HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-11-26, Page 5Vie,. THE CHURCHES EVAN. . ODURC.H SERVICES German 11.00 a, tn. Sunday School 9.45 4< Junior Y, 1?. A. 1.00 p. m. (Serviee) English 7 « it 11 .00 .< ,1 Teachers meeting 8.00 Mon,, Tri -MM. Brotherhood 8.00 �, Y. P. A. • 8.18 TTuesday,al .a Wednesday Prayer Meeting 800' Friday' Teachers Training Cass 7.30 OEb praetice'4 8.800 " Ladi�ee Aid meets 1st Monday -of each reon.th at 7.301 • m. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES •GerSu, Say 10.30 a. m, English •,., 7.30 p.,ln, Bible School, 9.00 a. m. Meta''s Mis'n'ry. $ Tuesday 8:00 p. m. Luther League. Friday 8.00 p. nl. L.A: S letWeds'y of month 8.00 p, In: You .are cordially invited to take a an active part in all these meetings and cervices. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Luke 11.28, Andrew F Hess .CON'VETANOING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTO L2BILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AoENT,IB'OR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO.. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich LOCAL NEWS All overcoats and sweaters at redue- ,ed prices. E Appel. New ads—County Council, Porn For sale,Rawleigh Co., Wat Loan, Brllpe county will vote on the Can- ada Temperance Act in 1916 . Atr Henry Gallman' has taken the local agency for the Maxwell . auk - mobile. Jersey Cow for Sale about nine.. year old, due to calf in April. Good milker. • Apply to F. Datars, Sr, i a Zurich NI MARKET :DEALERS INl Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Saufag.e2, etc CASH .FOR SKINS & TIDES Dea.cher .tV �� :The 3tt1 Cat at A. new shipment just is of Bon -Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can; buy _—. A. large variety of ~Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brands of Cigars. Neilson's Famous Ice Cream McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT wan COUNOII.i The council of the cornw atiot,, r f the County of Huron will meet i„ the council chamber; in the Tow of God 'orfch, on Tuesday the 7th day of Dora (wilier next, ab the hour of 13 o'clock, Dated Nov 22nd, 1915 W. Lane, Clerk. STRAYED From pasture field on lot 13,.` con, 7, a 1 yeueoltl steer, Clark red t'olor, deborued, and pig 'ring in ,right e lr. S'. e'yrd away within last three wee Notify Jus Foster, 7r, 13ab'1'on Litre, R. ft. No 8, Zurich, lir Geo Robertson,, of Clinton, dis Wet agent of the • London Life In- snrance Co, was a businessvisitor in Zurich on Tuesday. Will the party who, in ewer, took away a bunch of bags belonging to H Bender from my store, kindly return same to me at once. C Iiartieiii'. Mr 0 Fritz has received a fine bead of a deer from Mr George Brock of I3.ensall, who shot the , animal in New`Ontario. Charlie will have it mounted.. Fred Watson, of the Lake shore road, Stanley, has purchased the Mon- .tague farm on the Bronson line, now occupied by Arthur Evans, as tenant. The consideration is $3,000, A large number of young people gathered at the hone of Mr and Mrs S Jacob), 14th con., on Wednes- day evening, the occasion being a mss- cellanecun sheaver foe their dautht r, Miss Ethel Jacobe. An enjcgi,ble eve- ing is reported. While following his usual oecupati- on of blaote nifhing, Mr Jacob Deich-- ert, had the misfortune the other day to stumble in the shop and bruise his kneecap severely by corning in con- tact with some hard o1•ject on the floor He has been using a caue to walk about since. The estimates for the proposed hydro electric power system, which will likely be voted on at the corning municipal elections, have not cone to hand yet, but they are expected to arrive in tupelo be presented to the council in by-law form to be provision- ally passed at their regular meeting. FM FOR SALE. Also E Ouse, Lot and 1 Acre Lot 20, N. 11 , 'i`,,,, n.hr:f, of (day, 100 se es, ell el, ti, r•d all et oa clay. land, or.:hn,'d haul; 1 a'u, driving shed gond dwped . by M. )ocob .leyer, ter. This farm is si.tua- tad 2i luilea from Zurieb, with tele- pho:Ie and free mail delivery. Half mile from good public school. Farm will be sold at a reasonable pike. Also dwelling house, ' with stable and one acre of land for sale. All Minces of fruit trees and good well on the premises. This property is satia- ted at Wagner's Corner and will be. sold with above farm or separately. For further particulars apply to Jacob Meyer, Jr,, R. R. No. 2, Zurieb. •on December 4th. Mr -and Mrs Jacob Meyer, Sr, moved to Baden last :week whe, e ' they will make their future home with ' their daughters who live there. Mr and Mrs Meyer have been residents of this section for many years and are held in the highest esteem by all, and the best wishes of their many friends follow them to their new home,' A reliable roan to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK IN ZURICH and HURON l;ounty Stat now at the best selling time, aS d for list of Spring Offerings nd terms to agents Liberal com- missions, Handsome Free Outfit. Stone & Wellington The Fon thiil Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO Glassine • .ids LEGAL :cARD.c. . t'ROUDFOOT, K1LLORAN, & PROUD. FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub1io &o, Office, en the Square, 2nil door irein Hamilton' St. Godericb. • Private funds to loan at lowest rates W, Pacomjrroo ,, K. 0. J. L. Kzt z,orinx. W. PaounirooT, JR. • FARM FOR SALE MEDICAL CARDS R A. 3. MauKINNON late Hous. Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Tate assistant resi- de'ut Physician, Mall Whitt Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Lot 22, Con 6, Hay, 83 acres 1 y measurement of rich clay;,ploan, 70 acrescleared, remainder in good hard- wood bub, 7 acres of fall wheat, a splendid young bearing orchard, a g•10,1 bawl; hal 0, 50x60, with large. driving sled. An up to date large brick d.,elii,,g with elate roof, a never failing eels. '1 his choir.r faun is u* m les flout i ler sail, the best rmarket or will be sent by snail, for the in the C, uut�, ;i iu,res frolu_ Luriel,,: L-tnall sutra of 25 cents etLCll. with telepbone and Rural delivery, and 3r mile frorii reboot. 1+'arni will TY • be sold on easy tel me to suit the par S� chaser; apply on premises mises or Box 75, Hensall. Chas. \icAllister.' r F. tSphran,"tLate ilfuu<e :Aargeou and house Physician of Victoria hospital, London, Ca adnate nI Faculty of Medicine of 1 ester,' University, London. ,flair, Office at Dashwood, Ont. Vis'ts Shil.ka Monday afternoon of each week. We handle the rnostinaproved Stable Egrnp ment on the market, Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased results. G e t our 'prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls anct Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. History of the Tloi it1Shlp of' Hay and the Village of' Zurich We have published in book form the early history of Hay Township and of the village of Zurich, written by 111r 7+'. Hess, Sr., Township Clerk. A. limited niunbor of these books have been printed, and a ccpy or copies of the same can be -procured at this office, erald - Zurich Stores carrying suoh lines as carpets pets, linolenms declare that a jump in these is clue as a result of the war, and it 1e advisable to buy these lines at once. Every invoice that comes from England shows advances, and ib is stated that by spring there will be a great scarcity of carpets and linens. The scarcity of wools, flax and Ayes is responsible for the advance. England appears to be is sight of conscription, Lord Derby says that if the eligible young men do nob come forward in sufficient numbers before the end of the month compulsion will be applied. It may be that this hint will be sufficient, for there is hardly any young man in England, however little interest he has in the war. who would not rather take his place volun faulty in the ranks than be dragged from under and forced in to a uniform Any man who wishes that he was a woman should try it for a day Fast en a counterpain and a blanket round your legs; buckle a strap around your waist so tight you can't draw a full breath or eat a hearty meal; hive your hair all loose and fluffy so that it keeps tickling yours eyes; wear bigh- heeled shoes and gloves a size too small for you; cover your facewith a veil full of spots that make you squ- int; fix a huge hat on with pins so that every time the wind blows it pulls your hairs out by the roots, and then with out, any pockets and with a 3 inch square of lace b blow your nose with, and short sleeves and open work stock- ings, go for a wall; on a cold day and enjoy yourself. Oh yes, you'd. like it all 'right, ---Exchange, The .London Advertiser THREE ._EDITIONS MOONING, NOON, NIGHT Western Ontario's Greatest Daily ilt the Yews all the Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2 a year circulation Dept., Loudon Advertiser Clubbed with the Zurich Herald, 12.60 a year, for both papers. CANADA'S NATIONAL GALLERY. Art Repository at Ottawa Now Con- tains Nearly 1,000 Pictures. The director of the National Gal- lery of Canada, Mr. Eric Brown, has just issued a comprehensive, handy and attractive catalogue, invaluable to visitors and interesting to all con- cerned about art and its progress in this country. The extent of the collection already in the Gallery is indicated by the nu- merical index of the works of art' on exhibition, which number nine hun- dred and eighty-four, many of which are from the brushes of artists of world-wide fame as one will see by glancing through the list of names of artists. One page of the catalogue gives in' outline the history of the Gallery. "The National Gallery of Canada," this page of the catalogue Sets forth, "was the outcome of the establish- ment of the Royal Canadian Aca- demy of Arts in 1880 ny the Marquis of Lorne, Governor-General of Can- ada 1878-1883. This establishment placed in the hands of the Hon. Min- ister of Public Works, for public ex- hibition, the diploma pictures de- posited by the members of the Royal Canadian Academy on their election. From this beginning the National Gallery 'of Canada has grown by means of the annual grants voted by the Dominion Parliament for such purpose and by means of gifts from the Royal Canadian Academy and from private individuals. In 1907 an Advisory Arts Council was appointed by the Dominion Gov- ernment to administer their grants to the National Gallery. Its first members were Sir George Alexander Drummond, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., chair- man; Sir Edmund Walker•, C.V.O., I.L.D., D.C.L., and Senator Arthur Boyer. Upon the death of Sir George Drummond in 1909, Dr. Francis. Shepherd was appointed to fill the vacancy and Sir Edmund Walker was elected chairman. In 1913 the National Gallery of Canada was incorporated by Act of Parliament and the functions and re- sponsibilities of the Advisory Arts Council were re -invested in them as the .trustees of the National Gallery 'o1 Canada, with the powers of a Do- i nt'.ion Government Commission." • UNDERTAKING We recently installed an outfit of standalone and fixtures for Doti Erb, .Bronson Line, and Parties interested are welcome to inspect et,zn LOUIS PRAN We also install equipments of every kind See as about it CarIod o Oed.r P i'.or Sal F. .. � J .KA1YJJIISO Pf1flNE• IQ Advertise in the ileral BURN: Anderson ---At Hensall, on Nov 20th, to Mr and Mrs Arthur' Anderson, a daughter, Coleman --At Parr Line, Stanley, on Nov 20th, to Mr and Mrs George Coleman, a daughter. DIED Moorehouse — In Bayfield, on Nov 110, Mercy S Moorehouse, aged 50 years. Moir-- fit Hensall, on Noy 12th Marion Gibson, beloved wife of William Moir, in her 68th year, Force of Habit. "Do you think Titewad will recover from his present illness?" "Not a chance of it now. Some. fool friend, in an effort to cheer him up, told the old fellow that cemetery lots and cofilne were cheaper ziow than the iyears.id been for course,, s not going toneglect tt chance to say. _ ,meney. Prompt Service ModerateLeha't.gee Tailor Shop and Laundry W. He HOFF A° Zurich. - Ontario , tontsaa THE HERALD CLUBBING LIST FOR 1915 Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 Weekly Globe 171 Daily Mail and Ein pire 8 75 Weely Mail and Empire 175 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition.... 8 50 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition..,.. 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 2 00 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition 1 75 Farm 4i Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate2 40 Montreal Family Herald and 'Weekly Star ,. 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness Canadian Country- man /1 CC 44 It 41 44 It It ,1 1, 44 41 ti 41 44 44 44 CC 4t 14. 41 1 85 1 50 tet"More Money" for your Slutagtl Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher, and other Fur bearers collected in your section' SERE TOUR FURS DIRECT to "FilfUBER T "thg large! house In the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FUR a reliable--responsible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rel utation existing f or more than a third of a century." a long sur cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prelnpt.SATI SFACTO R'. AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for "7Ete t;;,tuttert 0illipper, the only reliable, accurate market report and price list publishes 'Write for it -NOW -it's FREE A. E. SHUBERT, Inc. DctAceet6au S The ZURICH Job '''glut ink. EY�y� IS FULLY EQUIPPED TO DO ALL KiNDS OF Commercial and Society Printing We� , s r e, 1 x ',ld�� ~ Lett.0'lrrwrls, i ni-elopes, ,Slai(7nents, Billheads, Circulars, s, $1ti7»1r1rr,.ctl ls, .Posters, F,'odrafiS; 1 5 1 t'��cl (l r lig Invitations, Ca•r cis, 7+:tc. C;1zeelt Books, . &de Bilis, vt e guarantee careful workmanship and our ch 1f.)eS 111e moderate. ? wing to tariff changes nearly all limes are advancing. Order now and save looney THE A ZURICH ONT.