HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-17, Page 5r.. EVAN. CHURCH SERVICES - Sunday German 11,00 a, 1n, 44 it Sunday School 9.45 .." " Junior Y, 1'. A. 1.00 p� xn. << (Service) English 7.00 Teachers meeting 8.00 Mon., Trx.Mti Brotherhood 8.00 sF Tuesday, Y, P. A. 8.15 "a Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00 Friday ''Teaohers Training Class 7:30 t " choir practice 8;80 "" Ladies Aid meets lsb Monday of eaoh month at 7.30 p. an. LUTHERAN CHURO.II SERVICES ta. LOG. German, Sunday 10.80 a. m. English 7.30 p. m. Bible School ` 0.00 a. in. Men's Mis'n'z:y 8 Tuesday 8.00 p. m. Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m. L A S lstWeds'y of month 8.00 p, m. You are cordially invited to take an, active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Luke 11.28, r Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ICTO FIRE INSURANOE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE .AUT0A10BILE. INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich 141 Next week, T''il r ich Fair. 1innnler ended on \Vedneeday. Yesterday, 'l'l aisday was the fiat day of autumn. :New -Ads-- J Prester, C I+'rite, `.P L Warm, B ub'y & Gas5;h0. Found --Cie ter glovo, nearly new. Owner. can get some. at S ii .Fast's. sboe store. Rev '0 0 J lrlaass, of Pleit0al, con- ducted the services in the Lutheran church last Sunday.. Charles Pratt, or the Go -then Line, Stauley, left for London, Menday, to enlist for overseas service, Mr Thos 1Ie1.lillan, reform candid- ate for Soiith Huron, attended Court of Revision here last Friday. Mrs W L Seibert returned Monday evening from a two month's trip to Western Canada and Chicago. Rev J G Litt of Berlin will preach in the Evangelical church next Sun- day evening. Everybody welcome. „Roudih on Rats" clears oat Rats Mice etc. Don't Die .in the House. 15c. and 25c. at Drug and Country stores. The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran' Church will hold a special meeting on Wednesday evening, Sept 22nd, at 8 o'clock. Pte Percy Roland, a neinbxr of the 84th Batt., London, spent the week with his friend Mr Geo L'iley, Goshen Line, .Stanley. Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be ai the Dominion Elouse, Zurich, on on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, Zurich's Fair days. The loeal branch of the Women's Institute at their meeting on Wednes- day night of .last week decided to hold a patriotic conte t sometime about Nov lst. 1 A-SIIWO'°,fit'' SHOE STORE A large stock of Slippers & Pumps Satin Pumps, reg $3 00 for $2.00 Patent Pumps, reg 3.25 for 2 50 Tan Oxfords reg 3.00 for 2.50 Patent Oxfords reg 3.25 for 2.50 High top white;,oanvas 2 50 for 1.75 Tan 'Shoes reg $4 00 for $3 00 .* All our Ladies' Pumps at Greatly Reduced ' Prices David Pfaff Dashwood - Ont MASS EY H7IRRIS IMPLEMENTS v Clarissa Brisson of Town of Ridge - town, County of Neat Spinster, de- ceased. The undersigned have been instruct- ed by the administrator of the above Estate to sell by Public Auction at the Garner House, 'Chatham, Ont., on Tuesday September 28th, 1915, at one o'clock p ten shares of the cap- ital stock of The Blonde Lumber and Manufactttiring Company Limited fully paid and non -assessable, the pro- perty of the Said deceased; The Comp- any is located at the. City of Chatham, and carries on a successful business there, Terms of Sale:' 20% deposit and balance within ten days there -after. For father particulars apply. to McCoig & Harrington, Auctioneers; Chatham, Ont • Gladnian & Stanbury, . Exeter, Ont., Solicitors for. the Administrator. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made, all steel. Manure Spr. aders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, • and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ' ENGINES 1 H. P. $75; 21. TI. P. $85; 4 H.. P.$125; G H. P. $175; 8 H. P. $28'5; 12 H. P. $375; all warranted first class. At the old Stand: - Square Dealing Our Motto" F Hess ek Son. Cianit A new shipment just in of Bop -Bobs, Chocolates, etc. The best that money can: buy A large variety of Comic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc,, Post Cards, all prices: We also have the Flag Gam, Spearmint, Etc Leading Brands of Cidars. Neilson's Famous ice Crea i n McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT. Mr and 'Mrs Daniel Steinbach and. Mrs 0 Kalbfleisch, who have been visiting relatives and friends here for snnle weeks, returned to their homes in Detroit on Wednesday. Any persons wishing to top -dress their clover this fall. I have Agri- cultural Lime, it is .jnst the thing for grass. Sold at $10.00 per ton. I keep it at my .barn. ' John Hey, Jr, John Kelly, wbohas beenengaged by the directors to furnish 1arlof' the program for the concert on ' Thursday eve, Sept 2Brd, will give a •free per. forruance un the Fair Gounls Mr W 0 Callfas, our obliging thresh- er, had the misfortune to sprain bis ankle quite severely last Saturday, while alighting from the separator. He will be laid off work for a few weeks as a result of the accident. Messrs F \V Bess, W O'Brien and W G Hess were on a duck hunting trip to the Pinery on Wednesday. The ducks' were scarce, in ' fact they were very scarce. One was winged by a stray shot but it also strayed away. The second Quarterly :And Come munion service of the Evangelical church will be held' at the 14 th Con. next Sunday, The prepsiatory' ser- vice wilt be; held on Saturday after- noon at 2.15, o'clock:. Rev. J.G. Litt 1'. E. will preach at all the.services. NAME FOB THE BABY Although many war names have been gl' m to babes sine the Euro- pean struggle commenced, perhaps one of +bomost peculiar and at the same t. ane interesting, was the one adopter by Mrs Jobson, wife of Fred Jobsou of Woodstock, now of the 84 Batt Lention. Taking the first letters of the wore important of the allied natio!:, viz., •France, Russia, England, Belgin ::, Belgium and Italy, she has Christ sad her baby girl "Frebi". Mortgage Sal e LEGAL QAADS. nt,OUDF0OT, KILLORAN, & PROUD - FOOT, .Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Oliice, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich. ` P ivate fund to loan at lowest rates W, Plaounrour, K. C. . J: L. 1 word'. W. Prtoirnruar, JR, MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County' . Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, Now York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer, at the Col- borne Hotel in the Town of Goderich, on Saturday, the 18th day of September,. 1015, at the hour of 2 o'clock, in the after- noon, the following property: •'All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and. being in the Township of Hay, in the County` of Huron. being composed of part of the south half of lot Number Ten, Lake Road., West Concession, commencing ' on the easterly limit of said lot tit a point•distant northerly from the Zurich Gravel Road four hundred and seventy .feet ten in- ches: Thence north along said easterly limit of said lot two hundred and thirty- one feet; Thenee west parallel to the Zurich. Gravel Road three hundred and ninety-six feet; thence south parallel to the easterly limit of said. lot, two hundred and thirty-one feet: Thence east parallel to the Zurich Gravel Road, three hundred and ninety-six feet to the place of begin- ning, eginning, which lands are now known as Lobs Numbers Light, Nine, Ten and Eleven west of Vallee and north of Campbell Streets; numbers 13-20, save and exeept the northerly thirty-three feet thereof, in- clusive, south of Dansareau Avenue, and west of Vallee Street, and Lots Numbers 9-16 north of Bissonette Avenue and west of; Vallee Street, according to the St Joseph Plan. For terms and conditions of sale apply to Proudfoot, ; & Proudfoot, Barristers &o., Goderich, Ontario. Dated August 23rd, 1915. G B Burson, St Catharines, Vendors", Solicitors. NOTICE I woeld re'spectfnlly ask all those whoa _• indebted to the to' square up piths '' y "cash or note. It tray ono year since my books were . .sed.. F. W. Hess., br N. 1?, Schram, Late House Surgeon and hose Physician of Victoria Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of Medicine of 'Western University, London. • Main Office at Dashwood, Ont. Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. TILE! All sizes of first-class . tile on hand BR1CK! For all uses purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right St. Joseph Brick Yards Louis Foster, Manager. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central. l3OIIN Bair,: -in Stanley, on Sept 6th, to ?yi .,itt Mrs Thomas B Baird a son. Ben, --In Zurich, on Sept 10th, to, 11l ..iii Mrs Wm Bender a son. 11IARRIED Deaj ins \Vilds--At Dashwood, on Si • 15th by.;Rev J H Grenzebaoh, I+' ,k Desjardine to Mabel Wilds b• e of Stephen township, . DIED Gu,, In Stephen township on , , 12th,• Frank &di'thtb aged ail yrs, 6 months and 5 days. THE HERALD CLUBBING LIST FOR 1915 Zurich Meat MARKET r,atras rvi -..-- Fresh and Salt Meats EoIcgna Eai:rages, etc CASH *FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungbiut & . Deichert P i-1(1 N Ea We handle the most improved Stable Equip- ment on the market. Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased results. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carders, etc, We recently it stalled an outfit of stanchions and fixtures for John. Erb, orison Line, and parties interested are vweleome to inspect same, We also install equipments of every kitnd. See us about it LOUIS PRANG = ZURICH Carload of Cedar Posts For Sale KAL1iILEiSC Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 "a " Weekly Globe 1 75 " " Daily Mail and Em- - pire 3 75. " Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 " Toronto Daily Star 2 85 Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition..., 8 50 Evening Edition:-.. 2 90 Weekly Edition..... 1 85 " " London Advertiser. Morning Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition-... 2 90 Weekly Edition...., 1 75 " " Farm & Dairy 175 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate,. 2 40. " Montreal Family 'Serald and Weekly tar.. „' 1 85• `a Weekly Montreal Witness ' 1 85 it as " at as UNDERTAKING if ra Prompt Service Moderate rhat•ges Tailor Shop a.n d Laundry W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich. - Ontario moomezeistezzomsmezeteseamea ONCin 'wows 19 _ - ZURICH C 11 Ci ck Books a l 't For General Stores E are selling agents for Appleforcl's popular counter check books. Our Nriees are the same as city travellers charge you for ihem. Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully show you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. Phone30 L E,' '== OF)LE KNOW Attracts Attention Claenlneid Want Ade, aro alware :They interact Y,Hlnt Indent people who ora oaf opp,tlie : iebk-out 4or '"avoroblo, ortueeltlos- to fill their, requiratnente. Whether Tour bysineesbo ler��oremna email the QrlaeeiIIed Want.. will iiaefip'ou.f What: . �7�.,,-Al have to sell want ti Try a sm laF l ad. in the Herald. e, Aeoe'le w�a It pays.