HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-08, Page 1ZURICH Vol. XV 1. ,ZURICH, FRIDAY MQRN!NO. OCTOBER i3, I915. i••o•••••«••••000• .e•. os•••♦•♦•••••••O.••••••••• • .op • dull We have much pleasure in extending to our friends and patrons a cordial invitation to attend our Fall Opening, which we have arranged to take ,' place, Tuesday, Sep ember, twenty—first and follow- . ing days. Every Department of our store is well stocked and assorted with the different lines of ► goods in.; spite of the fact that it has been very dif. .o ficult to secure goods in many lines, knit ;.'by 'b'eing * right on the job and.buying early we are in a po- sition to give you the goods .at prices justa little 2 better than you can get at many places. •• Our Millinery Department Under the supervision of Miss Cliftonwho was with us last Spring, will be . filled with the every newest Styles and..Materials, and we have not the slightest hesitation in saying that we have • never shown a more beautiful display of Autumn • Millinery and the prices are .wonderfully moderate. =Everybody invited to call Tuesday and following clays. • • 2 • 0 • • • 4 •• ♦ 4P •0. •' w • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • A nice range of Mantlings in all the leading cloths • and shades • • ' Sweater Coats • s ..We are showing the largest range of Sweater coats we have ever had. All sizes for men, women • • and children Underwear V We are showing a full range of Men's and Ladies' Under– wear in Combinations for Men and Women, fleeced lined shirts, •; drawers, all wool,runshrinkable, and we also haoe the celebrated • Wolsey line, the hest all wool ' underwear on the Market. s •Furs Etc. • •We have just opened up a fine range of furs, . Muffs from 2 $12.00 down. Ruffs in all differeutciasses. Men's and Ladies' • , fur lined Coats, from $25,00 up to $1000.00. Men's Coon Coats, • , special values this season. Ladies' Musk Rat Coats full length 4. at bargain prides. .q • Dinner Sets •We were fortunate to secure another package of oelebrate d ± e 'Austrian China Dinner Setts. This is the last we oan get as • they are entirely out of the market. Anyone looking for a sett •a of dishes should, not fail to see them before making a purchase. • HARDWARE. 4. Sylvan Crepe THE wearing qualities j of this crepe are unexcelled. The mixture of wool and mohair is. especially fine. A good seasonable cloth in all colors. DRESS G00DS You will be 'delighted with our display of Dress Goods. We have the celebrated Priestly Goods which have been very popular in thepast and we still claim the reputation of showing the finest range of Dress Goods shown anywhere is Gabardines, Broad Cloths, Serges, etc. Mantlings • r • • ♦ • • i • • 0 • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15 tons good sett onions wanted by October 15th. We pay 4 -cents per • pound, in exchange for hardware, har- ness or furniture or apply on accounts, • ♦ Price guaranteed against other merch- • ants of Zurich, Any quantity accept - 2 ed, C Hartleib, Zurich, The rural public and separate • school Truant Act is now strict, and every child between the ages of eight • and fourteen years will be reported to 9 the inspector if not in attendance for • 80 per cent of the teaching time in • the month. Reports must be made o under penalty and this warning is in. • tended to help teachers, truant officers • and inspectors to discharge their duties in accordance with their new Act. Arrangements are under way with the purpose in view of establishing a public library in the village of Zurich As this is one of the crying needs of our town there is no doubt that such an institution will receive the hearty support of the reading public ,in this community.. It is expected that the fee per member will be $1 with 25c extra for additional members in the same family, and this small cost will enable every one to have access to the books of the library at this small out- lay. Further particulars will be giv- en at an early date. SETT ONIONS WANTED I want any quantity* Dutch ,Sett onions at once. Highest market price paid. C. Fritz The Skoeinan Zurich rnme-o►ea .4-s4 , 04-s4s.c s,,. 3 0 LOCAL NEWS I ®lmvlL ar4.yr1Prev,.s4es.eaYa 41 to, Next Monday is Thanksgiving Day and a`public holiday. The Canadian Temperance Act will be voted on in 'Lambton . county early next year. Rev, C.a0. J. Maass, of Preston. will conduct the services in the Luth- eran church next Sunday, Wanted at once—Dutch Setts, Large' Onions, Dried Apiiles, Live Poultry every Thursday forenoon, Highest Market Prices. T L Wurm.., Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, and Wednesday of the follow ng week. Mrs C Lindenfeld and children, of Larkhill, yisited at the home of her sister, Mrs J J Merner, for a few days.. last week, Mr and Mrs George F Yungblut, of Auburn, visited at the home of the former's brother, Mr H Yungblut, oyer Sunday. The members of the Women's In- stitute will meet in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Wednesday evening, Oct 13th, at 8 o'clock.' .. We are in_the market for dry clean dutch setts. Bring them in as soon as possible as we want to ship a car- load on the 16th inst, We also want large onions, Ruby & Gazebo. Keep the date of this -Big Fowl sup- per in the fine church sheds of the Evangelical church in mind. The big event takes place Tuesday evening Oct 19th. A fine social treat can be looked for. 2 We are still hand ling the famous Peninsula Cast Iron and Steel Ranges: We have handlen this same line for ten years .g, and they are still givng the best of satisfaction,' We also have the Happy Thought, and any other make you may desire. .� wIf you feel as though you should have your home heated •. • with a furnace, call in and let us explain you the eioienoe of 4 ,. the Hecla furnace, made by Clare Bros of Preston. The best '` ,•►• and most economic furnace on the market, We are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing for Bath Rooms • and Hot Water heating. Give us a call, f• • i , • ; Telephone •No.g Produce of all kinds taken P R13ET:ER 4. 4. 4 4. ZU R C H 4.4^41+ ,4.4.41 D*4.414.4.44+++44 4^4.3 fr II, , !1C •II�!II�aF �• •ti *�k♦ Incorporated 1855 The MOL O `i BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera. Banking lInsiness Transacted CIRCUILAR LETTERS OF CREDI BANK MONEY ORDi?,RS Savings, Bank Department Interest at laigbest current rates Zurich Branch . R. T.:.DUNLOP, Manager ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT The following shows the standing of the Entrance and Graduation class- es for September based on a test e*amination in all eubjects. Kr Grad 16 papers, 1400 marks, pass 840, Hon 1050, M Heyrock 1133, D Ducharme 1062, G Kaercher 1060, E Laporte 1057, B Tough 943, W Seibert 987, C Pfile 807, G'Zettel 5,70 absent, L Ralbfleisch absent. Jr;Grrad, 16 papers 1300 marks, pass 780 Hon 975 1 Pollock 953, H ,Fritz. 949, M Oesch 714., L Callfas 597, absent L Manson 572. Ent 18. papers 1000 marks, pass 600 Ho 750 J Campbell 817, M Hess 804 G Merner 760, S Deichert 744, P Ducharwe 700, M Hoffman 700, R T3artleib 672, W Fritz 611. G S Howard Principal. Report for September. Based on General Proficiency, Attendance and Conduct, .'Jr. IV—Olive Zettel, Leonard Hud- son,: Louise Howald, Russell Preeter, Frank Siebert. Sr. III -Jacob Haberer, Rose Hess, Marjory Fritz, Pearl Walper Armina Brenner, Lee O'Brien, Cecilia Hilde- brandt, Jr. III --Lillian Weseloh, Iva Kalb fleiscb, Dorothy Fritz, Edna Zettel, Eiilda Neuschwanger, Inez Yungblut, Dorothy Campbell, Emma Wurm Teddy Wagner, Lennis O'Brien, Ber Siebert, Euoline Geiger, Gordon Wal per, Laura Dietrich ivlargaret Theil Iven Kalbfieisch, Whitney Truemner Ervin Fisher. Attendance for the month has been yefy irregular, which is a great draw back to the pupil himself, and to the other pupils in the sante class. M E Walked. a�rpupils' standing is base, o general; proficiency, attendance an conduct. Sr. IT—Mary Mittelholtz, Luell t NO 11 �±, + i{M ff{I.�wr1►8i Mrr�4 4100fte .. 4410 f +' 1100TWEAR NEW. We take much ' pride in announcing to the public that we have now a complete stock of; Footwear for Fall and Winter wear for Men Women and 4. Children. All new styles are represented and quality and value are unsurpassed. . Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. C. FRITZ Zuric h • •.. The Home of Good Shoes 4IOW 4iM0011i1 44101 4G S s4ii -**a 4 1 S*G** 4+ f+ i„,„ Ilillllllllll!ill„„„,l,,,lfllNllllllllllllllllllll„,„,lllllllllll,„,„lllllllllllllllllllllllllL'IIIDll„„,1111111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU➢!Illlllllfllll111 01,!!Ii11111111 illilli„ 1VIIIIIs GoodEvorybod1yfr OLD AND YOUNG STOUT AND SL AT Just opened up a number of lines of heavy Winter Goods, Woollen Blau.- kets, Dress Goods, .Underwear, Sweater Coats, Cardigans, Mitts and Gloves, Hats and Caps, r, Woollen Socks and Hose, Rugs, n and numerous other lines. d Decker; pearl Gallman, Milton Hey, Gordon Rau 1�Iable Bender Lloyd Hey, Herbert Neet� s ar:)oueLAs Jr, TI -Eva Fee, Cecil Ewen, Veola PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE Tiii1i1ilmi9iiiiiiililllllllllB811181111111111111111111111n111881111111111111111ii11111 illlill8lillllllllllllllllllllllllllimil!ii;li!liilim1M''wnn!L°iAt IlfillliqiiiiillilioBilN Produce of all kinds take, Prang, Austin Schwalm, Ruth Bren- ner, Flora Uttley, Ethel Hess. Pi. II -Frances Mittelholtz, Greata Merner, Elda Callfas, Madelena Meid- inger, Gerald Bedard, Pr.—Dorothy Brenner, Irene Decher, Edmund Bedard, and John Henry Kochems, (equal), Ivan Youngblut, Agnes Zettel, Arson Keller. J. W. Veitch. The following is the report of Room Il, Z P School for the month of Sep- tember. Sr. II -E Ducbarme 92, E Dietrich 84, Mabel Preeter 84, Julia Davidson 81, Muriel Howald 80, L Rau 80, E Howard 80, M Uttley 80,,T Deichert 76, C Merner 76, A Mittleholtz and P Leibold absent. Pt.II—T Albrecht 76, K Siemon 74, G Ducharme 74, E Bender 70, V Davidson 70. Sr. Pr—M Prang 88, J Ewen 88, I+' Deichert 80, Jr Pr—R Fisher 85, G Schwalm 80,, A Gaseho 74, F Davidson 70. Sr. lst—N Geiger 92, I Howald 90, M Schwalm 82, K Kaehlar 70. Jr, Ist—T Thiel 78, G Walper 76, C Hildebrandt 58, E Leibold and L Leibold absent. M A Lamont, Teacher. TOWNSHIP OF HAY GIVES .$500.00 As will be seen by orders passed at the meeting of the council of Hay Township on Saturday last, a' grant of $500 has been made to the Red Cross Fund. The matter was brought before the council board by the following message from Sir John S Hendrie, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. "In view of the urgency and import- ance of this first appeal that the motherland hasmade to us, I confid- ently trust that yon wilt at once organ- ize with a view to getting a worthy contribution from the people of your municipality;, on .October' 21." The Action of the Lieutenant Govenor foll- owed upon the receipt of a message f roan. Lord Lansdowne, making an ap- peal ppeal for financial assistance to the British Red Cross. It is ' understood that the mayors and reeves.' to whom the appeal is'iliitd i'number nearly 880. STRONG! innimmommummi ----YET SOFT Avoid early holes in Un- derwear. They are ex- pensive. To do so, you need not sacrifice comfortable soft - "LOSS. Simply buy carefully made garments of care— fully selected wool. In o t n words, buy Stan - field's ' Unshrinkable Undewear. We have it here....Now. STANFIELi UNDERWEAi{(;i E. APPEL - ZURICH Timothy Seed Have received a shipment of first-class timothy. seed. No. 1, as to purity. .Price is right Flour and Feed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods rg McBride Telephone 23