HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-04, Page 5THECHURCHES EVAN, CHURCH. SERVICES. Sunday, German 11.00 a, " Sunday, School 9,45 "` Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 p, (Service) English 7.00 " Teachers meeting 8.00 " Mon., Tri•Mu Brotherhood 8.00;" Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 <` Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00 `< Friday Teachers Training �< Class • 7.30 " . choir practice .8.80 " Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday each morally gut 7.•30 p. aas. „ « It f< m. 46 4' Gi <i < « (LOCAL NEWS II 1EAvER MEADOW Illy Oyxns Schoch is all It's a girl. Mr A Horner of Varna spent the week en,cl, under the parental roof. slnilee, Mr and Mrs Ilenty'C'lausius of the of Bronson Line spent Sunday visiting Mr and : Mrs 'Conrad Trueuwer's. LUTHERAN aauRCn SERVICES German, S 2 allay 10.80 a. an. English '" 7.30 p. in. Bible School ` 9.00 a, m. Men's i\Lis'u'ry 8 Tuesday 8:00 p. in, Luther Leagne Friday 8.00 ;p. m. L AS 1st \Vetls'y of month 8;00 p, in, You are cordially invited to take au active part ire all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Lake 11.28, Zurich 'Meet MARKET DEALERS I2N.l Fresh and .Salt Meats Bologna ..Satmests, tic CASH EFOR SKINS & HIDES 'T'ttuig brut Deic iert7 A nimoart .11 A now shipment lust in of Bon Bons, Chocolates, etc. The be . that money can; buy A large variety of Comic,i Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post I Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brands of Cigars. Neilson's Famous lee Cream McCOR.MICK'S RESTAURANT K=id Imo,' w , �j,. A reliable Iran to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK IN ZURICH and HURON O )Unty Short now at the best selling time, ttS d tor ltst of Spring Offerings ncl terms to agents Liberal corn- mi'9ions, Handsome 'Free Outfit, Stone 8. Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO The London Advertiser THREE EDITIONS MORNING, NOON, NIGHT Western Ontario's Greatest Daily li the Hews alt the. Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2'a year Circulation Dept,, London Advertiser Clubbed with the Zurich Herald, $2,00 a year', for both. papers. Arr'angemen'ts are being made for a !Cantata "Star of Blessing" to be given by the Scholars of the Evangelical Sunday 'School. Watch for the date, Mrs Wni Truemoer• and Roy Mei 'nor Fpentthe week end, visiting friends in liensalI. i1Tr and Mrs Menno Rankles of Zurich spent Sunday at J Gascho's. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Almanac., The Rev Irl R Pinks 1910 Almanac i4 by far the finest, largest and hest ever 'before printed. The Hicks storm awl tether forecasts for 1915 again have proven their truth and value, and this splendid Almanac for 1918 should find its way straight into every home and office in:America., The Rev Irl R Hicks Magazine, Word and Worke, and his nniqne Almanac shonld always go together both for only one dollar a year, The Almanac alone is We, prepaid. Send to Word and Works Publishing Company, 8401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (NEWSPAPER FINANCING At a meeting of the Perth and 1:111r - on counties section of the Cana,li Press Association held in Go'lerich ee,.atly, the main topic of discnssi was the proposal to increase the sn serip;ion price of . weekly papers these counties. A peculiarity of newspaper business is that it gives t p•ablic something for nothing, so mu so that the publishers of daily paper which during the war have issn numerous extras, have fonndthat th were losing money, and the more e tras they issued the more they lo because the price for which the pan 4,e1 is rays for only a fraction of t cost of produein„a it. The cost of m teriat and labor has very largely i creased in the last few years and th question of increasing tho subscriptio price of weekly papers to $1 50 is live ane. Manyof our dailies ha. advanced their subscription terms account of increased expenses and looks as if the weeklies sal i,y have t follow suit. In Bruce county the $1.5 rale is being brought into effect an •eat'tailily, taking the increased expens es of a good weekly paper into con sideration, 1,50 is none too pinch There ii no institution which does so Much for a comtnnnity as the "precis, and sometimes some people w uld like even to add to its fnnctiottQ, making it, in effect, detective, constable, mag- istrate and moral r efornler, all free of reward, but should there be any loss of revenue from any stand a paper may taste, these sante p ople are quite willing that the paper shonl5 bear the burden. In all patriotic, philanthropic and progressive movements a news- paper is expected to and does give a large amount of publicity without charge. A careful cotupntation 'by one publisher gives the cost of producing his paper as $1.72 a year, and in the face of such a figure ib does not look reasonable to sell the paper for $l a year. A meeting of'tlio publishers in the counties of Huron and Perth is to be held shn4'tly in Stratford to consirl- or' the question of the advisability of raising the subscription price of week- lies in these counties, and if the $1.50, a yearia'e should be decided ora it should have the approval and support of the public at large. The above which is from The God - arida Star of last week is a matter of ery great importance to newspaper adersand the general public as well s to newspaper pnblishers. We need arcely say that we.. heartily agree with every word The Star says. We o not know what action the news - per' publishers of Huron may take, t we do know front personal expert., ce that they have only two alter. atiyes before thele; Either to increase e subscription price of their papers something near a paying basis or. into bankruptcy. No person can lag stand to sell \what actually costs fire than $1.50 for one dollar and at is what many of the local news - per ptiblishsrs are now doing•µ-Sea- t..i Eilpositor. an re. on 1, in the he cb ed ey st er he a, r_- e n a hay o it O 0 v re a SC pabu en n. t1) to go io t1) Zaa or, To Whom • It May Concern Exeter, November 27tb, 1915• Whereas it is alleged by Mr Henry Walper of the Township of stay, farmer, that Mr Peter Ducbar.nie of the same place, farrier, on the 15th of November ,instant made use�a' words or statements alleging that Mr Weber bad Wiled a man some fifteen years ago, And whereas Mr Ducharnle claim; that his words or statements did not nor were they intended to irupu:te Wan any crime nor dict Mr Ducharme believe not: does ho now believe that Mr Wal.per ever killed a man or •was concerned in any: way in killing, or shooting a human being and has agreed to retract any statement made by him which would in any way ilupnte to hint such crime or reflect Uri his good natnle 0t' character, ` more pnatieuiarly any statements made use of by him on the night:• of the 1511) November in Mr `Pa'per's; house and hereby ofle s NIe \V,t.lp,lr• his full.ss, and most ample apology for any of he statements complained of by 111 m. Witness: signed: G. Stanbury. Peer Doebarrtre, t MEETING OF HURON i.uU:\ T COUNCIL The council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Gotl- erich, on Tuesday the 7th day of Dec- ember next, at the hour of 8 o'clock, Dated Nov 22nd, 1915 W. Lane, Clerk. STRAYED From pique field on lot 18, con, 7, a 1 year old steel', dark red • colo]', dehornecl, and pig ring in right ear. Strayed away within last three weel,s Notify Jos Foster, Jr, Babylon Line, R. lt. No 8, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Also House, LotFand 1 Acre Lot 20, N. B., Township of Hay, 100 acres, all cleared, all good • clay land, orchard, bank barn, drivingshed good awaiting, etc., oared by Mi. Jocob N'leyer, 8r. This farm is siti, t ted,2''Iniles•from Zurich, . with ter. phone and free mail delivery. Hall mile from good public school Faun will •be sold at a reasonable price. Also dwelling house, with stable and one acre of land for sale. All kinds of fruit trees and good well on the premises. This property is situa- ted at Wagner's Corner and will be sold with above farm or separately. For further particulars apply to Jacob „]eyer, .Jr„ 11. 11, No. 2, Zurich; F?M FUR SALE Lot 22, Con 6, Hay, 83 acres by measurement of rich clay: loam, 70 acres cleared, remainder in good hard- wood bush, 7 acres of fall wheat, a splendid young bearing orchard, a good bank batn, 50x60, with large driving shed. An up•to-date large brick dwelling with slate roof,. a never failing well. This chard farm is 8',' miles from flet sall, the hest market in the County; i milks from Zurich, with telephone and Mural delivery, and ?t toile from school, Farm will be sold on easy terms to suit the par• chaser; apply on premises or l3ox 75, liensall. Chas. 11fcA!liter. XMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN For The Muskoka Free Hospital For Consumptives 8085 Teachers throughout Ontario have had Xmas Seale placed in their hands, 761. Yantis will silently receive the Seals. Some of the other Organ- izations which aro already at work are 1Vlerchants, Manufactures, Lawyers, Real Estate and Insurance mon. Oyer font' million Xmas Seals have already been prepared and further iss- ues are expected to follow. The necessity of the Xmas Seal Campaign is clearly shown in the following statement, issued by the National Sanitarium Association: - Tuberculosis killed 2294 persons in Ontario alone in 1918. One every four hours, Tuberculosis kills one • tenth to one - seventh of all our people. Tuberculosis kills one • third of . fill who die between the ages of 1.aa,anrl 45, Supplies of Xmas Seals may be had by Notting the Sanitarium Ifeadquar- hers, 228 Co11ege'Street, Toronto, Ont.. ar]o. Classitied Ads 1 Stall* Equi I Seal .L lameillitz LEGAL :DARDS. l'l 0UDFOOT, KILLORAN, & PROUD- FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goclerich. 1'rivato.funds to loan at lowest rates W. ?EorrhFOOT, K. 0. J. L. KILLORAx, 1W. PR0i71)FooT, JR. MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacRIN.NON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y.. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Ilr'ug store in concoction. Office; Zurich, Out. N. F Sehrarn,''tLate 'House ',tt'goon and house Physician of V;etori a hospital, London, ix .(opiate of Faculty f Medicine of \\ estr.rn Ulllversity, London. Main Office at Dashwood, Out. Visits Shipka 1Vlonclay afternoon of each week. History of the • Township of lay and the Village of Zurich We have published in book form the early history of Huy Township and of the village of Zurich, written by Mr 1". Hess, Sr., Tow oship Clerk. A. limited number of these books have been printed, and a cc py or copies of t11n same can b procured at this office, or wi 1 bo seat by ITt;cil, for 11 e small suiu of 25 cents <'atcll. eru,lci - Zurich • 'UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate;r'haca Tailor Shop and Laundry of { H. HOFF Zurich. ich. - Ontario „� , , <,,„ �,iq�lmumonoinirinumahy �nunuunuunnnnnin� `�. not give your boy and girl an E. opportunity to 3 maketlieirhome study easy and eirectir,+? Give them the same g (quinces to win pro - and .nct0r,3 aN tine lad having the advantage of F s"\-i'ii411 t,[ j JIUI1 alp'ini!t,,,,mmiII, W B op d „R' NEW IITE NATD Pw=L 3 Dictionary in his home. This new .creation .answers with final author2. - = ity all kinds of puzzling questions fi in history, geography,biography, aspellinndscieg,>xprocesn. unciation, sports, arts, a 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages Over 6000,11fustrations: Colored l'lates a The only dictionary with the Divided rage ” The type matter is equivalent to that Of a 15 -volume encyclopedia 3 ivtore Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, and Authoritative than any other Eng- E lish Dictionary. 3 REGULAR 3 i AND e INDIA PAPER EDITIONS '_ spo4 � Y � WRImnn pTE ages, f e s_ ll istrations etc 3 FREE, a est of .Pocitot Maps ii you dame this 3 paper. . G. &. C. ERRIAI GO. 3.. 3 We handle the naostil iproved Stable +drip- naent on the market; Farmers, fib ,yocrr stables in a modern and sanitary way and you Will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased results. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. 1'1 ' installed an outfit of stanchions anti 1'Ixtur, s for J ,E t,, I;r, n „n t loo. ,flocs parties interested are wet „C;i,.r• ', o :n�tCCt P.r ta ami t'1T -o 4V'E J y See us n •,l f� s7C t'7 Carload of e rPs s • i - .-,; •r • • ,Ari 1 ie C. KALPLEjSCH zuRic INE• 'ae7 ; mesa 9 Advertise in she Heral Get "More Money" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foses,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to "SU" largest house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW PIM areliable—respell sible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rep- utation existing for "more than a third of a century." a long suc- cessful record of sending Fur Shippers pronipt,SATTS FACTORY AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for ' Z 1je iiui,ert ryiliytr.' the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. 'Write for it—NOW—it's FREE A. R. SHUBERT, Inc. 123e273I2HICAGO IJ SVA iA l h ELI MERA L Job Print I i D a? _.a tl I a IS FULLY EQUIPPED TO DO ALL ISIN,'D3 'F C O Fri men: n: i a jfre; Print Soot 2 v Print lig ;:51 1 ( I ill /11:1:.' l /F!.:;' )c4,crrl,ti', ] frrc rlrr8, Cheek Books, irddinsi ihVi?rarer', f�.r7dti,1, 1 elope;, SfYfJt 1 ) ?CI'Ti.::::. P1 f1'ClT) Sall., 13i71.5') We guarantee careful workmanship and our ch r,t;gas axe moderate. ,Jwing to tariff changes nearly all lines at'e Cid a.ncin:;. Order now and save mt iloy ":1-11 a `i `ir• E L, ZURKA10 1\ 1". " 9 Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. Fmn INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE IN SURANOE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO.. A COOUNTs COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald .Office Zurich 116 dill Zurich 'Meet MARKET DEALERS I2N.l Fresh and .Salt Meats Bologna ..Satmests, tic CASH EFOR SKINS & HIDES 'T'ttuig brut Deic iert7 A nimoart .11 A now shipment lust in of Bon Bons, Chocolates, etc. The be . that money can; buy A large variety of Comic,i Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post I Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brands of Cigars. Neilson's Famous lee Cream McCOR.MICK'S RESTAURANT K=id Imo,' w , �j,. A reliable Iran to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK IN ZURICH and HURON O )Unty Short now at the best selling time, ttS d tor ltst of Spring Offerings ncl terms to agents Liberal corn- mi'9ions, Handsome 'Free Outfit, Stone 8. Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO The London Advertiser THREE EDITIONS MORNING, NOON, NIGHT Western Ontario's Greatest Daily li the Hews alt the. Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2'a year Circulation Dept,, London Advertiser Clubbed with the Zurich Herald, $2,00 a year', for both. papers. Arr'angemen'ts are being made for a !Cantata "Star of Blessing" to be given by the Scholars of the Evangelical Sunday 'School. Watch for the date, Mrs Wni Truemoer• and Roy Mei 'nor Fpentthe week end, visiting friends in liensalI. i1Tr and Mrs Menno Rankles of Zurich spent Sunday at J Gascho's. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Almanac., The Rev Irl R Pinks 1910 Almanac i4 by far the finest, largest and hest ever 'before printed. The Hicks storm awl tether forecasts for 1915 again have proven their truth and value, and this splendid Almanac for 1918 should find its way straight into every home and office in:America., The Rev Irl R Hicks Magazine, Word and Worke, and his nniqne Almanac shonld always go together both for only one dollar a year, The Almanac alone is We, prepaid. Send to Word and Works Publishing Company, 8401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (NEWSPAPER FINANCING At a meeting of the Perth and 1:111r - on counties section of the Cana,li Press Association held in Go'lerich ee,.atly, the main topic of discnssi was the proposal to increase the sn serip;ion price of . weekly papers these counties. A peculiarity of newspaper business is that it gives t p•ablic something for nothing, so mu so that the publishers of daily paper which during the war have issn numerous extras, have fonndthat th were losing money, and the more e tras they issued the more they lo because the price for which the pan 4,e1 is rays for only a fraction of t cost of produein„a it. The cost of m teriat and labor has very largely i creased in the last few years and th question of increasing tho subscriptio price of weekly papers to $1 50 is live ane. Manyof our dailies ha. advanced their subscription terms account of increased expenses and looks as if the weeklies sal i,y have t follow suit. In Bruce county the $1.5 rale is being brought into effect an •eat'tailily, taking the increased expens es of a good weekly paper into con sideration, 1,50 is none too pinch There ii no institution which does so Much for a comtnnnity as the "precis, and sometimes some people w uld like even to add to its fnnctiottQ, making it, in effect, detective, constable, mag- istrate and moral r efornler, all free of reward, but should there be any loss of revenue from any stand a paper may taste, these sante p ople are quite willing that the paper shonl5 bear the burden. In all patriotic, philanthropic and progressive movements a news- paper is expected to and does give a large amount of publicity without charge. A careful cotupntation 'by one publisher gives the cost of producing his paper as $1.72 a year, and in the face of such a figure ib does not look reasonable to sell the paper for $l a year. A meeting of'tlio publishers in the counties of Huron and Perth is to be held shn4'tly in Stratford to consirl- or' the question of the advisability of raising the subscription price of week- lies in these counties, and if the $1.50, a yearia'e should be decided ora it should have the approval and support of the public at large. The above which is from The God - arida Star of last week is a matter of ery great importance to newspaper adersand the general public as well s to newspaper pnblishers. We need arcely say that we.. heartily agree with every word The Star says. We o not know what action the news - per' publishers of Huron may take, t we do know front personal expert., ce that they have only two alter. atiyes before thele; Either to increase e subscription price of their papers something near a paying basis or. into bankruptcy. No person can lag stand to sell \what actually costs fire than $1.50 for one dollar and at is what many of the local news - per ptiblishsrs are now doing•µ-Sea- t..i Eilpositor. an re. on 1, in the he cb ed ey st er he a, r_- e n a hay o it O 0 v re a SC pabu en n. t1) to go io t1) Zaa or, To Whom • It May Concern Exeter, November 27tb, 1915• Whereas it is alleged by Mr Henry Walper of the Township of stay, farmer, that Mr Peter Ducbar.nie of the same place, farrier, on the 15th of November ,instant made use�a' words or statements alleging that Mr Weber bad Wiled a man some fifteen years ago, And whereas Mr Ducharnle claim; that his words or statements did not nor were they intended to irupu:te Wan any crime nor dict Mr Ducharme believe not: does ho now believe that Mr Wal.per ever killed a man or •was concerned in any: way in killing, or shooting a human being and has agreed to retract any statement made by him which would in any way ilupnte to hint such crime or reflect Uri his good natnle 0t' character, ` more pnatieuiarly any statements made use of by him on the night:• of the 1511) November in Mr `Pa'per's; house and hereby ofle s NIe \V,t.lp,lr• his full.ss, and most ample apology for any of he statements complained of by 111 m. Witness: signed: G. Stanbury. Peer Doebarrtre, t MEETING OF HURON i.uU:\ T COUNCIL The council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Gotl- erich, on Tuesday the 7th day of Dec- ember next, at the hour of 8 o'clock, Dated Nov 22nd, 1915 W. Lane, Clerk. STRAYED From pique field on lot 18, con, 7, a 1 year old steel', dark red • colo]', dehornecl, and pig ring in right ear. Strayed away within last three weel,s Notify Jos Foster, Jr, Babylon Line, R. lt. No 8, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Also House, LotFand 1 Acre Lot 20, N. B., Township of Hay, 100 acres, all cleared, all good • clay land, orchard, bank barn, drivingshed good awaiting, etc., oared by Mi. Jocob N'leyer, 8r. This farm is siti, t ted,2''Iniles•from Zurich, . with ter. phone and free mail delivery. Hall mile from good public school Faun will •be sold at a reasonable price. Also dwelling house, with stable and one acre of land for sale. All kinds of fruit trees and good well on the premises. This property is situa- ted at Wagner's Corner and will be sold with above farm or separately. For further particulars apply to Jacob „]eyer, .Jr„ 11. 11, No. 2, Zurich; F?M FUR SALE Lot 22, Con 6, Hay, 83 acres by measurement of rich clay: loam, 70 acres cleared, remainder in good hard- wood bush, 7 acres of fall wheat, a splendid young bearing orchard, a good bank batn, 50x60, with large driving shed. An up•to-date large brick dwelling with slate roof,. a never failing well. This chard farm is 8',' miles from flet sall, the hest market in the County; i milks from Zurich, with telephone and Mural delivery, and ?t toile from school, Farm will be sold on easy terms to suit the par• chaser; apply on premises or l3ox 75, liensall. Chas. 11fcA!liter. XMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN For The Muskoka Free Hospital For Consumptives 8085 Teachers throughout Ontario have had Xmas Seale placed in their hands, 761. Yantis will silently receive the Seals. Some of the other Organ- izations which aro already at work are 1Vlerchants, Manufactures, Lawyers, Real Estate and Insurance mon. Oyer font' million Xmas Seals have already been prepared and further iss- ues are expected to follow. The necessity of the Xmas Seal Campaign is clearly shown in the following statement, issued by the National Sanitarium Association: - Tuberculosis killed 2294 persons in Ontario alone in 1918. One every four hours, Tuberculosis kills one • tenth to one - seventh of all our people. Tuberculosis kills one • third of . fill who die between the ages of 1.aa,anrl 45, Supplies of Xmas Seals may be had by Notting the Sanitarium Ifeadquar- hers, 228 Co11ege'Street, Toronto, Ont.. ar]o. Classitied Ads 1 Stall* Equi I Seal .L lameillitz LEGAL :DARDS. l'l 0UDFOOT, KILLORAN, & PROUD- FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goclerich. 1'rivato.funds to loan at lowest rates W. ?EorrhFOOT, K. 0. J. L. KILLORAx, 1W. PR0i71)FooT, JR. MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacRIN.NON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y.. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Ilr'ug store in concoction. Office; Zurich, Out. N. F Sehrarn,''tLate 'House ',tt'goon and house Physician of V;etori a hospital, London, ix .(opiate of Faculty f Medicine of \\ estr.rn Ulllversity, London. Main Office at Dashwood, Out. Visits Shipka 1Vlonclay afternoon of each week. History of the • Township of lay and the Village of Zurich We have published in book form the early history of Huy Township and of the village of Zurich, written by Mr 1". Hess, Sr., Tow oship Clerk. A. limited number of these books have been printed, and a cc py or copies of t11n same can b procured at this office, or wi 1 bo seat by ITt;cil, for 11 e small suiu of 25 cents <'atcll. eru,lci - Zurich • 'UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate;r'haca Tailor Shop and Laundry of { H. HOFF Zurich. ich. - Ontario „� , , <,,„ �,iq�lmumonoinirinumahy �nunuunuunnnnnin� `�. not give your boy and girl an E. opportunity to 3 maketlieirhome study easy and eirectir,+? Give them the same g (quinces to win pro - and .nct0r,3 aN tine lad having the advantage of F s"\-i'ii411 t,[ j JIUI1 alp'ini!t,,,,mmiII, W B op d „R' NEW IITE NATD Pw=L 3 Dictionary in his home. This new .creation .answers with final author2. - = ity all kinds of puzzling questions fi in history, geography,biography, aspellinndscieg,>xprocesn. unciation, sports, arts, a 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages Over 6000,11fustrations: Colored l'lates a The only dictionary with the Divided rage ” The type matter is equivalent to that Of a 15 -volume encyclopedia 3 ivtore Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, and Authoritative than any other Eng- E lish Dictionary. 3 REGULAR 3 i AND e INDIA PAPER EDITIONS '_ spo4 � Y � WRImnn pTE ages, f e s_ ll istrations etc 3 FREE, a est of .Pocitot Maps ii you dame this 3 paper. . G. &. C. ERRIAI GO. 3.. 3 We handle the naostil iproved Stable +drip- naent on the market; Farmers, fib ,yocrr stables in a modern and sanitary way and you Will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased results. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. 1'1 ' installed an outfit of stanchions anti 1'Ixtur, s for J ,E t,, I;r, n „n t loo. ,flocs parties interested are wet „C;i,.r• ', o :n�tCCt P.r ta ami t'1T -o 4V'E J y See us n •,l f� s7C t'7 Carload of e rPs s • i - .-,; •r • • ,Ari 1 ie C. KALPLEjSCH zuRic INE• 'ae7 ; mesa 9 Advertise in she Heral Get "More Money" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foses,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to "SU" largest house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW PIM areliable—respell sible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rep- utation existing for "more than a third of a century." a long suc- cessful record of sending Fur Shippers pronipt,SATTS FACTORY AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for ' Z 1je iiui,ert ryiliytr.' the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. 'Write for it—NOW—it's FREE A. R. SHUBERT, Inc. 123e273I2HICAGO IJ SVA iA l h ELI MERA L Job Print I i D a? _.a tl I a IS FULLY EQUIPPED TO DO ALL ISIN,'D3 'F C O Fri men: n: i a jfre; Print Soot 2 v Print lig ;:51 1 ( I ill /11:1:.' l /F!.:;' )c4,crrl,ti', ] frrc rlrr8, Cheek Books, irddinsi ihVi?rarer', f�.r7dti,1, 1 elope;, SfYfJt 1 ) ?CI'Ti.::::. P1 f1'ClT) Sall., 13i71.5') We guarantee careful workmanship and our ch r,t;gas axe moderate. ,Jwing to tariff changes nearly all lines at'e Cid a.ncin:;. Order now and save mt iloy ":1-11 a `i `ir• E L, ZURKA10 1\ 1". "