HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-11, Page 8'1 Lathes' C ('otic SO1044011 is; itrrt arrii" W(k' would. be p1,':t»eil ,v you the leading nio•.lels ut the season do Ladies' ttuil Gr' nth. VIe are sure it ,could ple,tsse a ea pi oflt you to spend a lit! ie t•'att,• 1,0l ing over our various Bans iter Goods We aro ready to se lalily your wants in the line of heavy Dress Goods (lt� en in dines, til 1'4ThipUOrent Vth Velveteens, llaeavti (.'locking, etc.. Men c' ear E have re:voi1Y 1•:d((l in stook a find range of _Mao's and Local News � n are wallmade� Boys' Suits. 1 t o LOCA-1.4M.�11 L Lary Corrected every Thursday, Butter $0.26 Eggs....... ...... . ..... ' 82 Dried Apples 05 Potatoes 75 Wheat new .95 .96 ()pals-. ..„... ....... 85 35. `40 45 Barley i3twit w'heat 60. l+llir 2.75 S.25 Bran .$25.0Q :shorts 28.00 Low G rade 85.00 Live flogs fob Hensall....... 8.75 in new stylea and are ri.,lht in every respect. We can a'aye > ort hones on your new wait. \V'e' tufa also a lot of nice (3verc ants. Wei t,, Col • Ties , Hats, Can , rll„ves, has,u Socks, etc, etc. 1 l'in'ler ,will please leave at this office. Mr and Mss J P Rau returned 'last. 1 Miss Pearl Warta is visiting reg latives in Guelph for a few weeks, Lost—A ten dollar bill in Zurich, A l' .Z-' iati a',, special prize was olil:rtid at Spell- eeavilie Fair for the biggest family on the ";rounds, and was carried off. by Mrs. Kingston al'Grovoton and liar six stalwart sons clad le khaki. Two of these were Captain Kingston of the 55th Lisgal' Rifles and Private J. E. Kingston of the 2nd Battalion, let Canadian Expeditionary Force, who' has been invalided home. IIe has had two bullets removed, but is said to still carry four about with him. ;Their presence and that of other mil. itary men gave a distinct military aspect to tl Fair. JKDER- BAR e {;man Brand r,>9 We carry PEN -MAN'S Superilino trai Wool Underwear for women imen. : These 'garments are well e of pure wool, unshrinkable We nit early thus enabling us to sell at rices while our stock lasts. We have pure white all wool underwear idies as wall as fleeced lined and e>r chaapar '.toes Sweeter Coats Monarch Brand, We have the r1ONARCH KNIT 4ater Coats again in stock in new les. All the different colors and s for men, women and children. oes Right. 6Give us a call. o tr®table to show goods. Fresh Grr'oceries aalways on hand. RUBY and GAS -C'= PHONE 17 ra Fa iday night from a visit with rela- tivesin Michigan. (.;ur Xmas bon•bens, etc., now in •;tuck. A good se'.eetion, Mrs McCor-. ar'elc. A dandy line of fine felt slippers. 1 Just tl,e thing for Xmas gift "to a j lady. 0 Fritz, I I handle the Gray gasoline engines and repairs for the sane, Get my prices. L Prang, Zurich. • The members of the Maple Leaf ' Chib e,itcr'tained their friends to an- t alinr social evening last Thursday e enin ,. Mr John Attlee of Walkerton, is rc Hawing acquaintances here at present. Mr Ai ti:e lista in this section about 1 forty years ago. l L Wurm has started a voting 1 roniest for a beautiful doll, A 10 cent leash purchase entitles anyone to enter See his ad for particulars. Neat Wear esday the last meeting, for 1915 of Ilay council will be hela. It is also the last day to pay your taxes unless ) o.i want to pay the extra charges. The Christmas entertainment of t'ie .14th con. Evangelical church will be held on Sunday evening, -Dec 26th at 7 80 o'clock, The beautiful c tntata, "The Star of Blessing," will be rendered by the S School scholars. Doors open at 6 -15. Admission, adults 20 cents, children 10 cents. With one exception, Bruce County has given the most of any county in the Province of Ontario for patriotic purposes, being exceeded only by the County of Huron, and even in this Bruce set the example for Huron to follow, but it stands to Huron's credit that this county went one better. WANTED: An industrious man who can earn $100 per month expens- es selling our Products to farmers.. Must have some means for starting ex- penses and furnish Contract signed by two responsible men. Address W T Rawleigh Co., Ltcl., Toronto, Ont., giving age, occupation and references. Cause for Alarm. One of the best known newspaper men in Canada is Victor Ross, Finan- cial Editor of The Globe, who for some weeks back has been lying ill in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Mr. Ross has a multitude of friends in all walks of life who visit him from time to time. These include His Grace • Archbishop McNeil, who, though of different faith, cherishes for him a kindly regard. His Grace resides near Wellesley Hospital, and frequently drops in to have a chat with such while heents as was sito ting with M e knows. One w Ross, Mr. John Thompson, ex -Chief of the Toronto Fire Brigade, called to see the newspaper man, and, as the nurse did not deem it advisable that her patient should see two visitors at once, was asked to wait a few min- utes. A little later, Murdoch Mc- Donald, the well known City Editor of The Mail and Empire, arrived on a similar mission and asked if •he could see. Mr. Ross. "I don't know," said the lady at the office. bishop McNeil is with him now, and Chief Thompson is waiting." "The Archbishop and the Fire. Chief here!" exclaimed McDonald. "My God! Is he worse?" The People came from neat' a' nc1far To spend their money at aR , evre d ti ref M4Y.e Is right. Will you be among the throngs this year. S ecttLZ MUSic even clam mi, the ul"eu' Edison, f17f01IC1 _DiSO Stl'zG112e1Lt. Oi:i1' Si01a1L Shop Early r k Big sale of Fancy China at 100, 15c and 20e o Dandy stuff, to see it is to buy it Dandy brush and comb sets in boxes, 25c, 35o, 50e Dandy Brooches, best quality, in boxes, 50c Dales Chocolates, in boxes, 25e up Willard's Chocolates, in bulk, 300, 40c' 50c, 60c lb Si ecial in for Xmas andies of all sorts at short Prices. Salted peanuts, roasted peanuts r :: ; other nuts. Also oranges, etc. s IsI m p1 411E:QUESTION .1s easily decided if you buy a McCiary Kitchener Range. This firm has been making stoves for 60 years. Or a Superb Favorite, made in Sarnia. The third generation,. generation of this firm is now making stoves. Now if you buy one of the above makes of stoves, you will not make a miss shot, but hit the goal every time. And then for cheapness vie can knock out any departmental store in Canada. Cook Stove, with reservoir burns wood or coal for $18.00 up. Look at the cut of the above range with reservoir warming closet, the back in closet and thermoneter, highly nickeled, guaranteed in every way for $38.- 00 cash. Hundreds of people of Zurich and vicinity tesify that the best stoves are al- ways sold at Hartleibs. URON'SILARCEST C 9 6gGg IES ATBON STORE PHONE 13 ZURICH hig 1st we started.a Voting Contest which slmula prove of great interest to everybody. For Zurich or district. A a�- rent purchase entitles you toe votes, a $1 puicha three reliable men and the girl for evening of December 24th at 10 o'clookwhen the vote's will be counted by whom the.largest number of votes have heen cast will be pretented with a beautiful, life size full -dresses[ Doll entirely free of ebarge ; Anyone can enter this contest. See this beautiful l oil on display at ����=ur store. On December every cash purchase often cents, a vote will be eiven se to o10 votesost an t sorlol lar miss inThe conte t will end on the A50- Ladies' Ladies' W' ''e uartment Table Covers d►;c Terry Cloth JUDGE DOYLE RESIGNS Judge Bernard Louis Doyle, of Goderich, senior judge of Huron County, has resigned. He has attain- ed the age of compulsory retirement. He was horn at Dundas in 1840 ana. received his education at the Gabriela Grammar School. He practiced law in Goderich for many years and was made judge in 1888 and senior judge in 1908. $5.85 cash and 54 per month for 11 months will nt a No, 30 Diamond Alt', -rola, with 12 Edison Blue *I ,mbercl ndestructable R. ,irds in your home. This Instrument is built the 'ne as larger Edi: -ons, is gear •iven, and a clear speaker, has enc1L.7'.'l horn, a goad all round In- rutnent. ,Ask to hear it. We carry a large stock of the newest re yds for this lnytrunnent Each record plays 4t minutes. ring your friends to Powell's Bazaar .cross from the Bank of Commerce, n isappearing, if you want any obrne soon; vells C.Ji'v, 1 p.o011 W 27 inches wide for fancy towels or We have received a nice line o stand covers. Table Covers, Pillow Shams, Side Ope Eg�br'dF'.ry Drapes and Centre Pieces suitable for Xtnas gifts in euchre and white, A large supply ot crystal rope embroidery, 3 skeins for 25 cents, Ladies' Collars during December HURON COUNTY BATTALION Orders hays bean issued to raise a battalion for overseas service to be raised in Huron County only, to be called the 161st Batt', 0 B F. It will be officered by 33rd officers. The men will train ab borne for the winter A recruiting office. has been opened in Hensall for this district and Lieut. C S Hall of Clinton will be there and pleased to give information about anything. Enlist now, Youare needed. Something new in ladies' Collars. Royal Floss You must see these In white only geldings Floss for fancy 25c and 35e each. work, 6 skeins fort25o, during Dec. A. Suitable Gift Cushion Cord. A specially large silk Muffler, 10 In all the leading shades, 50c each. inches wide and 44 inches long, makes makes a beautiful gift for a friend, ags In white, black and tan. These A nice line ladies' handbags at 25c. lt LChoce Altona Gloves muff's, 's, c . kid gloves are highly recommended All our fur mnffs and stoles will fer their splendid wear and It be sold at greatly reduced •prices, GroeerleS' andies NOTES ABOUT 1916,-- 1916 will be Leap Year. Good iL'riday falls on April 21st and Easter Sunday on April 28rd. :ting George's Birthday Juno 3rd. He commences the 7th year of his reign on May 6th. Dominion Day comes on a Saturday Christmas will be on Monday. There will be 8 eclipses of the sun and 2 of the moon. Most of the quintette will be invisible in Canada. January will have 5 Sundays so will April, July, October and December. Marriageable maidens will have special privileges. Young fellows and desirable old bachelor sbor`yld get ,,+f^ trim?'11.eV.01, l/;u,";�.-..«.....-.... kge A. fresh stook of groceries, Candies, Nuts, Peels Oranges, Fruits, Lemons, etc. Child's Sleepers In white at 75 cents each. Toilet Articles A large stook of toilet articles such as Perfumes, Witch Hazel Cream, Tooth Pastes, Talcum Pow.. der, Cold Cream, Florida Water, Peroxide, eto, Millinery at Half Price All millinery at half 'price. i Fancy China We have put in stock a nice range of china dishes—Born Bons, Cream and Sugar, Rose Bowls, Hair Boxes Spoon Trays, etc, See our window display , Toys for the i iddies We have a large assortment of Toys, etc , for children. See ot'tr display. A FEW SPEOI LS 3 lbs molasses snap cakes 25c. 1.ib good. Japan tea 25c. 3 canstoilet sles og 25:c.250. 3 cans Norway smoked sardines, reg 15� eachTalcumor 25c. P wider for 25�es p 3 boxes Sweetheart mostaaMtwarsalau� maarreimagemeteentom en's ;p itart Prins l aux t re o SUITS and. OVERCOATS lo' nt c Commencing on December ,itis we will put on 1 ale of tntnt be stire tookoi i r ot Men ss ofd Boys' Clothing l tii 'will n Overcoats. cats. Wotaro going out of obese lines and g 5 sell t er thanyou con bnv frnin the wholesale houses i otwt tor oar chance l'for as �1,1burg til. 0 suits for$5,50, elow flat t e r 1 them C p are only a few values. Ile„alar :i;l,i snits for $J. Regule ry Regular $12.50 overooats tor $8, Regular $11 overcoats is for $5,00. Regular ular $3.50 overcoats f.>i• 6 Regula $6 o Overcoats for $3.25. A few boys overcoats at $1 N.t "28 Z ICH