HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-17, Page 6THEK ONr, CI
EVAN. (.111:'1 . i1 F .1,1u'+V1.'..
Sunday, German 11.00 a, ni•
ie Stuiday School 9,45. `< ,<
" Junior Y. P. A. 1.00 lal. ill.
, (Service) English 7.00
Teachers meeting 8.00 `: <<
Mon., Tri -Mu Brotherhood 8.00
Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 "`�
Wednesday Player Meeting 8,00 "
Friday Teachers Training << a1
Class 7.30
" choir practice 8.30 "
Ladies Aid meets let Monday of
each mon,th at 7.30 p. m.
German, Sunday 10.30 a. m.
English 7.30 p. m.
Bible School ` 9.00 a. in,
Men's Mis'n'ry 8 Tuesday 8.00 p. m.
Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m.
L A S lstWeds'y of month 8.00 p, m.
You are cordially invited to take an
active part in all these meetings and
"Blessed are they that hear the
word of God, and keep it. Lake 11.28,
Fresh and Salt Meats
Bologna Sausages, etc
ui 1gblut &
Andrew F. Hess
a a
A new shipment just in of
Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc.
The best that money can;
We also have the Flag
Gum, Spearmint, Etc.
Neilson's Famous Ice Cream
Herald Office Zurich
Et El
__ Zurich sleet
poz;_ai.ras .
Fresh and Salt Meats
Bologna Sausages, etc
ui 1gblut &
a a
.LY rA7.t, UIJ J.V'
Ion CA,Kit
A new shipment just in of
Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc.
The best that money can;
A. large variety of Comic,
Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post
Cards, all prices.
We also have the Flag
Gum, Spearmint, Etc.
Leading Brands of Cigars.
Neilson's Famous Ice Cream
at one for
and District for the
FARMERS! Why remain idle all
Winter when you can take up a
paying agency?
Choice list of varieties for Spring
Planting. Liberal Terms Haand-
soine free Outfit. Exclusive Terra
Write now for partioulars
Stone & Wellington
The Fonthill Nuseries
(Established, 1837)
I .L..?CAL NE °° S,.:1
Get out the snowplow.
C Luber will make no shipment of
hogs next week.
A fine assortment of new suit cases
just opened ups All prices. C Fritz.
We have many lines which will
snake useful Xmas Gifts. Call and
see us. 0 Fritz.
Mr. Ld Schnell, of near Moosejaw,
Sask., is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Schnell, at present,
Mr John Daer, of Blyth, and Mr
Albert Deer, of Streetsville, are visit•
ing at the home of Mr S McBride.
We have a few ready trimmed hats
kit which we are clearing out at be-
low cost while they last. T L 'Wurin,
Hess, the Jewellers, have been ap-
pointed agents for the New Bracelet of
l+riendship. "Ad -A -Link". 25 tie
per Link. Initials engraved free,
We have a few Ladies and child-
ren's coats left which -we are offering
at greatly reduced prices for cash or
trade. Ruby & Gascho.
Owing to our mill running night
and day, we have a large quantity of
mill feed on hand. Will sell bran at
$21 and shorts at $24 per ton • while
it lasts. H Cook, Sons & Co., Hen-
The tax collector was a busy man
on Wednesday and many thousands of
dollars were taken in. Some taxes
are still unpaid and the extra charges
will now be added when they are
A full-sized blizzard arrived hereon
Tuesday and the "beautiful snow" is
everywhere. The mail couriers bad
some difficulty in malting their rounds
but the roads are now nearly all open-
ed up. The sleighing is good and
touch teaming is being done,
The Second Regular Storm Period
conjoins its center with that of the
Earth's winter solstice period on the
15th.. It extends from about the llth
to the 18th, inclusive. Phenomenal
storms will pass across this continent,
beginning in the west about the nth
and reaching the Atlantic coastsand
ocean about the 17th to 18th.
On and touching Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday, the 20th, 21st and
22nd, a storm center, one or more,
will pass from west to east across the
country. This means --a low and fall-
ing barometer, increase in temperature
cloudiness and rain and snow. Each
clay the actual storm areas will advance
further eastward, with rising baromet-
er, change to colder and clearing
weather following from the west.
The iudications are that much stormy
weather, with severe cold, and heavy
general snows, will result at this time
and through all the central and later
parts of the month.
Mrs Manson's many friends are
pleased to see her out again after' her
recent illness.
Mr and Mrs Yule of Fullerton are
visiting at the home of Mr Ross
- Mr Robt Douglas of Saskatoon is
spending a few weeks with his mother.
Airs P Douglas.
Butchering is the order of the day.
Mr and Mrs H Zapfe have returned,
home after a pleasant visit with friends
in Michigan.
117r R N Douglas is making large
shipments of Poultry every week.
Mr C Schrag and Mr Chris Ging'
erich spent a few days with friends
near New Hamburg.
Mrs Thos Dick of Hensall is visiting
at the home of Mr R N Douglas.
Mr Jas Marian and family who
have been residents of our village for
a few years have moved out near
A grand concert will be held in the
School house near the church on the
evening of Dec 23rd. An interesting
program will be rendered.
Our residents were greatly shocked
to hear of the death of Mr :Hobert
Snowden which took place onTuesday,
after only a few weeks illness. He
was taken down with pneumonia and
although everything possible was done
ib was of no avail. He was widely
known in this section, being a breeder
ef;bigb class stock,
By -Law No. 8, 1915.
To take the vote of the ratepay
ere of the Police Village of Zurioh
entitled to vote on money by-laws,
on a question to be submitted
whether the said ratepayers are in
f :yes of a supply of electric power
from the Hydro -Electric) Power
Commission of Ontario, •
a. e e et Mnni ipal Council
of the Corporation of the Township
of flay deems it advisable to .sub-
mit,the ratepayers of said Police
Village of Zurich entitled to vote
on money by-laws a qnostion as to
whether the s.,ia1 rat"pay'ers ars`in.
favor of a supp'y of eleatrio power
frond the Hydro- S'eotric Po Her
Cotnniir'Siun of Ontario. th
TREREN'oRE The Councill of e
Corporation of the Township of
Hay enacts es follows :
1. THAT the following questiou
hesubmitted to the ratepayers of
the Municipal Corporation of the
Police Village of Zurich entitled to
vote on money by-laws:
ARE You in favor of obtaining
from the Hydro-Eleotrio Power
Commission of Ontario a supply of
Electric Power.
2 That the votes said
ratepayers shall be t iken on this
question at the following time and
place and by the Deputy Returning
Officer and Poll Clerk hereinafter
mentioned, that is to, say: On
Monday, the Tenth day of January
A D„ 1916, beginning at Nine
o'clock in the forenoon and son
tinning until Five o'clock in the
afternoon of the same day at the
Town Hall in the Police Village of
Zurich; William G. Hess, Deputy
Returning Officer, Samuel E. Faust,
Poll Clerk.
3. A true copy of this by-law
shall be published i1: iii.• ollowing
uewspaper.on the digs hr: inafter
mentioned. Chet is to say In the
Zurich Herald, a n ' epaper
published in the '' nioipal
Corporation of the Township of
Hay, continued in at least one
00 tuber of such paper each week:
for three successive weeks, the
date of the first publication being(
eh si/'
the 17th day. of Deeeizz ber, 1915, and
the same is hereby ratified, confir-
med and acloptect' by the Councils l
the Corporation of the Township of
Hay ; and a copy of ,this by -la w
shall be posted at the 'Town Hall,the Post Office, the Township
Clerk's O,ffloe.and the Herald print.
ing office.
4 On the 3rd day of January, 191f1
at his office in the Council Cham-
bers 00 Victoria Street in the Pol-
ice Village of Zurich at two o'cioclt
in the afternoon the Reeve will ii
writing signed by him appoint two
persone to attend at the final sum -
wing up of the votes by the Clerk
of this Township and one person. to
attend eaoh polling place on behalf
of the persons interested in and
desirous of the answering of the
said ques:iou in the affirmative,
and nlike number on behalf of the
persons interest in and desirous of
that answering of the saicl question
in the negative respectively:
5. The llth day of January. 1916,
at the said Council Chamber Town
Hall, Zurich, at twelve o'clock in.
the forenoon is hereby appointed
for the suminin; up by the Clerk of
of this Township of the number of
votes given in the affirmative find
in the negative respectively,
nd Enacted this
llth day of December, A. D , 1915
F. Hess, Sr.,
Take notice the above is a true
Dopy of a by-law passed by the
Municipal Connellof the Corpora_
tton of the Township of Hay on the
11th day of December., A. D., 1915,
And Further Take Notice that at
the hour, day and place therein fix
ed for -taking the votes of the elect
ors the polls will be held.
First publication the 17th day of
December, A. D., 1915.
Dated at Zurich, December 1.3th
1915 F, Hess, Sr., Clerk.
The Ooporation of the
Township of Hay1
To Authorize the Borrowing of $5668,37 by the Issue and Sale of .Debent
• tures, to provide for the Cost of a plant to distribute Electric Power to 1.e
supplied by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the
Police Village of Zurich.
Whereas by By-law duly assented
to by the rateatayers entitled to
vote on money by laws of the
Police Village of Zurich in tbe
Township of Hay in the County of
Huron the said ratepayers deolared
that they are in favor of obtaining
from the Hydro -Electric Power
Commission of Ontario a supply of
Electric power for the said Police
Village under Aot and amendments
And whereas the board of Trus-
tees of the said Police Village have
requested the Council of the said
Township of Hay in which the
Police Village is situated to issue
debentures as provided in the
Power Commission Act and to levy
and collect a special rate upon the
rateable property in the said Police
Village for the payment thereof,
such debentures to be fur the sum
of $5668, 37 in .all, repayable with
interest as hereinafter set forth,
which is the amount of the debt
intended to be created, hereby
being the amotint reignited to pro-
vide for the cost of work, piant,
machinery and appliances neces-
sary for the distribution of .C+le,
trio Power in the said Village to be
supplied by the Hydro•Eleotrie
Power Commission of Ontario.
And whereas the Council of the
Corporation of the Township of
flay deems it advisable to submit
to the ratepayers of the said Police
Village entitled to vote on money
by-laws, this by-law to provide for
the issue of said debentures and to
issue the said debentures if this
by law shall be duly assented to by
the ratepayers of the said Police
Village entitled to vote onmoney
by laws,
And whereas it is desirable to
issue the said debentures at one
time and to make the principal of
the said debt repayable in ;yearly
sums, being, the ourroncy of said
debentures, said yearly sums being
of such respective amounts that the
aggregate amount payable each
year for principal and interest in
respect of the said debt shall be as
nearly as possible equal to the am
ount payable in each of the other
years of the said period.
And whereas the total amount
to be raised annually by special
rate for paying+the:said debt and
interest as hereinafter provided is
$390.00, the same to be levied upon
the rateable property in the said
Police village.
Arid whereas the amount of the
whole rateable property of the said
Township of Hay according to the
last revised Assessment loll there
of is $2,419,333.
And whereas the amount of the
existing debenture debt of the said
Township is $30 000, which amount
has been incurred wholly for local
improvement purposes.
And Whereas the amount of the
whole rateable property of the'said
Police Village of Zurich according
to the last revised Assessment Roll
thereof is $168,000.
And Whereas the amount of the
existing Debenture debt which is
leviable upon the said Police Vil'l-
Age is nothing.
Therefore the Council ' of the
Corporation of the Township of
Hay 'enacts as follows
1, That for the purpose aforesaid
it shall be lawful for the Reeve and.
Treasurer of the said Township to
borrow the sum of $5668.37 and to
issue and dispose. of Debentures of
the said Township Corporation . to
the air punt of in all of $5668,37,
such debentures to be for „ the
amounts and payable as hereinaf t
er set forth which debentures shall
be issued at ono time and dated of
the date of issue and shall be pay.
able in accordance with the next.
succeeding clause hereof and shall
be issued in stuns of not less than
$100.00 each, and all shall be Pay-
able within thirty years thereafter
as hereirutfter stated, at the office
of the Treasurer of the said Town
2. The said Debentures shall be
payable in thirty annual install
ments during the thirty years irlext
after the issue Ther sof and the re
speotive amounts' of prinoipial and
interest payable during eaoh of the
f�lao'li Interest Principal Total
k',aar' AA, nntl.ti1l
in 111dr
a, I i,'i'u �''+, . 1:1,.0('.00
2 ltl"r'.43 82 51 890 00
3 302.112 87.09 390,00
4 294'143 91 87 390 00
5 298.08 96 92' 890.00
6 287,75 108 25 390.00
7 282.12 117,88 ' 390 00
8 276.18 113.82 390.00
9 26992 120.08 390.00
• 10 263.32 126,68 - 390.00
11 256.35 183,65 390.00
12 249.00. 141,00 399.00
13 241,24 148,76 890.00
14 233.07 15693 390.00
15 224.42 165.58 390.00
15 215,23 174 77 ' 390.00
17 20.5,70' .1.84 21 301.00
Id 193 56 190 4J J90.00
19 18488 ,20519 13'40.0:
20 173 00 216 40 390.00
21 " 161.69 228.31 39U. 00
92 149.18 240.h7. 4190.00
23 135 88 254.12 390 00
!4 I21,90 288.10 390, U(
25 107,15 282 84 30t3 01
26 9I,60 :3tr,0
!7 7519 298 ',31.4 8I40 330900:t()(01,
28 157 88 332 12 390 , if
21) 39 til 350.39 390 (0
30 20.33 360,57 390 to
.1. Each of the said debentote
shall be signed by the Reeve tarsal
Treasurer of the said township and
the Clerk of the said '1 ownshi}r
-hall nett„eh thereto the Corporate
ieaal 01 the saiaTewnship anti the
:aid Debentures shall bear interest
at tLe fel to of Five and one half per
eat nor t, noun, payable yt'nr17 n1
the office of the Township Treae,rn'
on ti, 31st da.v of Dieoiiiber i1,
;ch and every year during the cot
encs thereof,
l The nrnr:'eds of the said Del.
>.ntures shall he paid by the Town
,hill Treasurer to the Corporation
of the Board of Police Trnstees for
the said Police Village of Zurich,
to be applied for the purpose afore.
-t 01 and for no other purpose
1)orin the nurrenev of -the
aicl debentures thi'ir shall be raiei
ed, levied and collected annually
by special rate on all rateable
pr,it arty in the stid Police Village
of Znrieh the sum of390 Co in eaoh
of the said thirty years aforesaid
for the, payment of the principal
money anti interest payable in each
year npon the said debentures.
6. That the votes of the said rate
payers of the said Police Village
shall be taken on thi-t by-law on
the Tenth day of January, A. D
1916. ,it. the 'Pawn Hall, in the said
Police Viliasze of Zurich, nommen-
oing at the hour of Nine, o'clock I
A. M , and continuing until Five P
t}. by William ci Hess, as Deputy
•ftetnrning Officer and Samuel E
l+ntust as Poll Clerk.
1.'111, 111ct 1 e'c r."1,,,1 441 tal,ti dais
00 `l'own 1::1,1. 111 \i])10
of. Zurich at t 1 2 i r
1 is t i tlto (Pare
noon to ttppoinl pr.!r{+Ins to iittenl
at thin polling' plaee aforesaid Land
at the dual summing' up of the
votes by the Clerk on behalf of the
persons interested in, and promot'
ing or opposing the passing of this
by-law respectively,
8, The llth day of .January, A': D:,
11110, at the said Town Hall, Zurich,
at tate hour 0f 12 o'clock in the
forenoon, is hereby appointed for
the summing up by the ()Jerk ;;01';
this Corporation of the'nuutbor of
votes given for and against the
said by-law,
9. This by-law shall take effect
open, from and after the final pass
ing thereof,
Provisional sly Passed the lith:
ii;ej' of Decent ht r 19,5.
Take police that the above is a.
rite copy of a .proposed - .By Lew
.1 111c 11118 bean taken into . oonsicl
tulICU Clod wl 1011 will be finally
seed 11v rites (.nneil of the Town
ire .'t' Hay in tbe event of the
assent of the elector'e of the Police
Village of Zurich being obtained
thereto, after one month from the
rr-t publication in the Zurich
Herald, said first publication being
on the 17th day of December, A D,,
1915, and at the hour, day and
place therein for the taking of the
votes of the electors, the poli will
be held, (Signed) F. Hess, Sr,,
wnAhip Clerk;
A leaseholder who is entitled to
vote on this by-law is one who has
a lease of property in the Police
Village of Zurich which extends
over the ensuing thirty years,
wlio is entitled to vote on money
by-laws /trill for which property he
or she is rated on the last revised
Assessment Roll to the amountof
at least $100;00 and who, under
his er her own lease, has covenant
ed to pay all Municipal taxe-t in
respect of property leased (other
than those assessed for local tm
provements) provided, however,.
that every leaseholder who desires
to vote on the said By -Law must
file at the office of tbe 'Township
Clerk at least ten days prior to the
date of voting, a statutory deolear
ation stating shat his or her lease
meets the above requirements.
The names of the leaseholders ne
g]ecting to file such a declaration
will not be planed on the Voters
List tor such voting.
F. Hess, Sr., Township Clerk,
r 75., • .-
Wo carry a lace stoc'i: of storm sash and storm
doors, made any size or style.
Shingles, lumber,lata.i and all planing mill
Estimai es given and contracts taken. Office
at planing hill.
LI! yr I
I Cis
hle Equipm
We handle the mostimprovecd Stable Equip.
meat on the marliet.-Farmers, fit your stables
in a modern end sanitary way and you will be
well repaid for the extra cost by the increased
results. Get our prices.on
Stanchions, Water;, Bowls and
r eafiq„�
Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. , „ •. .�,
We recently installed an outfit of stanchions and fixtures for John
Erb, Bronson Linn n'nel pttrrte. Interested are welcome to inspect same,
We also
install equ ments
of every kind
See us
about it