HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-12-04, Page 1/ncorperated 1855 }' The M LSO `4 S BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,300,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking noisiness Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CRIv, lr1T BANK MONEY ORDERS Paviogs Cluk Popai'tm t [interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager VoL XV] URI ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1915, 40000( "04000 000 4 0 0 4004 o04,400404040400•404,6444-44,40 0 4 4, O s e 0 0 4 4, 0 0 O 0 0 0' 0 00 4 0 0 0 v • 0 0 ai A 4, a 0 •0 0 4, 11 k�teL "1`tag We have much pleasure in extending to our • friends and patrons a cordial invitation to attend • our fall Cpeniig, which we have arranged to take : .place, Tuesday, Sep ember, twenty-first and follo- w ingdays. Every Department of our sore is well stocked and assorted with the different lines of 2 goods in spite of the fact that it has been very dit. • ficult to secure goods in many lines, but by being right on the job and buying early we are in a po- sitron to give you the goods at prices just a little 4 better than you can get at many places. • • Jur Millinery Department -2 ® Under the supervision of Miss Clifton, who was with us last Spring will. be filled with the wvery newest Styles and Materials, and we have not the slightest hesitation in saying that we have ft never shown a more beautiful display of Autumn Millinery and the prices are wonderfully moderate. Everybody invited to call Tuesday and followha.g • days. 4, 0 4, ae 0 4, 4, 0 4, 0 4, 4, 4, a 4 4. 0 0 0 •0 • •b .a • 0 0 4, 4, • a, 0 0 0 40 0 0 O 0 4, 0 • • • Weare showing the largest rig of Sweater • • coats we have ever had. All sizes for men, women 4, 0 4, 0 0 We are showing a full range of Men's and Ladies' Under- • wear in Combinations for Men and Women, fleeced lined shirts, • drawers, all wool, unshrinkable, and we also have the celebrated 0 Wolsey line, the best all wool underwear on the Market. e,. (2,7]..varia CrETC 'HE wearing qua lits :,:r of this crepe ai- unexcelled. The mixture of wool and mohair is pecially fr:'e. A good s 1...asonable. Both in all colors, You will' be delighted with our display of Dress Goods. We have the celebrated Priestly Goods which have been very popular in the past and we still claim the reputation of k.,ho'wing the fin est range of Dress Goods shown anywhere in Gabardines, Broad -Cloths, Serges, etc. Mantlings A. nice range of Mantlrng.s i11 all the leading cloths and shades Sweater Coats and children. Underwear Fur5 Etc. We have just opened up a fine range of fors, Muffs ' from 812,00 clown. Ruffs in all different classes. Men's and Lad fur lined Coats, from 825,00 up to 81000 00, Men's Coon Coate, special values this season Ladies' Musk Rat Coats full length at bargain prices. Dinner Sets We were fortunate to secure :another package of celebrated Austrian China Dinner Setts. This is the last we eau get as they are entirely out of the market. Anyone' looking for a sett T of dishes should not fail to see them before making a purchase, A D A E 4. as 0 0 tr 0 0 0 a 0 a m 4, g m • 4, m 0 • a 0 •• 0 0 0 as • 0 • a 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 e 4, a, 0 e 4 s s 0 0 0 m 4, • 0 m 4 4 0 0 2 4, 0 0 0 4 g LOCAL NEWS All overcoats and sweaters ab reduc ed prices, E. Appel. Mrs P Farwell and child are visiting relatives in Danville at preeent, Mr P Lamont shipped a carload of cattle from Ails), Craig on Ivrondey, Rev Mr Lauracic of Philipsburg. will preach. in the Lutheran church on Sun- day. 1 visited Mr Vin Lahinan of London his mother, Mrs A'Lehmen, over Sun- day. Our Xmas bon -bons, "etc., now in stook. A. good selection, Mrs McCor- mick. The council of Hay Township will meet in the Town Hall Saturday, Dec 4th. Mr and Ire Alex McConnel, of Varna, visited at the home of Mr Wni' Lamont on Sunday. Mrs Yost and son, of Bay City, Mich., are visiting in the home of Mr Lang Foster, Babylon Line. Wo have a few. ready trimmed hats left which we are clearing out at be- low cost while they last. T L Wurm, Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be tut the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, and Wednesday of the follow - ng week. • We are still handling. the famous Peninsula Cast Iron and e, Steel Ranges We have handlen this same ,line for ten years and they are still givng the best of satisfaction, We also have the Happy Thought, and any other make you niay desire. .� If you feel as though you shonld have your liome heated with a furnace, call in and let us explain you the effioience of 4 the Hecht. furnace, made by Clare Bros of Preston, The best and most economic furnace on the market, We are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing for Bath Rooms • t and Hot water heating. Give us a call, da+ duce f a. l kinds taken Pr 0 0 e,(m • r 0 0 Telephone No.9 cit+ eetee+ + X40+44++34,++++ereeee-4 e^++ •reg+1+44++4+444444+++i^+ .. it mar.: -.,gig. or E Z U A sitting of the Tenth Division Court was held here yesterc"h'tty.. 'nese Holt of Godericb presided. A .few minor cases were disposed of. while cleaning one of his prize heifers on Tuesday, Mr Peter Lamont was severely kicked on the knee by it and he has been laid up.;sinee. , Rev 7 G Litt, of Berlin conducted gtiarteily. Services in' the Evereel,n•al„ church last Sunday. The Lord's sap- per was dispensed at the evening , ser: vices. M ti �L REP RT The following .shows the relative standing of the pupils of the senior division of room IV. The result is Lased en an examination held in all subjects. Small figures after names indicate c tet failures a,rlures in that numb r of s.r lrj,act. I' Orin I1, total 1800, honors 975, •pass 780: Genevieve Zettel 1159, Milton Heyrock 1054, Llovde Ka'llefleisch 1082, Gerrie Kaercher 1001„ Edward as sol 97 Import , 73 Bessie Tough 1' 1 g () 917, Verde Fritz 881, Dennis Ducharme 872, Willie Seibert 820', Clayton 1?file (2)784.. Form I, total 1200, honors. 900, pass 5.0: • Margaret Hess 734, Jean Camp- bell 704, Susie Deichert 672, Gra- ham Merner (i18, Mildred Hoffman 567, Pearl Ducharme (1) 530, Ruth Ilartleib (1) 505, Ward Fritz (4) 443. G, S. Ilowarcl, Principal Monthly report for November, based on „general proficiency, attendance and conduct. Robin 8. Jr IV: Olive Zettel, Leonard Hudson, 1; rr,lcrick Weseloh, Louise Howalcl, Russell Preeter and Earl Zettel (even) Frank Seibert, Theodore Leibold, Sr. III. t' ob Haberer, R Hess, Pearl i. :ear, Earnest Ii il,lebr molt, Leroy Teener. Marjorie Fritz, \Valper, Amino, , Bender,. Cecilia O'Brien, Clarence Jr III D) I<da Zettel, Iva Iialbiieisch, Teddy Wagner; Iven Kalbil.eisch,. Iney ' . onngblut, Dorothy Fritz, Lennis ^ i3riUn and Lillian 'veselob,. (even) Tree, , Wirrn:, Doir.fby, Campbell It� 9rt :Siebert. Js IIZ (n). Hilda Neuschwanger, Gordon To new snbscribers in Canaria we Walper, Euloine Geiger, Wh itney will send The Uerald from now until Truemner,. Margaret Thiel, Laura the end of 1910' for $11.00 in advance, Subscribe now and get this paper free for the balance of the year. Authorization for the creation of a reserve militia in Canada has been sent out from militia headenartera at Ottawa. The reserve militia will be in addition to the active militia. A meeting of the members of the Women's Institute will be held in the Town Hall, on Wednesday evening. Dec Stb, at 8 o'clock. The report of tate delegates to the annual convention will be given. All members are in- vited to attend. Word has been received here of the death of Mr Henry Eberhart, of St Louis, formerly a resident of Bayfield. He was in his 54th year and a son of the late Christian Eberhart, baker, The deceased wasa nephew of 11:Ir H Well, of this place, Mr and MIs John Brenner, and Mrs John Gellman attended the funeral of the late Henry Racey, who died in Stratford last week, Mr Racey ivas a resident of this village a numb- er of yeaas ago.and is well known to many here who extend their sympathy to the bereaved widow and femiiy, Reedeneellelegie Deiterich, Gordon Zettel, Ervin Fisher Alphonsus Dei tri ch. Miss M. Walker, Teacher. Report of room II for the month of November. The names are in order of merit. Senior Second: Luella Decher, Mary Mittelholtz, Pearl Gellman, Veola Prang, Cecil J.dwen, Eva Fee, Gordon Rau, Milton Hey, Mabel Bender, Lloyd Hey, Her• beet Neeb. Junior Second: Rath Brenner, Ethel Hess, Austin Schwalm, Flora Uttley. Part Second: Greta Merner, Frances Mittelholtz, Gerald Bedard, Elda Callfas and 11Iad- elena l\Ieidinger (equal). Primer, Senior. • Edmond Bedard, Iven Youngbint, Agnes Zettel, John henry Iochenis, Primer, Junior. Dorthy Brenner, Arson Keller. First Senior: Claude 11leidinger Leonard Wagner and Wesley Callfas, Anna Mittelholtz. JAI: Alice Deitz, Emma Bender, I1laeeie Zettel: Miss J Voitch, Teaebor. Report of Rooni 1 for the month of November, based on accurancy and general demeanour. Sr II: Theodore Deichert, Eveland How- ard Mabel Preeter, Elsner Ducharme, Julia Davidson, Leonard Ran, Pearl Leibold, Ethel Dietrich, Clair Merner Anthony MIittleboltz, Muriel llowald, Minnie LTttley. PMI: Lulu Albrect Kathleen Siemon, Marguerite Prang, Freda Deichert, Edgar Bender, Gill err Ducharme, Vernon Davidson, Jean Ewen. P rimer: Gordon Schwalm, Raymond Fisher, Bred Dsvidson, Alvin Geseho, lst Sr: Nowell Geiger, May Schwann, Kenneth Koehler. Liebe Howald. let Jr Thomas Thiel, Garnet Waipor,. Cleinen'ce Hildebrandt, Elmer Leibold Lizzie Leibold, Lawrence Reichert. Miss M, f . Lucent, Teacher, Irene Decher, NO 20 'agar gr& 4i -1fr€ Tali .. 0evweee'i°q p ilii ....4444 1 NE 'EW FALL S for ETF A,n. Come slid see or lines. We have a special line, absolutely waterprcof. None betfer+ on the market t SCHOOL SUES We have something good for children going to school.. Well made and will stand a lot of wear. Suit C ses, Tru l s etc. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken. in. exchange for shoes. rrz9 The H omQ of Good shoes 1 n..,u. ;1111 •,dt ,,.. n , r SII ,,. .. Ini as -Plor. 1°9 � ods Most of our Xinas goods are now in and we want you to see our display of a .oy Dishes, Dosis, Toys of kind& Cushion ops, Guest To Ess d e i ief s, " alas and New. Zed Camas and Booklets, eto We cannot tell you a1i about theme in this ad. LI 5 q You must come and see foie yourself.. Produce of all keds taken N. DOUGV AS PHONE 11 on 82. dde LAE: i!'•' �,I' ,, --. ;, �..u�::. 1141111 Gaffed lothasear der tel i R It's not alwaysi so mach what von pay for elothinir -'t s what you pay for that connte \Tamue giving at all times is th.• ..-r.' ti ing that has has made this the greatest clothing store to Zu: ice `,\".+ tee always prepared to take rano of our sustainers --the golrieu irtly v,ay-••We do to ethers as we world 1:e done by." • Clothing News i hat Concern Ment lis Let us say Fern that even in the face of trade rondttions, the ad• vetoing in prle.• or alt woolens, we are prepared to give ue same splen, did qualities al fabric_, whio.i have always distingui-,hod our ilothing. The finest ready -trammed Snits and Overcoats _9 i 'TEL URIC3 INIMS.4114.6121.11.40111103.101121111,19 • Tim o• h Have received a shipment of 'first-class timothy. seed. No, 1, as to purity. Price is right Flour and Feed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc Etc. Eggs taken in exchange foie:goods k' � or Vic • Telephone 2