HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-15, Page 1ZURICH Vol, XV H ZURICH, FRIDAY M R ! G, OCTOBER T5, 1915. 1.....••ea0r*•3.a4.a4.a.o4w..o40,4)40*****p®••**•••A41141i404444. e • • 1 4 ,. Fall OpeI OPe have much pleasure in extending to our ; • • :,$ friends and patrons a cordial invitation to attend our Fall Opening, which we have arranged to take : - •place, Tuesday, Sep ember., twenty-first and folio*. : ing days. Every Department of our store is well •• ; stocked and 'assorted: with the different lines of ; :: goods in spite of the' fact that it has been very dif. •. ficult to secure goods in many lines, but by being • --► right on the job and buying early we are in , a po- ,$ sition to give you the goods at: prices just. a little • • :' better than you can,get at many places• : • � • Our Millinery Department • Under the supervision of Miss Clifton, who was with us last Spririg,.will be filled with theI very newest Styles and Materials, and we have not 44. the slightest hesitation in saying that we have It never shown a more beautiful display of Autumn :,,Millinery and the prices are wonderfully moderate. Everybody invited to call Tuesday and following • • days. ,.. • 1 • • • • DRESS1 • „, • GOODS • You will be delighted with our display of • Dress Goods. We have the celebrated yPriestly Goods whickhave bee • very popular in the past and •we still claim the reputation of showing • the finest range of Dress I Goods shown anywhere • is Gabardines, Broad: d es Cloths, Serges, etc. • Mantlings A. nice range of Mantlings in all the and shades Sweater Coats We are showing the largest rang ooats we have eve) had. All sizes for and children •. leading cloths i • of Sweater •` men, women Underwear We are showing a full range of Men's and Ladies' Under- wear in ()Combinations for Mee and Women, fleeced lined shirts, drawers, all wool, unshrinkable, and we also have the celebrated t; Ii Wolsely line, the best all wool underwear on the Market. Furs Etc. t Dinner Sets • • •• We have just opened up a fine range of furs, Muffs from 41 812,00 down. Ruffs in all different classes. Men's and Ladies' 4 fur lined Coats, from 05,0o tip to $1000,00. Men's Coon Coats, • special valves this,season. Ladies' Musk Rat Coats full length j. at bargain prices. 4 We were fortunate to secure another package of celebrate d 1 . Austrian China Dinner setts. This is the last we can get as no they are entirely out of the market. Anyone looking for a sett of dishes should not. fail to see them before making a purchase. HARDWARE + le4. le We are still hand ling the famous Peninsnla Cast Iron and 4 ;• Steel Ranges We leave handlen this sante line for ten years ,•t, :: and they are stili givng the beet of satisfaction, We also have -*• the Happy Thought, and any other make you may desire, .n, • If you feel as though you should have your home heated 4 • * •with a furnace, call in and let sus explain yon the effi.oience of 4' • the Heola fureace, made by Clare Bros on "Preston. ..The best • andm.ost economic furnace on the market. + • We are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing forBath Rooms • and Hot Water heating, Give us a call, 4. i • Telephone No.9 Produce of all kinds taken ., .. ZUR C l-1 1*++ a tee+4-4.++++++++++++ + 1444+++ Hetea t tlr+ +++ aa+a'3 + 4. • 4. 4. 1 4. SETT UNIONS WANTED RALD E ' it'T1' Axt, of London, is visiting 1 hie hone here at present, Mr Alfred Moritz and family, of I want any civantity Dutch. Sett i1. Guelph, visited relatives here over the onions at once. Highest narketholidays, price paid. i1Tr E tYeichert, of Armada, Mich,, C Fritz The Slhoeman Zurich visited at his home here during the past week. ,g'r WilliamDay. Lehman, of London, 'sited bis mother here over Thanks- ivinglti Miss Flora Hess, of the Goderich Collegiate Institute, spent the holidays ,at her home here. Miss B Banford of Toronto, was the guest of her friend, Miss A Truemner, over the holiday, Miss Pearl Wurtz returned last week from an extended trip to Berlin, :Guelph and other points. aanirearn re as a-sa-stersanee mer; LOCAL NEWS lia.s5111—va5,Lvfo .y. se Ten more weeks to Christmas. Mr and Mrs Wm Bassow° of the Bronson Line, are visiting in Detroit and Elkton, Mich, The directors of the Zurich Agri. cultural Society held a meeting in. the Town Hall last Friday, Mr Dan Theil, a member of the, . The teachers of our school are at - Northwest Mounted Police at Regina, rending the Nest Huron Teachers' is spending a month athas home fret 4 Convention being held at Exeter this Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be at tweak, the Dominion Boum, Zurich, on Wod , Misses 0 O'Brien and F Kalbfleiech, nesday, and Wednesday oa the follow who are attending Normal School at ng •week, All those who are taking part first play under preparation for the Fat - Mr Roy Appel, who has been learn- riotic concert will kindly meet in 'that Town Hall this evening, shwa ling the jewellry trade at Stratford, time, has taken a position with J F Daly, We are in the market for dry cleanexreller, Sea#orth. dutch setts. Bring them in as soon : The directors, of the Hay Farmer's as possible as we want to ship a, ear `Mutual Fire Insurance Company held load on the l6th inst., We also want a meeting here last Saturday. Rout- ine business was transacted, Keep the date of the Big Fowl sup- " Rey C C J Maass conducted both per in the fine church sheds of • the morning and evening services in the Evangelical church in mind. The 'Lutheran church last Sabbath, Both big event takes place Tuesday evening 'cervices were well attended. Oct 19th, A fine social treat can be looked for. The 50th annual Sunday School' convention of the Ontario Sunday 1 and all report a very pleasant evening. will be held int Prominent: speakers' wilt deliver. ad 'Large Onions, Dried Apples, Live Poultry every Thursday forenoon, Highest Market Prices. T L Warm. The little daughter of Mr and Mrs 1 Ewen is recovering from her serious illness, which her friends will be pl;aped to hear. Stratford, spent the holiday at their domes here. large,onions, Ruby & Gascho. The Maple Leaf Club held their first social evening last Thursday, Oyer thirty young people were present School Association. be Mose ..Ba la o eae l 34::t:z tad at,.<oriten. teh._. e dresses during the sessions. Thanksgiving Day passed off very quietly in the village, The day was spent in visiting neighbors and: friends by many, while others with gun and ammunition scoured the neighboring woods for game,:_ A number of good bags of rabbits have been reported, while others were not so lucky and had to return home empty handed. MrsE Bossenberry.has left for Port. Huron, Mich., to attend the funeral of the late Rev C Sink who has passed away, The reverend gentleman will be remembered by many of our citizens as he visited at the home of Mr E Boysenberry some years ago.' He had re acbed e, ripe old age, but was still active and full cfwork until the time of the commencement of his illness some 'weeks ago. The pest week was a busy one for the merchants of our village. Tons of dutch nett onions were marketed and it is estimated that about ten car- loads will be shipped at once. As each carload containes on the average, twenty tons, it means that 400,000 pounds of setts were grown in • this section the past summer. The price paid in trade is five cents per pound, and would bring the growers the neat sum of $20,000. This means much to a community and it is well that there is such a brisk demand for them this. year. The present shipments are made to western Canada, ■ Incorporated 1855 The' MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LBTTEi S Ob' °ROM BANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest ab higbesb current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager J J Merrier, M. P., left on Monday f a trip to� Western pCanada, He is one of a party, who as the guests of Sir W McKenzie, will travel across 'Canada on thee N R from Quebec to Vancouver, This new transcontinental line has been recently. completed. Mr Arthur G Edighoffer, of the Commercial Hotel, attepded the fun- eral`of hir brother's wife, Mrs Milton Edighoffer of Yale Mich. Deceased un- derwent an operation at a Port Huron Hospital; but passed away last Satur- day:; Much sympathy is felt for the bernayed'huebapd, who is well known hare;. HIC1 S' FORECAST The seeond reactionary storm period is 'central and touching the 18th and 14th. The and, brace is central on the 18th, and its influence will do- minate weather and storm conditions from about the' 7th to the 18th, causing prolonged -cloudiness and threatening weather from one period to another. But these conditions will rise into decided disturbances on and touching the 18th and 14th. Rains will have a tendency to early sleet, and enarlred cold will come with the rising barometer following. The se- cond regular storm period is central on the 18th, extending its influence from the 161h to the 21st inclusive. Look for October rains and thunder storms on and about the 30th, War. mer weather, falling barometer,clond- iness and rains, will mark the first stages; rising barometer with possibly early spurts of snow, and change to clearing, colder weather will mark the last stages. IHARVEST ALL RED CLOVER SEED. Prospective supplies of vett clover seed are very much reduced and best Canadian farmers next year will face an extreme shortage withhigh prices. Farmers should endeavor yet this an- ttunii to save every bit of the red clover crop that promises to yield good seed. This is the advice given by the seed branch at Ottawa 1 1 1 NO 12 ewd loises}}} 9 ei ne}4. g} . NEW FOOTWEAR public that we have now a complete stock of; We take much pride in announcing to the Footwear for Fall and Winter wear for Men, Women and • Children, All new styles are represented and quality and value are unsurpassed. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Doane � e. FRITZ, Zurich 1 1 Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. The Home of Good Shoes ttag4:•••••••eirospecoeuseitimmerifo•po. MOO. IIINIMIIIIIIIIIINIIIIM11111IIIIIIIIIHI111NM11111111111.1N11111111a11(1(111(IIH1111H(IHIHHNII1111NiIHIg111111111111111!1iIIIIHII11111111HiHHIIIHIHIIIIHNIH11111H111111llllli111(1111O111111TI1N'I1HN1N1HI NII oods for Eorybody . : OLD .6.1TD TOIZING - STOUT AMID 5LEINTDEE I Just opened up a number of lines of heavy E. Winter Goods, Woollen Blan- kets, Dress Goods, Underwear, Sweater Coats, Cardigans, Mitts and. Gloves, bats and Caps, Woollen Socks and !lose, Rugs,1 and numerous other Produce of a,11 kinds taken a ® i • S PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE soli a I l ner11IIIIII nye ei,!!i rdr arNiIN ieliiHNNNIHIlliH1NNI1Nle 9•!pyliP,!;IN;CIi nl!!4iHHiNiiiN n11i 1111INNI1111111kiN!IINIINNNNIllri N11NI11111S M11111H4 STRONG! ----YET SOFT Avoid early holes in Un. derwear. They are e4`. pensive. p3 y y b To do so, you need not sacritice comfortable soft- ness. Sim l r bu carefull made garnmentS of rale fully selected wool, In o ',Ia. ) wordss, buy Stan - field's Unshrinkable Undewear. We have it here....Now. E. APPEL - ZURICH Timothy Seed Have received a shipment of first-class timothy seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right Flour and Feed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc: Eggs taken, in exchange for,igoods George coagsMcBride Telephone 23 Sylvan crepe THE wearing qualities 1 of this crepe are unexcelled. The mixture of wool and 'mohair is ,! fine. -.• A good: seasonable �► cloth in all colors. F, • • DRESS1 • „, • GOODS • You will be delighted with our display of • Dress Goods. We have the celebrated yPriestly Goods whickhave bee • very popular in the past and •we still claim the reputation of showing • the finest range of Dress I Goods shown anywhere • is Gabardines, Broad: d es Cloths, Serges, etc. • Mantlings A. nice range of Mantlings in all the and shades Sweater Coats We are showing the largest rang ooats we have eve) had. All sizes for and children •. leading cloths i • of Sweater •` men, women Underwear We are showing a full range of Men's and Ladies' Under- wear in ()Combinations for Mee and Women, fleeced lined shirts, drawers, all wool, unshrinkable, and we also have the celebrated t; Ii Wolsely line, the best all wool underwear on the Market. Furs Etc. t Dinner Sets • • •• We have just opened up a fine range of furs, Muffs from 41 812,00 down. Ruffs in all different classes. Men's and Ladies' 4 fur lined Coats, from 05,0o tip to $1000,00. Men's Coon Coats, • special valves this,season. Ladies' Musk Rat Coats full length j. at bargain prices. 4 We were fortunate to secure another package of celebrate d 1 . Austrian China Dinner setts. This is the last we can get as no they are entirely out of the market. Anyone looking for a sett of dishes should not. fail to see them before making a purchase. HARDWARE + le4. le We are still hand ling the famous Peninsnla Cast Iron and 4 ;• Steel Ranges We leave handlen this sante line for ten years ,•t, :: and they are stili givng the beet of satisfaction, We also have -*• the Happy Thought, and any other make you may desire, .n, • If you feel as though you should have your home heated 4 • * •with a furnace, call in and let sus explain yon the effi.oience of 4' • the Heola fureace, made by Clare Bros on "Preston. ..The best • andm.ost economic furnace on the market. + • We are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing forBath Rooms • and Hot Water heating, Give us a call, 4. i • Telephone No.9 Produce of all kinds taken ., .. ZUR C l-1 1*++ a tee+4-4.++++++++++++ + 1444+++ Hetea t tlr+ +++ aa+a'3 + 4. • 4. 4. 1 4. SETT UNIONS WANTED RALD E ' it'T1' Axt, of London, is visiting 1 hie hone here at present, Mr Alfred Moritz and family, of I want any civantity Dutch. Sett i1. Guelph, visited relatives here over the onions at once. Highest narketholidays, price paid. i1Tr E tYeichert, of Armada, Mich,, C Fritz The Slhoeman Zurich visited at his home here during the past week. ,g'r WilliamDay. Lehman, of London, 'sited bis mother here over Thanks- ivinglti Miss Flora Hess, of the Goderich Collegiate Institute, spent the holidays ,at her home here. Miss B Banford of Toronto, was the guest of her friend, Miss A Truemner, over the holiday, Miss Pearl Wurtz returned last week from an extended trip to Berlin, :Guelph and other points. aanirearn re as a-sa-stersanee mer; LOCAL NEWS lia.s5111—va5,Lvfo .y. se Ten more weeks to Christmas. Mr and Mrs Wm Bassow° of the Bronson Line, are visiting in Detroit and Elkton, Mich, The directors of the Zurich Agri. cultural Society held a meeting in. the Town Hall last Friday, Mr Dan Theil, a member of the, . The teachers of our school are at - Northwest Mounted Police at Regina, rending the Nest Huron Teachers' is spending a month athas home fret 4 Convention being held at Exeter this Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be at tweak, the Dominion Boum, Zurich, on Wod , Misses 0 O'Brien and F Kalbfleiech, nesday, and Wednesday oa the follow who are attending Normal School at ng •week, All those who are taking part first play under preparation for the Fat - Mr Roy Appel, who has been learn- riotic concert will kindly meet in 'that Town Hall this evening, shwa ling the jewellry trade at Stratford, time, has taken a position with J F Daly, We are in the market for dry cleanexreller, Sea#orth. dutch setts. Bring them in as soon : The directors, of the Hay Farmer's as possible as we want to ship a, ear `Mutual Fire Insurance Company held load on the l6th inst., We also want a meeting here last Saturday. Rout- ine business was transacted, Keep the date of the Big Fowl sup- " Rey C C J Maass conducted both per in the fine church sheds of • the morning and evening services in the Evangelical church in mind. The 'Lutheran church last Sabbath, Both big event takes place Tuesday evening 'cervices were well attended. Oct 19th, A fine social treat can be looked for. The 50th annual Sunday School' convention of the Ontario Sunday 1 and all report a very pleasant evening. will be held int Prominent: speakers' wilt deliver. ad 'Large Onions, Dried Apples, Live Poultry every Thursday forenoon, Highest Market Prices. T L Warm. The little daughter of Mr and Mrs 1 Ewen is recovering from her serious illness, which her friends will be pl;aped to hear. Stratford, spent the holiday at their domes here. large,onions, Ruby & Gascho. The Maple Leaf Club held their first social evening last Thursday, Oyer thirty young people were present School Association. be Mose ..Ba la o eae l 34::t:z tad at,.<oriten. teh._. e dresses during the sessions. Thanksgiving Day passed off very quietly in the village, The day was spent in visiting neighbors and: friends by many, while others with gun and ammunition scoured the neighboring woods for game,:_ A number of good bags of rabbits have been reported, while others were not so lucky and had to return home empty handed. MrsE Bossenberry.has left for Port. Huron, Mich., to attend the funeral of the late Rev C Sink who has passed away, The reverend gentleman will be remembered by many of our citizens as he visited at the home of Mr E Boysenberry some years ago.' He had re acbed e, ripe old age, but was still active and full cfwork until the time of the commencement of his illness some 'weeks ago. The pest week was a busy one for the merchants of our village. Tons of dutch nett onions were marketed and it is estimated that about ten car- loads will be shipped at once. As each carload containes on the average, twenty tons, it means that 400,000 pounds of setts were grown in • this section the past summer. The price paid in trade is five cents per pound, and would bring the growers the neat sum of $20,000. This means much to a community and it is well that there is such a brisk demand for them this. year. The present shipments are made to western Canada, ■ Incorporated 1855 The' MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LBTTEi S Ob' °ROM BANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest ab higbesb current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager J J Merrier, M. P., left on Monday f a trip to� Western pCanada, He is one of a party, who as the guests of Sir W McKenzie, will travel across 'Canada on thee N R from Quebec to Vancouver, This new transcontinental line has been recently. completed. Mr Arthur G Edighoffer, of the Commercial Hotel, attepded the fun- eral`of hir brother's wife, Mrs Milton Edighoffer of Yale Mich. Deceased un- derwent an operation at a Port Huron Hospital; but passed away last Satur- day:; Much sympathy is felt for the bernayed'huebapd, who is well known hare;. HIC1 S' FORECAST The seeond reactionary storm period is 'central and touching the 18th and 14th. The and, brace is central on the 18th, and its influence will do- minate weather and storm conditions from about the' 7th to the 18th, causing prolonged -cloudiness and threatening weather from one period to another. But these conditions will rise into decided disturbances on and touching the 18th and 14th. Rains will have a tendency to early sleet, and enarlred cold will come with the rising barometer following. The se- cond regular storm period is central on the 18th, extending its influence from the 161h to the 21st inclusive. Look for October rains and thunder storms on and about the 30th, War. mer weather, falling barometer,clond- iness and rains, will mark the first stages; rising barometer with possibly early spurts of snow, and change to clearing, colder weather will mark the last stages. IHARVEST ALL RED CLOVER SEED. Prospective supplies of vett clover seed are very much reduced and best Canadian farmers next year will face an extreme shortage withhigh prices. Farmers should endeavor yet this an- ttunii to save every bit of the red clover crop that promises to yield good seed. This is the advice given by the seed branch at Ottawa 1 1 1 NO 12 ewd loises}}} 9 ei ne}4. g} . NEW FOOTWEAR public that we have now a complete stock of; We take much pride in announcing to the Footwear for Fall and Winter wear for Men, Women and • Children, All new styles are represented and quality and value are unsurpassed. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Doane � e. FRITZ, Zurich 1 1 Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. The Home of Good Shoes ttag4:•••••••eirospecoeuseitimmerifo•po. MOO. IIINIMIIIIIIIIIINIIIIM11111IIIIIIIIIHI111NM11111111111.1N11111111a11(1(111(IIH1111H(IHIHHNII1111NiIHIg111111111111111!1iIIIIHII11111111HiHHIIIHIHIIIIHNIH11111H111111llllli111(1111O111111TI1N'I1HN1N1HI NII oods for Eorybody . : OLD .6.1TD TOIZING - STOUT AMID 5LEINTDEE I Just opened up a number of lines of heavy E. Winter Goods, Woollen Blan- kets, Dress Goods, Underwear, Sweater Coats, Cardigans, Mitts and. Gloves, bats and Caps, Woollen Socks and !lose, Rugs,1 and numerous other Produce of a,11 kinds taken a ® i • S PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE soli a I l ner11IIIIII nye ei,!!i rdr arNiIN ieliiHNNNIHIlliH1NNI1Nle 9•!pyliP,!;IN;CIi nl!!4iHHiNiiiN n11i 1111INNI1111111kiN!IINIINNNNIllri N11NI11111S M11111H4 STRONG! ----YET SOFT Avoid early holes in Un. derwear. They are e4`. pensive. p3 y y b To do so, you need not sacritice comfortable soft- ness. Sim l r bu carefull made garnmentS of rale fully selected wool, In o ',Ia. ) wordss, buy Stan - field's Unshrinkable Undewear. We have it here....Now. E. APPEL - ZURICH Timothy Seed Have received a shipment of first-class timothy seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right Flour and Feed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc: Eggs taken, in exchange for,igoods George coagsMcBride Telephone 23