HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-11-05, Page 4THE l13.WR.0-%D
issued every Thutxday .afternoon front tine
#11x11.411.,» 1;" R1NT11NI OFFICE
l'ictorla St. Zurich, by
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THURSDAY, NOV..1. 1915
Wedding Bells wil: soon b ringiug
in our burg. -keep guessing,
Mr W H Pole motored to Crediton
lass Sunday evening,
Mr Hilton Truemner spent Sunday
at Shipka.
Mr and M rs Roy Merner and fatally
spent Sunday at the home of Mr
Elmore .Elopp, Bronson Line.
The 'boys enjoyed themselves last
Saturday evening playing Hallowe'en
Mr and Mrs Chris Schrag of Blake
were visitors at d Gaseho's last Sun-
Mr and Mrs J W Horner, Mrs Roy
Merrier and Mrs Mini T ttemner,
motored to Varna last Satuti :y.
The Teacher's Training Class have
been successful in their third exam.
each passing with honors,
Mr and Mrs John Heir, Jr. were
guests at Mr C True -tuner's cu Sun-
Miss Luella Schatz of Dashwood
spent a few days last week visiting
friends on oar line.
The continued dry weather is de-
laying the fanners with their plough-
ing, They are taking advantage by
teaming their beans to market, for
which they are receiving a handsome
78 cars of sugar beets have been
shipped from Seaforth station this
season and mors are to follow.
The Gunn, Langlois Co„ have dis-
posed of their grain department at
Clinton to W Jenkins and Son.
Alex Cardno, one of the active bus-
iness men of Seaforth, died on Wed-
nesday of last week. He was one of
the pioneers of the district,
On Sunday a week Father McCar-
thy of Mt Carmel was given a send off
by the residents of the seation. The
reverend gentleman has left :or Len -
don where he has joined an overseas,
tattalion as chaplain. He was pres-
ented with a sum of money by both
Catholic and Protestant friends.
On Wednesday Oct 27th, Miss
Lillian King, second daughter of Mr
and Mrs T D King, Bay-fieid, was unit
ed in marriage with Arlington Atwood
The ceremony was performed at the
rectory in Sebringville by Rev Mr.
Conell, formerly of Bayfield. The
happy young couple will reside in Bar-
At a special meeting of the Goderich
Council it was decided to send two
delegates, Mayor Reid and Reeve
Nairn, to the Hydro Radial Association
convention, to be held some time next
week, probably in Stratford, to dieenss
the conetruetion of a radial road from
Stratford to Goderich by way of
Exeter. Two years ago the Hvdro-
Electric Commission surveyed a route,
from here thrangh south Huron to St
Marys and Stratford. With this line.
in operation the way might be opened
to get the defunct Ontario West Shore
road in operation. All the t1:,.unicipai
representatives of this district will at-
130 -RN
Fischer -in Das1iwond, oil ('ct 21st,
to Mr apd lxfrs Ch t F cher, a
Mr Geo Troyer of Hillsgreen Balled
here Tuesday,
Several from here motored to Cent-
ralia Monday night when Pte H White
returned home from the front,
Mrs Felsinger and Mrs Bender are
visiting at Rev J k1 Grenzebach's at
Miss Rose Limiter returned from
London Thursday where she has been
visiting friends.
Mr Elmore Willert called a.t Cred-
iton one day last week on business.
Miss Fanny Preeter of Zurich, who
has been visiting relatives during the
past week left Saturday morning for
Mr Dr Schram is visiting in London l
at present.
Mr Herb Kraft visited on the Gos-
hen line Sunday,
Mr Harry Hoffman is moving Mr
Wm Westlake, of Exeter north, to
Stratford this week.
Miss Mina Ehlers visited Mr. and
Mrs T' Wurm of Zurich over Sunday,
Our mail courier Elmore Willem,
has started a freight and express wag-
on from here to Shipka for Mr N
Kellerman who keeps hilt hustling,
Mr Wm Musser visited friends in
Zurich Sunday,
Mrs R J Armstrong returned from
London Monday night,
The following is the report of room
I of Dashwood. Public School for the
month of October, The report is based
on attendance, diligence and general this place.
demeanour. The patriotic concert held in the
Sr. pt II --Lucile Willert 89, Wib- opera house last Friday night was
an Zimmer 78, Courtney Eidt 78, largely attended.
Alice Hoffman 60, Lillie Willett 59, Altogether nineteen have enIiste.i
Solomon Bettchen 55, Henry Bieber for overseas service from this town.
54, Harry Zimmer 51, • Hydro men are busy in Exeter w ir-
Int Pt 11 -Peggie Armstrong 75e ing the houses and erecting poles.
Edith Guenther 64, Percy Kleinstiver
61, Luella Stire 60, Minnie Rinker 'P
59, Oscar Miller 57, l erda Baker 50. .$.ENSALL
Jr. pt II -Victor Tyler 61, Clara
Bender 51, Alice Grigg 50.
Pt."I fn -Lorne Tiernan 68, Ethel Mr G D Arnold of London?,
Gabel 04, Pearl Gabel 60, grandson, Mr Jas McArthur; -visited e1;
B 2- Harold Kellerman 71, Eddie the home of Mr H Arnold. last Sveek:
Hamacher 69, Almeida Miller 61, Large quantities of sugar beets are
Arnetta Steinhagen 5s, Loreen Baker being shipped from this station.
51 (absent), An interesting hydro meeting was
AI -Edna Wilds 73, Emma Group- held in the town hall here last Fridav
night. Dir George Stanley of Lucan
was the speaker and his address was
well received by the large n avid e r pre-
strong 60, Ethel Hartleib 51, Leonard sent. The cost per horse po::. at
Bender 41. Average attendance 85. Hensall wilt be about S43.
A Finkbeiner, teacher, Much interest atteches to tht sui
Report of Room 2, Dashwood Pub- # instituted by P Murray against thet
lic School. Those whose names are corporation of Hensall charging that
followed by an asterisk Missed one or `, the dumping ground owned and 71sed
more examinations. s by our citizens was unsanitary and de -
Sr. III -Luella Sehatz, Ella Cam- ± predated the value. The trial tock place
erori, Mildred Schroeder; Idella Rader' before Judge Doyle, The trial took
Sydney Baker," Laura Schroeder,'' place in the court house God ich,
Ella Desjardine," Clifford Pfaff, Per- Hays of Seaforth and Robinson of
cy Willem," Garnet Willert,`' Stratford appeared for the plaintiff and
Jr. III -Rose Guenther, Louise , Mr Madmen for the defense. The
Graupner, Gladys Guenther, Verde. Judge reserved his decision.
Fassold, Tillie Hamacher, Ino Rader," A Whitesides left for Detroit last
Edna Cameron, Myrtle Koch.-: Friday, accompanied by his niecE who
Sr. II -Lucinda Willert, Howard bas been visiting at his home,
Schroeder, Roselle Koch,' Czar Stein .' Mrs E Rennie attended the #ureral
Lineu. `Willie Bender, Idella Baker, ` 4of her cousin, Mr Munroe, at Caledonia
Mervyn Tiernan,' Edwin Rinker_ ` :` last week.
Barnet Gos.sman,' Anna Vincent,`
Abraham Vincent,' Albert Eveland." Francis Carliu, who for many years
Jr. II -Harry Rader, Charlie Snell kept an hotel at Staffs and later eon-
Jno Guenther, Violet Bieber," Adolph ducted the Commercial Hotel here for
Genttner,'" Fredo Stire,"some years, died at his home on Fri-
Grace Reid, Teacher, ' day. He bad suffered from the effects
of paralytic strokes for about two
years. He was genial and popular
"On the Field. of Honor" a with the commercial travellers and
the general public, The remains were
interred in the Dublin cemetery,
Henry Penfound has rented his
farm to Lawrence Forest,
Alex Mustard of Brucefield, bas left
for a trip to the west,
By, private contribution Bayfield
contributed $215 to the Red Cross
Mr and Mrs J H Holtzman attend-
ed the Sunday School convention at
Toronto last week.
The family of Ur Dan Mcisaac are
again under quarantine,
Mrs D Link still continues in a TE ry
serious condition,
The amount contributed by Stephen
council and by subscriptions to Red
Cross Fund is $2500,
Rev Dr John Sommerville, .of Ter -
onto, preached in Caven Presbyterian
church on Sunday at the anniversary
Exeter's contribution to the Red
Cross Fund was nearly $1900,
Leo Blatchford, who has been ill at
one of the London hospitals for some
time, bas sufficiently recovered to r:••
turn to his home here.
Seventy pads and one hundred
mouth -washes and compresses were
sent to London by the Book Olub Ef
nen 72, Wealthy Schroeder 69, Cour-
tney Burmeister 65.
A2 ---Walter Stire 63, Lottie Arm -
The publishers of The Family
Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal,
are Leaking a strong bid for that
beautiful picture, full of pathos. en-
"On the Field of Honor." It is
aseutned the publishers of the Family-
Herald have in mind using it as a
presentation plate. If that is so there
is a great treat in store for readers of
1'he Family Herald and Weekly Star
this autntnn. In past years The Family,
Herald rot Montreal has been noted
not only for the wonderful exc-ellenee
of than ]anal but many beautiful
*time it has presented to its readers
The Family Herald has a name for
succeeding in anything it undertakes,
and we fowl -erre if it is humanly pos
,n "On the Field of Ronny'
fat ++; i:l?tars Rill itncceed in
On t;Je Field of Honor"
•lespread attention i
Mr Daniel Smith spent Sunday
with friends atfArkona.
The dry weather of the last few
weeks has enabled the farmers to
harvest their roots and corn in fins:
shape. Although some are complain-
ing that the clay land ploughs very
Mr Chester L. Smith of Zurich
spent Saturday and Sunday at his
home here.
Mr and Mrs Joe Badour, Jr,, of
Drysdale, have hired with Mr A Bris-
son for a year.
Mr John Zimmerman of New
Hamburg. is spending a week with
his biother-m law Mr D Smith.
The following is the reports of 5 S
No 8, Hay, for October.
Senior IV:
ward Forrest, 986; Willie Black-
well, 852.
Senior 1II:
Orville Smith, 297; Annie Rich-
ardson, 293,
Mary Forrest, 816; Grant Love,
285; Pearl Kipfer, 250; Clifford
Redmond and Wesley Redmond,
Senior II;
Greta Forest, 482; Vera Gram,
418; Gertrude Love, 375; Wesley
Richardson, 296.
Junior 11:
Russell Consitt, 263; Fredrick
Quackenbush, 284; Belle Kyle, 185.
Senior Pt II;
LuellaJarrott, 207; Bona Black-
well, 243; Margery Richardson, 106.
Senior Pt 1:
Boy Kyle, 99.
Junior Pt 1:
Greta Blackwell, 178; Florence
Armstrong, 147; Glenn Love, 104.
Number on .roll 28. Average at-
tendance 18.38. '
S. Petty, Teacher.
Mr. and 111'rs,Ed Boyes visited with!
friends in Clinton last Saturday.
Miss Flossy CapIing spent Saturday
under the parental roof,
Mr and Mrs Geo Edighoffer and
family of Dashwood and Miss V Ed-
igboffer of Seaforth, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr Ross Johnston.
Miss Ella Johnston of London is
visiting under the parental roof.
The Women's Institute will meet
at the home of Mrs G Freekleton on
Tuesday, November 9th. Papers
will be given by Mrs D Tough and!
Mrs Win Douglas. Topic 'Can
woman live cheaper than man", All
ladies are welcome,
Flax Men Meet at
On Tuesbay the second meeting of
the Canadian Flax growers was held
at Hensall. Reports of the executive
officers were beard and work to be
undertaken by the organization dur-
intr the coming months was discussed,
Satisfaction is expressed that both
Provincial and Dominion Government
has begun investigating ways of help-
ing to increase the production of flax
fibre in Canada, I' is hoed that ,1
some practical results will be forth- ® relK ,one
Roof Pulpers, Cuffing Boxe aH kinds of
We have secured the agelaey for the Dadeo Self-starter for
Ford cars. Simple, strong and convenient, Our price $10,.
11 have a full stock of all kinds of Horse Blankets on hand.
I was lucky to purchase a large stock of All Wool Blankets before.
the advance in prides and have decided to retail them at the old
price while they last, Call in and see our values.
A large assortment of Men's Mitts and Gloves on hand.
Our prices are just a little lower than usual. Call and see
befcre you buy.
I have made arrangements with Silverwoods
Dairy, London, to take eream at
My Residence, Zurich, any ti>,ne
during the week.
Cream is tented when brought to my residence
and paid for on delivery. Price paid tt
week was 30 cents per pound.
highest Cash Prico for g- , ,z
coming at an early date.
The Canadian Flaxgrowers already
embrace practically all the established
flax men of theDominion. The associa-
tion has been active in stimulating
closer co-operation among flaxgrowers,
in educating the farmer as to the truth
about this crop, and in calling the at -
fen tion of foreign buyers to fax pro -
duets. The department of trade and
commerce is urged to establish a gov-
errinrent system of fibre trading so that
fiaxmen may realize the greatest re-
turns for their products,
An interesting development of the
season is the rising demand for Can-
adianrflax by the few Canadian cordage
and linen factories. Dominion iiax-
weavers assert that they could utilize
all the fiat fibre already produced in
Canada if the salve were spun fine
enough for then. There is therefore
a prospect of a flax spinning mill being
established in this country to handle
primarily- Canadian flax fibre,
The secretary of the growers is in
receipt of several inquiries from men
with capital to invest looking to taking
hold of idle flax mills this coming
season. Already the mills at St Marys
Alma and Drayton. which have been
idle, are being put in shape for opera-
Prominent flax factors look forward
to still greater improvement in mills
and processes during coming years.
"Water ratting" is due to be more
widely practiced. Already the avail-
able waters at Forest, Dashwood,
Zurich, Winghain, Hensall, St Marys
and Crediton have been analyzed with
a view to determining their snitabiiity'
or flax ratting. Further tests are
sing trade of Seaters Secured from flax
cenfreslike the following:
Stratford, Baden, Mitchell, Floradale
Cones/nomad Alvinston. Water ret -
ting, it is declared, is the best method
of treating flax for the extraction of
the fibre from the straw,
This season's crop Was a good one,
but owing to the unusually bad
Iter, iglesuenrlntr coinnsti,d.etaibrlze iafttodnelwty
ratting, Both fibre and seed are in
strong demand. 1
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Herald Printing Co. P aone O