Zurich Herald, 1915-12-04, Page 2•
Or "The Adventures of Ledgard."
ley they. Author of "What Ho Cast Her."
a wonderful man. Honestly, this
It was then perhaps that Trent ; road is a marvellous feat for urttx'ain-
oug t x
f I t tl h d t b ttI f his lif
eed labor" and ends and with such rotten odds
of machinery. I don't know
thing to the boy. The word was pass-
ed along to the sleeping men, and
one by one they dropped back into the
deep -cut trench. The red fire danced .
and crackled --only a few yards out-
side the flaree-lit space carne the dark
forms of risen creeping through the
rough grass like snakes.
The attack- was a fiasco, the fight-
ing was all over in „telt minutes, A
hundred years ago the en of Bek-
wando, who went naked and knew no
drink more subtle than palm 'ovine
had one virtue -bravery, But eivil-
e ar e , a e o nation pressing upon their frontiers
The start was made with only a dozen ;what experience you'd had of road had brought Oom Sam greedy far
Kru boys, Trent himself, stripped to ;ivory ttnd gold, and Oom Sam The
making*"brought rum and strong esters, The
the shirt, laboring amongst them 1. "None!" Trent interjected.
spade in hand. Ina week the fishing ; "Their it's wonderful!" nerve of the savage had gone, and his
boats were deserted, every one wwas'• Trent smiled upon the boy with Where had become a flaccid thing,
working on the road. The labor was I such a smile as few people had ever g hen they had risen from the long
immense, but the wages were Magni- seen a an his 1] s. grass with a horrid yell and had
p p' rushed in upon the hated intruders
fieent. Real progress as was made anc1; ' "There's a bit of credit to you, with couched spears only to be neet
the bays calculations were faultless. T?avenant," he said. ".l d never have by a blinding The of Lee-Metford and
Trent used the cable freely. been ebie to figure out the levelling revolver bullets their bravery vanish
ed like breath from the face of a look-
ing -glass. They hesitated, and a rani
of bullets wrought terrible havoc
"Have dismissed Cathcart for in- alone. Whether I go down or not,
competency—road started—progress : this shall be a good step upon the lad -
magnificent, he wired one week, and der fur you."
shortly afterwards a message ani.e The boy laughed. amongst their ranks. On every side
back °I've enjoyed it mare thanF any- the fighting men of Bekwando went
"Catheart cables resigned—scheme , thing else in my life,"he said. "Fancy
down like ninepins—about a dozen
impossible — shares dropping — wire the difference between this and life
reply." in a London office. It's beenmagni- only sprang forward for a hand -to-
Trent clenched his list, and his ficent! 1 never dreamed what life hand fight, the remainder, with
language made the boy, who had was like before." shrieks of despair, fled back to the
never heard him violent, look up in Trent looked thoughtfully into the shelter of, the forest, and not one of Calf diphtheria is due to a specific off and the oil is allowed to run out
surprise. Then he put on his coat them again ever showed a bold front ; infection, and is always a serious mat- I upon the lighted wick. The result is
red embers. !
and walked out to the cable station. "You had the mail to -day," the boy to the white man. Trent, for a mo- ; ter. The trouble may appear with I either an explosion or a serious blaze
"Cathcart lies. I dismissed 'nim for , continued. "How were things in Lon- ment or two, was busy, for a burly calves from three to five days old, and unless speedily checked, damage
cowardice and incompetence. The :.clan?,, savage, who had marked' him out Such calves refuse to drink mill. or
road is being made, and I pledge my I "Not so bad," Trent answered. by the light of the gleaming
in band, ,to life and property:
flames, suck.. The showor less dis-
word that it will be finished in six "Cathcart has been doing all the harm had sprung upon him spearY more
months, Let dui friends .sell no { he can, but it hasn't made a lot of and behind him came others. The first ' charge of saliva from the mouth. Poultry and Fruit.
shares." ' difference. My cables have been pub- one dodged 'Trent's Bullet and was These patches gradually develop into If the hens have the run at an
Then Trent went back, and, hard' fished, and our letters will be in print upon him, when the boy sitar him ,ulcers covered with a dead, granular
as he had worked before, he surpass- f by now, and the photographs you took• through the cheek, and he went roll- or cheesy mass, which does not peel chard they will not render as good
ed it all novr. Far and wide he sent, of the work. That was a splendid ing over into the fire, with a death- easily from the raw surface under= service in protecting the trees from
cry Which rang through the camp { neh
Ur a stTyODU ca
buy cheaper.feast, but
Fashion > Jain s
is undoubtedly the most economical and what
appears to be 5cheap' in price will prove to be
extra•. vagant i1 vise The fresh young leaves o
"Salada" wi yield you generousvalue for
%®@flA,' money. B 116
Calf Diphtheria. !lantern is upset, the burner comes
ever the sante inquiry ---for labor and i idea!"
stores. He spent money like wa-1 "And the shares?"
ter, but he spent from a bottomless ' "Down a bit—not much. Da Sousa
purse. Day after day Kru boys, na- ! seems to he selling out carefully a
tives, and Europeans down on their i few at a time, and my brokers are
luck, came creeping in. Far away f buying most of them. Pound shares
across the rolling plain the straight 1 are nineteen shillings to -day. They'll
belt of flint -laid road -bed stretched to ' be between three and four pounds a
the horizon, one gang in advance cut- ! week after I get back." keepthem there,and they will destroy
ting turf, another beating in the small 1 "And when shall you go ?" the boy ment Trent had the worst of it—a j similarlyaffected and then there is
blow fell upon his forehead (the scar more insects than in any other way."
stones. The bay grew thin and trona { asked.1 tendency
ed, Trent and he toiled as though ! "DirectlyI get a man out here I of which he never lost), and the wood- 1 to diarrhoea. Little pigs The suggestion is a good one if not in
their lives hung upon the work. So , can trust nd things are fixed with en club was brandished in the air for ; show similar symptoms, flitting extra expense for fencing,
they went on till the foremost gang f his Majesty the King of Bekwando! a second and more deadly stroke. So far as now known the germ is p g
came close to the forests, beyond i We'll both go then, and you shall But at that moment Trent leaped up, a normal inhabitant of the intestines but it is possible that some kind of
which lay the village of Bekwando. • spend a week or two with me in Lon- dashed his unloaded revolver full in 1 of healthy hogs and cattle and proba- movable fence should answer the pur-
Then began the period of the great- don."the man's face, and, while he stag- ! bly always virulent. When the dis• pose, as the fowls need not be con -
Y, 1 The boy laughed. gered with the shock, a soldier from prevalent, the virus is, of fined except early in the season.
. est anxiety, for Trent and the boy g d.I ease is
and a handful of others knew what "What a time we'll have!" he cried. behind shot him through the heart.
would have sent half the natives fly -1 "Say, do you know your way round?" Trent saw him go staggering bads- course, scattered everywhere. Very
ing from their work if a whisper had Trent shook his head. wards and then himself sat down, young animals are most easily and Pride in the Country.
of abroad. A few soldiers were i "I'm afraid not," he said. "You'll giddy with the blow he had deceived, j most seriously affected, but cases have We hear the term "civic pride" in
drafted down from the Fort, arms ! have to be my guide."Afterwards he knew that, he must ;been reported in calves and pigs six the city. It applies test as much to
were given out to all those who could; "Right you are,"was the cheerful have fainted, for when he opened his or eight months old, and even oc- pp
lie trusted to use them incl by night ! answer. "I'll take von to Jimmy's, eyes the sun was up, and. the men casionaliy in adult cattle and adult the country resident. It means the
were strolling about looking' at the pride that causes you to keep your
is are along path r dead savages who lay thick in tit
labors. Trent anthe bray took it by Henley 1 we 1 g; xn time, and 111 hake grass: Trent sat up and ,walled +¢ fi y b
! � And then you yourself might get
mere is condi era a rise o rued in yards around the trees. While
high above the clic of fighting, an- :
other behind him Trent shot himself, temperature and an offensive odor
but the third was upon him before he ! from the mouth. The trouble may the orchard should be utilized, it gives
could draw hie revolver and the two easily extend to neighboring parts, to much opportunity to the fowls to work
rolled over struggling fiercely, at, the lining membrane of the nose, and over a large surface, which may to a
too close quarters for tveapons, yeti then there appears a yellowish dis- certain extent lessen their vigilance
with the thirst for blood fiercely charge. In some cases the lining around the trees. The old maxim is
kindled in both of them. For a mo- membrane of the digestive tract is Bring your chickens to your tree,
d lig f injurious insects as they will if con -
men watched by the great red Ares ; and the Empire, and down the river,
which flared thetl of their' and to a match at Lord's and to
ate sores may be cleaned with two
per cent. creolin in warm water, and
premises. clean and sightly and pre
writable to the stranger or passerby.
"Any one slur e asked '
turns to watch, their reit*divers loaded 1. you to see my aunt, You'll like her" water.
by -their side,' and their, eyes ever ! Trent nodded.
q hurt?" '" h 1 i the boy then treated with Lugol's solution ap� some pleasure out of a well -kept faint.
turned towards;that Marl: line of for- ; "I'll expect to," he said. "Is she . who brought him some. plied twice a day to the ulcers. Per-
Per -
est whence came nothing but the! anything like you?" • 1 The boy grinned, but shook his : manganate of potash may also be Measured by the common standard,
Much cleverer,"the boy said, "but
-head. used. two ounces to each gallon of keeping your farm tidy actually adds
singing of night birds aid the calling I
of wild aznimals. Yet rent would we've been great chums all aur life. Plenty savages killed," he said, dollars to its value and to the value of
}u1 white man or Kru boy." wearer; made tip fresh each time, as the products you have for sale. Let's
stave no 'caution relaxed, the more , She's the cleverest woman I everthe mixture cannot be kept from da
?diet' progress the more vigilant knew, earns lots of money writing for , "Where's Mr. Davenant, Trent to day. Either treatment should be clean up and stop breeding trouble on
'tell -trey' kept. At last came signs! newspapers. Here, you've dropped ; asked suddenly. i our farms.
11•re bo looked round and shook his ' given to valuable animals about
!had twice a day for from faux to six days.
hurtling throng the darkness mess r Him fight well though Him not ' A Lanvin coat of blue cheviot for
fell wvi.1. a hiss anti a quiver in i •vv 11,:e,t for newspatpers?" he re- ;" n„ g' ! 1 of calf -pens and calf -yards is one of ____
of the mere of Bekwando. In the small • your cigar, Tient. { Y {
Latest Forecasts,
Skirts that ave fiat back and front
with fullness over the hips, coinbined',,
with bodices that are tight at the
waistline, and trimmed with shawl: -
like helm effects over the shoulders,
are taking on a decided resemblance
to the old-time Spanish costumes
seen in paintings of many of the old
masters. The return of. Spanish lace
is noticeable, too, and sweeping veils
are suggestive of the land of Car -
Mop. Then there is the sudden in-
terest in red. Red hosiery, red danc-
ing frocks, red hats-even—all blaz-
ing with flame color—are 'much of
the mode. Some of the fine old Span-
ish embroideries are appearing on
evening gowns and are �,•ich in tone
and fabric.
A large quantity of plain serges in
lightweight quality, called serge fou-
lard, are offered in new tints to tans,
grays, sable and Bordeaux. This last
color, by the way, probably will con-
tinue its vogue for next spring.
In the woollen fabrics plain pat-
terns dominate. However, a serge
having a broken .hair -line stripe set
at intervals of one inch is offered.
Some narrow black and white stripes
are shown and also checks. The'prin-
cipal feature of the new materials is
the fact that small patterns domi-
nate. There are no large checks • et
eccentric stripes; in other words, no
conspicuous designs.
A new idea is shown in a butterfly
jabot made of net and edged with
narrow Venise lace. Combinations of.
net with Venise edges and very fine
nets shirred on to a high stock foun-
dation are shown in the fall lines.
Georgette crepe plays a prominent
part in high and in low neckwear.
Some styles are trimmed with hand
embroidery and narrow laces, and
even plaited nets are applied as
trimming on the Georgette crepe
All coats have a certain amount
of "spring" and the majority flare.
Some on modest lines for the mat-
ronly figure and others in generous
ripples. The circular flare which is
by far the most graceful, ,by means
of godets, side plaits and shirring
are the favored ways of achieving
the new fullness for the. skirt ,portion
or basque of the coat.
The flare does not always start
on the waistline; this is especially
true in th.e longer models, where the
flare starts several inches above the
normal line, or on the hips, when
the Russian style is favored.
hours of the morning a graining spear 1 Trent groped for it on,the ground eta ------� The influence of the Russian COs -
came h 1 1 1 with shaking fingers No seen Mr. Dav'nant," he said. j Frequent and thorough disinfection B-1CTERIA-TREATED PEA'1' tame prevails in children's clothes.
h ' t
the ground, only a few feet from 1 peated slowly" "1 wonder—her name i hurt! • the first essentials in management. Jack's Beanstalk May Be Made to
} isn't Davenant,is it `, ; Trent stood up with a sickening I
where Trent and the bay lay. Trenti„
stamped on it hastily and gave no' The boy stol. his head. ; fear at his heart. He knew very well , Unsafe Lanterns. Crow Again.
ahem But the Lav stole round with "No, she's my mother's .cousin,) that if the boy was about and un- j Jack's celebrated beanstalk is hurt he would have been at his side.. The season of shortened daylight
ly to be rivalled by Prof. W. B. Bot-
tomley, who has astonished agricul-
turists in London with plants grown
in peat treated with bacteria. He
evhisperecl warning to those who l really—only I rail her Aunty, we al -
could be trusted to fight. ways got on so. She isn't really
Yet no attack came on that night; Wende matt- Erne: tiuch ol ea. than ne ZF endermott thought he remembered seeutg a great about farm buildings. Of recent years,
her name is
or the next on the third Trent and.
the boy sats talking and the latter ' Ernestine's a pretty name, don't you 1 savage bounding away with someone.
? ' an his back. IIe lord thought it was owing to competition, a low-priced
frankly owned that he was nervous. ,
di ink
vo hisfeet,muttering ' one of their wounded—it might have I Iantern, which is. a serious fire men- believes
ed tthat
a the sarae • growingess asscan be silver matching velvet
longi gaiters with
g " ' I - now • it isn't that' semeihin;,;'t',bout a sound ithe fores+ been the boy. Trent, with a sickening � ace, has been placed upon the market. app g g
1 T l
Up and down the, camp he strode in 1 brings its own peculiar ;fire dangers.
vain. At last onof the Kru boyo +,One of these is the use of the lantern
a 10 -year-old girt has a close shoulder
•and upper arm fit, but it is cut to flare
prodigiously as it reaches the knees.
Silver galon and 'many silver buttons
adorn it, and there are convenient -
pockets set in lengthwise slits. The
little bonnet that is pulled close over
the ears and forehead is tirade af.
1 •e ved
Professor Bottomley, of King's Col- the gloves are of bray kid.
Srni in,. "Yo .n w +sEnse of htnrar realized the truth,
]3ut all day long I've had the game ! 1-1e stood with hie back to the boy I , Instead of being secure y scr w on lege in the Strand, has been conduct-
feelin --we're being watched! I'm looking r:teadily at the dark line of ; The boy had been taken prisoner. , - I the oil reservoir, the burner is simply lehis experiments on the roof of his
Perfectly certain that the beggars are ! outlying scrub, seeing in reality no-' Even then he preserved s ,elf slipped on, with the result that if the ing very
round the borders of the for-' thing, yet keenly anxious that the reel 1 control to a marvellous degree First ' " college building in the w ery heart of
est there. Before morning we shall . lig;ht of the dancing flames should not ; of all he gave directions for the day's London. The method by which he
hear from thein." fall upon his face. The boy leaned work—then he called for volunteers doubles and trebles the sizes of plants
'IfTrenton leis elbow and looked in the same to accompany him to the village. ing through them, he saw a sight and .their fruit was the result of a
they mean to fight," said,
"the sooner they come out the better.' direction. He was nuzzled by a fugi- i There was no great enthusiasm. To which made his bloodrun cold within long line of ekpeximents. He started
I'd send a messenger to tics • ding : five something which he had seen in light in the trenches firearms wainst a ae s •They had the boy! He was there, inoculating the soil with a culture of
only I'm afraid the 'd hill him. Oom 'Trent's face, who had no cove Ft
for l • different titin • front beard- in that fantastic circle bound hand bacteria obtained from the root of
Sant won't come. I've sent tc z h
Afterwards Trent irked sometimes . rather ter a different
rice " to think that it was the sound of her ; ing them in their own lair. Never- and foot,' but so far as he could see, leguminous plants. Soil so treated, it
The hoe- was looking backwards and - name which had saved then,. all. For, Ii the less, about twenty men came for at,present unhurt. His face was turn= :Was found, greatly increased the ni-
along the long line of disem whereas his gaze had been idle at first • ward, including a guide, and Trent ed to. Trent, white and a little scar- trogenous matter. in the earth and
Orwell d ea was satisfied. ed, but his lips were close -set and he produced moat nodules c the roans.
iapwelleti earth. 1 it became suddenlyfaxed and Leen.
"Trent,"suddenly; •; " •ou're He stooped down and whispered some, They started directly after break- uttered no sound, e his side stood a eat was found to be the best medium
runt, he said wu t .ly , y 1 fast and for five long hours fought man with a native knife dancing
-- their way through dense undergrowth around and singing—all through the for the bacteria. ,
and shrubs with never a sign of a place -were sounds of wailing and lam- From 18 plants fed an the bacteria -
path, though here and there were •entation, and in front of his but the lined peat, Professor Bottomley cut 72
footsteps and broken boughs. By King was lying, with an empty bottle cucumbers weighing a pound each af-
noon some of the party were exhaust- by his side, drunk and motionless. ter a 20 days' growth. Sixteen
ed and lagged behind, an hour latex' a Trent's anger grew fiercer as he mends of tomatoes were taken from
long line of, exhausted stragglers watched. Was this a people to stand
were following Trent and the native in his way, to claim the protection
guide. Yet to all their petitions for a and sympathy of foreign governments
rest Trent was adamant. Every against their own bond, that they
minute's delay might lessen the might keep their land for misuse and
• theme of saving the boy, even stow their bodies for debauchery? He rich manure and at least double the
• they might have begun their horrible looked backwards and listened. As productiveness of the soil, said the
tortures. The thought inspired him yet there was no sign of any of his professor. "Incidentally, it wotticl
with fresh vigor. He plunged on with followers and there was no telling give Ireland a new industry, for its
IV 'XIV' is
11 p1110 iv hi to corn
Syrup --nitro .t2t:il-
cat° In;lur•
l'erlulig yeawroitld
lig 110111110 0111! 111111
Blanc Mange
Dave yon never tried ''C'vc i n Brand"with33lane Mange and other Corn Starch Pniftdings?
They seem to blend perfectly—each iml,roves
the other --together, they make situ l,l a, in-
expensive desserts, that everyone eery s are
"eiiupiy delicious".
is ready to serve over 111 kinds of Puddings.--
niokes a new mid attractit e dielt of emit tit cid
favorite as Baked Apples -is far cheaper than
butter or preserves When spread on lire: sdwerel
is best for Candy-malting.
ASK YOUik GROCER -•-15 2, 5, 19 5110 10 Le. 'rtta5.
Head Office Mostreat 30
1311�iiii i`Tiililfihl Ui 11,
111111111011111111111111111111 1111 HIM Ill 11110i3NIII 13111 11111115)III 011
t efel}(UJ li tgig
one vine.
"There are thousands of acres of
peat in Ireland which could, by bae-
terial treatment, be converted into a
long, reckless strides which soon how long these antics were to con- practical inexhaustible supplies of
placed a widening gap between hint tine. Trott looked to his revolver peat would provide all that is `s and the rest of the party. and set his teeth. There must be no eared for the rest of the United
re -
By degrees he began to recollect risk of evil happening to the boy. He Kingdom."
his whereabouts. The way grew less walked boldly out into the little space g grant
difficult--oe:casianally there were and called to them in a loud voice. The Government has made a grant
• signs of a path- Every moment the (To be continued.)
eoft, damp heat grew snore intense • . - -. •,
for continuing the experiments,
and clammy. Every time he touched ' - -
his forehead he found it :dripping, GOOD D 0 G 8 ST 10 Y r "'----the digestive) or and Mother Seigel's Snell corrects and stimulates
l,ut of these things he recitedrecitedvery Whenen your digestion is faulty. we 4 mess 1,11dJ Ailments which arlac fand banishes the many
front indigettlon:
• pain arc eeriain and disease is invited, ,
little. for .every step now brought him
nearer to the end of his journey,
1' nintly, through the midday silence
he could hear the clanging of copper
I instruments, and the weird mourning
1 cry of the defeated natives. A few
more steps and he was almost within
sight of diem. He slackened hie pace
and approached more stealthily unt
til only a little screen of bushes sepa-
rated him from the village, and, peer -
ll Druggists.
touch a
r diroet on receipt oliotier, SOc; anti SLOB. the tares bottle contains throe unto,• as
the smaller. A. J. \vnrre es Co. Liaernt7, Ci at Strout Wen Montrea .
Long, straigh corsets will remain
in fashion, but it is noticed that the
bust line is higher and the skirt a
trifle shorter. The waist is a trifle
snugger. All very slight changes, but
indicative of a gradual return to more
peonouaeed curves. Corsets to match
the ribbons in the lingerie are the fad
of the jeune fine just now and flesh -
colored stays are also favored.
Coats are of every length, from the
extended redingote that covers every
bit of the frock to the little bolero
that is so short that it appears always
to be creeping up to one's collar but-
Paying Ottr Debts,
Any man making a pretence at be-
ing honest will try and pay for what
he gets. But having admitted the
justness of his claim that he do so
he may be surprised at the wideness
of the application of the principle that
lies at the back of it, The earth pays
for what it gets the rain and the
sunshine, waving grain, buds and blos
soros and fruits, and the smiling green
of fields. It is not a mere sponge, re-
ceiving always and never responding
to the giver. It gives back every: -
thing, with an added something of •
its own. The earth IS honest, gener•
ously honest. And a man otight not
to be any less so. Ile is getting every
clay and hour and moment of his life
letting from all sides and in all.
possible ways.
Human beings generally stole
growing at the age of eighteen.
The London County Council award
eighteen scholarships every term to
domestic servants training to be