HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-22, Page 4r"L 114D
i e•:_•, t^ aft, E.a,tTthe
:1,12 u k1E1^retR L.
L C :aa•scapaoa szr5,D st:irti} in ttclt-ar.,:e,
R2 ^ asp lay and cot r•tct a tce t ttniaPtn %.3;, app'—fatten. •
roti s .?11 C - Cis In,
,e•.;t.• -.1 .-el vet ',Itit.1,t1r
,alettat s^tla x n tsmstt s
er. 1 r4V
'x.•ttach is lb 1, t t
'tse-tea tree.
sEms •'.'$Lek.
The thirty' annual, convention
,f the West Huron Teachere,' Aserieia
.._,._._ .� . .n was hard in the Public School,
•-_---......-........,...<._^^'�•.-� RiN+.a°'w.v..�r.+..wwww4Mp•nF�.rwM.!w+..'r...w�� Thursday "1
� and
_❑ ^Y;i... , „.. .: F
'I`. i E' rI'oSIX1�ttet week, One hunared and sixteen
• > lib -1
teachers'were present.
ytieing pan' asst s tot 1 contribution of two laltn(llia(l aril.
Stanley i c "We will take good clean duto1 wit,. =;ii i as made to the British Rod
Ltil.t.^•:,.. to the British filed Cross, , any 'u`naniity .:1 exchange for Fnt•nittl- I',
= l.e and - .• , machine,, at 'P ter Cross null
i tate 1t ton e ie being lel �'ral an the .. n
a � a I ilE}t?,00'�•iil iu p Many interesting laapel:5 were road
t 111 nt asked f„ Istt .0
r i taaal the (hscllssions 'vhicll follo'wod
` all 1.-- L7 al ili.y be sac coal, l A large i tuber from here atten(1 wwt re very ho112fn1 to all present.
('ll Sunday everting, Oct 10th, Mr time foal tallier at Zurich on Ttesdai; 1 On Thursday evening a largo and,
Gee. Kennedy e ,-d met with a rather ser.; evening.
A social under the auspices •of tin 1+%l,era house.Stir (i i4I Elliott' of
• lone accident. His -eye eightbeing
enthusiastic meeting was held in the;,
t ....* . dr:iectiye he opener the cellar door filo ;
� '»t...s:,etnt.at. P:.,. �., t0 the', e.�.2P CS {., he '� 4:,a)T leading
Lalie 1 of the E}'angelical china 1 Goderich, secretary of the Huron
Na parer t: scotaint-t ,, t`
2"tal.e for
Root ul l� , � .s ��,47
Antis o
�s r.:.DCO BEL L �,cv -Saran /�.,{ R � N^way
t 1.� 1 t. children's Aid Society E]:;a1ka? 011 the ra ' + surod. tilt i! 1('.l'li ` for 1,1 0 1ht(1(.i° Self -starter `'fors
r. r v We (Ga 11`r1� ( f,G( r�
verandah 3ud c„�:=et=neatly fell down tall b(= held here next fol dw� ewal � i
sn.t;.. o.,..,,.. -. . etauJ.ath . , - 112 . The prose da' will ge to'wai,..
s tot r t , Tr . the cellar .steps,`*rceit: aft li 1�7d blo,'
a , t+� the ripe organ fund. f
11 the head area arm and a general 1 r gw vo
shakin hais since been con•
gu12. r '. t
THE xslte.Ln, `” ` `i'' Ont' fined to hie la.d and owing to hen
cTvaileed � e�.�' it may tai{( him�
THURSDA-Y. (C'1. 21. 191 time to recover from the injuries,
Mr Iee 1te s Dent -tiny it nen- werking
for N A Cantin.
Mr Peter Mase.e, who is workbag for
As.trick Brisson. Stt qday er Mr
N, M Canon's bonne.
Mr noir 'ars R Reynolds, wile have
been visiting friend in Toronto, have
returned to St Joseph,
Mr A L Screenan has moved into
his new borne.
Mr Freak Ruinp. of near Thedford
has accepted a posit;=,n with :ter IC A
Mr and Mrs C 4) Smith spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr R Sehwarisen-
truber, Bronson Line,
Mr Fred Sirloon has it nnted the
he=:ne and two acres of land from 1tlr
joe Par ineau for a year. i,! Sieln(tn
T •lct lith knni'eveart Laurie Watson has left
Un Sum a4ttel, ` ifobllows: President, J P Home, B A.,
services. were held in the Varna Pres .ehete he has secured a position in e(;odericll; Vice-president, Bliss Link{
bvterian church. Re' Mr Larkin of :drug store. tater, Crediton; secretary -treasurer, W
Seaforth, 'sz3- thl it L.ael. ;l. The Rev E A Tear of Teeswa:er oceupi 11 Johnston, Tiippen, C'ouncillnra, CSr ��
church 'vas erols'L?eel 1).:a..1 maiming !the pelpit in Main 'Street i etlil d Mackay, Hensel]; \r Biggins, Tielgrant -
P111dettit...t,. �hilrchla-*annd•a'v (' 7 14i Exeter; Miss
ond'work of the society. . ev Canons
; of Loo s rake of. the iziflu- Fora (tare. Siiuple, strong allyl convenient. • Otu price $10,.
Tooker 0 1
r r ees that have been at work in Ger- . •
many •122Su1ting her ,what she is to -day.
BATT ' R [ 5, P K U a ETC'
The address "gas a great effort and
t.retatl•y enjoyed by all,
The election of officers resulted as
lcn Wean urr = E • — .
evening. ya -
• r & (:iot'Flott w.l'ay 101, "n (:+f i' e''8 T • . • ss cls_ ,ateceresvexmrz.ta=c0VoUi;tati ^e.:.uxcr',etc-rrr'ti•• :w ce ^'_~ . .
11e' i �I Ii ys an=k'c:,e r, L I: ti V fiharnlan, (xodaricli; miss C 141 Jahn
spent the past week at the home of Taylor has enlisted at Turollto.
mon, Carlow-. Auditors, G S Howard
the former's father, Mt W L Keys.. J E Elliott is moving to town and W
and McKay. .. resent and
During his vies_ Mr Keys was taken ;'building a residence in the west en . Inspector Tom p
ill, but We hca ;e he will soon be re- Mr anti Mrs Robert W Dinney re. ' gave some interesting talks on import -
stored to his usual health. !:gently celebrated the twentieth an.: ant subjects. -
An excellent luncheon was provided
At � 11 meeting held in Varna it 'was I nlversary of their wa=dding .day, � by the Exeter teachers, decided to try and raise $1,000 for The Canning Company fx' eshed #hc The following resolutions were.
"•-la R-1 Cross by soliciting worn hack last week.
1. That we respectfully request the
i county council to ' appoint a district
i agricultural representative for the
—{ county of Huron.
rue .15r
subscriptions in the township i
Andrew Duncan, who was injured i
at the Bayfield fair while driving his
horse in the rales, is -recovering,
Rey Mr Larkin of Seaforth conduct = 2. That in the opinion of the Leach
ed anniversary" services at Varna last! Mr and Airs Henry Schweitzer an•1 ers of Nest Huron the people are
Sunday. family have moved. to Berlin, where { willing to furnish men and money for
Geo E Little of Brmcefield, bac ;they will make their future home., ! the successful prosecution of the war
•chased the t::trber business next Rev G Pinkbeiner, of Paseadea::, ;1?ut judging from the outspoken
he Bedford Hotel, Goderich, and Ills., is vieiting relatives here at wet-i2lent of each conlnlunity we feel that
gets posteestien in the .p° •ng. Mr bas taken nose ion.
Paniireat: rill move to iris Lin north ,
of town. REN SALL
Mr Jokn Groff and sister Mabel,
spent Sanday with friends near Credit -
• Miss Rose Hess of Zurich spent a
€els -dnye-with. her friend, MiSF. Mabel
Dr Walker, of Thessalon, intends
opening an office at Bayfield,
Iiicleersmitb council, at their last
meetingsranted 5S5,0er00 Loo rca to the
Cross Dina jt1
downe's appeal.
G F Case is recovering from his re-
cent illness. .
Andrew Johnston ;as sold his farm
on the London Road bo H 0 Soldan,
who owns the adjoining farm, Mr
Johnston has purchased Mr Soldan's ;
fine dwelling on Richmond street and
intends to move into oitr village in the
sl g
the failure of the Government to pro-
Mrs John K Schroeder has' purcbs - bibit the sale of intoxicating liquors is
ed a Hudson "Sig;," from a dealer in .ietrimental to the cause of enlisting.
Exeter. Therefore sve would earnestly entreat
Jos Lawson has completed -a l i the government to prohibit the sale of
bridge, which he erected near Clinton. ' such liquors during the continuance of
for the county. the war,
Mitchell Willis has returned liana 8, R is the opinion of this eonyen-
tion that the P 5 aiithnietie • is in- :1
adequate, and tbat it should ' be re
placed by a book containing a suffi-
cent number of graded exercises for
all classes.
Hearty votes of thanks were pass-
ed thanking the Exeter School Board'
for the use of their school, the Exeter
teachers for providing such an excell-
ent luncheon and the retiring officers •
of last year. The singing or the ;raHE
tional Anthem brought a very i
successfulc onvsntion to a close.
a trip to the Peace River distritsit.
Thos Hemphill has purchased one Mr George Geoffrey, who lives
north of Drysdale. has purchased of the new houses at the easpurchasedthe
seventy were fano of Mr Louis Dur -
On Oct 9th, at London, Miss Mabel and possession to be given on ;\mc:e11
youngest daughter of Mrs James F er 1st next. :1 Ir Geoffrey nowowns
Sparks, of this village, was united in one hundred and seventy acres on
marriage to G McIntyre, of Port Stan- the aatlble line..
tot of ley' where they have settled down. ` t George Denomy and family,
Charlotte, the ycttl gs# ds2ttg t: Messrs Henry Soldan and Thos . few.erl of Bickfor(y filo
Mrs William Sterling, '- ' `j nn a trip to Saskatoon- 1 , ` l 1 h"`oy d
Mrs i Bee -field •li
11',1.4). tb fir' ilt It hein4,
_,,e on the Seeable
t Kyle ave lets
marrieal ntl SS'et1 -3,ty. l)et ?0th, to i ; �„�„ gal
. Sa k., on business. .
The Orange Lodge will give a Pat On the eve of their departure from
�uursday last.
r„ei;aren, of Port Elgin.
R Bailey, who ha_ been manager of k riotic concert in the town ha11 here 01:1
Bickford, where they have re -Adel for
the Bayfield and Varna branches of Nov nth.' 'some twenty years, their many frien-
the Sterling Banl,, 'has been transfer- 1
a Messrs T \eelands and 3 W Ort i ds gathered once more at their home
red to the Set rin3.ville branch as i
r wein will represent the Methodist to bid them "Adieu" and to tender
manager;. 1 Sunday School at the Provincial con- ! their good wishes. As a slight token
141r J K Witte. of the Huron Road•, , vention at Toronto, ' of their high regard and esteem, a
Tuckersmith, has rented a house in The grant from the government to beautifully worded address' was read
Clinton and't'il. retire from farthing. the Hensa'�l p'-blic library for the be Captain Neel, after which Mrs
MrNita is 'wider. ! n:�t, r as as` ex.;pre: eat ;ear is S12I, penomy • was presented wittl a hand- -
hilu.,r at fall f old his exhibits tome set of tl1er, and Mi Pr•* ,tris'
have always- l—:tn W l :c i +.Ir' the best }rev Knight is holding :petrel' with "an always much appreciated.'"
shoe; n. , evangelical services in Chiselhurst. pipe, Mr Denomy on behalf t;.i him-
self and family thanked those present
} for the respect and honour they had
shown hilts, assuming thein nier_over
of his kind remembrances, The 'natty
1 guests were entertained during the
remainder of the evening with music,
singing and other amusements,
We handle the most improved Stable E ;uip-
ment on the market. Farmers, fit your stables
in a modern and sanitary way and you will he
t� ell repaid for the extra cost by the increased
results. Get our prices out
Stanchions, Water Bowls and
Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc.
We rees'ntly installed an outfit ,.2f stanchions and fixtures for John
Erb, Bronson Lille; and parties interested are welcome to inspect same.
We also
install equipments
of every kind
See us
about it
TJ RIC,ice.
Mr and Mrs Wm Rubv of Zurich
spent Sunday at the home of Mr Wm
Miss Laura Shoemaker who has
for some time been with her aunt Mrs
G Merger, returned home on Thurs-
Miss Emily Schroeder spent Tnes-
day at Ed Restinieyer"s.
1 have a full stock of all kinds of Horse Blankets. on bands
1 was lucky to purchasc'a large stock of All Wool Blankets 'before
the advance in prices and have decided to retail thein at the old
pricewhile they last. Call in and Mee our values.
A large assortment of Men's Mitts and Gloves on hand.
Our prices are just a little lower than usual. Call and see
befcre you buy.
I have made arrangements with Silverwoods
Dairy~, London, to take eream at
My Residence, Zurich, any time
during the week,.
Cream is tef ted when brought to my store
and paid for on delivery. Price paid this
week was 30 cents per pound.
A Sifan's Ab11it3 1� lli j?assport
Frank Weaver
Professor of Music London, Ont,
Teacher of Organ and all branches .
of Piano Playing; Voice •ICulture and
Artistic Singing a Specialty, Sixteen
years practical experience.
For terms apply at the Herald 0 fh ce 1
Mrs 3 Baechler who has L—i•:i visit-
ing het daughter at Illonois returned
home on Tuesday.
Mr Alf M3elick is smiling these days
Its a Boy.
Mr and Mrs Brenueranan, of
Blake visited friends On our line ori
amiss Elvina Baechler spent Sunday
with her Cousin Miss A Baechler,
Wedding Bells are ringing
time of w:ilia .
History of the
Tounship of Hay -i
and the
Village of Zurich
We have published in book-
ookform the early history of Hay
Township and of the village
of Zurich, written by Mr F.
Hess, Sr., Township Clerk.
. limited number of these
books have been printed, and
a copy or copies of the sante
can be procured at this offices
or will be sent -by mail, for the
small SUM of 25 cents each.
Herald - Zurich
Meas± a—E, Appel, History. + t. tx
Fowl Wanted
Will take Live Fowl every
Tuesday forenoon until
farther notice.
Highest Market Prices•
You Can Read the Best Story of
the Great European Struggle in
:the Weekly Mail and Empire
•IMI(rfktZFM..nr•Sfsi•EmeYal..nSAM.....a•ff errs=
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The Best Canadian Weekly and the
Best Local Paper at Little More
Than Half Price.
Send or Bring All Orders to Office of This. Paper
Check Books
For General Stores
r, r•
E are selling agents for Appleford''s
popular counter check boors. Oii.r
prices are the same as city travellers
charge you for ahem.. Let us know your
wants and we will cheerfully show you
samples and quote pries. .
Herald Printing Co, Phone3O