HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-17, Page 8.Fall Millinery OPENING S on Wednesday afrd Thursday, Sept. 22nd and 23rd, and followin4 days. Miss Thiel is again in charge of our Millinery Department and she will be pleased to.. have you call and, see the the latest styles in Ladies' and Children's Hats and trimmings for the fall season. New Dress Goods. We have a complete stock of Serges in the different colors and weights, Ga-, berdine cloths, Whipcords, Panama cloths, Velveteens, t1so heavy - coating materials, \Ve bought early thus saving the advance in price of these goods and you get the benefit, Flan e lettes and Blankets We would be pleasedto show you our fine lot of new flannels, flannellettes, wrapperettes, kirnona cloths, woollen and flannellette blankets, shirtings, and all the various lines of'uncierwvear for men, wom- en and children. Our prices are right. dvance Showing lnf Ladies' Coats We carry the celebrated Roger's Gar- nents, made by the Canada Cloak • Co. hese coats are noted for their exclusive Lyles and good workmanship, made of the est materials obtainable and are guaran- eed to give entire satisfaction. If you are n need of a coat for fall or winter wear it ill be worth your while to look through ur find range of coats for ladies and chil- ren before purchasing elsewhere. Fresh Groceries always on hand. ,RUBYand GASCIIO PRONE 17 E YEAR One veal ago today we entered upon the GASH SYSTEM, We wish to thank those who helped us to make it a success. The business will be conducted as .it has been in the last year. —'-wCAS H SYSTEM 'm.... GOODS RIGHT PRICES °`""1C;. T eql • "Ever cct yozc:r° Se>•viCe" GEORGE R. HESS & CO., JEWELLERS o ZURICH FORIVlERLY F. W. HESS & GO. 47;511, ********:g.**************** A Letter From Home The weekly paper is j,, tic absent °nee, In fact, it l;, ;ors re•_rnlnrly every week. news and helm them informal of the home town. lice a letter from 1 laic, to Ater than a letter. for it. It ,,wives them all t+.e home of the progress and welfare We will send the Zurich Herald to any address to the endof 191;:8 'In Canada for 35 cents 3 Un B. A. for 60 COIL • `a,`o `a o * "o . **;,` **o *.c **: : o •OOAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday, Batter.,. . •. .,.. Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat old Wheat new Gats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran. Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs fob 'Unseal 20 05 80 111.00 $1,00 .85 .90 old 50 new. 86 55 60 75 2,76 3.26 :28.00 3.8,00 88.00 9,00 Local News Mrs J Bonthron of Hensall" visited friends here on Sunday. The plan of the town hall for the concert con the night of Thursday, Sept, 28rd, can be seen at SE Faust's shoe store. Mr Daniel Koehler is greatly im- proving the appearance of his dwelling. house by having it re -modelled, and by the addition of cement porches. • Tho prospects are that the - tomato crop this year will not be large., .It is stated that tomatoes have been af- fected by the wet weather and in some localities are rotting •muchthe same as potatoes and other veget- ables. HONEY FOR EVERYBODY AT different prices, now since ,the . Wh crop is gathered. Good Buckwhe Honey 8 cents per pound. Go Clover and Basswood honey at 10 c A better grade at 11 cts. Best Cloy and Basswood Honey at 12i coats p pound, '60 lb. lots, 5% off. J. H ever & Sons, Zurich. Who at CHIMNEYS--Chinineyss hould be eft built from the ground up, and never Is. est on wood supports The settling er cif the woodwork will cause cracks in er the chimney. .• Nor should the chimney Ha 7 J Wright, the one-time widel known owner of the Point Farm stem mer resort hotel, Goderich, pa sed away at Hamilton on Sept 5th i his 83rd year. He was a man of more than ordinary ability and wide inform ation. The late Mr Wright was we known to many in Zurich, being a intimate friend of the late R R John stop; whom he frequently visited. 7r'C 0 Smith, the owner of --Pae Grove Feria, St' Joseph,a is busy t present marketing bis crop of peache The popular Crawford variety is read for market now and the quality is ex cellent. Mr Smith reports that h will have an average crop this year and that the sample is very good, The Albertas and Crosbys, which are some of the best yarieties, will soon be ready to pick. Mr Smith has an immense orchard of peach trees and each year is putting out more and has had considerable success in raising this luscious fruit. Ile has fully de • monstrated that Huron county is well able to grow and ripen peaches as successfully as some of the sister con nties situated to the south of ns, s• lined with fire clay or terra cotta. Autumnal Wall To • House holders f=low the dangers of firemay be minimized, The season is fact approaehieg when cool evenings will demand the starting of fires in out; homes, Sep tembsr and October have become known to firemen as the months when chimneys and flues cause the most trouble. The following suggestions of a prac- ticednature if faithfully followed, will do much to prevent damage to prop erty and loss of life, STOVES-Placea metal stove•. board on the wood floor under the stove, and extending ab least twelve. inches in front of the ash pit door, Protect all walls and partitions within two feet of any store with a metal shield, leaving an air -space between the shield and the wall. Leave no kindling or other wood in the oven over night. Do not hang clothes too near the stove or stovepipes. ' PIPES --See that the lengths of stovepipe are well fitted together, free from rust holes and parted seams wir- ed firmly and fitted perfectly into the chimney, Stovepipes pasting through ,partitions, walls, floors, attics and roofs are dangerous at, best. Whore these must pass through partitions, walls or floor always use a large, ventilated double thimble. You should examine the stovepipes in the attic, They may come apart or rust. Fluff and spider webs are likely to . gather on and around them to be set on fire when you least expect it. ;;galls be used to support joists or other woodwork. Soft brick and poor mor- tar are often responsible for defects in the ehiinney. Use a good quality of brick and cement mortar, Chimney -e-alls should be at least eight inches thick, the flue of ample size and ' Never stuff up the flue holes with rags 11 or paper nor cover the"m with anything n but a metal stop. Chimneys should be cleaned frequently. FURNACES—Protect all wood - h:; work above and around boilers; if with- `in three feet, with a metal shield, also s all woodwork near furnace pipes. It r is beet to rivet the lengths of pipe . to- - gether to prevent disjointing. The e pipe should fit perfectly into the chim- ney. Examine the pipe frequently for rust holes or other defects. Keep them free from dust, fluff and spider webs, which are easily ignited. The quarterly meeting of. the House of Refuge oominittee of the Aunty Council was held on Monday last, the usual inspection showing 91 in- mates and everything in good order; as usual; accounts totalling $2,417.80 were approved, MrConnor, of Clinton was awarded the contract for supply- ing bread to the House at' $3.75 per 100 lbs, The question of selling properties owned by inmates that the proceeds might be applied to their care, was again discussed, and In- spector Torrance given power to deal with each case as seems best. Miss Haynes, an innate, was committed to the care of friends in Bayfield, on their request, on the condition that the village gives a bond that here- after she will not again become a charge on the county, Other cases of Persons whose admission to the Honse was desired were left for the decision of De Shaw, the House Physician• T y BUSINESS CHANGE Mr Iii Mess, Sr., who has conducted the Massey -Harris implement agency bore for a number of years has sc1d out his interests to Messrs henry Gellman and Peter Kropf, of this vill- age, who have taken possession. The. bueiness will be continued at the old stand, and the new firth intend adding iu ina d o t b nart u e for th g g , _o e couvcnic•iiic of automobilists, to the establishment, An addition will he built to the ;e'er of the warerootn, which will bo fitted out as a workshop, and all iii d: r,f antomobilo repairing, etc„' Will he et: - tended to, R_tessrsGellmain end Nevi” are woll'lria.own in the c'nrtmnlli t rst 8bouli1 make a success of their eele.eet. illy Hoes retains .:the plow rep, it e :, also'the bnsiness of Snpplyxng 161., �y�,,�` y���.!.� its of the illnaseY-1Larrit minks- �•''i'�-7•+K�7�'`' events. •= lin e s e DEFECTS—Defective stoves, boil- rs, furnaces, pipes and chimneys hould be promptly repaired or replac- a, OVERHEATING—Beware of bver- heating stove, boilers, furnaces and pipes, • ASHES—These 'should never be placed in wooden receptacles or bins, on woodoors or against wood pard tions) walls, fences, buildings or any , . tacles only, and• dump' ashes away other • fl woodwork Usemetal rece p- from all buildings. CARE—These matters are tech- nical, .but very simple and merely call for ordinary care. You cannot afford to be careless, when the lives of your loved ones, and the property of your.- self our=self and neighbours, are at stake. Let "Care and Caution'" be the watch- word and in this way assist in . reduc- ing Canada's enormous fire loss Notice .to Creditors 1n' the matter of the Estate of Clarissa 13risson of the Town of Ridgetowu, County of Kent, Spinster, deceased.) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chap. terl21 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Clarissa Rrissou, who died on or about the llth day/of December, 1911, are xec� eir- et1; on or before the 30 day of Soptetuber, 1915,•to send by rost, prepaid, or deliver to Messrs. (xlrwdtnan & Stanbury, of the Village of Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Aohninistrator, their Christian and surnames, :addresses and description, the full particulars of tiioir claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) 0 held by them furthertake notice And that after such asst mentioned 'elate the said Adminis- trator will proceed' to distribute the assets of the deceased among the vartios entitled thereto, having regard only to the claixls of Which they shall then kayo notice, and that the said Admin- istrator /will not • be: liable:, for the r icl assets, or any .part thereof, to any l'snn or persons of whose • elaims notice Ii.all not have been received by tleom ai> t .0 time of.si eh distribution.' lrsted,:d Exctor, the "7th clay of Septum- Iter, 17115. (rr1,.ln:Vr.h,:V EXETTCi:, Solicitors for Administrator Just like a, - City Gas Stove It's cheaper than Wood or Coal, There's Pride and Satisfaction in know- ing that you have pleased your wife. o *orgy, Perfection in Cooking Easy to Opera r :Economical iTh18kSic C l�tl 8 ail�r�i • "Colne to 'see them at our store. Ten styles to select from. e. nETROIT VAPOR STOVES.+ V "Work.Li►ce.".Gas" TLEIB,. ZURICH hIUROWS LARGEST COMBINATION STORE OVER t,s's P' EXP E1:4i:,,—Z. � kEU ES lssu _.x Star Term of years Zurich Agency HERALD OFFICE TRADE MARKS IESRSNS COPYRIGHTS cite. Anyone sending' a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion Free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communion. Mons strictly confidential. Him:mo K on Patents Sent Patents oaken through for securing. ecotv,s opeoiainotice, without charge, in the cie ftfc .M� firm. d handsomely illustrated Weekly, Largest cit. mintier, oG any seientifie journal. Terms tot Canada, $3,1•6 a year, postage prepaid, Sold by Jill newsdealers. p NJMUNN %C®^3695roa"!way.New calf.' It3r�y,-•1- nc , .4F P ?•- Washington. 0 4. ..p.p.� 4.4,4 4 0. L1 O+d•0.0° 0i . 4. .4 . cacaocac-occ—o 00©00 0. .--"-/• .s.• 4.4•Q•4•C•G'•P^/J!`YJ•O.O.O'^OG�'•40•lJ•4l c. Q� 0A OQ aap� DO • BAR6AINS 4 Q6 4a 0Q0 After carefully going over the Stock recently (i a purchased from Mr, J. J. Meaner, we find. many ' 0 a^ 0 liner; which wo have to reduce in order to make �• � 0.0 a, room for the immense New Stock which we are 0 Q 0 • receiving daily. 0D 04Men's Shirts, Regular x;1.00 for 50c. 0r? QOQ Mt ti's Ties 25c and 50c, now 2'for 25c Men's Fancy Vests $1.25, $1.50, :2.00 for 60c P 4 A big reduction in Men's Suits, Boy's Suits, knickers D1.! O Men's Summer Underwear 25e 40 and odd pants 4Q Ladies' \Vaists in plain whiteandfancy colors at'iprice1°,) We also have a large stock of Ladies I+alLand winter , eli e Coats worth $,10.00, 12.00, 15.00' and 10.00, in Blaok, Q Grey, Navy, Green and Brown colors, which we will sell 1 , during the next few weeks at $5.00 each. Don't hiss 8 these bargains 1 onlyLadieJ Top Skirt n0 3 " " B1k *Undershirts at Goc each ` a Ladies' white Embry underskirts Reg $1.50 for $1 D 0 All Ladies' sunnaer underwear at reduced prices - d� NEW GOODS�o doa 4 We have received large shipments of fall 0D b goods, such as Wool Blankets, I�lanneletts and OD Flannel Sheeting incotton and Wool, Coat Sweat- 0a �0 els, Hosiery. And'expect our fulli'ange ofLa.dies-' e . Furl. Dress Goods and Coats byFair Day. X10 0D y 0 00 ur • f l l u eery Department 0 QQ 4 .l s again in charge of Miss Galster, who will be, ll D • q able to show you all the latest in Tall and Winter Q 0 D Hats. Opening r lea. s will be Tuesday and Wed- 0 l is y :i' felt. U,y, elite, 21st and 22nd. 4Qr ' 0,00 You tii'e cordially* invited to call.' OQ 0 a 40 Doi 4 0 Reg, x,6.00 now X3.00 �a 4D • • Produce of all kilds. taken ,