HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-08, Page 4IEMEALD
issued every Thursday afternoon from the
Victoria St. Zurich, by
AITD72EW F. kiESS and CHESTER. L, SItiL'rii
O. S• .subscraptoit $1,$o strictly in advance,
Aritts for display and contract advertisements will be
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Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soclet
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Notieion f entertainments, s a spec al collectials etc. at on which taken
�,�?ha g feels charged1
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Notices ofreliglotts or other meetings the object of
which is the benefit of the community and
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ll y
exerted free.
tstray advs. $t for three insertions.
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.
...,'hanges for contract advertisements must be in the
Office by 6 p. m. Tuesday, otherwise they will be left
Over until the following week.
Advertisments without specific directions will be
inserted untitl forbid and charged accordingly.
sient advertismenrs must be paid for in advance.
Address all communications to
TI4E HERALD, Zurich, Ont.
THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1915
Live poultry wanted every --Tues-
day forenoon. Highest market price
paid, R N Douglas, Blake,
Mrs John Davidson of& Regina Sask.
is the guest of her father; Mr Tough,
and other relatives, haying come to
attend the Cleland -Stevens nuptials.
Misses Ethel and Lillian Stevens
of Mt Forest and Wingham respective-
ly spent a few days at their home
On Wednesday evening last a quiet
wedding was solemnized at the Evan-
gelical parsonage, by Rev J H Gren-
zebach, when J A Doan of Port Huron
was united in marriage to Miss Emma
Calfas, daughter of Mr Henry Calfas,
Mrs Geo Kellerman visited relatives
inTelhana Centre last week.
Rhinehardt Willert had the mis-
fortune to get his hand in contact
with the saw the other day and three
of his fingers were badly cut. Ile
was assisting Mr Dietrich to saw
The little son of Wm Bieber,
was operased on for appendicitis
. week, is recovering.
A very pleasant time was spent on
Thursday, Sept 801h, when 25 of the
members of the Ladies' Ail of the
Dashwood Evangelical church motored
to Crediton in Guenther's auto bus
and spent the afternoon with the
Ladies Aid of that place. A very in-
teresting programme was given by the
Dashwood ladies after which an in -
structive address was given by Mrs
ICelhoffex, a missionary from China,
who is spending a short time with her.
parents in Crediton, Her talk was
made very interesting by the many
curios which she had brought from
the heathen land, and which she ex-
plained the use of. After the pro-
gramme the Ladies .were treated to
ice cream and an excellent lunch at
the home of Mr Holtzman, As they left
all expressed themselves as haying
had a very enjoyable time.
Room 1 of Dashwood Public School
for the month of September, Vie re-
port is based on attendance, diligence
and general demeanour.
Sr. Pt II -Urban Zimmer 83, Lillie
Willert 77, Leo Eveland 77, Harry
Zimmer 66, Lucile, Willett 65, Court-
ney Eidt 52, Alice Hoffman 48 absent,
Victor Tyler 46, Henry Bieber 40,
Luella Stire 38 absent, Solomon
Bettchen 36 absent.
Jr. Pt II- Percy Kleinstiver 83,
Edith Guenther 79, Reggie Armstrong
77, Elmer Zimmer 74, Minnie Rinker
73, Verda Baker 71, Oscar Miller 06,
Clara Bender 43, Alice Grigg.
Pt, I B -Pearl Gabel 89, Ethel
Gabel 85, Harold Kellerman 82,
Eorne Tiemau 76, Eddie Hamacher
60, Arnetta Steinhagen 59, Almeda
Miller 58, IPoreen Baker 52.
Pt, 1 A -Courtney Burmeister 75,
Emma Groupner 73, Edna Wilds 71,
Wealthy Schroeder 70, Lottie Arm-
strong 68, Ethel Hartlsib Gila Walter
Stirs 50, Leonard l ea er 47• ? year. The council of the Township of
age Atte>jctt l < 21 r Pinkbeine
Chester Harvey, Reg Knight and
Archie Davis left for London where
they have enlisted with the overseas
mounted rifles.
Thos Johns, who recently fractured
his leg, is able to go about with the
aid of crutches.
The material for the new hydro
distributing station has arrived. The
building will be 17 by 22 ft, will be
built of red pressed brick with cement
Bonneview, Stanley, the home of
Mr and Mrs Walter J Stevens was the
scene of an interesting event on Tues-
day Sept. 28th, it being the occasion
of the marriage of their daughter,
Weida Isabella to Mr Bert A Cleland,
a prosperoub young farmer of near
'Immediately at twelve o'clock, to the
wedding march played by Mrs Sherer
sister of the groom, the bride entered
the parlor leaning on the arm of her
father and joined the groom under
an arch of cedars and asters.
The peremony was performed by
Rev C T Tough, uncle of the bride,
Rev D. Johnston pastor of Blake Pres-
byterian church assisting.
The bride was gowned in ivory
Duchesse satin trimmed with crackle
overlace, rhinestones and pearls with
bridal veil and orange blossoms and
carried a briquet of bridal roses, while
the mother of the bride wore brown
satin, the gown in which she was mar-
ried, and the groom's mother was be •
comingly attired inablack satin,
After congratulations the guests,
which numbered about fifty, were
served with a dainty wedding dinner,
after which the happy couple left by
auto amid good wishes and showers of
confetti, for their future home, the
bride travelling in a navy blue suit,
white satin hat and Baby Bear furs.
An Evening Reception was held
when about one • hundred guests as-
sembled -to welcome the bride into the
community. . The bride received. her
guests in blue and gold shot silk, the
dress which her grandmother wore as
a bride in Scotland over sixty years
After October 20th Mr and Mrs
Cleland will be at hone to their
friends at "Burnside," Elma.
The public library was opened in
its new quarters in the Town Hall last
A union meeting of the churches,
was held in Carmel church last Sun-
day in the interests of the Lord's Day
Alliance. -
Word was recently received here of
the death in California of Dr George
Fee, brother of Mr W J - Fee. The
news of his death was a great shock to
the relatives here as his illness was not
thought to be of a serious.nature, He
was well known here as he o,ften visit-
ed in this Section.
Mrs Wm Essery and daughter have
moved to town.
Rev D W Collins conducted anniv-
ersary services at Forest last Sunday,
Farmers in this section are busy
harvesting the sugar beet Drop.
Mrs Mary Bawden, who. was visit-
ing her sons at Ridgetown passed away
last Wednesday after a short illness.
She was a native of Devonsshire.
The new bean warehouse erected by
George Petty near the station is now
The remains of John Yuill, who
died in London, were interred in the
Union cemetery last Thursday.
A fine new store is being fitted out
in the Petty block.
Wm Truemner has moved into the
residence he recently purchased from
G F Case,
Mrs Rey E C Searel of Toronto is
visiting her brother, Mr Charlie. John-
ston, this week,
Miss Mary Stogdill is spending a
week with friends in Goderich,
We are sorry to report the illness
of Mr Wm Wiley of Parr Line and
hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr Will Robinson arrived home
from Alberta last week, where he has
spent the summer teaching school.
After spending a few days at home
he returned to Toronto to resume his
studies in the University there.
Root Pulpers, Gutting Boxes, all kinds of
FOR SALE.:We have a 1915 Ford car, nearly new, in our-
warerooms which must be sold at once. Parties interested.
should call and investigate. Price reasonable.
Dan Mclsaac has recovered from
his recent illness.
H A Eckert, V, S.,'has left for the
front where he will join the veterinary
Mr Kelhofer has left for Chicago,
where he will take a six months course
in college.
An entertainment will be given in
the Evangelical church by the junior
Y P A on Thanksgiving night,
Sranley Council ;net on Monday
and the clerk gave the roll over to
the collector, Mr T Wiley who will
soon be making his annual rounds of
the Township again.
Dr Barnby of Lucan, occupied the
pulpit in Goshen, Varna and Kippen
Methodist churches on; Sunday last.
Harvest Home aetvices -!lwere .?
in the Anglican church.lasti° Sunday.
The church was appropriately` decor-
ated with fruit and grain for the oc-
We will also have an up-to-date Garage and Repair
shop in connection with our business. All kinds of automo-
bile repairing and machine repairing promptly attended to.
We Y have secured the agency for the Dadco Self-starter for
Ford cars. Simple, strong and convenient. Our price $10.
Doan-Calfas,-At the Evangelical
parsonage, on Sept 29th, by Rev
J H Grenzenbach, Mr J A Doan of
Pt Huron Mich, to Miss Emma Cal-
fas, daughter of Mr Henry Callas of
Dashwood. -
Hill -Wetzel -At the Evangelical
parsonage, Zurich, on Sept 30th,
by Rey GF Brown, William J Hill
to Miss Emelia B Wetzel, both of
Mooresfield, Ont.
Cleland -Stevens - At Bonneview,
Stanley, on Sept 28th by Rev C T
Tough, Miss Welda Isabella,
daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter J
Stevens, to Mr Bert A Cleland, of
near Listowel.
The Varna Patriotic Society are
packing a bale of clothing this week
for the Belgians, Any contributions
will be gratefutly received.
Mr and Mrs Hy Eowald and family
and Mr and Mrs M Midenger of Zur-
ich spent Sunday with friends here.
Mr Irvin Smith of London and Miss
Gillies of Alsia Craig called at the
formers home here on Sunday last.
Dr and Mrs Stoskopf, Mrs T John-
ston and Miss 5 Johnston of Zurich
called on friends here on Sunday.
Cutting buckwheat is the order of
the day your corrospendent witnessed
a western sight one day last week on
the farm of Mr A Brisson where he had
three binders at • work . cutting. Mr
Brisson believes in doing things fast.
Mr and Mrs Con Siemon and fam-
ily of the Bronson Line spent Sunday
at the home of Mr 0 0 Smith.
On Tuesday evening of last week
the members and adherents of Goshen
Methodist church met at the home of
Mrs E Robinson and presented Miss
Eliza Robinson with a well filled
purse and a nicely worded address, in
recognition of her services as organ-
ist, which position she has filled - for
the past three and one half years "buil
has resigned to take a course in the
Methodist Training School, Toronto.
After the presentation a very
pleasant evening was spent in music
games and social intercourse. Lunch
was then served and after singing
"God Save The King" and bidding
Miss Robinson good-bye, all went to
their homes feeling that they had
spent a plesant evening. The ad-
dress follows:
-..Ni.en convened in die '.LoVll Ban,
Crediton, on Monday, the 4th o
"On the Field of Honor"
The publishers of The Family
Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal,
are making a strong bid for. that
beautiful picture, full of pathos. en •
titled "On the Field of Honor." It is
assumed the publishers of the Family
Herald have in mind using it as a
presentation plate. If that is so there
is a great treat in store for readers of
The Family Herald and Weekly Star
this autumn. In past years The Family
Herald of Montreal has been noted
not only for the wonderful excellence
of that journal- but many beautiful
pictures it has presented to its readers
The Family Herald has a name for
succeeding in anything it undertakes,
and we feel sure if it is humanly pos-
sible to secure "On the Field of Honor'
that the publishers will succeed in
getting it. -"On the Field. of Honor"
is attracting widespread attention in
Our dear Christian Friend;
We of the Goshen congregation are
gathered together this evening to show
our esteem and affection for you
and to make this presentation. We
do this because we know of your
W01113, 'Yom Ohtistain life rind der
1915 at 1 p. m. All meliibers 'Wee I Vcfl ]ing ween marked by sic. The
Church we represent in it's vari'
present. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted.
Neeb-Webb. That Alonzo Hod-
be appointed collector of taxes
for the present year at a salary of
$82.00. He to furnish his own post-
age, Carried.
The following orders were passed:
Frank Triehner, Gravel, $48.50;
Witzel and Dietrich, Comm)! Blk 6
C rd, $49,60 and $5.20; Newton Clark
comm'r blk 7 C rd, $54,40 and $5.65;
Jacob Geiser Comm'r Blk 7 C Rd
$97,00 and $8.10; R Hill, Gravel
and Work, $2$,25; John Willis, Com-
missioner E S R, $3; Mr Wilds, gravel
$54.60; 'Stephen Morrison, Cement
gravel, $8;Thomas Keys, Commission.
er, $1; Jeremiah Barry, tile on C rd,
$1; Henry Kuhn, tile on E 13 $19.72;
Jos Lawson, pt br acc, `$100; henry
Slnith rep cul, ,$;.50; Mr Martene, Sr. HI ---A Steckle,
Statue Labor, $5; 11 Hill work in pit Jr. III --•-Ii Steckle F Talbot V Erase,
:.Tnhn Wein. Crrninli airmen,•S2 50. Jr, Tt---A.Etue, P Etue, L Etue. .
,lr l----ti$techle.
(� irr if,il .r 1;t71rr�L'.I t t iswet 7141r1Tr
in the T.>•vtr i 1 ,.i', t'rtariitttu, liar Mori• Sr Pr•- -C Stickle, T Etas, G.h,tue.
clary, the 0:11 of l)tacoinbor nest at 1 J1..Pr•-M Elm',111eAlesr, �"Eine
p. m. e, Henry Either, Clerk,
Hay council met in the Town Hall,
Zurieb, on `Saturday last for their
regular monthly meeting, Routine
business was transacted. The follow-
ing orders•Were passed.
G T R., freight, $2.65; Ontario
Railway and M Board, fees, $5, Can-
ada Express Co., $1; Northern Elect-
ric Co., supplies, $115.05; Bell Tele-
phone Co., L D toll, August, $27.28;
W G Hess, 8 montlis salary $300.00.
P Mclsaac, 3 months salary, $250.00;
Municipal 'World, blanks, $3.68; 0
Aldsworth damage to plow $2.50; 01L
Waiper, valuating sheep, $ , ; G Crest,
sheep killed by doge, $1.85; $".:14, O st'
reicher, sheep killed by deg..,
0 'Weber, work ;1; E, Thiel, hauling
gravel, $10; Clarence nat.al's, rep
culvert, c,in 11, 50 cents G `Thiol,
ng i;l'elYf,ly $5.l .
,. Thal
(,,, : l'y+�i'1 t=f. the I3ri'i•sa 1'',n•.pm.,
furr1, 500.
Crointil Mlja),lrl'fatl 111 la 'tit again 01,
November 6th. 1P 11 ',, ti,. Clerk.
1 have a full stock of till kinds of Horse Blankets on hand .
I was lucky to purchase a large stock of All Wool Blankets before
the advance in prices and have decided to retail there at the old
price while they last. Call in and see our values.
A large assortment of Men's Mitts and Gloves on hand.
Our prices are just a little lower than usurp. Call and see
befcre you buy.
ous departments, especially in the
Chios and P;Iissionary departments
has had in you a faithful and inde-
fatigable worker. We are sorry to
lose you, but are glad to know you
are entering a Christian institution
that will train you for larger fields of
usefullness. We shall watch your
career with interest. Orr prayers
will follow you. God -will take care
of you and bless you with wisdom
love and strength.
Signed on behalf of the congregation.
The following is the report of 5 5
No 4, South, fol the month of Sept-
ember. The names are in order of
merit. -
Fifth --W Etue,
Sr. IV -E Talbot, A Etue. B Etue.
Jr. IV ---A Steckle, M Etue.
1 have made arrangements with Silverwoods
Dairy, London, to take erealn at
My Residence, Zurich, any time
during the week.
Cream is tested when brought to my store
and paid for on. delivery. Price paid this
week was 2'7 cents per pound.
I have a carload of Fer
tilizer on hand. Parties
wishing to buy some in
any quantity can secure it
from me at any timet at
my farm.
Have all kinds on hand,
ranging from $10 to $90
per ton.
WaAgent for Canadian Fertilizer Co.
Fowl e i. i EST BY ";'EST .
further notice. •
Highest Market Prices
Insurance Agent
Zurich Ont
High Grade Copper and
Aluminum Lightning Gon-
Am very busy, please hand in
your orders early, as I do the'work
Prices right on easy terms..
Telephone 34,
Will take Live Fowl every
Tuesday forenoon until
Phone 1 on 86 DRYSDALE
A. Man's Ability is his pasSpor it
Prank Weaver
Of all kinas neatly and. pros ltly dOne
Latter Iea4.s,
Envelopes, B111 Heads,
Statements, Shipping
Professor of Music London, Ont,
Teacher of Organ anis all branches
of Piano Playing; Voice }Culture and
Artistic Singing a Specialty. Sixteen
yeere practical expei'ienee.
POI" a0IY1I$ apply at the Harald Office.
Tags, Booklets, ros- ,
tersii Cards of all kinds, Programmes,
Tlokets and, all kinds of printing:
Herald PrintingOo,