HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-15, Page 5THe'QIHllRCHES. EVAN. ODURCH SERVICES. Sunday, Gernran. 11.00 a, n1. Sunday Sehooi 9.45 " is Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 i?. m. (Service) English 7.00 ' " ". Teachers meeting 8.00 " " Mon Tri.Mt Brotherhood 8.00 " " Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 " Wed.nesday Player Meeting 8.00 " Friday Teachers` Training Class 7.80 choir practice 8.80 " " Ladies Aid meets 1st Alonday of. each month at 7.80 p. m. LUTFIERAN.CIIURCH SERVICES If German, •Sunday 10.80 a. m. English 7.80 p, m. Bible School ' 9.00 a. in. Men's Mis'n'ry.,S. Tuesday 8.00 p. m, Luther •League Friday 8.00 pant. L A S 1st Weds'y of month 8.00 p, in. You are cordially invitedto -take an active part in all. these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep rt, Luke 11.28, r iv Andrew F. Hess cONVEYANOING, ETO, FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTQMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT TOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT 1NSURANCE Herald Office Zurich 211 Zurich Meat MARKET :DEALERS IT� Fresh and Salt Meats Bohgna Sauseges, etc CASH ,E0R SKINS & HIDES . " "ungbi t & Deichert A. new shipment just in of Bon•Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can: buy A large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post .cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gan, Spearmint, Etc. Lieadind Brands of Cigars. &ilson's. Famous Ice Crea m McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT t3/4 -x- ata A retiable pian to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOOK IN' ZURICH and HURON Omenty St at now at the hest selling tisne, aS d for list of Spring Offerings rid terms to agents Liberal com- missions, Handsome Free Outfit Stone & Wellington The Foothill Ntiseries .(Established 1837) TORONTO The London Advertiser THREE EDITIONS OI N NG, NOON, MUT T Western Ontario's Greatest Daily 411 the ,Jaws all the Timor Rate by mail, any Edition, $2 a veto Circulation Dept,, Widen Adverts cr ()tubbed wjtla site Zurich Het'alb $2.00 . a' year,f fop t)otlt palter a iI,QCAL NEWS 25 cents pays for the Herald to the sill of 1916 to any address -in Canada. Lost—Between Zurich and the Bron- son Line, the 'end board of of a Bain wagon. Finder rloti-iy this office. Notice—Will the ,party.wbo, tin- ,knowingly,'toolc the wrong bean hal+ \'ester knivesfrom my shop,- kindly return.same and the right ones will be given him, • L Prang. The, embargo on potatoes has been removed by Canada and the United States. It has been deoided by both countries that the disease of scab is not snfficiently serious to warrant the em- bargo. Willfatii Ft Travers, former general manager of the Farmers Bank, was released from Kingston penitentiary on Tuesday. He had served four years and nine month'in prison having had 15 months taken off his term for good behaviour. HUNT ITP YOUR RAZORS You can do your "little bit" towards helping the Allies in the present wits by leaving your old razors at the Ace of Dr A J McKinnon. The razors are forwarders to Toronto and before the eoldiers.at the front receive f'zetn are sharpened ready for use. LOOK UCS YOUR LABEL Take a look at the label this week. Wohave corrected our subscription list up to Sept. 22nc1 and those who have paid their subscription account during the past several weeks. should find that •the correction of date has been made. If you find that the label does not read as it should call at the office or write us and we will see that the correction is made. And by theway, there are a few who have nob had any change in ide in their label in some time. Those subscrip- tions should be paid at once. „Rough on Rats" clears out Rats Mice etc. Don't Die in the House.. 15c. and 25c. at Drug and Country stores. THE WAR AT YOUR DOOR A Plan to Get tlae Best Story of the Great European Conflict. • The war in Europe increases in in- tensity and the end is not yet.' The big metropolitan newspaper has never been in such Universal demand as it is to -day and the The Toronto Mail and Empire leads all its contemporaries in supplying the most accurate news from the vast scene of world cenflict. The Weekly Mail and Empire con thins the story of the war A's it pro- gresses, while the Daily Edition al ways publishes the best daily record of the gigantic straggle. By arrangement we eo.n supply The Weekly Mail and Empire and our own paper, together from now till Jan 1, 1916 for 25 cents or from now to Tan 1, 1917 for $1.65. This in an offer that enables you to get the best big weekly published in Canada along with your best local paper, at almost a half-price rate. Send or bring all orders into the office of this paper. "On the Field of Honor" The publishers of The Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, are making a. strong bid for that beautiful picture, full of pathos. en titled "On the Field of Honor." It is assumecl~the publishers of the Fatmily Herald have in mind using it as a preseentation plate. If that is so there is a great treat in store for readers of The Family Herald and Weekly Star this autnnm. In past years The Family Herald of Montreal has been noted not only for the tvonderful excellence of that journal but many beautiful pictures it has presented to its readers The Family Herald has a name for succeeding in any thing it undertakes, nod we feel sure if it is humanly pos- sible to seeure "On the Field of Honor' that the publishers will succeed in gettine it. ' "On the Field of Honor" is attracting widespread attention in Europe. JOB PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS 0440* *with. Classified Ads L.Fr QAL. :CARDS. L'R0tJ'OEOOT, KILIARAN, & PROUi - FOOT. Barrietere, Solicitors, Notaries Publi4 &o. Offiee, on:the Span), 2nd door from; Hamilton ' St. Goderielt. Private funds bo loan at lowo t rates W. PitouDFoor, E. C. J. L. }.Ix.r.oxAra. W. Paoui 'ooT, JR. MEDICAL. CARDS R A. J. 14IacKINNON late house Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan 'Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Lute • -of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic. Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in ronnteton. Office Zurich, Ont. , F. Schram, trite 11 tie• Surgeon and house Physir of Victoria Hospital, Loudon, ('aduatc•--of Faculty of !llerlteine of 1Ve,teru University, 1 ondutr. Main Otiiee at I)asbwood, Ont. Vis.ts Shipka 1-lollday aiterneon of each Week, Notice To ehters— All persons .indebted. to the estate of the late Alfred Scruton, fensa,ll, are here- by notified to pay theil accounts at once. to John Zuefle, Hensall, Ont. John Zuefle ) Executors Wm. Mackay Dated at Hensall, Sept. 29th, 1915. CIDER MILL Will operate my eider Mill every Monday and Wednes- day afternoons,until further notice. Merano Steckley 2}.:". 2 miles north of Blake. TILE1 All sizes of first–class tile on hand BR1CK! For all uses purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right St. Joseph Brick Yards Louis Foster, Manager. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central, THE HERALD OLUBBINC LIST FOR 1915 Heald and Daily Globe.... ..$8 75 Weekly Globe........ 1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire 8 75 Weely 'Mail and E inpire Toronto Daily Stat Daily News Weekly Star London Free Press Morning Edition, Evening Edition Weekly Edition.— London drition .London Advertiser Morning Edition Evening Edition.— Weekly dition Weekly Edition Faris di Dairy Weekly Sun Farmers Advocate Montreal Faintly Serald and Weekly tar . .,. Weekly Montreal 11 14 11 11 41 4' 11 !! 14 4' it " 11 11 41 41 14 It i4 . i! " it 1 75 2 85 2 85 1 75 8 50 2 90 1 85 2 90 2 90 1 75 1 75 1.80 2 40 h t will you d these ? AGNIFICENT soldiers and sailors from every part of the I3ritish Empire are laying down their lives for you and yours. Perhaps some of your own blood are amongst thein. An urgent appeal has gone forth froiu the Marquis of Lansdowne, Presi- dent of the British Red t_'ross, for funds to provide medicines, appliances, comforts, and hospital equipment of all kinds to alleviate the suffa:ings from wounds and sickness of sailors and soldiers from all parts of the Em- pire. This appeal is endorsed by their Majesties, the King and Queen, and every :British possession is setting aside, by official proclamation 9 For Sailors and Sobers as a day of public giving to aid in this splendid cause, which stands in severe need of assistance owing to the tremendous demands upon Red Cross work. • ntann(s s toa is set at We can and will raise this amount as a token that Ontario feels for our wounded heroes and will not see thein languish in .their pain and suffer- ing for the want of medical and other comforts. Do your part and _make ""Our Day for Sailors and Soldiers" a tremendous success in your locality. "We shall be truly grateful to you for assistance in relieving the sufferings of our wounded soldiers and sailors from all parts of the Dominions." Lansdowne, President British Red Cross Society. "This is the first appeal of the Motherland to Canada in this present war. It calls upon our humanity as well as our loyalty." John S. Hendrie, Lieut. -Governor of Ontario. Givto theeed Cross Every cent collected goes to British Red Cross head- quarters, where it is officially and wisely spent. No money is wasted in expenses, even this advertising space is donated by the publishers. Give a day's pay. Do your part. Give liberally and loyally. Give your money, because these brave ones —our sailors and soldiers, are giving their lives for us. Collectors on October 21 will solicit your sub- acription—or make it through your Mayor or Reeve. UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rharges Tailor Shop and Lanndry 185 W. H. HOFFMAN oftwanisysimummummumo 1_Zurlch1'5iOxutkra;rl tp• Carload of Cedar Posts For Sale 1LLtFLJilSC PHONE,' wentr, 9 1111 ZURICH Advertise in the Herald