HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-22, Page 5THE CHURCHS EVAN. 01.11.1401.1. SERVICES. OCAL NEWS A number of tho.boys [tubed to Port llurou on. Sunday, Mr, S. BIOWO of Crcdit in., was a visitor in- town Sunday. !Ti j Fteacy of Ifensall, is painting the new .;esitleice of Mr L 3 Iiv.at SUnday, German 11.00nit 1:1. SraldaY School 9.46 " junior Y, P. A. 1.00 (Service) English 7.00 Teachers mooting 8.00 " " Mon., Tia -Mu Brotherhood 8,00" " Tuesday, • Y. P. A. 8.16 Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00 " Friday Teaeliors . Training Clms '7.30 '4 " choir practice 8,90 4 t Ladies Aid meets list Monday of each month at 7.80 p. in. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES Mrs J Zimmerman, of Tavistock visited ab the home of Mrs 0. Hess, last week. Mr le red Deichert, who has been visiting relatiVes rtnd friends hero, left on 'Wednesday for his home in German, Sunday 10.20 a. m. Cavalier, N. D. i EngliSh : 7.80 I), 111. Tho fill 0 DOW residence belonging ( Bible ;School; ` ', 9.00 a. in. to Mr Louis J Kraft in the south end Men's Mis'n'ry 8 Tuesday 8.00 P. in. Mll soon be ready for. °eel:Taney. Luther League Friday 8.00 P.m: The painters haye.been decorating the L A S lstWeds'y of month 8,00 p. rn, interior and Mr and Mrs Kraft expect You a.re cordially invited to lab an to move into it in a few weeks, ' active part in all these. meetings and Notice—Will the party who, un- serviees. knowingly, took the wrong bean- liar - "Blessed are they that hear the , ytster knives from my shop, kiodly an word of God,a keep it. Luke 11.28, rtOrn same and the right ones will Is _ • given hint, L Prang. r . The annonucoment was ;made ab /IwoLing held in Hamilton 011 Tuesday Andrew F. Hess that a campaign for total prohibition in Ontario would be 'started at. an • • CONVEYANCING, ETC learly date. 'FIRE 'INSURANCE i Any person who ban bring an apple PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE' INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR 'GREAT WEST, PERMANENT • LOAN ' CO. AcOOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSITRANCE Herald Office Zurich Zurich Meet A it E T :DEA Lints NI Fresh and Salt Meats Bolcom Saus.sges, etc CASHFOR SKINS & HIDES & Deioltert • 11w1iich is larger than the one now on can secure the sum of twenty-five by doing so. Mr Fritz is willing to pay this stun to any party who can • I ex n b' tion in 0 Fritz' show window FRITAONI TINUT tAIBIBt A new shipment inst in of Bon •Bons, Chocolates, etc. The.best that money can:1 bay I large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. LeoldinCBrands of. Cidars, Neilsou'siafl1OUSIceami McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT 4CW- 0.• triti• V••V• V NW \ WWW•* • V A reliable nia,n to sell' HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK IN ZURICH and HURON eJounty St ,rt now at the best selling time, aS d for list of Spring Offerings nd terms to agents. Liheraoom– missions, Handsome Free Outfit. Stone 8. Weilingten The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO The London Advertiser THREE EDITIONS MORNING, NOON, NIGHT Western Ontario's Greatest Daily 411 the Hews all the Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2 a year Circulation Dept, London Advertiser Clubbed with the Zurich Herald, 02 00 n year, for beth mem CliPc.vieu Ads LEGAL- .:0ARDS..;:... pA:tocLtro0'f,lii.11_,I,0RAN, FoOT. Fait rh-ters, Soheitoro, Ntr Publie &e. Offiee, on the 4griaro, 9,1111 door from 1.L.Eniitan. se, GoderEeh. Trivn'e fatids toloan at .Iewcst tares paorpcool, K; 11. ',E. L. w. l'aufJeteoor, en* beat 1 1, This apple is of the Alexan- dria variety and is well worth seeing. 'Word was received here on Satur-• day of the death of Chris Neberlin, a .weattly farmer living near Sebring - vale, Deceased passed . aWay very suddenly on Friday last, from an at- tack of heart disease. fie was a bro- ther-in-law:of Mr Henry Koehler of the Goshen lino and has visited here frequently. He was ininntrried and had reached the age of 47 years. The funeral Was held on Sunday and was largely attended. On. and after November first next eery licensed bar in the Province of Ontario musF be closed -at 8 o'clock in the evening. except on Saturday, 'when:they will be 'closed at 7 o'clock as at prase*, The announcement Was made jointly on :Wednesday of last week by Hon W H HearSt, premi• et. of Ontario, and Chairman Flavelle, of the License Board. It is expected that the law will be in force as long as the present war continues. HUNT UP YOUR RAZORS You can do your "little bit" towards helping the Allies in the present war by leaving your old razors a.t the office of Dr A J McKinnon.. The razors are forsvarded to Toronto and before the soldiers at the front receive them are sharpened ready for use. HICKS' FORECAST The Third Reactionary Storm Period is central on the 28rd, 241b and 25th. The opposition of the Moon on the '2•2nt1. will tend to bridge over the thate from the preceding per- iod, bringing continued, threatening weather into this reactionary period, At all events you. may look to see tinickened barometric hang s, with r&sponding clouliness, 'precipitation and winds, on and touching the 28rd, 24th and 20113, followed promptly by tising barometer,;souris of early snow 'and clearing,celder weather. AncrAcAL CARDS 13R A. J. nuiliINNON, late Hous Silleon, Erie cut Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant vcsi• dent Physician, ithinhalLai, ilospitui N. V. city. Laic of tln House Staff, New York PalyelMic Sch.,01 1)1ug stare in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont, „Bengt. en Rats" clears out Rats Wee etc. Don't Die in the House.. 15c. and 25e.at Drug and Country stores. THE WAR AT YOUR DOOR A Plan to Get tile Best Story • of the•Great'European Conflict. The war in Europeincreases in in- tensity and the end is mot yet. The big metropolitan newspaper has never been in such universal demand as it is 1 to day and the The Toronto Mail and Empire leads all its contemporaries in supplying the most accurate :news from the vast scene of world conflie,t. The Weekly Mail and Empire con - Vans the story of the war as it pro- gresses, *while the Daily Edition al ways publishes the best daily record of the gigantic struggle. By arrangement we can supply The Weekly Mrdl and Empire and our own papa, together , from now •till .Tan 1, 1916 for 25 cents or from now to Jan 1, 1917 to $1.65. This in an offer that enables you to get the best big weekly published in Canada along with your best local paper, at almost a half-price rs,tesena or bring all order g into tho °Moo of this PaPer• r 14(.1fraff. !Late- 11,,,,,se t....:ltirgoon. anti 11 ()Ilse. 1.1h:)sfelaff of Victoria 11ot:111f:if, Lonflon; Gfacitutto o f Foca: y of N16.41.c.ift: of' NVet,terit University. London. .111 ;fin ()illee at 1.!a,1):wootI, Oct. Vis t Shipka :11(niday al 1(11:0(01 •of each week. Notice TED Debtors All esou bte ci to the estate of the late Alfred Scruton, flensall, are here- by notified to pay their accounts at once to John Zuefle, Hensall, Ont. John Zuefle Executors Wm. Mackay Dated at 1-Ienso.11, 8i m 2901, 151.5. a . All sizes or fitst-olass, tile on hand For all uses, purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right St. Joseph Bripk Yards Louis Foster, Manager. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central, ealed•MMMMDM.MOVOM.2.20•10....... HINTIN OF ALL ii CIA 110 tt't .4 '1 THE HERALD CLUBBMC LIST FOR 195 Herald alia iDaily Globe $8 75 ?Weekly Globe 1 75 " Daily Iltail and Em- pire 8 76i Wool y Mail and fl,,a4pire 1 75; Toronto Daily Star 2 85' `" Daily News 2 85' " Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition.... 8 50 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition 1 85 " London Advertiser Morning Ecli Mon— . 2 90 Evening Edition—. 2 90 Weekly EdWon..,1 75 & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate–. 2 40 Montreal Family' Herald and Weekly Star 1 85 " Weekly Montreal Witness 1 86 41 t 44 44 44 it 41 „ at will you Jo for the iviAGNiFicENT soldiers and sailors from. every part of the. British Empire are laying clown their lives for you and yours. Perhaps seine of your, own blood are amongst them. An urgent appeal has gone .Porin from the Marquis of Lansdowne, Presi- dent of the British Red Cross, for funds to provide medicines, appliances, comforts, and hospital equipment of' all kinds to alleviate the ' sufferings from wounds and sickness of sailors and soldiers from all parts of the Elul:. pire. This appeal is endorsed by their Majesties, the King and Queen, .and every British possession is settin• aside. by official proclamation 9er Sailors and Soldiers as a day t f public giving to aid in this splendid cause, which s`cands in severe need of assistance owing to the tremendous demands upon Red Cross work. taro's We call and will vaise this amount as a token that Ontario feels for our wounded heroes and will not see them languish in then' pain and suffer- ing for the warA of medieal and other f,oinforts. Do your part and make "Our Day for •i'.1-1(1 Soldiers" a tremendous success 111 oily loc4ality. "This is the first appeaof the iffotheriaqd to Canadz'ans in this present war. ft calls upon our' hurnanity as well as our loyalty." John S. Hendrie, Lieut. -Governor of Ontario. "We shall be troly grateful to you for assistance in relieving the sufferings of czr.r wocnd,sd soldiers and sailors "run di parts cf the Dominions." Lansdowne, President 8.14Nvii Red rrs.vz Society. Give to the Red Criss Every cent collec gc' .to riih Red Cross head- quarters, where i is officially and wisely opent. No money is wastee in czpenses, even this advertising space is donated the publishers. Give a day's pa3? Dc your r ari. Give 'Acridly and loyally. Give yr, -r n.-orey„. becauscs these brave ones —our sailors am- ..eldierc, are giving their lives for us. Collectors a- October 21 wi solicit your sub- scription—or ma!,,- it through your Mayor or Reeve. ISISIWEITEMSEEMelitiardSMIlrai.: t'Vitno .011DERTAKI.".',] Prompt Moderate Tailor Shop a n d Laundry W. H. HOFFialgAl Zurich. Ontario •1 u oad of Posts Ce in, NE* 19 or ale r zueRili ' r ALBFLEibcti vertise in the Herald.