HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-17, Page 7,{ ' rr; XMAS (MEN' SAV i✓. RS Best Currants, per ib, 110. NewFigs, per pkg, 10e New Raisins, per lb, 11c. i50o green, black ar mixed 3 cans coma, peas and tomatoes for 21o, Tea, per lb, 40e BakingPowder, qt sealer, 2Oc, Best Granulated Sugar, 100 lbs., $6.€15 FIan'el'te BLANKETS 12/4 large size Flannellette Blankets Regular price $;1.85, grey. and whtte, per pan', $ 1.39. lannellettes Regular 124c Flannellette, 36 inches wide, good patterns, 10 yds for If, 1PIN,. at 1Oc i2 c Triols, big range of fast colors and patterns. Buy your supply for spring at per yd 10e. Ladies'Fur-lined. COATS Only three left. Regular $65.00 values, beautiful collars and lining, reduced to $89.00 BLtA.CE SIL= 36 inches wide, guaranteed pure illk, Lovely black, and fine finish. :$1.25 value for $1.00. UNDERWEAR Men's Pennant fleeced lined shirts and drawers, all sizes. Reduced Price each 47--c. Scotch Plaids Fancy Scotch Plaids for children's drtsses. ;Splendid patterns per yd 15c, DilsTN'Ell SETS Very Special Porcelain China with gold handles. Regular price $25.00. Youa choice $11.00, 177110 SETS Large size Stole and Muff in lovely black wolf. Regular$15..00 for. Children's and Ladies' Coats All this season's styles. Every coat must be sold.. Prices are great-. ly reduced. Coyne in and let us save you money HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS Butter, Dried Apples and Poultry. lewart E et r The Big Store with the Little Prices MAaSEY-HARRIS Implements Call and see best models of Cutting ore an Root Pulpers GRAY ENGINES Couple of new Gray gasoline engines, latest models, which will be sold at a big redudtion. See them. Get my Prices before Buying. Hs Galiman Phone 25 Zurich I.,suw.1 every lhuta t x,° afternoon iron tl: kl RA LD PRJNTING OFp1Ce Victoria St. •Zurich, by ANDREW V. HESS and CHESTER i„ SM UN, SUBSCRIPT ON PR1O $1.00 A YEAR Cf. S subscripton $4,5o strictly in advance, ADVERT SIN TERMS. sstes for display and contract advertisements will be given on apptiatlen. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soviet rte., to cents per line tot first iosertirn and 5 centsper Me for each subsequent insertion: Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an adailis ion fee is charged or a special collection taken will be charged tor at the regular adverttstng rates ,Notipesofreligious or other meetings the Object of which is the benefit of the community and not for per. on"alorsectarian ,interest or gain, will be cheerfully tpaerted free. Astray advs. $ r for three insert ions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. .:ftanges for contract advertisements mast be In the office by 6 p. m. Tuesday, otherwise they will be left maw until the following week. Advertisments without specific directions will be nkerted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- Sleot advertismeursmust be paid for in advance. . Address all communica4ons to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1915 WANTED Married man, accnstoined to 'Erkirk, - Steady employment the round, ` ]louse provided and wages. • Apply to Bisset Bros, Box 414, Goderich, Ont. farm year good FARM FUR SALE Lot 22, Con 6, Hay, 83' acres by measurement of rich clay loam, 70 acres cleared, remainder in good hard-. wood' bush, 7 acres of tall wheat, a splendid young bearing orchard, a good bank barn, 56x60, with large driving shed. An up-to=da'o large brick dwelling with slate roof, a neyer failing well. This choice far] a is 8g miles from Hensall, the best market . in the County, 3 miles from Zurich, with telephone and Rural delivery, and mile from school, Farm will be sold on easy terms to suit tl:e pur- chaser; apply on premises or1.1,)x 75, Hensall. Chas. McAllister. FARM FOR SALE Also House, Lot and 1 Acre Lot 20, N. B., Township of Hay, 100' acres, all cleared, all good clay land, orchard, bank barn, driving shed good dwelling, etc., owned by Mr. Jocob Meyer, Sr. bTbis farm is situa- ted 23 miles from Zurich, ,with tele- phone and free mail delivery. • Half mile from good public school. Farm will be sold at a reasonable price. Also dwelling house, with stable and one acre of land for sale. All kinds of fruit trees and good well on the premises. This property is situa- ted at Wagner's Corner and' will be sold with above farm or separately. For further particulars -apply to Jacob Meyer, Jr„ R. R, No. 2, Zurich; 0 8POND Na Win. STEPHEN OOUNCIL' The council of the township of Stephen convened in the Town Mall, Crediton; on Monday, the 6th day of December 1915 at 1 p. m. All mem- bers were present. The minutes of the previous lneeting were read and. adopted, Neeb-Love: That By -Law No 224 to- appoint deputy -returning officers and poll -clerks and select pol- ing-booths ol-ing-booths for the coming Municipal Elections, having been read three times, be passed and signed • by the Reeve and clerk and the seal of the corporation attached thereto, A large number of accounts were passed which will appear in the annual financial statement. The Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Wednesday, the 15th of December instant at 1 p Henry Eilber, Clerk. EXETER. 120 shirts were made by the girls of the Jackson Mfg. Co. for the Sold- iers' Aid Society on a recent Satur- day. Mr L H Dickson, barrister, is a candidate for the vacant judgeship for Huron County, owing to the retire- ment of senior Judge Doyle. Geo Andrew of Elimville has pur- chased the residence of Wes Snell who will build a new one next year Bert Gillies of the. Canadian Bank of Commerce staff has been transferred to the Paris branch. A large gang of men are now en- gaged in constructingthe highvoltage line between Luean and Exeter. HENSALL Mrs Neeland has returned from a visit to Oakville and Toronto. H J D Cooke has joined the law firm of Proudfoot Fc Killoran, Goderich, and will visit Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. Fred E Beer and Harry Horton, who have beenworking on farms near here, have left for London to enlist, Rey. Mr Knight will preach the prepartory sermon in Carmel church this Friday evening. The recent snow has helped the sleighing and also the business. 11Ir and Mrs Chas E Troyer and son, Casie, of Shaumion, Sask„ are visiting relatives here and in this vic- inity. They intend to spend the win- ter here. Mr R J Drysdale was elected presid- ent, Mr G 0 Petty secretary and . Mr G 0 Sutherland treasurer at the meet- ing of the Foreign Bible Society held here a few days ago. _ �• •�• � •;-r� � \ A Z 14 Z SN•i (mv V 3. -•Y 1 1 T -1 sa. ..�� +.o�...t. .w�s�.po.. �lzx.^a�•..!c �� �;'��a��y�.A8a4.•� �•. �e�.r� •.» ���•��`J,^a�a,.•a.•, �ti:WF, ISTMAS GIFTS t'5 ds In. Jewellery, Fancy Articles, Musical el Goods, Etc., Etc. We are opening up the. finest lot of Gifts this tO year, suitable for young and old, I •z RUSH IN YOUR SPECIAL y. ORDERS AT ONCE ,^' Engraving on all oin • goods Free. PRICES RIGHT' rpt rya GOODS RIGHT G G E R JEWELLERS i t _.0 trif4 2,.a.-e.;F a ♦:._-. _. W rY�.tv4 �tit� r'���'y.�—`�E•Yi a HESS & 00.7 ZURICH I fo� �F9 Get "More Moll ey" f or- curSkunk uk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to "SHUBERT" tine largest nesse in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH Alln3RICAN RAW FURS a reliable -^responsible -safe r+'urNouse with an unblemisttedrep- utatiou existing for "more than a third of a century." a long suo- cessfulrecord ofsending ThurSlippera prain pr SATISPACTOR`Y AND PTtOT'STASL]g returns. write for "ISlie gointh rt,'i5lftpper," the only reliable, accurate market report ands ice list published. Write for it—No'W—iit''S /mint nWEST AUSTIN AVE, . Br S UBERT, Inc. DCI l DASHWOOD The ihristmas entertainment of the Evangelical church will be held on. Christmas.Night, Dec 25 at 7.80 ,1) in, The religious cantata entitled ` The Holy One Of Israel" will be 'rendered by the 5 School and the choir. The proceeds of the evening will be used towards paying for the new piano recently purchased by the Sunday School. Come one, come all, and you will enjoy a `Christian" enter- tainment. Admission, adults 25 cents children 10 cents. We had an old time snow storm un Tuesday, which blocked the roads. Mr Clarence Heywood of Exeter was a visitor in town on Sunday. Miss M Blue, who during the past season has been milliner for Messrs Tiernan and Edighoffer, left for her home in Dutton, on Wednesday. Mr Elmore Oesch, of Zurich, -spent Sunday in town. - Misses Ida Wambold and Florence Dinney of Exeter visited relatiyes and friends here, Sunday. Mr. Elmore Willem was an out of town visitor, Sunday. Miss Ella Zimmer left for Detroit, on Wednesday. ANNIVERSARY A very plesant event took place at the Lutheran church, Tuesday even- ing, the occasion being the twenty-' fifth anniversary of Rev Graupner in the ministry, Rev R Eifert of Tavis- tock, preached a very interesting sermon to the congregation after which Rev Wuggazer of Sebringyille read an address and presented Rev Graupner with a well-filled purse on behalf of the ministers. Mr C Stade of this place also presented him with a purse on bebalf of the congregation. Rev Graupner gave a very suitable reply. After the service all repaired to the basement where a lunch was served by the lilies of the congregation. Those present from a distance were Rev R Eifert of Tayistoek, .Rev P Deide of Mitchell, Rev A Wuggazer' of Sebringville, Rev R Bruer of Wat- burg and Rev Malinsky of Stratford. Tuesday's storm did not look much like an open winter. The weather prophets will now have to go away back and sit down. Miss Cathern. Finkbiner returned home on Wednesday after spending a couple of months with her sister at Sarnia. She will be a great help to the Evangelical choir of which she is a member. The stores have taken on a holiday appearance and look very attractive indeed. Mr Peter Eisenbach has accepted the position of running the bean thresh- er for Mr John Wein. a STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr J Stephenson Sr., leaves this week to visit her daughter, Mrs D Armstrong of Pilot Mound, Man. Miss Phoemie Logan, of Parr Line, is gone to Nashviile Tennessee to visit her sister, Mrs J J' Keys. The teacher, Miss Douglas, and the young people of S S No 5, Stanley, are practicing for an entertainment to be held in the school house ' - Miss Mayme Key s who has been laid up for some time, is recovering and is able to be atoned. again. Judging from present appearances Stanley will have a Municipal election this year. Rev A W Brown, of Varela, is at- tending S 5 conventions at Nile and Londesboro, this week. Mrs G Elliott of Goderich town- ship has come to reside with her daughter, Mrs T Chuter, at Varna. Mrs Jones and daughter, of Hamil- ton, amilton, are spending a few days at the home of Iir Wilson Arinstrong. Mrs Andrew Reid of'the Parr Line, Stanley, announces the engagement of her daughter, Margaret, to George Lloyd Armstrong of the salve town- ship, the marriage to take place this. anonth. There will be a patriotic concert :at the Goshen Line school, Stanley on Wednesday evening, Dec 22 commen- cing at 7.30. Admission 10c. Every- body Welcome. • n . . Ads 4EGAL :omens. PRODUFOOT, KILLORAN, & PROUD. 'FOOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nti door from Hamilton St, Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. Pnovnroor, K. C. J. L. Ku.Lousis. IW, PROunFoor, JR. MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late :/Ions. Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. • Y.. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office;. Zurich, Ont. fir N. F. Schram, Late House Surgeon and House Physician of Victoria Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of Medicine of Western University, London. Main Office at Dashwood, Ont. Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAC - I an taking orders for The above celebrated braucl of Fertilizer for delivery next Spring. I hauclled this brand last season and had splendid success with it. Basic Slag has been used with greatest success on beans, etc. Prices Cash $20.00 F. 0. B., Station. $22 on 8 months time. JOSEPH RAU R. R. No. 2, - Zurich. viiiiDERTAKiNG i Prompt Service ModerateNr"ha'1•cres Tailor Shop and Laundry p W. N. HOFFMAN W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario flmmnusio iiiiliillilillfltlluuflom mnniorimmmnmlgj niuiu munm it _ e Only raii Prize= hes�Award) ®iven �® Dictionaries at the Panama - = w� Pacil°icExposihion ..�3;. was elranfed � 9Y E T E is 9cs�+ MafatiMalalaaMMESSEIIIIIIIS HORSE BLANKET,r. 1 have a full stock of all kinds of Horse Blankets on hand. 1 was lucky to purchase a large stock of All Wool .Blankets before the advance in prices and have decided to retail them at the old price while they last, Call in and see our values. MITTS and GLOVES A large assortment of Men's Mitts and Gloves on hand, Our prices are just a little lower than usual. Call and see before you buy. HARNESS, TRUNKS, ROBES, WHIPS, ETC. R. Pe STADE - ZURIC l x 5 NEW lNTEFORNAT1OL ORA I Superiority of Educational Merit. This new creation answers with , final authority all kinds of puzzling • questions Such as "How is Prza m ysl pronounced?" "Where is , len dens? " "What is a continuous vuy age?" "What is a howitzer?" "What 5 is white coal?" "How is shat pro ▪ minima and thousands of others.t.;. N Vila]re than 400,000 tioeatnxtn!i, Terms f: ▪ 30,000 0Wcgi'epticsl tabloids. 12,006E 51 Biographies/ Entries. Over 6000 tins- g • trains. 2700 Pages. Iligo rose/y sl'notion ti sistvith the dividend 5aao-a sttrttaie of Li 5 exuss. lxc�� Rwzalarandlrs'lo R r:;ta ? JLtacnr UGrtty ])ao. x rt • +,.,i;,.;,;tr,Ii ''>•'s lk�il Elle,"Sic.;ll tion t, 1� iusiaativata ttr Ltree. 0 r. t of ttx Ink.;, IIINII8111QIIfIIIIHInIIIAl10111111NmmIIIIIIINIthalilln�iullhlhNt d1 icxiUa.0 Ill --------------------- NTED. I have made arrangements with Silverwoods Dairy, London, to take eream at My Residence, Zurich, a nythne during the week. Cream is tested. when brought to my residence and paid for on delivery. Price paid tl week was 38 cents per pound. Highest Cale 'rice for IIIiDSON, Phone 5