HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-11-12, Page 8LadiesOoats Cott season :;lis here, ¢roil w -e would be l,leased to shorw, you the lending models of the season ill Ladies' and'Children':, e are sure it would plate and profit you to spend a little t 1•l,il.Fng over our various lines Winter Goods We are read' to solap:y your wants in the line of Ilea v s' press Goods, Serges, in the ,i,fferent colors, Gaberdines, NVlop o (Is, Velveteens, heavy t l ,,, .,,., . tilu. :en't Wear We have ree(n11.- ' ', ertl in stock It fine ralrstt u1t t. au! Boys' Suits. 1 'c: t u x• %vv.! tivt(l, in now -styles anti arF• t i. h. va yr rl respect. We c..11 ,, av ,a ;none on yournew: nit. 1•. t• l:,a ,• also a lot of nips O vero 4 a r-, ' 't i1», Cul' 1lrs, Ties , I1..ts, t l .ccs, S lots,, etc, etc UNPERWEAR Penman Brand . We carry PENMAN'S Superfine atural Wool Underwear for women d men, : Theta garments are well ade of pure wool. unshrinlrable We tight early thus enabling us to sell at • prices while our stock lasts We o have Imre tvljito all wool underwear, r ladies tib well as fleeced ]i 72..sd and her cheaper lines Weate, Coats Monarch Brand We have the MOf. ARCI3 KNIT , eater Coats again in stook, in new' les. Al. the different col'ers and- 2es' for men, women and e:hildren. ices Right. Give us a call. No trouble ; to show ,•goods. -,.fresh Groceries always on hand. RUBY and GABOIIO PHONE 17 Fti r`t rj , v� GEORGE R. HESS OI`' .. ZURICHtol N 01 to, NEW A Y STYLE OF EINC RN SILVERWARE JUST"ARRIVED Eve(' at yOZ14' JJei'v'iice" yA' • JEWELLERS FORMERLY F. W. HESS; & CO. k******** **** ** o' o*�c*' o o'-* V* Free Until 1916 Are you a subscriber to the Zurich Herald? Now is the time to do it, if you are not already a sub - 0; u - 'scriber for you will get it free for the balance of 1915, if you send or pay . a dollar for ar y ear's sub- scription, Do it now. $1 pays for the Zur:ch Herald to Jan 1st, 1917. � .. .,t Herald Printing Co. Zurich 0 LOL AJJ M! lth OITS, Corrected ev'ery•Thursday, Butter $0,23 Eggs 80 Dried Apples 05 Potatoes .75 Wheat new .90 .92 Oats old 50 new 35 Barley 40 .45 Buckwheat 60 Flour , 2.75 8.25 B an ................., $25,00 Shorts 28.00 Low Grade 35.00 Live flogs fob 'Jewell 8,85 Local News Mr Lorne Weber of Berlin . was a business visitor in town on Tuesday._ Mr 0 Fritz and family visited friends in Wingham over Snnday. The second social night of the Maple Leaf Club was held last Thu - day evening. The preaching services in the Evan- Lelical church will be held at 9..45 A. , and the S School at 11 o'clock, during the winter months. William Bender will have another. car of Nova Scotia potatoes in next week, He has already disposed of one car and the quality is excellent, Any tter=o i requiring potatoes leave orders wi h Mr Bender. Bev Father Stroeder and Yungblut were in Liman on Tuesday. in the interests of the proposed hydio. Power line to be built to 'Zurich. Haines' Celebrated English Oils can be purchased from their local agent, Jacob Deichert. Nothing better; for sores, wounds, etc., on man ,or bead Dir 1V Brown, and assistant, \1r a f O'Brien, of JPreeter's'staff, have in, stalled a bot water beating system in the new residence of Mr F Hess, Sr. Messrs S E Faust, A Pfaff, D Bed - a •d, Ferdinand Hess and W Bender motorail to Sarnia on Sunday, They visited in Detroit on Monday, return - n ' home in the evening. Mr George Kalbfleisch, wife and fiimily, of Detroit, are visiting relatives here -for a few weeks. After their visit -here they will leave for Florida wb.era.' they expect to spend the winter. ' Mr S Dietz and family have moved iritla their fine new home in the north eti:of the village. The house is built of red brick, two storeys high, and a credit to the town, It is all finished but the front porch. Your label shows the date when your subscription to the Herald ex- pires. Our list has been corrected to Nov 3rd., and if you have paid your sub the label should show it. Let us know if credit has not been given. Ladies wishing to donate jam or Jelly for the use of the soldiers can leave it at the home of Mrs Dr Camp- bell. If not convenient to deliver it yourself, by letting any of the mem- bers of the Women's Institute know, 11 will be sent for. Ladies from the country will kindly deliver their don.. ations. We are desirous of securing a cor- respondent for the Herald for Hills - green and also for Drysdale. Any one wishing to act will be supplied with writing paper and stamped en- velopes free of charge. If interested let us know and we will be pleased to foward the material. Goosebone prophets who have fore- casted weather by the aid of the fur on muskrats, the husks of corn and goose•bones, state that the coming winter is to be exceptionally mild one, and with but very little snow. While there was but little snow last year, they say there will be less this. A number of property changes took place on the Sauble Line this week. Mr P L Denomme has dispos- ed of his seven acres to 1VIr Joseph Bedard. Mr Denomme has purchased the 50 acre farm at Drysdale corner from Mr Henry Howard, the consider- ation being $3000, and possession will be given on Jan lst, 1916. Every year several deaths occur where carbonic acid in newly filled silos poison those who enter. The greatest danger seems to be l mored• ately after the silo is partly filled and permitted to stand two or three. ays, care should be exercised in go. ng into 11. If a lighted lantern goes ut when lowered into a silo it is dan- erous for a man to enter. When a ilo is filled and allowed to settle ex. retne care should be taken to "drain ff" the gas which is heavi tar than air and will therefor slowly run out like water if the doors above the silage line re opened and free circulation is per- itted. After two or three week' time lie clanger of gas is much reduced and here is no danger if dare is aXercisedl.. d 0 g s 0 m SCHOOL PUBLIC �R� oRT THE.�TOVE QUES'TION The following is the; report of Room If Zurich Public School, The names are in order of merit, - Sr. II-- A1 Preeter, 1i Uowald, 0 Kerner, L Rau, E Howard, E Ducharme, T Day- idson, J Davidson, P Leibold E Deit- rich, A Mittleholtz, M Uttley_ absent for exams, Sr. Pt II— G• D.ucharine, L Albrecht, E Bender, V Davidson, If Siemon. Jr, Pt H— AI Prang, F Deichert, d Ewen. Pr— G Schwalm, R Fisher, F Davidson, A Gascho. SrI—' N. Geiger, 111 Schwalm, I Howald, K Koehler, Jr, I—T Thiel C Hildebrandt, G Wolper, E Leibold, L Leibold. M Lamont. Teacher, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs J Hey, Jr, on Wednesday evening. Forty members and a number of visitors :were present. The 'meeting was opened 'by singing, "We'11 never let the old flag fall." The business was then taken up; after which Mrs W L Siebert gave a very interesting talk on her trip to western Canada, A spice guessing contest was won by Mrs M Fritz and Mrs J Hey, Jr. This was a very interesting eon - test as different kinds of spices were wrapped in small parcels and those guessing the most correctly were declared winners. Selections on the phonograph added greatly to the pleasantness of the evening. An enjoy able time was spent by all and Mrs Hey was heartily thanked for her hospitality, The next regular naeeting will be held at the home of Mrs James Green, Parr Line. NOTICE All accounts not settled on or before November 15th next will be put in a collector's hands forcollection when costs will be added. I Hudson, Zurich, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Hay, will buy the lands at the adjourned sale, which had been offered for sale for taxes on the 2 day of November, by the Treasurer of the County of Huron, said sale haying been adjourned to December 16. 1915, unless the taxes and costs against the lands are paid on or before the adjourned sale, Thos. Johnson Treasurer of Hay. Zurich, Nov. 4th 1915. 'Sale of Landfor Taxes The adjourned sale of land for taxes will take place at the Court House in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, Nov. 10th, 1915, at 2.80 o'clock, -p. m, Treasurers Office, Goderich, Nov 2, 1915. Wm Holmes, Treasurer. Keeper and Matron Wanted Wanted man and wife to take charge of the Huron County House of Refuge and farm in connection therewith. Ditties to commence early in December 1915. The undersigned will receive applications up to the 7th day of Dec- ember next, so that these can be placed before the council at the Desember meeting.. John Torrance, Inspector of H, R. Clinton. Dated Nov. 1st 1915. FARM FOR SALE Lot 22, Con 6,Hay,88 acres by measurement of rich clay loam, 70 acres cleared, remainder in good hard- wood bush, 7 acres of fall -wheat, a splendid young bearing orchard, a good bank barn, 56x60, with large driving shed. An up-to-date large brick dwelling with slate roof, a never fairing well. This choice, farm is Si miles, from Hevisall, the best market in the County, 3 miles frotn ., Zurich, with telephone and Rural delivery, and mile from school, ]'arni will be solei on easy terms -to suit the pur- ehaser;apply on premises or Box 75, Boxall 'Chas. MoA111eter. w 1 IS easily decided if you buy a McClary Kitchener Range. This firm has been making stoves. for 60 years. ,Or a Superb Favorite, made in Sarnia. The third generation generation of this firm is now making. stoves. IN ow if you buy one of the- above makes of stoves, you will not make a miss shot; but hit the goal every time. And then for cheapness we can knock out any departmental store in. Canada. Gook Stove, with reservoir burns wcod or coal for $18.00 up. 'n Look at the cut of the above range with reservoir warming closet, tile Lack in closet and thermoneter, highly nickeled, guaranteed: in every way for $C8.- 00 cash. Hundreds of people of Zurich and vicinity tesify that the test stoves are al- ways sold at Hartleibs. . 1411RTLEI '.% , ZURI61 HUR.OI'S_LARCEST COMBINATION STORE iQ r, k a r# IIENTUREISO Issued for Short Tern of Years Coupons Payable Half.Yearly NEGOTIABLE Assets, $7,480.339 OVER es "FAQ' EX PERI E;dGlE: The breirWefel'iltD nentxllanContpan 7�rJfla�5t,1!1fesY Uric', fir': • Zurich Agency HERALD OFFICE TRADE MARKS - DEMONS COPYRIGHTS &C, Anyone Sending a sketch and deeorlpAtion way qulokly ascertain.. our opinion free whether an lnvengon. is probably patentable. Conununlea.. tiring strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.. Patents taken through Munn ,k Co. receive special notice, without charge, In the Srkenf ' c Rmerican� A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr- ciliation irculatior, of any soteuti8o journal. - Terms : for Canada, $„3.10 a year, postage 'prepaid. Sold by all newsdealera, & Co.36113toadway. New I/60 Ofnce- a'n t' A;,, Washington. .c>•�oc'�.,�ao.� o• o �,.00•o•o•o o.o opo 0 O i0 pdc�•o o•� o o Q� •o o� o .p o.o o v o � •a�.' A FEW BARGAINS OAfter carefully going over the Stook recently purchased.in from Mr. J. J. Merner, we find many lines which we have to reduce in order to make room for the immense New Stock which we are receiving daily. 4., 4, 4, 01 0_I OA �o t'1 oc 0g We haye received large shipm ents of fall 0, goods, such as Wool Blankets, Flanneletts and 1 Flannel Sheeting in cotton and Wool; Coat Sweat - 4. ers, Hosiery. And expect our fullrange of Ladies' 00 Fars, Dress Goods, and Coats by Fair Day. D; o Our Millinery Department 0D Is in charge of Miss G again g a s 1 -l-ter , who will be able to show you all the latest in Fall an: -Winter o 'Hats. Opening Days will be Tuesday and Wed . nesday, Sept., 21st' and 22nd. 'You are cordially invited to calf 4. Men's Shirts, Regular $1.00 for 500. Men's Tics 25c and 50e, now 2 for 250 Men's Fancy Vests $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 for 60c Men's Summer Underwear 250 A big reduction in Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, knickers and odd pants Ladies' Waists inplain white and fancy colors at -price We also have a large stock of Ladies Fall and winter Coats worth $10.00, 12.00, 15.00 and 16.00, in Black, prey, Navy, Green and Brown colors, which we will sell during the next few weeks at $5.00 each. Don't miss • these bargains 1 only Ladies' Top Skirt Reg, $6.00 now $3.00 3 " " Blk Undershirts at eoc each • Ladies' white Embry underskirts Reg•$1.50 for $1 All. Ladies' summer underwear at reduced prices NIW GOODS Produce of all kinds taken ��•e a •titea, ''�.'._ ° e. ►D • 40 40 Q CD C0 CD CO Cv CD CO. _00 CP CP CP CP CD CP CP CP CD CO CD 4D CP 4D e .e4