HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-11-05, Page 8Ladies' Coats Coat season is here, and we would bo pleased to show you the leading models of the season in Ladies' and Children's Coats, ` e are sure it would ple.tse end profit you to spend a little tune leaking over our various lines. Winter Goods we are ready to supply yonr wants in the line of heavy Dres` Goods, Singes, in the different colors, Gaberdines, Whipcords, Velveteens, heavy Cloaking, etc,. Me's ear We have recently placed in st tole a fine range of Men's and Boys' Suits. nese are well mads in now Myles and are right in every respect. We can save you money on your new suit. We have also a lot of nice , Overcoats, Shirts, Col- lars, Ties., Hats, (Tape, 't31avee, Sooks, ate,' etc. LOCAL M A.11 TS Corrected every Thursday. Butter,......., Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat new Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts Low Grade Live Bogs fob UNDERWEAR Penman Brand We carry PENMAN'S Superiiine Natural Wool Underwear for women -and men. : These garments are well .;made of pure wont, nnsbrinkable We •jbought early thus enabling us to sell at loldprices while our stock lasts. We lalso have pure white all wool underwear for ladies as well as fleeced lined and other cheaper hues. Sweater 'oats IviOnarch Brand. We have the MONARCH KNIT '•i Sweater Coats again in stook in new 'styles. All the different colors and sizes for men, women and ohi:dren. Prices Right. 'Give us a call. No trouble to show goods. Fresh Groceries always on hand. RUBY and GASCHO PHONE 17 • ,the 0 *** eessTeSerreel ANY STYLE. OF 141 EW SIL G RIGS R 1pW�ARE p JUSTrARRI Va'ED "Ever of your Service" „ GEORGE 4; R. HESS u' :!; JEWELLERS . ZURICH FORMERLY F. W. HESS:oes CO. A. Letter From Home The weekly paper is j,. the absent ones. In fact, it is goes regularly every week. neiy's and keeps thele informed of the home town. ike a letter from Dome, to tter than a letter, 'for it It gives them all tee home of the progress and welfare We will send the Zurich Herald to any address to the end "of 1915 In C annada for 25 cents In U. S.. for 50 cents 0 0 0 0 a 0 $10.23 30 .,., 05 OP •...,, 75 • .80 .86 old 50 new 85 40 45 55 2.75 8.25 $25.00 28.00 35.00 Hensel]. 8,35 Local News Mrs G Campbell is visiting relatives i n Berlin at present, 111r August Hill, of Crediton, was a visitor in town on Sunday. New ads -Roby and Geseho, 0 Fritz, Matron & Keeper wanted, Tax gale, All Saints Day. was observed on efonclay by special services held in the R C church. G S Howard is offering ''for sale his driver, a young quiet animal suit- able for a family driver, Live poultry wanted every Tuesday and Thursday forenoon. Highest market prices, T L Wurm, Zurich.. Rev G F Brown attended the San.- (lay an=day School convention held at Toronto last week. Over 2200 delegates Were i i attendance. Ilain.es' Celebrated English Oils can be purchased from their local agent, Jacob Deichert. Nothing better for sores, wounds, etc., on magi or beast J nether, Sr„ wishes to express t'irough this means his thankfulness t the late tenants of -his house in 7,n t ich, Mr and Mrs L J Kraft, for the way they kept the premises and the promptness in paying for the rent. D .O 4� SUIBSOrtilaM WOW ' *ori** * CST ** tom*'7iG'**+Y *****fir*�° Your label shows the date when your subscription to the Herald ex- pires. Our list has been corrected to Nov 3rd., and if you have paid your sub the label should show it. Let us. know if credit has not been given. The small and larger boys played the usual Hallowe'en pranks on Sat nsday night. No material damage was done to property ;but on Sunday' night someone cut the hose on J Preeter's gasoline pump in front' of his store. If this party can be found out an example should be made of him or them. According to advices received from men connected with wire fence manu- faturing there is some danger of a short- age of wire and higher prices. The war has advanced steel and material used in galvanizing and enormous quantities of barb wire used in building entangle- ments have also served to stiffen prices. The governments of the nations at war are now said to be seeking to place or- ders and when placed wire may go still higher. The advise of our correspond- ent is that farmers wanting fencing buy early, A pretty autumn wedding was sol- emnized at the home or ;1[r ted Mrs Alex Monsseau, ii'ollson Line, Hay, on Wednesday, Oct 27th when tbAir daughter, Amanda Ann, became the bride of Melvin Smith, son of Mr and Mrs I J Smith, of near. Zurich. Promptly at 8.45 o'clock to the strains of Meudelsobn's Wedding Marcia, played by Miss Dora Smith, sister of the groom, the bridal party entered the parlor, the bride leaning on the arni of her father. The ceremony was . performed in front of an embankment of evergreens by .Boy G F Brown of Zerieh. The bride was gowned in white duchess satin, trimmed with Irish lace and the conventional veil caught with snow balls and ferns. She wore the groom's gift, a gold band.bracelet and 'carried a bougnet of asters, Miss Lydia l)esjn.rdine, gowned in pale pink crepe T)achine with an over blouse of pink satin, trimmed with white swansdown and polnps to matchcarryingabougnet of pink carnations, acte(i as bridesmaid while the groom was ably supported by Maxime Parazeau, a cousin of the bride. After the ceremony the guests consisting of only the near relatives of the bride and groom, repaired to the dining room where a dainty dinner was served. The evening was spent by music, singing and games. Tlie esteem in which the bride is held was evidenced by the many beautiful gifts of which she was the recipient, The congratulations and best wishes of the hosts of friends are extended to the estimable couple. - Com. Taxpayer Becomes Violent. Presumably on account of a com- munication he some time ago sent to the Montreal Board of Control point- ing out that it was likely that extra taxation would have to be imposed if the civic revenue was to be kept up to requirements, the life of City Treasurer Arnoldi of Montreal is threatened. In a letter signed "Exasperated Citizens" which he received a few days ago, Mr. Arnoldi is informed and warned to beware of his life if the tax on real estate is.increased. The letter to which Mr. Arnoldi is paying little attention reads: "We, undersigned, presently notify you and say: "Beware your life, if you are going to ask more taxes or new taxes on immovable properties in Montreal. We have enough suffered before to- dii.v by the foolish expense of all the boodiere who govern so honestly our civic affairs. If you have not enough money to meet with administration, you will have only to pull out from the City Hall all the parasites, who are paid very high wages to do noth- ing. For the last time: 'Beware your life.' rr 3 OTICE All accounts not settled on or before November -15th next will be put in a colleetpr's hands for collection when costs will be added. I Hudson, Zurich, BOWLING • Last Thursday one rink of bowlers, composed of Dr A J McKinnon, Dr 13 Campbell, A F Hess and T L Wurin, skip, motored to Seaforth and played. two friendly games with a rink from that town, skipped by Mr J A Wil- liams. The afternoon garne, which was one of the best played on the Seaforth green this year, resulted in a win for Seaforth by two shots.' The evening game was won by Zurich by seven shots, leaving them five up on the play. LOOK. UP YOUR LABEL Take a look at the label this week. We have corrected our subscription' list up to Nov. 4th. and those who have paid their subscription account` during the past several weeks should find that the correction of date has been rade. If you find that the label does not read as it should Ball at the office or write us and we will see that the correction is made. And by the way, there are a few who have not had any change made in their' label in some time. Those subscrip• tions should be paid at once. HYDRO A large number from Zurich at• tended the hydro meeting held at Hensall last Friday night. Mr Geo Stanley of Luean addressed the meet- ing and his explanation of the subject showed that he understands it in all its details. It is xeported that the neighboring village of Dashwood is. getting the power and if the residents of Zurich want it the proper steps should be taken at onee to secure the necessary, information regarding bylaws, etc. If we can get hydro. power for Zurich we .will be a long step nearer radial railway connection. With outside points. Sale of Land for Taxes The adjourned sale of land for taxes will take place at the Court Rouse in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, Nov. l.6th, 1915, at 2.30 o'clock, p.m, Treasurers Office, Godexich. Nov 2, 1915. Win Holmes, Tr .ers sr. Keeper and Matron Wanted Wanted man andwife to take charge of the Huron County House of Refuge and farm in connection therewith. Duties to commence early in December 1915. The undersigned will receive applications up to the 7th day of Dec- ember next, so that these,can be placed before the council at the Desenber meeting. John Torrance, Inspector of H. R. Clinton. Dated Nov. lst 1915. Tlif-FYI� QUESTION. is easily decided if you buy a McO1al'y Kitchener Range. This firm has been making stoves for 60 years. . Or a Superb Favorite, made in. Sarnia. The third'geleration generation of this firm is now making stoves. Now if you buy one of t1 e above makes 'of stoves, you will not make a miss shot, but hit the goal every time. And then for cheapness we can knock out any departmental store in Canada. - Cook Stove, with reservoir burns wood or coal for $16.00 up. Look at the cut of the above rauge with reservoir warming claret, tile back in -closet and thermoneter, highly nickeled, guaranteed in every way for $$8.- 00 cash reed Hundreds of people of Zurich and vicinity tesify tLat the Lest stoves are al- ways sold at Hartleibs. - FARM FOR SALE Lot 22, Con 6, Hay, 83 acres by measurement of rich clay loans, 70 acres cleared, remainder in good hard- wood bush, 7 acres of fall wheat, a splendid young bearing orchard, a good bank barn, 56x60, with large driving shed. An up-to-date large brick dwelling with slate roof, a never -failing well. This choice farm is 8:} miles from Fleneell, the best market in the County, 3 miles from Zurich, with telephone and Rural delivery, and it mile from school, Farm will be sold on easy terms to suit the per• Amer, apply on premises er. Sex 75, ti'ensall. Chas. McAllister. 444^0- 11" 4 kiA4A1 DEBENTURES 44^0- HURON'SILARCEST COM DEBENTURES Issued for Steil Term offears Coupons Payable - llalf.Yearly NEGOTIABLE Assets. $7,4- 80.339 PHONE 13 9ZURICH INATIONI STORE OVER ES "rEAP'' • EXPERIEidcg: Zurich Agency HERALD OFFICE TRADE MARKER DEsitsNS COPYRIGHTS &c, Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Snvention is probably patentable. Communlca• • tion strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agRency for securing patents. Patents taken tbrougb Munn & Co.receivn epectainotice, without charge, in the Scientific AnicricailA culation of � any illustrated weekly. eourmal. Largest Canada, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid. . Bold by - gai�l W16newsdealere. uNNreC Co 6'Bro° New Yfr �St, Washington. c �Goo•�•O.O.O D �.•O.O•� ‘:,...,7z,,,.',.,...1:,,,, 00 400 0 Q. A FEW BARGAINS After carefully going"over the Stock recently purchased from Mr. J. J. Merner, we find many lines which we have to reduce in order to make room for the immense New Stock., which we are receiving daily. 1iLen's Shirts, Regnlar $1.00 for 50c. Men's Ties 25o and 50e, now 2 for 250 Men's Fancy Vests $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 for 60c Men's Summer Underwear 25c A big reduction in Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, knickers and odd pants Ladies' Waists inplain whiteandfanoy colors at -price We also have a large stock of Ladies Fall and winter Coats worth $10.00, 12.00, 15.00 and 16.00, in Black, -Grey, Navy, Green and Brown colors, which we will sell during the next few weeks at $5.00 each. Don't miss these bargains 1 only Ladies' Top Skirt Reg, $6.00 now $3.00 3 " Blk Undershirts at hoc each Ladies' white Embry underskirts Reg $1.50 for $1 All Ladies' summer underwear at reduced prices NEW GOODS 0V0 0Q 00 00 40 DO X00 We have receivsd large shipm eats of fall' 4 0 goods, such as Wool Blankets, Flanneletts and 40 Flannel Sheeting in cotton and Wool, Coat Sweat- 00 ers, Hosiery. And expect our fullrange of Ladies' 00. Fars, Dress Goods, and Coats by Fair Day. 40 Our Millinery Department 00. Y Is again in charge of Miss Galster, who will be Q D able to show you all the latest in Fall and Winter 00 Hats. Opening Days will be Tuesday and Wed- 4 0 nesday, Sept., 21st and 22nd. D 0 You are cordially invited to call. . 0 0P. 0 Produce of all kinds taken T. L..PURM.a'