HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-24, Page 5THE CHURCHO w w • EVAN. CHURCH SERVICES, Sunday, German 11.00 a, m. " • Sunday School 9.45 " <Turner Y, P. A. 1.00 " (Service) English 7.00 Teachers meeting 8.00 ` Mon., Tri•Mu Brotherhood 8.00 Tuesday, Y. P. A. 8.15 " `4 Wednesday Prayea Meeting 8.00." Friday Teachers Training ()lass 7.80 " C' Choir practice 8.80 it if Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday of each month at 7.80 p. 111. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES German, Sunday 10.30 a. m. English " 7.30 p. Bible School 9.00 a. m. Men's Mis'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00 p. m. Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m. L A 8 lst Weds'y of month 8.00 p. You are cordially invited to take an active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep, it. Luke 11.28,, r Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO , LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich D ASHWOOD SHOE STORE A large stock of Slippers & Pumps Satin Pumps, reg $3 00 for $2.00 Patent Pumps. reg 3.25 for 2 50 Tan Oxfords reg 3.00 for 250 Patent Oxfords reg 3.25 for 2.50 High top white canvas 2 50 for 4.75 Tan Shoes reg $4 00. for *3.00 All our Ladies' Pumps at Greatly Reduced Prices David mitt' Daskiwood Ont ati ID • • NEMN't MUT Gali3)134 A new shipment just in of Bon•Bons, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can: buy A large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards, all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brands of Cidars. Neilson's Famous Ice Crea m McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT , 411 • RIF WAN Zte ern le A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK IN ZURICH and HURON County it irt now at the best selling time, S d for list of Spring Offerings ind terms to agents. Liberal com– missions. Handsome Free Outfit. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO The London Advertiser 1 THREE FDITIONS MORNING, NOON, IMHT Western Ontario's Greatest Daily ,i111 the News all the, Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2 a year Circulation Dept, London Advertiser Clubbed with the Zurich Herald, $2.90 a yoar, for both papers. IlLOCAL NEWS We will send 013 Herald to any address in Canala to the end of 1915 for 25 Cents, Mr Robt l3ailey, manager of ,the Sterling Bank, &LOW, was a visitor in town on Monday. In next week's issue of the Herald will appear a full list, of the prize winners al the Zurich Fall Fair. „Roudh on Rats" clears out Rats Mico etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c. and 25c. at Drug and Country stores. Mr E Truemner, who has been tea- ching school near 'Vegreville, Alta., during the summer, returned to his home on the Goshen Line south, on Monday. Mr 0 Eilber won three first prizes with his driver at Exeter fair on Tues. day. He took first prize in the car- riage class, first prize for beet gentle- man's outfit on the grounds and first prize for ladiee driver, Miss L Decher occupying the dr iverseat. It is expeeked thatlir Dan McEwen will be on the judges', stand. -during ,the races at the, Fair Grounds-. on Thursday afternoon. Mr McEwen is a noted trainer and driver of fast horses, and many will remember him as the driver of that wonderful race horse, "The Eel. High Constable Whitesides of Hen - ill was in Berlin on Tuesday, for the purpose of summonsing the fluether Brewing Company and the agent of the Canadian Express Company for a shipment of liqnor sent into Huron County recently, being an infraction of the Scott Act in force here. The action will effect seven different part - is and the: n menses are returnable in Goderich. A striking illustration of the finan- cial progress through the two older provinces of the Dominion during recent years, with respect to. banking facilities, is graphically shown in a new edition of a Bank Map of Ontario and Quebec, a copy of which has been received at this office. The map is issued by the Department of theInteri- or, Ottawa. 'According to the infor- mation which has 'been incorporated in the publication._ the 'number of branches in -operation in 1901, the first year for which statistics of this nature are given, totalled approximate- ly 500, in comparison with 2,000 at the present time. This- interesting compilation of current banking infor- mation is valuable also as a railway map showing as it does the location, on the various main and bran3h lines, of all towns and cities. This, together with other general information, makes the publication very useful for refer- ence purposes. THANKSGIVING DAY - Thanksgiving Day this year will be observed on Monday, October llth. TO SCHOOL TEACHERS We are pleased at all times to publish school reports of the various schools in the Township of Hay and Stanley and would ask the teachers .to furnish us a report of the standing of the pupils monthly. This undoubtedly creates interest among the pupils and gives the parents an popertunity to learn how -their children are progress. ing in school work, HICKS' FORECAST The Third Regular Storm Period is central on the 25th, normally.ixtend- ing over the. 23rd to .28th, inclusive. The regular Vulcan disturbance, aug- mented by the Earth and Venus equi- noxes, with Moon in opposition to Earth and Sun on the 28rd, are the prime causes for meteorological trouble at this time. The Moon being on the equator on the 22nd, and full on the 28rd, the barometer will suggest the probability of unsettled weather, if not active storms, at the entrance of this regular storm period, From about the 25th to the 28th, disturbing -conditions will pass from west to east. attended by cloudiness, rain did wind, ii many localities these storms vill take on very active proportions, espec- ially in the regions ,of the great lakes and about the gulf and sea coasts. The position of the Moon, in its opposition to the Earth and Sun, on • and about the 22nd and 28rd, should inspire mariners and shippers to vigilant watchfulness and care about those dates. These disturbances will give place to very high barometric readings high gales from the, northwest, espec- ially on and abont the great lakes, and the month will come to its close with cool to eold autumnal Weather prevail- ing over most parts Of this and other continents in the northern hemisphere. As we figure the matter, we are to look for a SO/De-What unusually "early Fall." AUCTION SALE In the matter of the Estate of Clarissa 13riason of Town of Ridge,: town, Co why,: of Kent Si i aster, de. ceased. The undersigned have been instruct. ecl by the administrator of the above Estate to sell by Public Auction at the Garner House, Chatham, Ont., on Tuesday September 281h, 1915, at one o'clock p m ten shares of the cap- ital stock of The Blonde Lumber and Man ufacturing Company Li mi ted fully paid and non -assessable, the pro perty of the said deceased, The Comp- any is located at the City of Chatham andcarries on a successful business there. Terms Of Sale: 20% deposit and balance within ten days there -after. For futher particulars apply to McCoig & Harrington, Auctioneers, Chatham, Ont. Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter, Ont., Solicitors for the Administrator. Notice F10 Creditors In, thematter.of; the -Estate. of. Clapssa- Brisson of the Town of Ridgetown, County of Kent, Spinster, deceased -I ", " - Notice is hereby given-, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chap. terl 21 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate ofthe said Clarissa Brisson, who died on or about the llth daylof December, 1911, are requir- ed, on or before the 30 day of September, 1915, to send by rost, prepaid, or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, of the Village of Exeter, Ontailop Solicitors for the Administrator, their Christian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned. date the said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Admin- istrator wi11 not be liable. for the said assets, or any part, thereof, to any person or personsof whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter, the 7th day of Septern- ber,.1915. . • . . GLADMAN ,OkANDURY7 EXFFER, • s,•,- Solicitors ILEI All sizes of first-class tile �n hand BRICK! For all uses purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right St. Joseph Brick Yards Louis Foster, Manager. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central. THE HERALD CLUBBING LIST FOR 1915 Herald I t 4, and Daily Globe $3 75 " Weekly Globe ..... 1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire. . 3 75 Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 Daily News 2 85 Weekly Star1 75 London Free Press IVIorning Edition3 50 Evening Edition2 90 Weekly Edition 1 85 London* Advertiser Morning Edition2 90 Eveuing Edition2 90 Weekly Edition.— 1 75' Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun. 1,80 Farmers Advocate2 40 Montreal Family Serald and Weekly tar ,. 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 1 85 It ti if it it 4, Classified Ads LEGAL OA RDs. PROI.TDPOO.T, KILLORAN, & PROUD- F(DT. I3arristers, Solicitors, Notaries B.olic &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDFOOT, K. C. J. L. K/LLeas.N. W, PAOUDFOOT, JR. MEDICAL CARDS R A. j. MacKINNON late Hous Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. 1)1. N. F. Schram, Late House Surgeon and Hoase Physician of Victoria, Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty, of MOdicine of Western trimersity, London. Main- (Mee at Da.sliwood, Ont. Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. 20— Zurich Meat MARKET :DEALERS INI Fresh and Salt Meats Poiogna Saysages, tic CASH ,,FOR SKINS & HIDES Tiangblut & Deichert UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rharges Tailor Shop an d Laundry W. H. HOFFMAN t•Zurich, - Ontario • 11011011111Walia 111111111.mmuNIMIMINEINEMSIMIN StabipiEttuiplitellt..-1( We handle the mostimproved Stable EquiP- went on the market. Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased, results. et our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowts and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. We recently installed an outfit of stanchions and fixtures for John Erb, Bro DS Oil Line, and parties interested are welcome to inspect same.. We also install equipments of every kind See us about it LOUIS PRANG ZURICH Carload of Cedar Posts For Sale F. C. K FLEISC (111 PIitpE. ZURICH COUNTER Check Books For General Stores E are selling agents for Appleford's -1 popular counter check books. Our prices are the same as city travellers charge you for ihem. Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully show you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. Phone30 LET THE PEOPLE KNOW •fr, Attracts Attention Classified Wont Ads. ewe sdamrs noticed, The* arel` read with interest br intelligent 'people who aro on" that look -out for favorable opportunities to Ii their. requirements. 'Whether soya- bssainess bo large or sones11 tho Classified Want Columns, will help 7ovi.1 t nottelt • What you have to sell or want to buy, exchange, &IC. Try a small ad5 in the Herald. It pays.