HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-11-12, Page 1ZURICH
VOL XVI titha
NO 17
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4.• Fall •
We have much pleasure in extending to our
friends and patrons a cordial invitation to attend
cur Fall Opening, which we have arranged to take
place, Tuesday, Sep ember, twenty-first and follow-
ing days. Every Department of our st ore is well
stocked and assorted with the different lines of
goods in spite of the fact that it has been very dif.
ficult to secure goods in many lines, but by being
right on the job and buying early we are in a po-
sition to give you the goods at prices just a little
better than you can get at many places.
Our Millinery Department
Under the supervision of Miss Cliftonwho
was with us last Spring, will. be filled with the
very newest Styles and Materials, and we have not
the slightest hesitation in saying that we have
never shown a more beautiful display of Autumn
Millinery and the prices are wonderfully moderate.
Everybody invited to call Tuesday and following
Sylvan C L
HE wearing cu
of this crepe u,
The mixture
of wool and
mohair is
A good
l asonable
0.th in all
You will be delighted
with our display o`f
Dress Goods.,., We have
the celebrated Priestly
G-oods which have been
very -popular in the past
and we still claim the
reputation of showing
the finest range of Dress
Go shown how
oarsy anywhere
ia Gabardines, .Broad
Cloths, Serges, etc.
A nice range of Mantlings in all the leading cloths
and shades
Sweater Coats
Weare showing the largest rang of Sweater
coats we have ever had. All sizes for men, women
and children
We are showing a full range of Men's and Ladies' Under–
wear in Combinations for Men and Women, fleeced lined shirts,
drawers, all wool, nnshrinkable, and we also have the celebrated
Wolsely line, the hest all wool underwear on the Market.
Furs Etc.
We have just opened up afine range of furs, Muffs from
$12.00 down. Ruffs in all different olasses. Men's and Ladies'
fur lined Coats, from $25,00 up to $1000.00. Men's Coon ()oats,
special values this season. Ladies' Musk Rat Coats full length
at bargain prices.
Dinner Sets
We were fortunate to secure another package of celebrated 4.
Austrian China Dinner Setts. This is the last we can get as
they are entirely out of the market. Anyone looking for a sett 1.
of dishes should not fail to see them before making a purchase.
We are still handling the famous Peninsula -vast iron and •
Steel Ranges." We have handlen this same line for ten years
and they are still givng the best of satisfaction, We also have
the Happy Thought, and any other make you may desire. •II
If you feel as though you should have your home heated
with a furnace, call in and let us explain you the efficienoe of •
the Hecht furnace, made by Clare Bros of .Preston, The best
and most economic furnace on the market, 4'
We are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing for Bath Rooms
and Ilot Water heating. Give us a call,
Produce of all kinds taken
aC:..eQ'wA-1) 410. All, ' b
8 goIt9'11ry111-y A s—
Fresh Oysters in any quantity at
McCormick's restaurant,
Miss Leila Siebert has taken a po-
sition in the post office as assistant.
Rev C C J Maass of Preston c on -
dilated the services in the Lutheran
church last Sunday.
Miss Susanna Smith, and niece;. Miss
Farwell, have returned from a pleasant
visit with friends at Dunville:.
Dr E 5 Hardie, dentist, will be at
the Dominion House, Zurich,,, an Wed-
nesday, and Wednesday of the, follow -
ng week.
Mr and Mrs J Decher; Sr, enter-
tained Mr, and Mrs. Chris Eilber
and Mr and Mrs H Trnenrner to a
sumptuous fowl supper last Friday
evening. Mr and Mrs Decher are
:widely known for their hospitality and -
as usnal the guests were right royally
Ripe raspberries at this time o f the
year are a luxury, Mr Julius Bloch
of town, found a number of branches
in his garden on Tuesday, which were
loaded with the fruit. We have heard
of raspberries being picked earlier in
the season but it is not often that they
can be found in a ripened state in the
month of November.
The annual Christmas entertain-
ment of the Evangelical church S
School, Zurich, will be held on Mon-
day evening, December 27th. The
beautiful Cantata, "The Search for a
King," will be rendered by the school
assisted by the choir. This' will be
one of the finest Cantatas evar..nender-
ed 'by' the school. Do not forget the
date, and .look • for announcements
Mrs M Geiger and Mrs H Eckstein
have returned from a few weeks visit
in Michigan. While away they visited
in Jackson City, Flint, Lansing and
other points. They also visited the
former's brother and sister and other
friends. They enjoyed their visit im-
as Mrs Geigerer unexpectedly
met her younger brother, Charles,
3 r, ,
C a les
whom she had not seen for twenty-
five years and bad not directly beard
from hila during that time.
Outside towns and cities do not pay
our taxes; do not build our roads or
do not improve our properties. None
of the looney sent away goes to sup-
port our churches, our schools, our
public library. Give your home
dealers a fair chance to meet your de-
mands, If they cannot or will not,
then you are justified in sending out
of town for your -goods. If they can
and do so at a reasonable price, you
are nob loyal to your town. You are
not a good citizen if you do not spend
your money in the town in which you
live and make your living.
The following sums have been added
to the local Red Cross Fund byvolun•
tary subscription,
Maple Leaf Club $5, S E Faust $2,
Louis Kalbfleisch ,$3, S Dietz $1, E
Deters $1, H H Neeb $2, Casper Wal
per $2, James Green $.5, Milton John
ston, town line $1, Wm Johnston,
Zurich, $2, T L Wurm $5.
S S No 6, $8.17; U S S No 15, $5,
Incorporated 1855
96 Branches in Canada
A Genera, Bankin¢
Business Transacted
Telephone No.9 -' Z U R C' Ii
4e4 4-t,14a. r.4.e.t.,3..1.4.4..4•..4.4-.4 4..e..1 4-4,•2•••••
Savings Bank Department
Interest at highest current rates
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
Hydro Electric Power
Hydro is a Latin word meaning
water; therefore hydro power means
waterpower. The water power is
transformed into electric powerby
transforming plants at Niagara Falls,
and iir transmitted to many parts of
Ontario as hydro electric power or en-
ergy.. This is sold to the towns and
villages by the Hydro Electric Comr
mission at so much a horse power,
which;israted according to cost oft
constriction of the transmission line
and.alo on the quantity of power
used in the community.
The Commission constructs the',
line to the edge of the yillage, and
the property owners of the village.pay
for the construction of the lines within
the corporation. The cost of construc-
tion is provided for by issuing deben-
tures usually extending over 80+years,
and in most places where hydro has
been installed the receipts from, the
power users is sufficient to proyide for
the payment of the debentures as they
fall due in eyery year. And as more
users are added to the system, the in-
come becomes greater and a surplus
The householder who. wishes to
have the lights installed in his home
pays for the wiring within his own
house and the wiry required to con-
nect it'with the system on the street,
He pars 61- cents (estimated) per kilo-
wat hour for current together with an
extra charge for floor space,
The advantages of the hydro system
over the usual system is that a eon-
tinous service is provided, which en-
ia s e' *so have lights mornings
and .evenings, and also electrical de-
vices for cooking, etc, can be installed,
The cost niay be higher the first few
years, but as more people take power,
it will become cheaper.
The plans as outlined by Mr G
Stanley, of Lucan, are as follows:
The*power is transmitted from Lon-
don to Lucan, and from Lucan to
Exeter, where a transforming station
is now under erection. The line is
then continued to Sare to where
branch will be built to Dashwood
and another branch built to Zurich, a
distance of 5 miles.
At the Hay council meeting on Sat-
urday a by-law was provisionally ad-
opted and it will be voted on at the
municipal elections in January. But
it is altogether likely that the money
by-law will also be prepared and voted
on at the same time.
Passengers on the London Huron
8,5 -Bruce train due in London at 10
o'clock witnessed a terrible tragedy,
almost in front of the depot at Clinton
on Thursday last, when Arthur Forbes
aged 65, a coal dealer of that place,
was instantly'killed.
Train No 29, from Toronto, in
charge of Conductor Jack°"o112cAuliffe
and Engineer McIntosh, of Stratford,
was moving out of the depot to allow
the London train, which is due at
Clinton at 10.25, but which remains
there 81 minutes to make connections
with the Toronto train, to pass, when
Mr Forbes whose place of business is
cl ose to the depot, was struck by train
No 29, and thrown under the wheels
his body being cut in two.
A sad feature of the deplorable ac-
cident was the fact that Miss May
Forbes, hook -keeper for her father,
was a witness of the tragedy.
Dr Gardner was hastily called, but
he found death had been instantaneo-
us. Coroner Thompson was notified
and at once iim anelled a jury, who
viewed the body.
Mr Forbes was a consistent mem-
ber of the Presbyterian church. His
widow, two daughters and five sons
survive hint, Mrs Cecil Ross, of Ham.
ilton, Miss Mae, at home, John of
Houston, Texas; James of Waterford;
Ross, of Rooney; Charles, of Brant-
ford, and Arthur, of Dunnville. His
brother, John, lives at Stratford.
and Robert, at Vancouver.
Mra yr Robertson, of Stratford, is a
fes.+•rpi+f•N/1s++• +a 011f filigiveffaulogelfammotimewise4
• •
Come and see or lines. We have a special line,
absolutely waterproof. None better on the market
We have. something good for children going to
school. Well made and will stand a lot wear.
Suit Cases, Trunks etc.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done.
Butter- and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. 1
C. FRITZ, Zurich I
The Hom+? of Good Shoes
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§ Goods f
E d
Just opened up a number of lines of heavy
Winter Goods, Woollen Blan-
kets, Dress Goods, Underwear,
Sweater Coats, cardigans, Mitts
and Gloves,' H is a.i i d Caps;
Woollen Socks and Hose; Rugs,
and numerous other li es,
Prod°ace of all kinds taken
PHONE 11 on 82
uim1ii4iuurmi0mu1ia1oiuiimiiim1muui1tuRiTiiii iii,I.iIMIlin,iiimii4ou,4oi, uMuiuNt uEiiiie;t,,iuiiiT.M.a1111i0miiiiu3i11;u1i,:muiuiiioiiuiiI!iItNuuiu
Active men are hard onclothes—
especially on Underwear.
They must seek in justice to thei
pocket books, garments whose power
of resistance is high.
The search wi11 end—economically
—right here. We sell Stanfield's
Unshrinkable Underwear in several
weights. Prices are reasonable.
A full line of Combination Under
wear, Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters,
Etc. You should see our goods
before you buy.
':t F�,.IE Ds
Timothy Seed
Have received a shipment of first-class timothy
seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right
Flour and Feed of all kinds
Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc.
Eggs taken in exchange forlgoods
George McBride
Telephone 23