci with a • handsome
Mr Alfred Melick, of the Bronson
Line, has sold his fine 150 acre farm
to J J 1Vterner, M P., for the hand-
some sum of $8000.00. Mr Merner
gets posession in March, 1916. We
have not heard what Mr 14lelick in-
tends doing, but hope that he will
decide to remain in this vicinity.
The Treasurer's financial statement
for the Township of Hay for 1915
has just been issued from this office
and in it can be found the business
transacted by the councillors of the
township for the past year, as well as
the statement of the Police Trustees
of Zurich.
The total receipts for the year am-
ounted to $47551.82. The total
payments to $45069.00, leasing a
balance on hand and in the bank of
$2482.82. The assets amounted to
$3703.27, while the liabilities are
$1801.62. The township owes on
debentures $28,410.87. The Hay
Telephone System has a balance on
hand of $1576.25
The payments for Zurich village
for 1915 were $1818.97, while the
receipts were' $1378.49, leaving a
balance an the Township of $440.48.
The e:tpense of constructing the water
tank, and fixtures niade the large
outlay for the year necessary.
Incorporated 1855
96 Branches in Canada
A' Genera, Banlciii,i
Business Transacted
Savings Bank Department
intercgb at highest current rates
• Zuric' Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
The following shows the relatives
standing of the pupils of Room IV for.
December, based on weekly examin-
Form. II:
Genevieve - Zettel 88%, Lloyd
ICalbfleisch 81, Milton Heyrock 76,
Dennis Ducharme 78, Edward Laporte
72, Gertrude Kaercher 70, Bessie
°Tough 65, Clayton Pfile 68, Willie
Seibert 49.
Form. I:
Lorne Manon 82%, Hazel Fritz 82,
Menne Oesch 72, Irene 'Pollock e 70,
(absent), Lennis Callfas 45 (absent).
En trance:
Margaret Hess 75%, Jean Campbell
75, Graham Merner 69, Susie Deich-
ert 66, Mildred Hoffman 64, Ruth
Hartleib 52, Pearl Ducharme 51,
Ward Fritz 80.
' G S Howard, .principal
School Report for the month of
December. Room 1
' Senior second:—
L Decher, M Mittelholtz, P Gillman
V Prang, E Fee, C Ewen, G Rau,
L Hey, M Hey, M Bender, H Neeb.
Junior second:—
: R Brenner, E Hess, F Uttley, A
Senior part second.
G Merrier, F Mittelholtz, E Callfas
G Bedard, M Meidinger,
Junior part second:—
. I Yungblut, J H Koohems, E Bedard
D,'Brenner, I Decher, A Keller.
Senior first:—
L Wagner, W Callfas, A Mittel-
helte and A Hey (equal), 0 Meidinger.
E Bender and A Dietz (equal),
F Deitrieh, 111 Zettel. J Veitch,
fedi,. wing is the report of room
for the month of December.
Sr II;
Evelyn Howald, Theodore Diecbert
Leonard Rau, Muriel I3owald, Clair
Merrier, Julia Davidson, Pearl Leibold
Eleanor'D'ucharme, Ethel Dietrich,
Anthony Mittelheltz, Minnie Uttley,
Lulu Albrecb, Marguerite Prang,
Frieda Diechert, Edgar Bender, Cath-
leen Siemon, 'Vernon Davidson, Jean
Ewen, Gilbert Ducharme.
Gordon Schwalm, Alvin Gascho,
'Raymond Fisher, Fred Davidson,
lst Sr: ..
Newell Geiger, May Schwalm,
Idella Howard, Kenneth Koehler.
1st Jr:
Clarence Hildebrandt, Garnet
Walper, Lizzie Leibold, Elmer Leibold
Thomas Thiel, Lawrence Reichert,
Miss 11f, A., Lamont, Teacher.
Christmas Report, Room 8, based
on Examinations and daily marks.
Jr IV: •
Olive Zettel, Leonard Hudson,
Frederick Weseloh, Russell Preeter,
Louise I3owald, Prank Siebert, Theo-
dore Leibold, Earl Zettel,
Pearl Walper, Marjorie Fritz
Jacob Habere •, Rose Hess, Amine
Brenner, Earnest Bender, Leroy
O'Brien; Cecelia, Hildebrandt, Clarence
Brenner, Laurence Rau,
Edna Zettel, Lillian Weseloh,,,,Theo-
dore Wagner, Iva if albfleisch, Dorothy
Campbell, They Yungblut, Dorothy
Fritz, Ivan Xalbfieiscb, Lennis
O'Brien, Emma Wuran, Bert Siebert.
Jr III (13).
Whitney Truemner, Gordon Walper
Hilda Neuschwanger, Euoline Geiger,
Gordon Zettel, Laura Deitrioh, Mar-
garet Thiel, Alpbonsus Deitrich, Ervin
Miss M. Walker, Teacher,
The annual election of officers of
the Evangelical S. School, Zurich,
was held least ,Sunday evening and
resutlted as follows: Superintendent,.
A Melie'c; Assistant Supt., J Preeter;
Secretary, Vera_ Siebert, Treasurer,
John. Gascho; Librarians, Lloyd
O'Brien, Milton Hoyrock, Russel
Preeter and Frank Bi.sbert.
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1. Xmas Gift Suggestions
See the many lines we have.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes,
es FRITZ, Zurich I
f�wrffm— s4GPN:4+alp++ a+ ++
Nothing will suit the boy or girl better than a
pair of
HOCKEY SHOES. with steel toes.
Ankle supports, skate straps, etc,
We have a fine variety.
For the ladies, what is nicer than a pair of
The Hors 0 Uood Shnes
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111LIIIII111111111 lil14 111111111111111111111i1111111111iIIC➢IIIIIIIi111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIII111111llllllllllll11MI llll111111111
Chritm= 1s
Most of our Xmas goods are now in
and w'e want ii to see our dip!av of
aic7 Dishes, Dolls, Toys of all
kinds, CusYon Top, Guest Toro
els, lEandkOPOrlek, Inmos a:d New
Tear Oaxd °: Lad Eooklets9 etc.
.ire cannot tell p: all about them in this ad.
You must cube licid see for yourself.
PHONE 11 en 82
w:uw! In1Iflul.. eiuui W..eedi'lileilel' ,i i;.ee,6' geI ... , ,. i ,.... iegi ..e;i'.:
d9`�: e ,
Our store is filled with girutls that make useful
gifts. Things that are alwa s !le'e'r° c;try. You will have
the choice of a large vlliietc- if cel; n:al:e this store your
headquarters. for your X111116 J111ychl; 8.
See our .iit:t': of
Gloves Neckwear Y Collars
Mufflers Shirts Hosiery
Handkerchiefs e4:1 rs Etc.
Have received a shipment of first-class timothy
seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right
Flour and Feed of all kinds
Groceries, Sale, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc.
Eggs taken in exchange for goods
Telephone 23