HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-01, Page 6s
af " l p
who is able to sedate it especial:.
"It is not everyone," she remarked
ly when their lives have been spent
as yours must have been."
He looked at her curiously. «I
wonder," he said, "if you have any
idea how my life has been spent" -
"You have given me," she said, "a
very fair idea about some part of it
at any rate,"
He drew a long breath and looked
down at her.
"I have given you no idea at all,"
he .said firmly. "I have told you of a
few incidents that is all. You have
talked to me as though I were an
- Cr i6The .Adventures of Ledgardd"
By the Author of "What He Cost Her."
'robably nothing else in the world
ld so soon have transformed Scar -
Trent from . the Gold Coast buc-
eer to the law-abiding tenant of a
V3 rey villa. Before her full, inquir-
eyes and calm salute he found
"self at once abashed and confused.
raised his hand to his head, only to
that he had come out without a
and he certainly appeared, as
I' stood there, to his worst possible
x' antage.
t Good morning, miss," he stammer -
"I'm afraid I startled you!"
the winced a little at his address,
c otherwise her manner was not un-
d i'You did a little," she admitted.
f o youusually stride out of your
f zdows like that, bareheaded and
a ttering to yourself?"
ur `I was in a beastly temper," he ad -
1 tied. "If I had known who was
ei ;side—it would have been differ -
She looked into his face with some
erest. "What an odd thing!" she
d' narked. "Why, I should have
t night that to -day, you would have
r an amiability itself. I read at
cc 3akfast time that you had accom-
t shed something more than ordin-
c. r wonderful in the City and had
tde—I forget how: many hundreds
thousands of pounds. When I show -
the sketch of your house to my I
n 'iof, and told him that you were .
ing to let me interview you to -day,
•eally thought that he would have
sed my salary at once."
ri zed
noro luck „than anything," he .
r .d. "I've stood next door to ruin
ice. I may again, though I'm a
n ilionaire to -day."
it She looked at him curiously—at his
tl ly tweed suits, his yellow boots, and ,
r into the strong, forceful face with
s 3s set in deep hollows under the
Articling brows, at the heavy jaws
iTing a certain coarseness to his ex-
sssion, which his mouth and fore -3
sd, well -shaped though they were,
xld not altogether dispel. At the!
enc time he looked at her, slim, tall,
bd elegant, daintily clothed from her
epely shoes to her sailor hat, her
town hair, parted in the middle,;
ss,aping a little from its confinement
ripple about her forehead, and.
aw more clearly the delicacy of her
eiplexion. Trent was an ignorant
tn on many subjects, on others, his
belong -
'este seemed always intuitively Cor-
et. He knew that this girl belong-
' to a class from which his descent .
ed education had left him far apart,
class of which he knew nothing, and
.th whom he could claim no kinship. ;
ie, too, was realizing it—her inter -
cit in hiin was, however, none the less
z^:ep. He was a type of those pow -
s which to -day hold the world in
:eir hands, make kingdoms tremble,
uiid change the fate of nations. Per -
caps he was all the more interesting
ex) her because by all the ordinary
rds of criticism, he would fail
> be ranked, in the jargon of her
pass, as a gentleman. He represent -
1 something in flesh and blood which
ad never seemed more than half real
her—power without education. She
ked to consider herself—being al
liter with ambitions who took her -
elf seriously—a student of human
ature. Here was a specimen worth
,,paling, an original being, a creature
., new type such as had never come'
itith n the region of her experience. It
anti worth while ignoring small idio-
•ncrasies, which might offend, in
elder to annex him. Besides, from a
eutnalistic point of view, the man
cis more than interesting—he was a
veritable treasure.
"You are going to talk to me about :
n,.frica, are you not?" she reminded
ei.im. "Couldn't we sit in the shade
homewhere. I got quite hot walking'
e.rom the station."
e He led the way across the lawn, and
ehey sat under a cedar tree. He was 1
vwkward and ill at ease, but she had
act enough for both. l succeed the more involved you be -
"I can't understand," he began, come. It's a sort of slavery."
"'how people are interested in the j "Have you no friends," she asked.
I have never,he answered, "had
a friend in my life."
"You have guests at any rate!"
"I sent 'em away last night!"
"What, the young lady in blue?"
she asked demurely.
"Yes, and the other one, too. Pack-
ed them clean off, and they're not
coming back either!"
"I am very pleased to hear it," she
"There's a man and his wife and
daughter here I can't get rid of so
easily," he went on gloomily, "but
scoolies, a slave in everything but, they've got to go."
name, when the sun had burned the' "They would be less objectionable
ibrains of men to madness, and the to the people round here who might
palm wine had turned them into howl- like to come and see you," she re-
'ing devils. He told her of the na-' marked, "than two unattached
re -
„ fives of Eekwanclo, of the days they ladies.”
had spent amongst them in that "May be," he answered, "yet I'd
soualid hut when their fate hung in give a lot to be rid of then.,,
the',balance day by day, and every: He had risen to his feet and. was
shout that went up from the warriors standing with his back to the cedar
.gathered round the house of the king tree, looking away -with fixed eyes to
was a cry of death. He spoke of their where the sunlight fell upon a distant
i.111,insets." access, of the granting of hillside gorgeous with patches and
the cone s iori 'which had laid the streaks of yellow gorse: and purple
.Cori scats x of his fortunes, and then heather. Presently 'she noticed his ab-
tof that t i t il,le journey back through straction and looked also through the
(the leah. h followed •ed by the natives who gap in the trees.
had a'yeet'v repented of their action, "You have a beautiful view here"
au! s,i , clogged their footsteps hour she said: " "You are:fond of the coun-
7 t: t ., 1 ;, waiting for then only to try, are, you not?
elan) r r eit to seize upon them, and' "Very," he answered.
haul' them back to Bekevando, prison-
ers for the sacrifice.
"It was only our revolvers which
kept them away," he went on. "I shot equal. Listen! you are probably the
first lady with whom I have ever
eight or nine of them at di
times when they came too close, and spoken. I do not want to deceive you.
to hear them wailing over the bodies I never had a scrap of education. My
was one of the most hideous things father was a carpenter who drank
Why, for months ; himself to death, and my mother was
you, can imagine,
and months afterwards I couldn't • a factory girl. I was in the worts-
sleep. I'd wake up in the night and house when I was a boy. I have never
fancy that I heard that cursed yelling been to school. I don't know how to
outside my window—ay, even on the talk properly, but I should be worse
steamer at night-time if I was on even than I am, if T had not had to
deck before moonlight, I'd seem to mix up with a lot of men in the city
hear it rising up out of the water. who had been properly educated. I
Ugh!„ am utterly and miserably ignorant.
She shuddered. I've got low tastes and lots of 'ern, I
"But you both escaped?" she said. was drunk a few nights ago—I've done
There was s. moment's silence. The most of the things Hien who are_
beasts do. There! Now, don't you
want to run away?"
She shook her head, and smiled up
at him. She was immensely interest-
"If that is the worst," she said
gently, "I am not at all frightened.
You know that it is my profession to
write about men and women. I belong
to a world of wornout types, and to
meet anyone different is quite a lux-
"The worst!" A sudden •fear sent
an icy coldness shivering through his
veins. His heart seemed to stop beat-
ing, his cheeks were blanched. The
worst of him. He had not told her
shade of the cedar tree was deep and
cool, but it brought little relief to
Trent. The perspiration stood out on
his forehead in great beads, he breath-
ed for a moment in little gasps as
though stifled.
"No," he answered; "my partner
died within a mile or two of the coast.
He was very i11 when we started, and
I pretty well had to carry him the
whole of the last day. I did my best
for him. I did, indeed, but it was no
good. I had to leave him. There was
no use sacrificing oneself for a dead
She inclined her head sympathetic-
"Was he an Efglishman?" she that he was a robber, that the found -
asked. ation of his fortunes was a lie;that-
there lived a man who might bring all
this great triumph of his shattered
and crumbling about his ears. A pas=
sionate fear lest she might ever know
of these things was born in his heart
at that moment, never altogether to
leave him.
The sound of a footstep close at
He faced the question just as he
had faced death years before leering
at him, a few feet from the muzzle of
a revolver.
"He was an Englishman. The only
name ewe had ever heard him called
by was `Monty.' Some said he was a
broken down gentleman. I believe he
was. hand made them both turn their heads.
She was unconscious of his passion- Along the winding path came Da
ate, breathless scrutiny, unconscious Souza, with an ugly smirk upon his
utterly of the great wave of relief white face, smoking a cigar .whose
which swept into his face as he realiz- odor seemed to poison the air. Trent
ed that his words were without any
special meaning to her." leas as very sad, indeed," she said.
"If he had lived, he would have shared
with you, I suppose, in the conces- Da Souza held up the palms of his
sion?" • hands.
Trent nodded. "1 was strolling about," he said,
"Yes, we were equal partners. We `"and I saw you through the trees. Z
had an arrangement by which if one did not know that you were so pleas -
died the x,urvivor took the lot. I , antly engaged," he added, with a,egairr
didn't want it, though, I'd rather'he of his hat to the girl, "or I would not
have intruded."
Trent kicked open the little iron
gate which led into the garden • be-
"Well, get out, and don't come here
again, he said shortly. "There's
turned upon him with a look of thun-
"What do you want here, Da
Souza?" he asked fiercely.
had pulled through. I would, indeed,"
he repeated with nervous force. -
"I am quite sure of that," she an-
swered. "And now tell me something
about your career in the City after
you came to England. Do you know
I have scarcely ever been in what you plenty of room for you to wander
financiers call the City. In a way it i about and poison the air with those
must be interesting. abominable cigars of yours without
"You wouldn't find it so," he said. coming here.
"It is not a place for such as you. It Da Souza replaced his hat upon his
is a life of lies and gambling and de- head.
ceit. There are times when I have • "The cigars, my friend, are excel -
hated it. I hate it now." lent. We cannot all smoke the to-
bacco of a millionaire, can we, Miss?"
The girl, who was making some
notes in her book, continued her work
without the slightest appearance of
having heard him.
a fascination stronger than anything . Da Souza snorted, but at that mo -
else in the world." 'Tient -he felt a grip like iron upon his
He shook his head. shoulder, and deemed retreat ex
"It is an ugly fascination," he said. pedient.
"You are in the swim and you must "If you don't go without another
word," came a hot whisper in his ear,
"I'll throw you into the horse -pond.".
He went swiftly, ungracious, scowl -
She was. unaffectedly surprised.
What a speech for a millionaire of
"I thought," she said, "that for
who took part in it, it possessed
hold your own. You gamble with
other men, and when you win you
chuckle. All the time you're whittling
your conscience away—if ever you ing. Trent returned to the girl. She
had any. You're quite dishonest, and looked up at him and closed her book.
you're never quite honest. You come "You must change your friends,"
out on top, and afterwards you hate she said gravely. "What a horrible
yourself. It's a dirty little life!" man."
"Well," she remarked after a mo- "He is a beast," Trent answered,
ment's pause, "you have surprised me and go he shall. I would to Heaven
very much. At any rate you are that I had never seen him."
rich enough now to have no more to She rose, slipped her note -book into
do with it." her pocket, and drew on her gloves.
He kicked a fir cone savagely away. "I have 'taken up quite enough of
"If I could," he said, "I would shut your time," she said, "I am so much
up my office to -morrow, sell out, and obliged to you, Mr. Trent, for all you
ive upon a farm. But I've got to have told me. It has been most in-
lceep what I've made. The more you teresting."
She held out her hand, and the
touch of it sent his heart beating with
a most uxusual emotion. He was
aghast at the idea of her imminent
departure. He realized that, when
she passed out of his gate, she passed
into a world where she would be hope-
lessly lost to hint so he took his cour-
age into his hands, and was very bold
"You have not told me your name,"
he reminded her.
She laughed lightly.
"How very unprofessional of me! I
ought to have given you a. card! For
all you know I may be an imposter,
indulging an unpardonable curiosity,
"My name is Wendermott—Ernestine
He repeated it after her.
"Thank youlie said. "I am be-
ginning to think" of some more things
which I might have told you."
"Why,, I should have to write a no-
vel then to get them all in," she said.
"I am sure.you have given me all the ,
material I need here.
"I am going," he said abruptly,
"to ask you . something very strange
and very presumptuous!"
She looked at him in surprise,+
scarcely understanding what he could
"May I mile and see you. some
tide ?"
The earnestness of his gaze and the
intense anxiety of his tone almost dis-
concerted her. 'Ile was' obviously
nirtuff which gets into papers ,nowa- "
ctlays. If you want horrors though, I
iean supply you. For one man who
dsucceeds over there, there are a dozen
itwho find it a short cut down into
c;!ieil. I can tell you if you like of my
.,,days of starvation."
1 "Go on!"
Like many men who talk but seldom
Vhe had the gift when he chose to speak
Oof reproducing his experiences in vivid
t'though unpolished language. He told
rh:er of the days when he had worked
d on the banks of the Congo with the
Fresh fr
in the Gardens
of the finest Tea -producing country in
the gorse.
• B 74
Sealed Packets Only.
Try it—it's delicious. '►•LACK G1 EEri or MIXED.
Requisites of a Good Horse.
The first requisites of a good driver
are a cool head and a watchful eye,
with ready fingers and the quick un-
derstanding of the needs and require-
ments of his horse. He must also be
ready to detect any object by the
roadside which would be likely to
annoy the horse and grasp at a glance
the character of the road that lies
ahead of him.
No quick-tempered, loud -voiced man
can expect to have a quiet, obedient
horse; and the undue haste of the
quick-tempered driver to correct what
seems to him misbehavior, is one of
the reasons why so many horses are
dangerous to drive. Much of this
abuse, however, to which the horse
is subjected, arises more from sheer
ignorance and carelessness than from
wanton cruelty.
Before starting on a long drive you
should examine the horse, the harness
and the vehicle—the bit should be as
easy a one as possible, the harness
must be comfortable and well fitting.
Do not use a check rein if the road is
long and hilly, but should one be
necessary then loosen the head of the
horse before ascending a hill, when
going over muddy roads, and also
whenever you stop, as it is natural for
a horse to lower his head when he
makes an extra exertion, and also to
droop it when he is resting.
A horse should not only be allowed
to walk slowly along steep and muddy
parts of the road, but also occasion-
ally on level ground; the change
from one set of muscles to another
rests him. When your horse begins
to feel fatigued he will strike one of
his hoofs against the ankle opposite,
often bruising and cutting it.
As it is generally one of the hind
ankles; an ankle boot should be worn
during a long drive, even if it is un-
necessary on other occasions.
Two other indispensable articles on
a Iong drive are a wooden scraper for
removing foam and a hoof -pick for
dislodging stones. For one who is
often on the road it is also useful to
have a few pieces of rope and some
brass wire, as with these in his pos-;
session anyone with ingenuity can
quickly repair ordinary damages to
the harness or carriage.
Horses, when traveling, should have
water given to then frequently in
reasonable quantities—if you drive
slowly for a while after watering your
horse, no injurious results will fol-
low, and they may be refreshed by a
few mouthfuls of grain, hay or grass.
Should you chance to stop where there
is a strong breeze blowing, put a
light blanket on your orse, even if
the weather is warm.
Do not, at any part of a long trip
yield to the temptation of racing with
passing vehicles, for the quickening of
a horse's steady road pace to a racing
gait heats him unnecessarily, and if
done frequently is very fatiguing.
Remember always that your mood
communicates itself to your horse. Be
gentle, cheerful and patient in your
manner towaid him and allow him to
derive as much comfort as possible
from the drive, as you yourself ex-
Nowadays farmers are beginning to
awaken to the fact that it takes
strong horses to do good work on the
farm. The fact that almost any horse.
can be made -to do something at farm
work is no valid excuse for men who
profess to have their own interests at
heart to persist in. breeding horses
that nobody wants, not even them-
In the fields a big team makes haste
by the width of the furrow or swath
they cut.
There is pleasure and inspiration in
the business of breeding and handling
high class horses.
Bear in mind in breeding horses that'
it is just as essential to breed good
feet on to them as to get weight and
blood in them. The pure-bred mare is
a good investment to the small farm-
er, and if he will allow her to share
the work of the place she will do near-
ly as much work as a gelding, and
raise a good colt besides.
A well-bred mare to a stallion of
the best type will bring a colt worth
as much at weaning -time as a grade
colt would bring at maturity, some-
times a lot more.
very much iii earnest, and she had
found him, for from uninteresting.
"By all means," she answered pleas-
antly, "if you care to. I have a little
flat in Culpole Street=No. 81. You
must come and have tea with me one
"Thank you," he said simply, with
a sigh of immense relief.
He walked with her to the gate, and
they talked about rhododendrons.
Then he watched her till she became
a speck in the dusty road—she had re-
fused a carriage, and he had tact
enough not to press any hospitality
upon her.
"His little girl!" he murmured.
"Monty's little girl."
(To be continued.)
®r cvli 't'OE
young and old
—loves the rich,
delicious flavor of
3.... r G
It is a daily treat—the perfect sweet. Just what the
children should have ou Bread—costs far less than
butter or preserves. Delicious with Hot Biscuits,
and Batter Cakes. Gives a new delight to
Baked Apples, Blanc -Mange and Puddings.
P1 t
Makes the best Candy you ever tasted.
F'I,II,Y WIII`1±;" is a pare white Corn Syrup, not as 'pronounced
in flavor as "Crowe Braud". liner Grocer has bolls 1,'r -ands,
in z, 5, .to Cine 20 Poeenct this --or- can easily rci them for' you.
aawariu.vonm.......eresaarrtelP R1,9:01.941
The Canada Starch Co, Lirnitedo Montreal
Fashion Hints
Newest Millinery:
Hatsof every dimension make
their common debut in one great style.
company, where each design is a law
unto itself,
Dividing .the
hats of the Gai
most modish. Th
the addition of b
most insistent
them creeping i
Even the turb
with the point o
portion of the ct
The vogue for
ing usurped by t
at this time have
or colors and tri
Petal hats, ma
modes One may say
both large and small shapes will be
worn, and let it
go at that.
Still, one must particularise, and
the classification
s be made. Picture
nsborough type are
ese lift themselves on
high by means o
f their own flare or
andeaux. Right here
let it be announc
ed that bandeaux are
upstarts, one sees
n everywhere and
worn with all sty
les of hats. •
an is being elevated
to a slanting, col
ffure sliding position,
f the angle—if one
may be pardoned
for designating any
xrved brim of a hat
an angle—perilo
usly near the right
sailor shapes is be -
he poke styles, which
advanced into a be-
wildering variety
of styles.
Hatters' plush
is a great favorite
for this season's
hats and is combin-
ed with velvet, to
ffets or fur.
Taffetas -made
hats shirred into
toque and hat shapes, made of black
-trimmed with fur strips
and cut -steel ornaments, are a Paris -
derived style spo
nsored by Roboux.
de of conical shapes
of silk, tinted in
various colors and
modeled along toque -styled shapes,
are trimmed with cart -wheel shaped,
whorled -styled bows of taffetas.
Velvet hats are always to the fore.
The average woman will choose a
toque for wear this season nine times
out of ten. Velvet ribbons and beau-
tifully embroidered, plaided or. novelty
I designed ribbons -will trim these dainty
confections in millinery, and which,
by the way, never seem to fail to be-
come every woman who wears one.
Toques of modish design will be in
good style position throughout the
season. The winter garden hat is
made of velvet and silk ribbons, in-
terwoven in the same manlier as one
would plait straw. In solid or varied
colors its appeal is quite charming.
Fur -trimmed and fur -made hats
will enjoy an equally popular vogue.
The last named are being offered in
Glengarry cap shapes.
High -crowned silk ' beaver hats
pertly clasped, with a silk ribbon band
and a saucy buckle, will be worn by
those who can afford to. Not that
these hats are so expensive, but that
the severity of line and style is so
trying for the average woman. In
fact, these may be said to be design-
ed to please the youthful and to tan-
talize the matron, for they are very
smart and chic.
Novelties in Autumn Suits.
Every day now fashion designs be-
come more established. The question
of a winter suit is holding the minds
of the feminine multitudes, and what
is best and suitable must soon be
settled. •
A suit of French blue kitten's ear
cloth has the short jacket smocked
around the entire waistline in a wide
band, with a narrow shirred ruffle
heading turned upward, the upper
part of the coat being slightly bloused.
The front of the coat is bound with
gray fur with gray embroidery, con-.
sisting of horizontal lines, each end-
ing with a 'square at each side from
the neck to a point a little below the
breastline. The sleeves are trimmed
with smocking around the wrist, end
ing with a flaring ruffle.
A white broadcloth skating suit is
especially interesting for its sim-
plicity. The hip length jacket hangs
straight with perhaps the merest in-
dication of a nip at the waistline, and
is buttoned down the front with poly-
gonal buttons.
Flappers Replacing Young Men- in
Shops and Offices.
Little girls of school age in Lon-
don, England, are now joining their
elder sisters in taking the places of
young men and youths who have aban-
doned business for khaki.
Fourteen and fifteen are the tender
ages of some of these girls with short
skirts and with "flapper" pigtails or
long ringlets of curls.
The little girl greengrocer is notable
among the juvenile workers. She can
be seen busily weighing up the apples
and the plums and filling the big
scales with potatoes.
The flapper butcher has: also ar-
She takes the joints 'round to
the customers, and can weigh up the,
suet and the dripping. .
Mr. W. T. Goy, who was born with-
out arms or legs, can write perfectly
by holding 'the pen in his teeth, and
has been secretary and 'tree elver of o
Labor Union in England,