HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-22, Page 1Vol. XV I ZURICH, FRIDAY IV1ORN1NG, OCTOBER 22, 1915. 00.4404,D444,4C•04444,43,4,11.04 04,0 a 00 004 0 400 04,4 404444.0 • • 4. nm 11 tng We have much pleasure in extending to our • friends and patrons a cordial invitation to attend •, 'our Pall Opining, which we have arranged to take • place, Tuesday, Sep' l bels, twenty -'first and follow - ,g in.g days. Every Department c? qui; store is well . • stocked and assorted with the diffe1i3nt - lite;' of * goods in spite of the fact that it has been very dif. * ficult to secure goods in many lines, but by being o right on the job and buying early we are in a po-. • sition to give you' the goods at prices, just ` a little e better than you can get at many places. • • • Our Department • Under the supervision of Miss Clifton; who a was with us last Spring, will be filled ' with the 4. very newest Styles and Materials, and we have not • the slightestn hesitation in saying a that. we have 0• never shown a ore beautiful dislay of Autumn Millinery and the prices are. wonderfully moderate. Everybody invited to call Tuesday and following days. .4 4. .4 4 .4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • • • 4J• 4. . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 • 4. - 4 4 4p • • a s - • • • 4)i • • 4. 4 • .4. • • .• e• We are showing the largest rano of Sweater •a women • o • • Sylvan Crepe THE wearing qualities of this crepe are unexcelled. The mixture. of wool and mohair is especially fine. A good. seas.onab1ee cloth in all colors. You will be delighted with our display . of Dress Goods. We have the celebrated Priestly Groods which have been 1 NO Late Rev. C. C. Sink LOCAL NEWS 1 t 1',v Chauncey C. Sink, an active a u a+-�a. �a�yci a rr 44:,a ,. I eib ;vman for more than fifty years Mr and Mrs S E Eaust visited.• 1,,,,v it away Tuesday afternoon at 5 o dock at the home, 2813 .Stone St. a• friends in Bayfield on Sunday. lie heel been ill for some time past, O . Mrs Thompson and daughter, of :lir Sink was borne in Utica, New ® London, visited at the Koine of Mr C, erk, 1tlarch 29, x825g,a andgraduate educated:of o Eilber: last week., in that state, bein Whitestewn Theological Serninary.1 -During his early life he was a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church and preached in several towns in .4,„.4,, 4 et • Highest market prices paid for live • poultry every Tuesday and Thum*. • O forenoons at Ruby & Gascho's. • 4. • 0 4. 4, 4. 4. • 4, 0 0 • • •• 8 • a td 0 4. 0 • 41 as 0 4 4. 4 4. 0 4. 4 - • • B very poptil al i41- thepast and we claim the reputation of 'showing, Z the finest range of Dress Goods. shown anywhere in Gabardines, Broad Cloths,'Serges, etc. A.nicerange of Mantlings in all the leading cloths and shades Sweater Coats 1VIantlings s • coats we have ever had. All sizes for men, 4, and children Underwear v We are showing a frill range of. Men's and Ladies' Under- : • wear in Combinations for Men and women, fleeced lined shirts, : f ydrawers, all wool, unshrinkabie, and we also have the celebrated - Wolsely line, the best all wool underwear on the Market. • Furs Etc. • e -• We have just opened up a fine range of furs, Muffs from 's $12.00 down, Ruffs in all different classes. Men's and Ladies' • ,",i, fur lined Coats, from $25,00•up to $1000.00, Men's Coon ()oats,• -• special values this season. Ladies' Musk Rat Coats full length + y at bargain prices. 44. . 4.Dinner Sets • w - We were fortunate to secure another package of celebrate d e Austrian China Dinner. Setts. This is the last we Dan get as 41 -• they are entirely out of the market. Anyone looking for a sett of dishes should not fail to see them before making a purchase. + -• HARDWARE ,• -• We are still hand ling the fatuous Peninsula Gast Iron and 1* 4 Steel Ranges We have handien this saint) line for ten years T. and they are still givng the best of satisfaction, We also have +44 the. Happy Thought, and any other make you may desire. .l. Z If you. feel as though you should have your home heated • with a furnace, call in and let us explain you the oeffici.ence of • the Beola furnace, made by Clare Bros of Preston. The best ▪ and most eoonomio furnace on the market, 4- 4'1' We are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing for Bath Rooms t , 4 T. 12 4. and IIot Water heating. Give us a call, Produce of all kinds taken • M t. 'Telephone No,q -- - ZUR C I-1 44.1.44++444.+++.1444+++444.444 t44.4004.44++++++++++++++.144. J. "R EETER ,b1f"19 fOittelbi 4Fr i essrs W Fess, P�� Ax4 and W Liorthern New York state, his first Hess left on a hunting tfiii to the J?tn .charge being at Rossie. ery, south of Grand Bend, on W'Ved ; At the close of the Civil war he nesday, moved west, and after filling pastor - Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be at ates in various towns in Indiana and the Dominion House, Zurich, on 'Wed Illinois, finally settled in Michigan. 1Ilere he became affiliated with the nesday, and Wednesday of the follow-- Presbyterian church and as e, mem- ng week. Rev Mr Hansen, of Conestoga, will conduct the services in the Lutheran church next Sunday morning and; evening. Mr Russell T Kelly; of Hamilton, manager of the Hamilton Fire Insur- ance Company, was a visitor in town last Friday; bei of Flint Presbytery, had accept- ably filled charges in Brockway, Mem- When advanced age caused him to be placed on the retired list, he came to ]?ort Huron and here he has re- sided for the past 25 pears. He has been a faithful member of Westmin- ster Presbyterian church, and the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday, Mr Charles Fritz has purchased ,q1 r preached an eloquent sermon from the E Bossenberry's Forel touring car.;' pulpit there. The latter gets Mr Fritz' driver and Possessing eloquence, ability and L-_-.-._- L- the deal, - scholarship, Mr Sink labored untir- ingly to instruct his parishioners and ever held a foremost place in their affections. He also won the admira- tion of esteem of those who heard him lecture upon "The Philosophy of the Future State." • Mr Sink was twice married. His first wife was Miss Harriet Knight, daughter. of Rev Joshua Knight, a Congregational divine. She died in Port Huron, March 9, 1891. He later married Mrs Carrie Watson of this city, His eldest son, Rev' Reuben H It is estimated that • no less than Sink, is pastor of the Congregational e sOt15 _4? a S « 'chutelt,in Stern tong-0Dhf0tniar pn-, onions wore: • towiitlifthe distri i= ''s ion has held for twenty-seven ct su t, he y hounding: Zurich` the past season. years. One daughter, Ella, is the Nearly, one hundred tons have been wife of Rev E W Marvin, who is slipped to -large warehouses in Mani- district superintendent of the Hough- toba where they will be storedover ton district and resides in Hancock. winter and then,prepared formarket. Two sons, Hershel V, and Albert N The balance will be stored in ware- Sink are located in Memphis, and houses here in Zurich, especially pre- Ezra F Sink, is a well known resi- pared for the purpose, while many dent of Pori Huron. growers are storing their crops until It has been said of the departed the spring market opens, This indust- that he had forded rivers, climbed ry has grown to large proportions mountains, braved storms and tempest during the last few years and it is stated and driven through mud to the hubs that no crop that can -be grpwn will to preach the gospel. He was ever sur - give the same favorable rett�rne as sett minded by warm-lienrted,f riends, Un - onions will, 'if the year is at all favor- til. about a year ago Mr Sink enjoyed able excellent health, only having required the attendance of a physican once before in his life time and that was at the age of four years, at which time he met with an accident, The funeral was held on Thursday Rey W B Weaver, officiating. The above is taken from the Port Huron Times -Herald of Oct 18. Rev Mr Sink was well known to many in Zurich as he frequently visited at the. home of Mr E Bossenberry, a few years ago, and during his visits here he preached in the Evangelical church at various. times. Mr Henry Seibert and wife, of Canada, state of Kansas, were visiting' at the home of Mr W L Seibert, for •h. few days last week, - In a letter recently "received from Rev W J Miller, who is now pastor. of a Lutheran church in - Newcastle," Pa., he states that he wishes to thank ^. the members of the Men's Missionary Society who presented him with a purse of money before his departpre..; Since the imposition of the war tax on letters and postcards the volumn of mail matter posted in Canada has decreased by about 30 per cent. The war tax was expected to add a little more than 50 per cent to the post - office revenue, but in consequence of the economy practic' d by the public in the matter of saving on letters and postcards under the higher rate, the increase has been considerably Iess than anticipated. For the first four months of the operation of the war tax the Department's revenue has in- creased by $$1,100,000, or about 80 per cent as compared with the correspond- ing period of last year. The large part of this increase, however, is due to the sale of stamps for cheques,' money orders, etc. Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 - 96 Branches in Canada A Genera. Bankin¢ Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF ORM BANK. 'MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest nt highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Sad Fatality at Greenway A sad accident occured at Green- way, Stephen township, last Saturday when Charles Gollen, was run over by a threshing machine and instanily killed. E. Gallen, who owns the out• fit, stayed at a neighbors and two of his men were moving the engine and separatorsto a farm nearby. The two young sons of Mr Golien • were playing along the roadside and when the machine was passing them the Oldest of the boys ran in between the engine .and the separator and caught on to the platform at the rear of the engine. The other little fellow tried to do the same thing but stumbled, and before the engineer could pull him out of danger,'the separator pas- sed over hitn, fracturing his skull and causing instant death. Dr 33 A Camp- bell, coroner, of Zurich, was notified and on Monday empannelled a jury with Mr Richard Webb as foreman, The! body was viewed .and an adjourn- ment made to Tuesday, October 26th, when an inquest will be opened at 11lellia's Hall, Greenway, and the witnessea will be esranii'ned. 4. i fbmfittle'44fSe04.4 OT We take much pride in announcing tc the public that we have now a complete stock of ; F. otwear for Fall and Winter wear for Men, Women an children. All new styles are represented and quality and value are unsurpassed. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. 1 The Home ooeuemmatrownfi. 9 of Good .Shoes 0,0440414f ff 4.0.0. f !Ilhl!if�ll'i;ii!i'Ni6'i!Ulll{iiiililll!Illl!111!7111'.1++U��ll{;i1111fIUi"II. i'.'> iiii:''1(ullli;illl.!I!'r;l';111'1111(IIiIlIII{IPii�lil6li!!illlliltii11t1lii!!iIII!.�! ".+!h ��'!�+f+,iCllliitflllihJll(IIIfIitCilll4li!illl►. ��'Ytf �i.:ti � rr J. • aJ.7011371 OLD 41D TOT.TITG STOIE T AND illilifiH!lliQilililii611tllll!;ifl Just opened up a number of lines of heavy Winter Goods, Woollen Blan- kets, Dress Goods, ° 'Underwear, Sweater Coats, Cardigans, Mitts and 01' nes, Hats and Caps, Woollen Socks and Hosed Rugs, and numerous other lines. i u -c of all a , takes . !! R Lir AS T= PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE -,F ACTW `c E --YOUNG OR OLD Active men ars hard on clothes - especially on Underwear. Therefore: They must seek in jnstiae to their pocket books, garments whose power of resistance is high. The search will end -economically -right here. We sell Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear in several weights. Prices are reasonable. A full line of Combination Under. wear, Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters, Etc. You should see our goods before you buy, E. APPEL 1 ZURICH Tirnoth Have received a shipment of first-class timothy seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right Flour and Feed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc.. Eggs taken its exchange forigooils , M ride Telephone 23 Oecar