HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-11, Page 5„,,.., . Tee t!..,;:,,pyrainvchlti c",'•• el,- - — I r..7.2„...7,5,4......../.4,4,............ -..........i. New acL8 in ergs iSeiga: • ' '” n''''""Th'''''''''''''''''',',".9”7.,!°,., ----...,,,. • ' till :::: EVAN. QIIITROII 8ERVICIES,. 11 " c„A L NEw'-- s ' 0J..,,.,I1),reeietter„,... : .... . . L1 1 . Poweire Bazaar . — I 1 Gi,J., Ali., Sliteesvesaartc,; r.) Sunpay, German 11.00 oi Sunday. School 9,45 " " Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 m. • (Service) English 7,00 " Teachermeeting 8,00 " Mon., Tri -Ma. Brotherhood 8.00 Tuesday, Y. P, A. 8.15 " Wednesday Prayer Meeting 8.00 " Friday Teachers Training Class 7,80 aboir practice 8,80 " " Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday of each month at 7,80 p. m. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES German, Sunday English A C Bible School ` 9.00 a, in. Men's Mis'n'ry Tuesday 8,00 p. rn Luther League Friday 8.00 p. L A S 1st1'Vecls'y of month 8.00 p, 1T/ You are cordially invited to take itn active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Luke 11.28, 10.8'0 a. m, 7.30 p. m. Andrew F. Hess CON VEYANCING,. ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GL ABS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT Lola,. CO. ACCOUNTS Comertbutri ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich Zurich 1,eat ‘'‘ MARI ET • :DEALERS IN1 Fresh and Salt Meats Boio.gm'a SaUsagcs, etc CASK „FOR SK1NS & 1111 -)ES Irumgblut & Deioltert ATAIT6tOrg PINgtT (14,N3)Igt1 A now shipment just in of Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can: buy. .A. large variety of Comic, • Patriotic, Scenic, • etc., Post Cards, all prices. • We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brands of Ciders. Neilson's Famous Ice Cream McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT WAV.M5194•Ni.f, • esee, etree A RE l?RESENTATIVE o t one for ZT_I RIC a and District for the OLD RELTA.BLE FONTHILL NURSERLES FARMERS! Why renmin idle all Winter when you oan take up a paying agency? Chotoe list of varieties for Sprirg Planting, Liberal Torrns Hand- some free Outfit. Exclusive Terra itory. Write now for partioulars Stone & 'Wellington The Vonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO Mrs McCormick was in Londe Wednesday, on business, For Sale—A young calf. Apply John Gellman, Zurich, Mr al a Mrs Wes Merner. of • Ba field vierted relatives here oyer Sul day, I), Joseph Dau Cook, Sons & Co, to , •-• STRAYED y. • rom pasture field on lot 18, con, 7, a 1 year old.steer, dark red color, , dehorned,:and pi ring in right 'ear, 11 Strayed away Within 'last three woks d Notify Jos'Foster, Jr, _Babylon Lit', 11. No 8; Zurion We have many lines which wi make useful Xmas Gifts. Call an see us. 0 Fritz.. Miss Marie Ducharme, of Goderich is spending a month at her home on the Bronson Line, J , Jr., returned on Monday from a business trip to Stratfoid, Palmerston and Walkerton.. Mrs John Kipper, and Miss Maty Ripper, of Biggar, Sask, are visiting relatives here at present. The voting contest for the big doll at T L Wurm's store is going on •mer- rily. Any body can enter. Try and win it. We have a:few ready trimmed bats lett which we are cleating out at be - loin cost while they last. T L Wit Hess, the Jeweler, have beau ap- poi u Led agents for the New Bracelet of • Friepdship. "Ad -A -Link". 25 cts per Link. Initials engraved free, We bave a few Ladies; and child- ren's coats left -which we are offering at greatly reduced prices for cash or trade. Ruby & Gascho. •Oeing to our mill running night end day, %*e .have.a large quantity of mill feed' oU 'hand. 'Will sell bran at $21 and shorte"at $24 per ton while it lasts. E Cook, Sone i;•• £JQ., Han- sa. • • Past estimates place the number. deer killed in a season in Ontario 15,000 or higher, Last year the nu ber was substantially inereased owi to the extension of the seacon tin December 15th for settlers. This ye however, it is expected that fully 2 000 deer, and possibly a much great number, will have been killed at t conclnsion,of the season. The increa is stated not to be entirely due to th extension of the season for settler howdver. Sportsmen from eyere pa of Ontario this season seem to ley elan. en unusual i n te res t • gala hunting., GOOD 'ADVICE of at m - ng til ar 0, er he Se is 5, ri, If a promoter tries to sell you stocks that will double in a year and promises to pay 10 per cent annual dividend, bo assured that eomebody is trying to make an easy living on your hard earned cash. Don't bo a fool. Lead that stocir promoter to the front door and gently kick him over ip to the next connty.—Exchange HICKS' FORECAST The First Reactionary Storm Period is central on and touching the 91h and lOth: The December solstice period will make itself felt at this time, and boreal storms of wind and snow will begin to rush out of the polar regions ' in good shape." From this period, to the end of December, and into January, 191G,, look for marked wintee stormy and weather. The Venus period, as shown by tbe December storm dia•gram, will acid its strength be the mi.1-wenter turmoil. FROM SEAMANS (Sask) GAZETTE A quiet wedding took Waco at the residence of Mr E Hampson on Third Avenue, Seamans, on Thursday Nov 13 the contracting parties being Miss Laura Casson, and Mr A J Shettler all of Semans. The bride wile very beautifully gownerl and was attended by Mrs J W Shetbler, while the interests of the groom was looked after by his brother, Mt) J W Shettler, After the ceremony which was performed by. Rev H R Vessoy, the wedding porty enjoyed a dainty lunch served ender the direction of Mrs Hampson, The bride is one of &mans' popular young ladies, while the groom is a successful business man. Congratnla- tions and best wishes. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Almanac. The Rey Irl R Hicks 1016 Almanac is by fel: the finest, largest and best ever before printed, The Hicks storm and weather faecasts for 1-915 again have proven their truth andN'alue'and ibis splendid Almanac for 1910 should flea its way straight into every home and officio in America, The Rev Irl Hicks Magazine, Word and Works, and his unique Alm ten tee should always go together both fm. only one dollar a year, The Almanac alone is 85e, prepaid. Send to 'Word and Works Publielaing Company, 8401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo, FARM F SALE Also 1-!ouse, Lotand 1 Acre Liol, 20, N. B., Township of !fay, 100 Irdles, all elated, all geed c:ay land, orchard, beets Larn, d nettle ebect good dwelling, etc., cie teed ' by Mr, Jocob Moyer, :1r. This faint is si tecl 2i1,- miles from Zw ich, with tele- phone incl free mail delivery. Half mile from good public schooi. Farm will be sold at a reasonable price. Also dwelling house, with stable and one acre of land for sale. -All hinds of fruit treesig,nd good well on the premises. This property is 'situa- ted at Wagner's Corner and will be sold with above farmor separately. For further particularapply to Jacob bfeyer, Jr,, R. R. No. 2, Zurich; FAH 4 ,a • FOR SALE ,Lot 22, Con„0, Hay, s3 apres 1 y measurement of. rich claya loam, 70 acres cleared, remaiuder in good hard- wOod'hu-sh, 7 acres of fall wheat, a splendid young littering orchard, a good bank barn, 513x60, with . large driving shed. ' An np-to-date large brick d welting with 'slate roof, a' never failing eel!. This choice farm is 8-2. miles from Hensel), the best• market in the. Counpy, 8 milcs from Zurich, with telephone and Rural delivery, and .4- milt) from school, Farm -will be sold on easy terms to snit the par. chaser; ap.ply on premises or Box 75, Ilensall. Chas. McAllister, XMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN assitied Ads LEGAL. :cAnvs. PROUDFOOT, KILLOBAN, A PROUD - FOOT, Barristers, S0lieitor5, Notariea Paha° &e. Office, on the Square, 2nd door frotn Goderich, Private funds lo loan at lowest rates W. PitotroFooT, L O. J, L. K1LLORAN, • IW. PROUD:FOOT, JR, MEDICAL CARDS ble A. 3. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, E ri e County Hospi tal, Ibtirolo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity llopital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. lir N. F,tSchram;'"Itain:Hotise • Sgigeon and House PbysiCiail .of Victoria Hospital, London (1 adeete of b acuity ef Medicine of • eetern Ul1I yereity, London. Mein Office at Dashwood, Ont. Vis.ts Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. History of the TOW11Ship of Hay and the. 'Village of Zuricli \Ve have published in bo(d, formJiieitriy history 01 Township and, Of e Zu;ioh, writl by My .l. To \t Ship Gleilc A liwit•f•ql. (if- tiles • 1.)uoks have lieet; 11, Ty or copies of t - 0an h P]O(:Ui 1 a th:.s or vi Ili,.14114 hy I: stiill.of 0.5 CO;i.:; 11. 1r 1 • 1. rr L111'1(.71 • _ For The Muskoka Free Hospital' For 1 hrq Constunptiyes 8685 Teachers throughout Ontario have had Xmas Seals placed in their hands, -761Banks will shortly receive the Seale. Some of the other Organ- izations which are already' at work are Merchants, I\ benufactures, La Wyere, Real Estate and Insurance melt • Oyer forir million. •Xepa•s Seals have already been piepared and further iss- ues are exeeeted to follow. The necessity of the Xml.s Seal Campaign is clearly showo in the following statement, issued by the Naiional Sanitarium Association: - Tuberculoeis kiliol 2294 persons in Ontario -alone in 1918 - One every four hour. . • 3.1riberculoeis hulk one tenth to I one - seventh of all oar people. Tuberculosis kills one third of all who die betweeu the ages of 1$ and 45. Supplies of 'Knees Seals may be bad by writing the Sanitarium 'Headquar- ters, 228 Collette Street, Toronto, Opt- ario. The Loam AcinAser THREE EDITIONS MORNING, NOON, NIGHT Western Ontario's Greatest Daily &laze JY'ezvs all -hhe Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2 a year Circulation Dept., London Advertiser:-..1tilinignmovur!iii, WE tel Weliereilte the InestimproVed Stable' Equip- •• '11:7.ii• numb' on the market. Farmers, fit yOriv stables • -,%••t. hi a Modern and, sanitary way and you will be well repaid for the extra oast by the increased results. Get our prices on . ' ' ' • Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. E •1), brunsou Line, aza.parties infierested are weleme to inspEot.,4, ----------7.---,...,.zz"-.----, -----.A.-=--------- Wemirocertlyiiis- lailedila: outfit of stanchions well fixtures for .31 .L tr „. _ , --'------=.1 \i'Ve a so . 1 ..: 1 install equipment of (very kind. See 'us. about it LOUIS PitA14; G e N4E4 19 "i„ t. rioa, a r 1.1 ZURIC Advertise in the H erali al , -f•'.1<11 „ /-14--441\ .• • Prompt Service • Mod eraterha ve es Tailor Shop - and Laundry .151¢1=0=Issons...11 km. ill c.FMA t'U e Ho 1170 rig 1, - Ontaro • 1 i •lee, emmecereeizenzeteramemzememeni="22°F. aaeveie eleY'a,"zea.TP271 Z1 I •- o es, Get "More Money" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to "SHUBERT" the 1z...rifest house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS a reliable—responsible—safe Fur House with an unblemb-hed rep- utation existing for "more than a third of a century," a long suc- cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt ,SATIS FACTORY; AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for'10 folalbert the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for it—NOW—it's FREE B. SHUBERT, Inc. 25-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE Dente 31AC1-IICAGO, U.S.A Vtl.••••••••••4,200/0/1••••••• ^,111111MIIMIMMIIVIEMIIMMIPM 11 Why not give your boy and girl an 14 opportunity to E. make their home P. study easy and effeetire? -Give them the same a' chances to win pro- motion and succoss as the lad having the Ea' advantage of ST9 t: Clubbed with the Zurich Herald, 1- NEW INTERNATIONAL $2.90 a year, for both paper. i Dictionary in his home. This new .... , .. 1 creation answers with final author- .2. fty all kinds of puzzling. questions • -.2. in history, geography, biography, rd spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, I- and•soienees, • - P 'DEBENTURES Issued for Short Term of 'Yea .,5 Coupons Paialle llalfYoariy NEGOTIABLE Assets, $7,48O,339 40)11,0 4.10:61•1 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. E ,T, Over 6000 Illustrations. Colored Plates. r--. 'A The only diotionavy with the Divided Pne. TA --4 The type =atter is equivalent to that -- of 415 -volume encyclopedia. 1--:.--* 5 5 n4oro Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, 5 al and Authoritative than any o tiler Ung- e fish Dictionary. 5 1T-71 REGULAR .1 i- INDIA- ..,1 PAPER i EDITIONS. 5 r, F.sit speeimen pages, L.-- WRITE f or 7.1 11 ustrations, etc, 5 po FREE, a sot of Pocket •.! p6IVIvoarpifou .s yname this 5- M Zurich Agency HERALD OF 11 15 11 •G.& 41 1'1! I 11 ei 11) 14 1 ; Ibe ZURICH MERAL Job Printifl DEPAPA .‘4‘, • L. IS FULLY EQUIPPED TO DO ALL KINDS OF ornmercial and :eaua..-72.mrart-meemarmuwan•corn...maar..vr-rraroatroovr‘ •,rr.rertx-• NT Society Printing ff.re Print En r C / Op S/0 fr ilica(18, ,i..;'/ /j./)( :nip?, 1)04er,9. g. Invitations, ( va s CY! ('('1' 1;? ooks, 8a/e Etc. guarautee careful wovlonanship ni1, our charges are moderate. =Owing to tariff changes nearly nil lilies are advancing. Order DOW and save money "ERA'L. D I 4 ZUC H -• ONT.