HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-04, Page 4T143n }JERA LD issued every Thursday afternoon front, the tis.' ALD PRINTING OFFICE vtatorlaSt. Znricit,by tviszE tEw le DESS and C I ESTER L, SM i I1 swesomeTzeetP RIOE $1,00 A vl?.AR o. S' subscrtpton ilp,40 strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. 4g.tes for display and contract advertisements will he given on aPpliatlon. 'transient notices such as legal, cotroratiou, socist etc., so coots'per Itne fox first in0ertirn and s centsper ins for emit subsequent inscrtinn., Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an admiss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken will be charged for at the regular adv.,rtistng, rates Notices of religious or other meetings the 0100 01 which is the benefit of the community and not for per. onal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerfully sorted free. 4stray advs. $z for three insertion s, Na paper discontinued until all atrearages arepaid. 7tanges for contract advertisements must be in the bi9ce by 4 p.m. Tuesday, otherwise they will ee left ph�:r Until the following week. Advertisments without specific directions will b e ,Soetted untitlforbid and charged accordingly. tta.tt advertismems must be paid for in advance. Address all communications to THE HERALD,, Zurich, tint. THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1915 COUNTY NEWS Mr and Mr John Sherritt, of Stephen township, have moved to Guelph to reside, Wm Chapman has purchased ,from the Canada Company 75 acres of grass land on the 5th con, Hay, Dr W Gann and daughter, Miss Isabel, of Clinton, left last week for England, where the Dr expects to enter sone of the military hospitals for surgery. At the last meeting of the Tucker - smith council, the by-law authorizing the issue of debentutores oused 1 Q ise eo by loan the sum of 5Cpat- riotic purposes was passed, One of the results of the command- eering of the wheat by the government is that the Western Canada Flossy OORRESPONDENOI3 DASHWOOD 111r Wes Geiser returned bonne from the West Saterday, Misses G Reid and E Crawford' spent Saturday in Clinton. Dr J Schram of London spent San - day with Dr N F Schraine of this place. Mrs Art Doan, who has been spend- ing a few weeks with relatives here, left for her home in Port Huron Sat- urday. Quarterly services were -conducted in the Evangelical church Sunday by Rey Litt, Mr Karl Graupner, who has been home during the past week owing to illness returned to Stratford Saturday to results his studies. ' Mr Fred Diller has returned from the west where be spent the sunnier, The many friends of Mr Will Will- ed, son of Mr H Willett, will be sur- prised to hear that he has enlisted at Pincher. Creek, -Cohere he has been for several years. Rev and Mrs Grenzeboch returned from Listowel Saturday where they attended the funeral of the latter's mother. Wedding Bells are again ringing. Miss Irene are Master Roy Wolfe of Crediton visited friends here on Sun- day, Ir Jonas Ilertlieb has disposed of his farm, which he recently purchased from Mr Valentine mills t C"lodetieh *Moo ba out €tf it supply. Their milis turn mitt 2.500 barrels of flour a day. Lieut -Col Combe of Clinton receiv- ed word from headquarters last week, stating that they they would not grant permission to have the counties of Bruce and Huron join to raise a Bat- talion for overseas. The Huron offlc- ers will now go aheadwith their plans to raise a Battalion in Huron County. The non jury si'ttiugs of the Sup- , reme Court of Ontario were held in Goderieh last week, by Honorable Justice Britton. Among the cases Haw- kins of was the following. was an action over the will of the late John Hawkins, of Usborne. The plaintiff was George Hawkins, the younger, and the defendants Thomas and Joseph Hawkins, executors of the last will and testament of John Haw- kins, There was a partnership (not in writing) between the plaintiff and the deeeasedd, and the action was for a settlement of the accounts, there being a dispute as to which properties were included in the partnership. Judgment entered dissolving the partnership existing between the plain- tiff (George Hawkins, the younger) and the deceased, John Hawkins, and for a reference to the local master to ascertain the assets of said partnership to take the partnership accounts, and generally to wind up the partnership. Costa of all parties to be paid out of partnership assets, father directions' reserved. EtEN,SALL Hugh McEwen has returned from a trip to the western provinces; Mr and Mrs Thigh McDonell, who moved to Se Marys a few months ago, have returned to Hensall and rented Jas Bonthron's cottage opposite the post office, John Bonthron a conductor on the Q P R in the west, was here attending the funeral of his father, the late James Bonthron. 111rs Geo McIntyre of Port Stanley is visiting her mother, Mrs Jas Sparks, E Drake has taken positioia in 0 Joynt's clothing store, Gerber to Mr EXETER. TllEBI6.VAR1ETY S POWELLS BAZAAR ER Is ready for the Xmas rash. We have the best assoz•tirlent at the most reasonable prices this year you'll find in a weeks travel. ry c'f1, i nC�r Chinaware, Salad Bowls, Cake and �' Berry Sets, ow� Lunch Sets Cups, -Saucers, Bon Bon Boxes and dozens. nn r mote we cannot mention, from.25c up. . Also real pretty' china and' glassware at 10c, 15c and 25c. Mr Crossley the evangelist, opened a series of meetings here on Sunday and he expects to continue them for some weeks. The family of the late T B Carling will move to Toronto to reside, H F Huston was elected vice pres- ident of the Library Association of Huron, Perth and Bruce, at the meet- ing recently held at St. Marys. Workmen are engaged on the hydro transmission line between Lucan and Exeter. The wires in town will also be placed at an early date. The little daughter of Mr and Ms W J Statham got the first three fingers of her right hand caught in the bread mixer a few days ago and they were badly injured, Parts of two had to be Arthur Gabel.g,luplttlitetlt Several ffeiii URI etteti�4tet ,1ie y r R Pollock, who has been with. J Battle sale at Zurich last iSatO.raay �H Scott for three years, has moved to afternoon, Kerwood with his family, where he ST. JOSEPB. Mr Irvin D. Smith of London is spending a week's holidays at his home here, The Auction . Sale of Mrs N C Masse on Tuesday was -largely attended and prices were fairly high for this time of the year. Mrssrs A. F Hess, L A Williams, E Beaver and C L Smith, of Zurich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr C 0 Smith. Mr Joe Papineau is seriously ill at time of writing, His many friends wish hila a speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs C 0 Smith and son Gordon left on Thursday for a two weeks visit with lateer's narents, Mr and Mrs J S Wilhelm pear Baden. Mr•John Groff and sister Mabel returned from a two week's visit with their mother at Baden. Shop Early TOTS Almost ell toys game from .,lapttn this .year 1it}tl are very'HMO skis olienp V''e bonght rayl•; it Oil have it good assortment Dol's and heads are scarce, attho we have :lice one::, Decorations Xmas garlands, bells and stream ers, tinsel cord, crepe l aver in teff rolls. and folds, tissue impel-, etc , at from 5o up. TQ let Art cies Shop !Early New Jewellr ° flair brushes and combs, cheap and good. Tooth and nail brushes, 5o up Clothes shushes, ebony and rosewood imitation, 100 up. • '1'r'l' cum powders, perfumes, tooth pastes, hair oils. skin preparations, inediorl jelly, Nameless Catarrh Remedy 25c. Fancy somas. Shop Early lusioal Instruments EDISON'S famous phonograph isone of our favorite items in cur store. We offer only the latest uptodate instruments. We have the cylinder type at $4.3 $58.50, $100, and the new Edison eiso at $13'7.50, $200 and up, We guarantee every instrument we sell and see to it that each instrument gives satisfaction. Come and see us, phone us or write us and we will give yon any information that we can, oheerftellp, n, will manage a creamery. Louis Hern, while out shooting the other day, fell and injured his knee severely. He will be laid up for some time. Mrs James Stewart, another of Exeters pioneers, passed away last Friday in her 86th year. p Three tyre dsons survive her. 66, 4011' tel � > 14T ES l� .i�•�3iI:, i i.:1 site t ens of Years Coupons 'ay—sin f�Y 5rty NEGOTIABLE Arct,:. v1,:CO,3iri a,. Zurich Agency HERALD OFFICE ADPA ",;•.4, TRADE MARKS COgYt3leHirt Pio, ititiybfe sending a sketch and deeorl Einesras laVentt rt t probably pip�tera bus. Oee 'orma mien tion ttrla p Sent free, Oldest egenor o securing btt patents, rtietit feet. taken nbroeY for seouri 4 CO.to eL aeattnts tttittan t rouftrt Munn &�U. receive eectttf notice pullout charge, in,Eh A 4 , .P `' � V p�j,q�N �" SrS y� e • tAtY W � t� r 9tnr• sa;q ilrnatrateil tsoeklg i %ural .rir o'tiitird a°r,0 V5,10111:1(1 1.0,ary postage eget nit' i nnut ivy a11..tietPs,i .acIfl.41.0a olatona : Pb,st RR BLAKE Miss Nina Carling was presented, with a club bag by the Sunday School of James Street Methodist church,, Exeter, of which she was a valued teacher for a number of years. She leaves shortly for New Ycrk to take up hospital work. Gold filled rings, in plush box, 25o (alolcl filled beauty and bar pins, 25o Beads, pearl, glass, and rose petal, 15o ttud 25c. • Duff buttons iu boxes 25c. Necklaces 25e. Any ei these make nice gifts. BOOES Big assortment for the ohildren at 50, 100, 15o, 20t', 25o, Picture and story. Gold fish, fish glass fish food, fish glob- es lob-es at lowest prices° Read over this ad again and then cone and see if we have misrepresented. The cheeriest store in Exeter POWELL'S BAZAAR PHONE 55 . EXETER VICTORIA IN WAR TIME. British Columbia City Feels Spirit Even More Beefily Than East. War time in Victoria, B.C., is, in many ways, like war time in the in- land cities; in one -or two important. respects, however, it is different. For 'one thing, although the east- ern cities as a whole realize the ser- iousnese of the situation, and are re- sponding splendidly to the call, yet their citizens, individually and col- lectively, can hardly view the contest in quite the irtimate way the people do on the Pacific coast. Ontario, al- though she is sending her sons to Europe, is not in. any danger herself. British Columbia, on the other hand, is an exposed coast .province, and has been in actual danger of attacks from the Germans. For several months last year, .how- ever, at the beginning of hostilities, there was a genuine chance that Vic- toria • might be attacked. This proximity to actual fighting threw Victoria citizsns into a particularly serious and determined mood from the very start and this feeling has remained constantly with them, and has been transmitted into zealous and efficient work, both in actual -en- Iistment, and. in all activities con- nected with the war. Toronto has its aeroplanes, but Victoria has its cruisers, and more in- teresting still, its submarines, if you want to feel quite a new sensa- tion, and to have it driven horn.e to you graphically that Canada is de- veloping war -time scenery of her own, take a. peep through the peris- cope of one of the submarines in Es- guimalt Harbor, a few miles from Victoria, says a writer in. Toronto Star Weekly. Not only will the act- ual experience of being in a subma- rine and looking through one of the periscopes, which, owing to the abuse of submarines by Germany, have come to stand in the world for some- thing sinister and alarming, be of in- terest in itself, but through the lens you are as likely as not to see the Rainbow or the Tient floating at an- chor in the harbor. '.Clio Rainbow is a cruiser of the Canadian Navy, :now used as a training skip. Tho Kent is a cruiser of the British Pacific fleet, which, afte7 doing its shale in the work of expelling the Germans from the Pacific, and being rudely batter- ed. 111 the task, came to Esqulinalt for recuperation. To view this war- scarred and battle -wounded ship even from an ordinary point on the shore . is to feel one's blood course faster with excitement and with pride. To 'tee the veteran through. the periscope of a submarine adds to the effect, both dramatically and STANLEY TO'W N SH I P The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical church will meet in the basement of the church on Monday evening the Gib at 7.30 O'clock. All members are re- quested to be present. A Union Sunday School Convention will be held in Varna on Friday of this week. The afternoon session will be held in the Methodist church and the evening session in the Presbyterial) church. A free supper will be previa- ed in the town hall for those from a distance, Mr Willie Pratt of the Babylon Line has enlisted and is now in train- ing with the 38rd Batt at London. Mr and Mrs Ryan iron The Nile are visiting at the home of Mr D •J Stephenson. The lecture given in the church by Rev Mr Knight of Hensall was much appreciated by those present. Mr Knight is a very brilliant speaker and kept his audience interested from start to finish. A. collection was taken which will be used for patriotic work. Mr and Mrs Stephenson of the Goshen Line, • and Mr and Mrs Ryan of Nile visited at the home of Mr Ed Hayes, over Sunday, 11Ir R Johnston and Mr J Baker are busy this week threshing beans, near Seaforth. Mr and Mrs Sam Hey spent Sun- day. with frionds in Dashwood. Qnite a number from this vicinity attended the entertainment given in the Town Hall, Zurich, last Tuesday evening. Mr Bert Clark spen t the week end at the home of his brother, Mr A Clarke. Miss Minnie Sohnston-visited friends in Zurich during the past week. HILLSGREEN KO)! sat e• The following is a list of those who contributed to the Canadian Red ('ro;s Society atIlillseereen. $5 Contributions—W J jet -rote, A Love, Thos Consitt, Wm Consitt, Miss S Petty, x+3,00, J Jari'ott, $2.00, Jas Love, R Stevenson, Jas Coobrane, nes A 0 Hagan. Sant Walker, Win McAl- lister, 11,00 D Anderson, Robt Forest, II Turner, W Turner, G Coleman, Jno Consitt, H Love, W Carlisle, Miss Stevenson, Win Love, Robt Love, .1 C Cochrane, Mrs C A Jae -rote, E J Troy- er, 3 B Forest, Iles Quaelt;enbalsh, Audy Dain. 50o, Miss L Workman, 1.0 Coleman 25e, Jno Turner. Total. $59,25. The followingis a list of fruit lona- ted by the ladies of Hillsoreen for: the :soldiers in the trenches. Half -gallon Wm Love, Jas .Coebraae. Two quarts Mrs Jas Love, Mrs A. Love, Mrs S Walker, Mrs W 7 Jarrott, Mrs A Ce Elegem, Mrs Robt Stevenson, Mrs 7t', 74,f1. ()it= fpllt•t Mr4 W 1'[Ball. eeer, Mfrs W lintels, bits 11 'Lave, 14[i5 1'l) tewc, Volt 7 Jltrr'ott, Mrs ,l tlousitt, M.rs E ''rioyer, Airs J 0. (;och GREDITON Tl Either, 11l P P, has returned from the senatoriur at Allendale much improved in health. A happy event was celebrated at the hem of Mr mid Mrs F-Hilber lust 1{"riday, when their:sons and dartghtere met to celebrate the 75111 anniversary r itr,.,, li"jt1 f1,',.! .%.ir•ih4llY'x', A ' ten t pleats It Mine Was slant by el', lira t aee.ey ;tint ells Teller, of Detroit, and el 'e to. 11 t•i Pleli1Flolllbitt were MIMES I have taken over the agency of the MASSEY-HARRIS Implements picturesquely. Both good sense and censorship prevent any detailed description of Canada's submarines, but, as may be imagined,- anyone privileged to in- spect one of these craft, finds the visit a faseinatieg experience. The submarines in Victoria ar,.e now oidoered and partially manned by members of the staff and. Drew oi'. the Kent, which, as Mentioned above is now in Esquilnalt harbor. They are under direct coutrof of the Brit- ish Admiralty, and ant prepared to quote you prices on salt kinds of farm maollil:ery manufactured by that- well-lino'tvn firm.They have a world-wide reputation and their implements need no intro- duction in this section. The best reconnxiendation for them can be had from ycnr neighbor 'who is using them now. Ask him } Get my Prices before Buying. Gallman Phone 25i1 Zurich HORSE BLANKETS 1 have a full stock of all kinds of Horse Blankets on hand . 1 was luoky to pureshase a. large stock of All Wool Blankets before the advance in prices and have decided to retail them at the old price while they last. Call in and,see our values. MITTS and GLOVES A large assortment of Men's 1Vlitts and Gloves on hand. Our prices are just a little lower than usual. Call and see before you bay. HARNESS, TRUNKS, ROBES, WHIPS, ETC. R. F. STADE ZURICH OREAMWANTEDS I have made arrangements with Silv'erwoods Dairy, Loudon, to take eream at, My Residence, Zurich, anytime during the week. Or'eaui is teded wheri brought to my residence and paid for on delivery. Price paid . tl •) week was 31. Cents per poundEighost . w r �1 Brio Cas 21:11e b,