Zurich Herald, 1915-12-17, Page 8From the Ocean Shore Das OF PEWS FROM THE MARITIME PROVINCES• Items of Interest Front Places Lapped Ey Waves of the Atlantis Fredericton's new .post office has been thrown open for public use. A Moncton hotel recently paid liquor fines aggregating $816.50. Rev. Jos. D. Spideil pastor of the Baptist Church at Kentville, has vol- unteered for active service. • A letter from the front rescued by divers from the torpedoed Hesperian vas received last week by Miss Eve- lyn Spiddell of Dorchester, N.B. Prince Edward Island obtained an average of 15 pet cent, more lobsters than last year. The live lobster shipments from Nova Scotia show a marked increase. Prospects are that there will be an early closing of navigation on the St. John River. A H. Clawson, formerly a resident of Prince Edward Island, now of Bos- ton, has been left $20,000 by'a former employe. New Brunswick papers published a notice requesting the public to report any case of desertion among the sol- diers. A New York buyer in Lunenburg is said to have purchased 15,000 to 20,- 000 quintals of fish at $7 a quintal A young man named John Arm- strong, 25 years old, was shot and instantly killed at Forest Glen, near Peticediac. A serious fire occurred recently at Canoe .Cove, when the store and home of Mr. William McKay were burned to the ground. The infant death toll of St. John, N.B., was 246 last year under 5 years of age out of a total death rate of 857. Halifax seiners have received from $S to $9.50 per hogshead for sardines. C Company of the 104th New Brunswick Battalion has arrived in Fredericton to take up winter quar- ters. 'New shed area, more extensive yard room, and improved facilities for handling winterport traffic will be ready for use next month at West St. John, N.B. • A new lumber mill at Newsactle, N.B., will saw from 12,000,000 to 15,- • 1(00,000 feet of lumber a year. -- Mrs. Mrs. Tappan Adney, of Woodstock, N.B.; who argued a case before the Supreme Court recently, said she had 25 cases already accumulated. Eric Warburton, son of Dr. Jas. Warburton, mayor 'of Charlottetown, P.E.I., has been awarded the Distin- guished Conduct Medal for bravery at the Gallipoli Peninsula. As a result .of a Scott Act raid by local police, eleven convictions were secured in the Moncton police court. The fines and costs totalled $632.75. Offers have recently been given P.E.I. dealers for black fox pelts at $1,000 to $1,500 per pelt. The animals are, however, scarce. Premier Murray promised a delega- tion of clergymen and laymen that his Government would give serious con- eideration to their; request that the Nova Scotia Temperance Act be amended to provide prohibition for Halifax City. Picton Academy will shortly cele- ' brate its 100th anniversary. During ,the century it has been in operation about eight thousand students have received instruction within its wall, and of this number over three hundred have become preachers of the gospel. THE WIND. By Isabel Ecclestone Mackay. Onowee, the Wind's voice, Singing through the heather. Purple is the line that blends Sky and earth together. Onowee, a sprite is he, Playing in the heather. Onowee, the Wind's voice, Whisp'ring to the flowers. On a lover's art depends All a lover's powers. Onowee, a wooer, he When among the flowers. Onowee, the Wind's voice, Calling through sea -spaces, Sharp with salt and wet with spray, Buffeting our faces! Onowce, a tyrant, he, Lord of great sea -spaces. Otic vee, the :Wind's voice, Sighing, sighing, sighing. Is it for a flower dead, Or a summer dying? Onowce, a child is he,. Crying, crying, crying. -• From The. Canadian. Magazine for Tee canker. The mall Who fs afraid of work deserves to be scared to death. SEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST OF Beantiful ' Musk Ox Less Than Half Usual Prices Most Suitable for Autos and sleighs. .'n unusually fortunate purchase enables us to offer > ou a. beatttitul selection of MUSK OX ROBES at Prices fess than half usual cost. One of these }lobes for sleigh or cutter would make, an ideal Christmas Gift, They are a rich brown -black, with beauti- ful lustre and perfectly tan- ned. They are unsurpassed for warmth, wear and appear- anee. Makes a Luiturious Tx'loor Eng for the xionte. Write to -day for price list from tete largest dealers in Canada. LA1VIONTAGNE, LIMMITED 1'. O. Box 1410. • 338 Notre Dame St. West, MONTREAL. Manufacturers of Quality Harness. Trunks, Bags, Eto,. Established 1869. ' ALL ABOUT RUSSIA. Population Consists of 140 Different Peoples. The large population of Russia is more varied than the population of any country in the world. The popu- lation consists of more than 140 dif- ferent peoples, nationalities, nations, races—differing in language, reli- gion, dress, customs, mode of living, civilization and living mostly apart from one another. They are: Fifty million Great Russians, or actual Russians, or "Muscovites" (the inhabitants of the former grand duchy of Moskva), now ruling all Russia. Twenty million Little Russians, for- merly a part of Poland. Twelve million Poles. Six million White Russians, former- ly a part of Poland. Two and one-half milJiele_i inns.. Two million Lithuanians, formerly part of. Poland. Two million "Germans. One and one-half million Letts, for- merly part of Poland. One and one-half million Armen- ians. One and one-half million Rouman- ians. Five million Jews. Sixty million of 139 other different nations and races, as Tartars, Kurds, Bashkirs, Samoyedes, Krighizes, Kal- mucks, Turks, Bulgars, Greeks, Per- sians, gypsies and 120 others. Most all of these live in groups and clans on their ancient territory. It would take centuries to melt these 140 different nations of different races, with 140 different languages and almost as many different reli- gions—into one solid Russian nation. In the meantime, scores of them ho=le to become free and independent countries and thus preserve their an- cient homes, nationality, language, re- ligion and all. THE VERY TIME When Powerful Food Is Most Needed. The need of delicate yet nutritious food is never felt so keenly as when a convalescent gets a set back on ac- count of weak stomach. Then is when Grape -Nuts shows its power, for it is a most scientific and easily digested food. "About a year ago," writes a west- ern woman, "my little six-year-old niece moved to a new home. She naturally had a change of diet and of course a change of water, and ,some how she contracted typhoid fever.' "After a long siege her case seem- ed hopeless, doctors gave her up, and she was nothing but skill and bones, couldn't eat anything, and for weeks did not know even her father or mother. Her parents, in trying to get something delicate and nourishing that she could eat, finally bit upon Grape -Nuts food, and it turned out to be just the thing. "She seemed to relish it, was soon conscious of her surroundings, and be- gan to gain strength so rapidly that in a short time she was :as well, play- ful and robust as if she had never, been ill. "We all feel that Grape -Nuts was .the predominating factor in saving the sweet little girl's life." Name given by Canadian Postern Co., Windsor, Ont. Ryer read the above letter ? A new one •appears front time to time. • Whey are genuine, true, and ftt11 of human interest, WAIL TRANSPORT SERVICE. "Ignorance" and "Ineptitude" in Ad- miralty Methods. "From the point of view of the shipping man the whole history of the war, as far as the transport service is concerned, is a wicked story of ignorance, ineptitude and colossal waste," declares the editor of Syren and. Shipping, the leading journal of the' British shipping trade. He adds: "Costly and useful ships were' used for months as prison ships. Super. ships like the Aquitania were employ- ed on scouting missions, their mag- nificent passenger equipment gutted. Ships were allowed to load cargo or to book a full passenger list and then owners were informed that the Ad- miralty required these boats." An instance is given of a 7,000 -ton boat which was all ready to sail, with 200 passengers, when it was taken over and sent to the west coast of South America, although it might have been loaded with coal and rea- lized a small fortune. Another case is given of a (1,000 -ton boat at Huelva about to load with a cargo of iron ore for England, which was requisitioned suddenly and sent empty to the Paci- fic, although there should have been plenty of merchant ships available much nearer the desired destination. "How long," asks the journal, "will these methods be tolerated? In the national interest, a committee of ship- ping men should have been selected to organize the Admiralty charter- ing." How to Save Your Eyes Try This Free ' Prescription Do your eye give you trouble ? Do you already wear eyeglasses or spectacles? Thousands of people wear these "windows" who might easily dispense • with them. You may be one of these, and it is your duty to sage your eyes before it Is too late. The eyes are neglected more than any other organ of the entire body. After you finish your day's work you sit down and rest your muscles, but how about your .eyes ? Do you rest them ? You know you do not. You read or do something else that keeps your eyes busy; you work your eyes until you go to bed. That is why so many have strained eyes, and fin- ally other eye troubles that threaten par- tial or total blindness. Eyeglasses are merely erutches; they never 'cure. This free prescription, which, has benefittedthe eyes of so many, may work equal won- ders for you. Use it a short time.. Would Yell 1 kye.otJr..s.ge troubles -4o disnl 9 ea if by magic ? Try this prescription. Go to the- nearest wide-awake drug store 'end get a bottle of Icon-Opto tablets; fill a two -ounce bottle with warm water, drop in one tablet and allow it to thoroughly dissolve. With this liquid bathe tlae eyes two to four times daily. Just note how quickly your eyes clear up and how soon the .inflammation will disappear. Don't be afraid to use it ; it is absolutely harm- less. Many who tire now blind might have saved their eyes had they started to care for them in time. This is .a simple treat- ment, but marvellously effective in mniti- tndes of cases. Now that you have been warned don't delay a day, but do what you can to save your eyes, and you are likely to thank us as long ns you live for pub- lishing this prescription. The valetas Drug Co. of Toronto will fill the above gauprescrnt.iption by mail, if your druggist Complete Reformation. "Ruh wife inar'cl me to refawn ins, sal," stated Brother Hilsondigger, "and I'm so plumb bodaciously re- fawmed dat I wouldn't marry ag'in if I done lived to be as old as Methoo- zelum." Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. ABSENCE OF GOLD. Stamps Displace Copper Small Change In France. Notices have been posted in many of the Parisian cafes that patrons who do not have the right change to pay for refreshments will have to accept postage. stamps or checks for change for any sum less than 10 sous. This is another indication of 'the scarcity of coppers, which numerous collec- tions for charitable purposes have withdrawn temporarily from circula- tion, and. the fact that since small ninny became scarce there has been a tendency on the part of the people to cling to what they have. • Some people are said to be hoarding coppers because they are afraidthey will get entirely out .of thein, and others, it is charged, are collecting them with the less worthy motive of making five francs premium on every hundred francs in copper coins de- livered at certain confidential points. It is the old story of the Germans trying to drain France of ,its copper. The real reason is thought in official circles to be simply that the absence of gold overworks all the minor de- nominations, copper and nickel, as well as silver. The mint is handicapped by the mobilizing of some of its machines for other urgent work for the national defense, and the copper coinage fell last month to 1.00,000 francs, A single projectile from a' 15 inch naval gun weighs 1,950 lb. BIG AUSTRALIAN CR First of Type Constructed Entirely by British Colony. The cruiser Brisbane, the latest unit in the Australian navy, which was launched successfully at the Cockatoo Island Naval. Yard, Sydney, last mouth, is the largest vessel of any type yet launched under the Union Jack in the southern hemisphere. The Brisbane is of 5,400 tons, and is the first cruiser to be constructed coni- pletely by any of the oversea British dominions. At the launching' she was christened by Mrs. Fisher, the =wife of the Prime Minister, who is from Queensland. It is after the capital of that State that the cruiser is named. It is hoped to place the Brisbane in commission next Apgust. She is to be followed on the stocks by another vessel of the same type, to be called the Adelaide, in honor of the capital of South Australia. A GENTLE LAXATIVE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are a gentle laxative. They are absolutely safe and so pleasant in action, that once the mother has used them for her little ones, she will never again resort to that harsh, ill -smelling, bad -tasting castor oil, which baby always fought' against taking. - Baby will take the Tablets with a smile, and thousands of mothers tell us their little ones will coax for them. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. His Chance. "What chance has he to win that suit? The evidence is all against him." "I know he's on the wrong side of the facts, but he has the best lawyer in town." Minard's i inintent . Cares Diphtheria. Explained. "Your daughter plays some very robust pieces." "She's got a beau in the parlor," growled pa, "and that loud music is to drown the sound of her mother• washing the dishes." I was , cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S LINIMENT. to' -Halifax. • ANDREW KING, I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. LT. -COL. C. CREWE READ: Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. In Court. "Do you know the nature of an oath, madame?" "Well, I ought to, sir. We've just moved arid my husband has been lay- ing the carpets. S„fir Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to San, Dust and Wind Eyesquicklyrelieved by Murine Lye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 5Oc per Bottle. Murine i'.ya Salve inTubes 2Se. For Book of the Eye Free ask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Make Your Own Selection. "Could you recommend a good physician?” "I'm sorry, but there are two per- sons that I no longer recommend — doctors and servant girls." Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows The Beneficiary. Mudge—Your wife certainly has a will of her own. Meek—Yes, and I am the sole beneficiary. Going Some. Pessimist—Is he prosperous? Optimist—Is he? Why he owes twice what he owns. ED. 7. ISSUE 51—'15. HfALrHFuii efscUlT CAI Z.4iF�Ecr1*'nls- THIS OAI((NG POWDER ". iSCOMPOSED OFTHE FOLLOWING INGREDI- ENTS AND NONE OMR PHOSPHATE B1 CARO ONATEOFSOPAAN STARCHO :tomIn eorna�dn ui4IT ronoN7o• ITI:IEv BAKING WDERR� r CONTAIiNS NO ALUM We unhesitatingly recommend Magic Baking Powder as being the best., purest and most healthful baking powder that it is possible to produce All ingredients are plainly printed on the label MADE IN CANADA E.WGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG, MONTREAL rnar Discouraging. Invalid—T'd like to see the .pro- prietor of this sanitarium. Clerk—He has gone away, sir, for his health. • Minard's-Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Married men are not so very bad off, they always have the last word but. one. FARMS POR .SSALi1. RAMIE: --ALL SIZES— STOCK, RAMIE: Dairy or Z'rult. When you want to buy, write. IT, W. Dawson, Brampton. Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALc,: PROFIT -:MAKING NEWS AND JOB .11, Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Fullinformation on application to 'Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. % I ANC3SR, TUMORS, LUMPS, BTc'. lJ internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont, • GOLD GOLD Write me for Special Information. on NI ONROE CONSOLIDATED GOLD NHNE, Limited P. S. HAIRSTON, W, F, YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lynians Bldg,, Montreal, Gan. 1323 Traders. Rank, TOnoNTO Absorbent and Absorbine. Jr.. err msdc In Canada The small boy's stomach 'is usually in apple pie order. America's Planter` Dog Remedies BOOK. ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31stStreet, New York WINTER 'TERM, OVENS JAN. 3R.U. L' IOTT 2�izedd/ tong's and Charles Sts., Toronto Demand for our Graduates for last four months fully- four times our supply :. Calendar free. W. Z. ELLBOTT, Principal will reduce inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll Evil, Quittor,Fistuln and infected sores quickly as it is a positive antiseptic and germicide. Pleasant to use; does not blister or remove the Lair, and you can work ire borne. 82.00 per bottle. delivered. Book 7 M free. ADSORBIN1 . JR., the nntieeptic liniment for [mankind. redirect 'Painful. Swollen Veiny, Wens, Strain:. Bruises= sopa pain and inflammation. Price 51.00 per bottle at dealere or deliveredwill tell you mora ii. you write, Liberal Trial Bottle for 10e in stamps. Revillon Freres 134 McGILL STREET, - MONTREAL are manufactii ers and can pay you best prices for furs of all kinds. Send for our price list. Will there be a Victrola in your home this Christmas ? The real value of your gift is the happiness it will bring, not alone at Christmas, but in days to follow. A gen- uine Victrola will give the family hours of en- joyment that can come from no other source The world's best music right at your fireside, the greatest living artists to sing and play for you, the most tuneful of popular melodies, delightful band and instrumental selec- tions; all to brighten the home during the long winter months. Victrola $21 I V 1 With 15 ten -inch, double -sided Victor Records (30 selections, your choice) $34.50.. Easy payments, if desired. Other Victrolas, $33.60 to $400 Write for our Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records, including all standard and popular music on ten -inch, double -sided records as low as 90 cents for two selections. Any of l'T:[is Master's Voice" dealers will 1e1: you hear them. If there Is not one, in. your vicinity notify us slid we kill :gee that you are not disappointed on Christmas morning. BERLINER GRAN O PI-IONl1 CO., Limited 601 Lenoir Street, Montreal DEALER xn' zv,atzt i TOW1 AND =TY GIVE P,i>.,1Civ 2fl OTVi. COAST' TO 'OAST VICTOR 1+.CON SECONDS—ltiAnn x i CANADA A a LOON POPS " NIB /WASTER'S 'd'OIC :. --TRAM 112A.sitlt. New Agencies Considered Whe^e We Are Not Properly Represented. �.1.attEIELV4 amus $24,,n ..