HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-08, Page 8/(1111014.4111.,‘Aki•V
Fail. Millinery
on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept.
22nd and 23rd, and following days.
Miss Thiel is again in charge of our
Millinery Department and she will be
pleased to have yon call and see the
the latest styles in Ladies' and Children's
Hats and trimmings for the fall season,
New Dress Goods
We have a complete stock af Serges
in the different colors,..and weights; Ga-
berdine cloths, Whipcords, Panama
cloths, Velveteens, also heavy coating
materials. We bought early thus saving
the adyance in price of these goods and
you gat the benefit.
iillannellettes and
We would be pleased to show you our
let lot of new flannels, flannellettes,
rapperettes, kimona cloths, woollen and
,nnellette blankets, shirtings, arid .0,11 the
rio.us lines of .underwear for men, zwom-
. and children. Our prices are right.
ildvance Showing
in Ladies',Coats
We carry the celebrated Roger's Gar -
ants, made by the Canada Cloak Co.
iese coats are noted for their exclusive
des and good workmanship, made of the
st materials obtainable and are guaran-
ad to give entire satisfaction. If you are
need of a coat for fall or winter wear it
11 be wrth your while to look through
r find range of coats for ladies and &U-
m before purchasing elsewhere.
Fresh Groceries always on. hand.
One year ago today we entered upon the
We wish to thank those who helped us to make
it &success. The business will be conducted as Oi
---444firCASH SYSTEM
'GEORGE R HESS & CO 14,4i'
it has been. in the last year.
"Ever at your Service"
F. 1..#1.1.. HESS & CO. LJ718)
Corrected every Thursday.
Dried Apples
1.1,1 I. • 4. 4.111,
Wheat new ' .80 ,85
Oats . old 50 new 85
Barley, 40 ., 45
Buckwheat-- - ... . 55
Flour 2.75 3.25
Bran $26.00
Shorts 29,00
Low Grade 85.00
Live Hogs fob Hosall 0.80
Local News
Get Your Thanksgiving 'post cards
at McCormick's. • ,
Wes Snell, Overlaid. agent, of
Exeter, was in town on Tuesday.
See our new line of Wernen's Shoe,, S,'
side laced, newest shapes, the f very
latest. See north winclOw fordisplay.•
•:'.0, Fritz.
We are in the position to handle your
Thatch Sets this fall. Call in and book
your order. S E Faust.
Messrs Aaron and Edmund Gin-
gerich and Seth Anienns and Mies'
Ada Kennel held a farewell party for
Miss Ida Schwarbzentruber at Mose,
Gerber's last Wednesday evening.
All reported a good time.
A. quiet but happy event was cele-
brated at the Evangelical parsonage,
Zurich, on Thursday -evening, • Sept,
30th, when Rev G F Browhtied the
knot which united in marriage Ifr
William J Hill, and Miss Emelia B
Wetzel, both of Moorefield, Ont.
At a convention of the newspaper.,
men of Huron and Perth counties held
at Goderich on Monday, the possibility
of raising the price of subscriptions
to weekly papers from $1 to $1.50
was discussed. Definite action on the
matter was deferred until a later date.
The visitors to the county town were
royally entertained by the Goderich
fraternity, Addresses were given dtir.
ing the course of thelaanquet and the,
afternoon meeting by a number Of
prominent gpeakers.
The solution of country road im-
provement will soon be solyed when
municipalities abandon the old system
of Statute Labor and procure a stone
crusher and steam road roller. With -
proper drainage and a•goodroadbedof'
crushed stone, wide enough:for fl; doublp
track, bad roads will be a thing of the
past and once such a system is put
into effect themaintenance will be a
comparatively trifling sum, Much of
the pt•esant work on the highway is
only a waste of time and money be-
cause it is patchy, indifferently done
and a large share of it without taking
into account the recognized principles
of permanent road building. A good
road means much to the people of the
present day and it is up to the Councils
and ratepayers to discuss ways and
means and arrive at definite conclusion
A trial piece of' road properly made
would be an object lesson well w orth
while in proving its improvement .on
old methods.—Exchange.
You can do your "little bit" towards
helping the Allies in the present
war by leaving your old razors at the
office of Dr A. J McKinnon. The
razors are forwarded to Toronto and
before the soldiers at the front receive
theM are sharpened ready for use.
*4.4. 0 ®
0 0
A Letter From Home
The weekly paper is ja a' letter from home, to
the absent (Anis. In fact, it is I, ter than a letter, for it
goes re.:ularly every week. It gives them all tt.e home
paw:.aiil koeps them info'imed of the progress and welfare
of the home town.
We will end' the Zurich Herald to ally address
to the endlof 1915
1 •.
In Canada for 25 cents
In U '-S.A. for 50 cents
Fisaainni 1\TOW.,
Clearing Sale of Choice
Feeding Steers, Heifers,
and Fat Cows.
Thos. Cameron has received instructio-
ns from the undersigned to sell by
Public Auction, on Lot 28, Con 3, Hay
setemeitiger,CaliltS IS Califir•
Two Thousand st Three 'Wein IPOIRA
an Interesting Corps.
•Some two thousand Montettegrine
are now gathered at the militia canep•
at Three Rivers, the camp that in
other and less turbulent Years was
the training ground for the militia
reginaenta of the district. From every
Part of Canada ' and the United
States they have come to be 'organ -
/Zed here before being transported
to the Balkans. wlaere they will do
their "bit" for the cause ot the
Pew of •them are in uniform. The
majority wear the clothes of the lab-
orer, the clothes in which they built
the grades, bored the tunnels,' laid
the.sidewalks, dug the sewers or till-.
ed'tbe soil in every part of the eon-
tinent. One day their Prince, sent
out a call. It rang half -way round
•the world. Tools were.laid aside and
in email parties they boarded trains
for Canada. Each day, alinost, sees
more arrive. Thousands are expect -
d to be n2obtlized.
Major Fiche, who is in charge of
the camp, has nothing but praise for
.the men. He states that .they are
sober and very earnest about thee
werk. There are exceptions, as
there are in every large crowd „of
rneri, but for the most part *they re=
'cognizethat they are ander discip-•
line, and as` they have all had train-
-.Mg under the military •system of. the
old country, they understand what
• this means. '
The camp; however, is not run on
the lines of a Montenegrin training
ground. The British systeta has been
'put into force, and, in a general way,
ij ii'the same. Reveille soul five
in the morning. For breakfast the
men receive the same food that is
served at Valcartier. Only two hours
are spent in drilling each day. The
regulations in the British Infantry
Manual are followed, And the drill is
more to keep the men in condition
than to teach them. They know their
own drill in all its details.
A few of them are in uniforms,
'wearing grey tunics, grey trousers, a
tasselled red cap, and a red shirt.
The tunic can be fastened over one
shoulder With a tape of braid, and
when the men parade in this fashion
the effect is 'picturesque. It might
be a scene from "The Merry Widow."
Cleanliness ie emphasized, and the
men are continually washing their
clothing. Then they have genies, na-
tive games, some of them not unlike
quoits. The religious side is not ne-
glected. The Rev. Agapios Golam, of
•the St. Nicholas Syrian. Greek Ortho-
dox Cathedral of Canada, which is in
Montreal, is the'chaplain. Mass is
said every Sunday.
A detachment of the Canadian
Army Service Corps looks after the
supplies, but all other duties, such as
guards and fatigues are done by the
Montenegrins. The forcf, is divided
Into detachments of aboUt 100 men,
whe were commanded ,by non -cone
missioned officers with the army in
Night falls and throuhgout , the
camp the men gather in small groups.
Then from these groups there comes
the sound of song. It is strange
music, the old folk songs of the
exionnta.ins, songs that nave been
handed down from generation to gen-
eration, that have never been printed
on paper. .Th.ere is something Orien-
tal in the dull throbbing strains, and
at times the voices rise to what is al -
Most a wail. The final number is al-
ways the same. It is short. It is
weird. It is the war chant of the
race. 4
• .11. Canaoian's Appeal.
A recruiting Meeting for a London
battalion in Trafalgar Square this
morning was addressed by a Cana-
dian'sergeant, who .adopted a direct
persprial rather than a general style.
of appeal. •
4t.What's•-that chap doing over
there?" demanded the speaker, in-
dicating a man in 'the crowd. The
individual thus singled out produced
a eerlifieate of rejection. .A .good
dozen Of sinailar. certidcates were
handed up in the course of the next
quarter of au hour, •the sergeant
close scanning them before return-
ing them to the dvners. One man
declared himself a civil servant. "I
tell'you, there's a whole lot of young
men have joined the civil, service
andthe special constabulary since
the war started," was the sergeant's
comment. This • style of recruiting
afforded considerable diversion, espe-
cially to those obviously 'unfit for
military service, who consequently
were not called upon publicly to give
an account of themselves in the mid-
dle of Trafalgar Square at noonday.
Thursday, October the 14th.
At 1 p. in. sharp, the following;
100 head of Feeding Steers and
Heifers, red and roans, weig hing from
700 to 1200 pounds. •
12 young fat Cows up, to 1400 lbss
As nearly every farmer propose -
handling feeders this fall, this opporr
tunity is unsurpassed to fill up you
number ' with Chocie Shorthorn
Cattle, in prime condition, many of
which are ready to ship.
• Positively no reserve as the propjet, -
or cannot winter tRhemm.s •
7 months credit on furnishing ae..
proved joint notes. A discount of 5
per cent poi atintina off for cash on
credit amounts,
Alex Moir . Thos Cameron
• Prop. ' Auct.
. „
Bettnned Via the Trenches.
Here is , a mystery, for Sherlock
Hoimee. A number of snaplihots
were lost on a King street car late
last tan and yesterday they were re-
""°"1114 4".".".P.ra"
"1" r
• Justlike
-City. Gas Stove
It's cheaper than vv -60a.
or Coal.
Come to see them • a
our store. Ten styles t(
select from.
There's Pride and
Satisfaction in know-
ing that you have
pleased your wife.
No Worry, Perfection in Cookini Easy to
Operate, Economical
iThis .:Stove Bums
Oil or Gasolinc
e. I-IARTLEIB t. -zi7R"itt
Zurich Agency
OVER es veiaRn
AnyOne Betiding a sketch and deseription may
Quickly ascertain bur opinion'free whether, .
invention is probably patentable: Communion.
tions strictly confidential. mow on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn , Co. receive
• scientific limeritan
*Pedal notice„ -without charge, inthe
handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eta,
culatlop or any totentthe; journal. Terms for
Canada, Srs,T5 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by
!MINN &...,C0.61ara4e-Y-New vica
rs2F. Washington. TLC,
,:c...a.....:=,P,.'„, ;;C:„...,•p........p,4 .Caoxtt4,.'lllz,,...p..p.p,,...,...,.:„,..,_,,,.,
‘,„41. ,.
'4.1t After carefully going over the Stock recently
purchased. from Mr. 3. J. Merner, we find. many
lines which we have to reduce in order to make . rh
rooin for the immense New Stock which we are
receiving daily.
• •
0 4
Men's Shirts, Regular $1.00 for 52c.
Men's Ties 25c and 50e, now 2.for 250
8 t Men's Fancy Vests $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 for 60c
Men's Summer Underwear.25e • . 10
A big'reduction. in Men's Suits, Boy's Snits, knickers e
- and odd pants ' 410
e . VP
Ladies' Waists inplain white andfancy colors at 4 -price, , '• ,
,f.,,,t,- , We also have .a large. steak of Ladies .t'all and winter
V,,P ' .Coats worth $10.00, 12.00, 15.00 and 16.00, in Black, 4 fr•
Grey, Navy, Green and Brown. colors, -which- we • will sell p
during the next few weeks at $5.00 each. Don't map
a. . these bargaius • .. • ' ' • ' •
. 4 0
DO, • 1 onlytadies' Top .Skirt Reg, $6.00. now, $3.00 •p
, • Ladies' white Embry underskirts Reg $1.50 for $1 .,
3 " • " Blk Undershirts at 6oe each . D
iAll Ladies' summer underwear at reduced prices
turned to the owner, bearing the in -
mention: "Folind in a dugout some- 1A l'e
ve el
where in France on'July 20."
There were absolutely no markings )
fDhrtilmeete; dt ysSositinit:sCi. Canada, dwao,:anl do t nko rit owforgeti ligTtheo,
owner of the pictures, took them with, er'f
on the pictures whereby the finder of -
them in Toronto could identify them.
Some seldier, perhaps, without many q
route, and could show to other sole A
Biers pictures of some of Toronto's U
While investigating •this vacated
dugout, ,Private , ChaeleS Mareehall, 'Al
who was employed 'previous to enlist- .„
ing with Mr: ThoS: Dale, 21 Alhara- 9
bra, avenue, found the little group of h
nictutes and recognised the xihoto- v l•
grapht of his former • einployer'S
daughter oti them. i 'Ile immediately
•xnailed them to Mr. Dale,____ ...
. 9
We have received large shipments of 'fall e
goods, suck as Wool Blankets,Flanneletts and. 7
_Flannel Sheeting incotton and .Wool, Coat Sweat-
ers, Hosiery. And expect our fullrange of Ladies ' A
Furs, Dress Goods, and Coats by Fair Day. D
Our Millinery Department ,0
Is again hi charge of Miss Galster, who will be .0
able to show yon all the latest in Fall and Winter 0
Hats. Opening Days will be Tuesday and Wed— 5P.,
nesday, Sept., 21st and 22bdr ,w
you. are cordially invited to call.
. A
.. 9
Produce of a kiwis taken,
, •