HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-10-01, Page 4t d g d t f 0 w el THE lf; IF R LD issued every. Thursday afternoon from the HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Victoria St. Zurich, by AN1D Ew L. HESS and G111:STE12 L. SM1.1211 TUBSCRIP i'ION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR U. S• sttbser-ipton 441,5o strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS, Rates for display and contract advertisements will be given on appliation. Transient notices such as legal, corxoration, societ !etc., ro cents per line fte first i�+set�tlen ands centsper lie for each subsequent insertion, Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an admiss ion fee is charged or a special collection telt en Will be charged for at the regular advertistng rates fgotfccs of religious or other meetings the ob ect of which Is the benefit of the community and not for per- onat or sectarian interest or gain, win be cheerfully ^.sorted free. r3stray advs. ,t`t for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. "hanger for Contract advertisements must be in the °thee by 6 p. in. Tuesday, otherwise they will be left over until the following week. Advertisments without specific dhections will be Inserted uutftl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sient advertlsmenrs must be paid for in advance. Address all communications to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, SEP. 30, 1915 Zurich Pan r'ar —C Eilber, A Edighoffer; ladies' ban kerchief—Wes Merner, Roland Geige cushion—W H Dearing, R 13 Sad Harndager—W-1I Dearing, W Merne Wallachian—W t - Hess, Wm He dt Mount Melick—E. Appel, T Johnsto t itoman or cut work— T Johnston, T Johnston; Modern or cross stitch - Stoskopf, Wes Merner; Cognation co tre piece—S Faust, E Appel; Eznbroi ery on colored linen—S E Faust, Dearing; Pin Cushion in eye-let--WHey, C Eilber; Ladies fancy work ba -W G Hess, Mrs IIeyrock; Batten burg lace -0 Either, Wes Merne Teneriffe lane—Thos Johnston, i Stoskopf; Mob crochet lace—We Merner, Mrs C Heyrock; Drawn threa work—W G Hess, R Geigel ; Mounte sofa cushion—J Forest, W Dearin Collection of Ladies underw ear—We Merner S Faust; Fancy apron— Eilber, Roland Geiger; Fancy child' dress—D Koehler, Roland Geigel Linen laundry bag—Thos Johnston Mrs G Hess; Infant's crochet set— Neeb, W Rader; Embroidered pillo h cases—T Murdoch, Wm Hey; Whisk holder—H Well, Thos Johnston Headrest—T Johnston, Mrs G Hess Toilet mats—C Heyrock, J Decker Sr 'Table mats -0 Heyrock, Mrs G Hess Twelve button holes—E Appel H Well Pierced brass—Win Hey, Wes Merner Burt work—S E Faust, Wm Hey Coll on tatting Wes Merner, Tho Johnston; Cushions for den -0 Hey rock, W H Dearing; Pr knitted lac curtains in cotton—H Neeb, W Rader Hemstitched on pilow case— Thos Johnston, E Appel ; Kitchen apron -Mrs G Hess, E Appel ; Bed roe slippers—T Murdoch, Wes Merner Braided prat—Miss K Campbell, W Johnston. LADIES' WORK Useful Quilt woollen coarse 'Phos John ston ; fine J Decher Sr ; Coverlet woven wool W G Hess, Thos John- ston ; Log Cabin quilt silk D Faust, H Neeb; Patchwork quilt silk T Murdock, T Johnston; cotton R Geiger, S Faust; Crazywork quilt silk T Johnston ; cotton H Neeb, T Johnston ; wool H Neeb 0 Fuss ; Counterpane tuftled W B Battler, H Well ; knitted T Johnston, K Camp- bell; crochet J Decker Sr., W G Hess ; etching work P Haberer, T Johnston ; drawn J Decher, Sr., Ladies all wool oape crochet J K Wise, T Johnston ; knitted T John- ston ; Homemade carpet, wool 0 Heyrock ; rags D Faust, H Well hearthrug wool Miss K Campbell E et Habarer ; Homemade hearth rug K `l1 Campbell, T Murdoch; Five yards E1 flannel all wool t; Heyrock ; cotton al warp W Rader, H Neeb; Best wool yarn, homespun W Rader. H Neeb ; Tidy, crochet cotton H Well E. Stoskopf ; Tidy-, knitted' cotton T Johnston, W Rader ; Afghan or slumber rug in silk T Johnston ; Cotton stocking, H Well ; Hand sewing O Eilber, Mrs 0 Hess Wool- len stocking, fine H Neeb, I3 Well coarse 0 Heyrook, H Well ; mitts' pine 11 Well. H Neeb; coarse Mrs G a r; e; y; n; E n- d - m g Ir; s d d g; s 0 s ; H N cc -rt n it tl r s t s r lE ci s d. it a 4a et b s e s m If ns Gt nt ct; ie d ni ct '11 Hess, Mrs C Heyrock Farmers 11 blankets homemade wool H Neeb ; va Quilt on ground work H Well, R F 'I: Stade ; Wool socks H Neeb, W Rad- er, 'i Mrs M McDonald, Miss L Faust cl Judges. HORTICULTURAL "i Collection of apples—T M Sno w• den, P .Efaberer, R Snowden; plate of fall apples, 0 Truenaner, L Rader plate of Kings, C Fuss, L Rader; plate of Snows, 0 Fuss, W Smith ; Spies, J Haugh, Wendel Smith Baldwins, P 'Soberer, W B Battler ; Greenings, Conrad Fuss, Jno Bauch Canada Reds, W Smith, 0 Truem ner ; Golden Ruseet, (: Trumner, L 1%Slrlrr ; Ben 1)aviv, ()weir Klopp Swears, r) Klapp ; tV', tea., 4' e mar, 1, ti, (der , 1i �tllt, �Y Srnit.ir, E. 11,11)67 , Jlttitlt.n + aloha ,tVe.lidolSmith ; Glop, u .Niundi, 0 Fuss: 20 oz pippen, r Ji Snowden ; Pewaulkee, Cl Truenanor, W 13 Battler ; Colverts, Wendel Smith, f' Fuss ; collection Russet apples, C '1'ruolnner ; Bartlett pear, R Geiger, R Snowden ; Olapp's Favorite, P Haberer ; plate peaches W Smith, J Smith; prunes, Mrs G Hess, W Smith; arab apples red, R Geiger, T M Snowden ; yellow, R Snowden, '1' M Snowden ; plate grapes, Mrs ( Hess ; Dol of plums, R Snowden ; col canned fruit, Wm Johnston, J Deoher, Sr. A Mittelholtz, J Meyer, Judges, GARDEN ViSGETAI3LII S bus potatoes late, C Truemner ; early, 0 Trueniner, R Snowden, Ii Krueger World's Wonder; W G Hess, J Haugh ; peck small beans, 0 Fuss, flKruger ; pk any variety, H Neeb, L Rader ; yellow corn, A Foster, W Dearing ; sweet Dorn, R Snowden, Win Johnston; black sweet corn, T Johnston, 17 Stoskopf Yellow Dent, W B Battler, W Raci- er ; red onions, P Haberer ; large yellow, Mrs G Hess, Thos Johnston dutch setts R Geiger, Ed Haberer field parrots, T M Snowden, P Hob erer; red garden carrots, D Koehl• er, H Neeb ; Swedish turnips, W Smith, H Pfile ; yellow globe man- golds, T M Snowden, W H Dearing : red mangolds, W Rader, Alonzo Foster ; Intermediate mangolds, J Elaugh, H Krueger ; Oxford cab- bage H Well, D S•Faust; Drum- head, cabbage, J Smith, A Foster ; white radish, A Foster, W B Bat. tler ; Spanish radish, W B Battler, H Krueger ; Pumpkins, yellow, W 13 Battler, H Pfile, Mammoth, L Rader, J Decher, Sr ; celery, II Neeb, Thos Johnston; Squash, T M Snowden, H Neeb; blood beets, H Neeb, J Hey Jr. ; rooted beets, J Hey Jr, W B Battler ; watermel- ons, W H Dearing, Wendel Smith muskmelon, H Pfile, W Smith; red tomatoes, H Nebb, P Haberer. yellow tomatoes, J Decher, Sr, W B Battler ; sugar beet mangolds, C Truemner. J Haugh ; col garden vegetables, H Neeb, J Decher, Sr ; citrons, J Decher Jr. J W Ortwein, 3 Kellerman, Judges IMPLEMENTS Open buggy—L .Prang ; covered buggy, L Prang and 2nd. Set team harness, R F Stade ; set buggy harness R F Stade. Collection of hardware—J Pre- eter, FINE ARTS 011 painting portrait J G Forest ; Oil painting landscape 3 G Forest, T Johnston Water color landscape J G Forest, S Faust ; Crayon work portrait J G Forest ; Cil or water color flowers J Gi Foiest ; Pencil drawing J G Forest Mrs G Hess ; Pen and ink sketch T fohnston, E Stoskopf ; Penmanship J G Forest, T Johnston ; Painting on felt J 0 Forest ; Painting on silk 0 Either, J G Forest. Jos Weeks, Judge. FLOWERS AND PLANTS Collection of Flowers K Campbell Wm Johnston ; Maple Leaf '1 John. ston ; 'Bouquet K Campbell, T John- ston ; Geraniums Miss K Campbell; Cacti Miss Campbell, T Johnston ; Lilies K Campbell, W Johnston ; Pansies W Johnston, J G Forest ; Fuehias W Johnston, K Campbell ; Lemon Tree Wm Johnston. Jas. Weeks, Judge STANLEY TOWNSHIP William Wanless, and old and re- spected resident of Varna, passed away on Wednesday of last week, after a long and painful illness. He had reached the age of 75 years. Mr and Miss Dennison are recover- ing from their illness. Dr Sutherland, Who attended Dr Smith's practice at Bayfield, has re- turned to Toronto. At the recruiting meeting held at Bayfield three recruits were secured, Edgar Snarling, Willard Sturgeon and James Bossence. EXETER. Wilbur Pfaff, of Grand Bend, has purchased the shoe repair business of W Smith, and has moved to town. A start has been made on the hydro -electric line from St Marys to Exeter. Wm Snell, drover, of Usborne township, has purchased the fine re- sidence on Main street from W Flet- cher. CharlyFrayne, of Usborne, and Mrs Rhoda Snell,,of town were quiet- ly married at the Main street Method- ist parsonage ethod-istparsonage on Sept 15th. Hott::i's to rent are very scare in Exeter. Wilfrid. Northcott, son of Roger Northcott, Sexsmith, has taken a pos- ition in the Canadian Bank of Comm- erce, J G 1)ow has taken the agency for the Cr( a, ,ntnmohilea., 25 ct.,tta p>.ye for the Herald to the end of ]99:i to any address in Canada. OORRES HENSALL H J D Cooke, barrister, of Toronto has decided to return to Hensall to practice his profession and, will open an office in 1) Foss' front "shop which he has rented. Harvest Thanksgiving services were held in St Paul's church, last Sunday Rey F G Rickard of Bayfield conduct- ed the services. Mrs Ferguson, wife of Dr Ferguson a former resident of Hensall, passed away at her home in Toronto on Sept 18th,. Three hundred dollars was collected by the Ladies' Patriotic Society in the recent snbscriptiou taken in town and. surrounding country, On Sept. 14th Milton W. Ortwein, general merchant, was united in mar- riage to Miss Bertha M. Munn, of Hay township. Rev 'M Smith per- formed the ceremony. Tbeyhave the good wishes of a large circle of friends Thos Sherritt, Jr., recently under- went an operation for appendicitis at Victoria Hospital, London, He is recoyering. Messrs McDonell have secured the agency of the new Chevrolet automo- bile. Mrs James F Sparks, of zrensall, announces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Miss Mabel, to Mr Geo E Mclntte, of Port Stanley, the wedding to take place. quietly In October. CREDITON Miss Claxrissa Hill has left for Lon- don, where she will take a course in St Joseph's Hospital. Rally Day was observed in the Evangelical church last Sunday after- noon and evening. A large number at- tended. A number attended the funeral of the late Evelyn Bluett held at London last week. Lorne Brown is taking;;uu onvzse in the Berlin business college; A E Kuhn -is relieving at the Bank in Cobalt for a few weeks. Mr and Mrs Geo Eilber have return- ed from Gillies Depot, New Ontario, where they spent the summer. Mrs Link has returned from Tor- onto where she was operated on re- cently. She is recoyering nicely, ST. JOSEPH Mr N M Catin spent Thursday at his home here. We expect another boom here shortly, Rev and Mrs Carrier, Grand Bend, visited at the home of 8 J Spencer on Monday last, The fanners in this district are busy with their beans which is a light crop owing to the wet season. Mr and Mrs Ed Wurm of Zurich called on friends here on Tuesday last, Mrs John 8 Wilhelm and son John E of Baden, Mr and Mrs T Schmidt of Philipsburg and Mrs J w Gieger of Riedelburg, spent Sunday and Monday at the hone of Mr C 0 Smith. Mr A T Screenan our yeteran fish- erman purchased two cows at the sale held in Zurich on Saturday last, DRYSDALE Mr and Mrs Frank Corriveau and Mr Aseric Brisson were guests at the home of Mr Louis Brisson on Sunday Miss Elizabeth Gelinas has return- ed from spending her holidays with one of her friends. Miss Rachel Bedour from St Joseph and Miss Marie Ducharme, yisited their friend Miss Anna Corriveau on Friday night, Mr and Mrs Louis Brisson were guests of Mr and Mrs Peter Dueharine on Thursday. Mr Peter Corriveau has his new horde nearly completed. A large number from here attended the Zurich Fair, Mr Armond Donomy was a guest of Mr William Denomy on Sunday, Mics Edith Denoiny accompanied by Ms John 1)enotny and Mr M Cor- riveau and Miss 13ertba Dueharnle were guests of Mr Peter Durand one day recon tl.y. i1 BLAKE Miss F Walper of Dashwood is visit- ing at Mr Wm Schank's this week, Dr and Mrs Schoellig and son, of Detroit, accompanied by Mr 17' Cress: wells)? of Duluth are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr Ir C Zapfe spent Sunclay at Grand Bend. Miss Flossy Capling, who is teach- ing school near Varna spent Saturday and Sunclay under the parental roof. Mr and Mrs Wm Finlay, who were visiting friends at Centralia have re- turned home, Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Zurich Fair last Thurs- day, hurs-day, Wedding bells are ringing at time of writing. -DASH WOOD David Pfaff has received a large shipment of shoes and rubbers for fall and winter wear, which he is selling at -very low prices. A large number from here attended Zurich Fair last Thursday. The fine weather of•the past week has given the farmers a chance to harvest their beans and do the fall ploughing. MORE FINES Clinton, Sept. 24.—Another scene in the now . notorious Bender liquor ease was staged here to -day before Police Magistrate Andrews, and four different convictions recorded for vio- lations of the Canada Temperance Act now in force in Huron County. It was the result of a shipment of lager beer sent into Hensall last month by Heu- ther's Brewery, of Berlin, and addres- sed in a ficitious name, but ordered .and delivered to W Bender, of the Commerical Hotel. The delivery of the web goods caus- ed the trouble, as Bender knowing he was being watched, secured two autos and rushed the 15 cases out into' the country and lodged them in two differ- ent barns, and on the following 'days took half of it to his hotel in the early morning, and the other he took to his private house at Zurich. At the formal trial Bender was fined for bringing the goods into a C. T. A. county, and to -day the express.. agent at Hensall and also Jas Carlin and Wellington Johnson were each fined $50 and costs for delivering liquor il- legally brought in. Thos Kyle to whose horns part of the liquor was taken, .pays a similar fine for assisting Bender in bringing in the shipment, Crown attorney Seager acted for In- spector Torrance, and J M Best de- fended Kyle. The case establishes the, fact that no liquor can be brought, shipped or delivered in a C. T. A. County unless for the personal or family use of the person bringing • it in. James Haverson Ii C, lawyer for Reuther's brewery of Berlin, has ad- vised the crown that his client will plead guilty to the charge of sending liquor into •the Canada temperance county of Huron. This is the sixth conviction which has been made in connection with the (Bender of Hensall case.) Brussel Hayfield Blyth FALL FAIRS October 1. October 5.6 Oct 5•G LIVE Fowl Wanted Will take Live Fowl every Tuesday forenoon until further notice. Highest Market Prices L. BRISSON Phone '1 on . 86 DRYSDALE "A Man's Ability is his Passport Frank Weaver Professor of 1VIusic London, Ont, Teacher of Organ and all branches of 'Piano Playing; Voice (Culture and A rtis tic Singing a ,Specialty, Sixteen years practical experience. For terms apply wt lira tier&ld office, e, rq ta. ==. We beg to inform the farmers that we have taken over the Massey -..Harris a enc formerly conducted by�' ;r• g �'� y � Hess, Sr:, for Zurich and district. We aro in a position to supply all your needs in all kinds of farm implemnts. • We will also have an up-to-date ..,Garage and Repair shop in connection with our business. All kinds of autoino- bile repairing and machine repairing promptly attended to. G OLI We have installed a Bowser gasoline tank and can supply you with filtered gasoline in any quantity. Also automobile oils, greases, etc. FOR U.iCK SALE 1 4 -horse power, 2nd -hand Gray gasoline engine, $75 1 4 -horse power new Gray gasoline engine, $125 YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED GALIMAN & PHONE 25A KROPF ZURICH HORSE BLANKETS I have a full stook of all kinds of Horse Blankets on hand. I was lucky to purchase a large stock of A11 Wool Blankets before the advance in prices and have decided to retail them at the old, price while they last. Call in and see our values. MITTS and GLOVES A large assortment of Men's Mitts and Gloves on hand. Our prices are just a little lower than usual. Call and see before you buy. HARNESS, TRUNKS, ROBES, WHIPS, ETC. R. F. STADE = ZURICH. •=11113.11M 4CEM2.1121114:60. CREAM WA TED. I have made arrangements with Silverwoods Dairy, London, to take eream at My'iResidence, Zurich, any time during the week. Cream is teded when brought to my -store and paid for on. delivery. Price paid this week was 27 cents per pound. I. IIUDSON, = ZURICH FERTILIZER . LIOLTZMAN Lhave a carload of Fer tilizer on hand. Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have all kinds on hand, ranging from $10 to $40 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent. for Canadian Fertilizer Co. EST BY TEST Insurance `Agent Zurich • Ont High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Gon. ductors. Am very busy, please hand in your orders early, as I do the work myself, Prices right on easy terms. Telephone 34. - JOB PRINTING Of an kinds neatly: and promptly done pY LAter IIeads, Envelopes, Bill I -leads, Statements, Shipping Tags, Booklets, Pos. tees Cars of all kinds, Programmes, Tickets and all kinds ofri p n ting Zurich Held Printing Cn,