HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-17, Page 1ZURIC Vol. XVI ER LD ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17,..I915, NO (*****44$0410. 0 aa.a.aaaa 4,.6 Aqr. o .0t►*666064* 6664.66416. N►' 666 ��f • m tl euro C •a •: We • have much pleasure in extending to our * friends and patrons a cordial invitation to attend : our Fall Opening; which we have arranged to take o place, Tuesday, Sep ember, twenty-first and follow- : LSing. days. Every Department of our store is well stocked and assorted with the different lines of goods in spite of the fact' that it has been very dif. • ,• ficult to secure goods in many lines, but by being • • righ't on the job and buying early we are in a po • sition to give you the goods at prices just a little • better than you can get at many places. •o. t•• Our Millinery Department - • t Under the supervision of Miss Clifton, who • was with us last .Spring, will be filled with the • very newest Styles and Materials, and we have not $ • the "slightest hesitation in saying that : we have • ® more 'f l display of Autumn o novel. shown a beautl u Millinery and the prices are wonderfully moderate. °o Everybody invited to call Tuesday and following days. • • 4 4 4 • •0 4 • 4 • • ® A e• • • 0 3 • •0 • • • 0 3 A a e 3 • 4 • FOR street wear you cannot get a more serviceable cloth. It drapes well —yet gives be.tte.r seem. :vice than . the finest, serge, and does not catch the dust. e Every shade. DRESS CSO • • 4 • 3 • • • . You will be delighted f with our display of t, Dress Goods. Wehave the rated Priestly.� cele b Goods which have been• very popular in thepast and we still claim the reputation of showing the finest range of Dress Goods shown anywhere its. Gabardines, Broad • Clothe, Serges. etc. • m •4 M :.i ntlings A nice range of Mantiings. in all the leading cloths and shades i £we ter Coats 3 WWe • are showing the largest range of Sweater e • coats we have ever had. All sizes for men, women a and children " o •,, Underwear 4. �We are showing a full range of Men's and Ladies' . Under– +•b 4 wear in Combinations for Men and Women, fleeced lined shirts • drawers, all wool, unshrinkable, and we also have the celebrated 3 !' Wolsely line, the best all wool underwear on the Market. e • ;m Fu rs Etc. s s4 We have just opened up afine range of furs, Muffs from 4. [di $12.00 down. Ruffs in all different classes. Men's and Ladies' ' fur lined Coats, from $25,00 up to $1000.00. Men's Coon Coats, special values this season. Ladies' Musk Rat Coate full length I. P at bargain prices. 3 4.4 Dinner Sets 4. h 'w We were fortunate to secure another package of celebrated 3 11 Austrian China Dinner Setts, This is the last we can get as • they are entirely out of the market. Anyone looking for a sett ; d of dishes should riot fail to see them.before snaking a, purohase. 3 - . HA D ARE 4. ,' - We are still hand ling' the famous Peninsula Oast Iron and 3 Steel Ranges We have handlenthis same line for ten years +i ,,"k, and they are still givng the best of satisfaction, We also have 3 '* the 13app,v Thought, and any other make you may desire. 4 If you feel as though yon should have your home heated �: ® with a furnace, call in and let us explain you the allele/ice of • the Sect furnace, matte by Clare Bros of Preston. The best 3 as and most economic) furnace on the market, + 10 We are prepared to do all kinds of Plumbing for Bath Rooms • and Hot Water heating.. Give us a call, 3 t ;telephone. 1'o,9 imeeellacaternonner Prtoduce of all kinds taken 4. ZUR R C 9 $44.444+4.+4'+++++++++9+++++94. a,++ £ 4.+++4 +++++ t +*b++++ NOTICE House and Lot For Sale—also shop Possession given October 1st if necess- ary 1 am building a Business Block in Zurich and offer the above Proper- ties at right Prices, apply to P W Hess, Jeweller. cra.galmea 41111 <it42 Alb I.F 6 7 LOCAL NEWS. 20 per cent off out fly nets for the next two weeks. 0 Hartlib. Misses Olive O'Brien and Freda Kalbfleiseh left on Monday for Strat- ford, when they are attending Normal School, Dr E S Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, .on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 22nd and 23rd. Mr and Mrs E W Stoskopf, and Misses Matilda and Susie Johnson, are visiting friends in Mitchell and Stratford, this week. Zurich and vicinity was well re- presented at•London Fair this week, A large number of citizens were in attendance and report the exhibition up;to former years.. Messrs Mason and Haines, of Blyth manufacturers and owners of the famous Wiltshire Oils, paid a business - visit to our town on Tuesday. Mr Jacob Deichert is agent for Zurich for their goods. Capt Dunlop, Goderich, has receiv- ed instructions to enlist at once 250 men for the 71s1 Battalion in Huron and Bruce counties with centers in Goderich, Clinton, Exeter, Wingham, Kincardine, Walkerton, Wiarton and Sontption Hoy Mi Kelhoffer, who has : been doing missionary work in China for some years and who is home on fur- lough, 'delivered two interesting sermons in the Evangelical church' last Sunday morning and evening on the life and needs of the Chinese, Peaches and grapes are in excel• lent shape, according to the growers and shippers, The trees and vines have not borne as heavily as usual, but the growers find compensation in the extra high quality. They believe they will get about as much for their output as in former years. It would be wise for Canadian households to take advantage of the splendid quality and put down liberal quantities, more than usual. COURT OF REVISION A Court of Revision of the Voters' List as published for the year 1915, was held in the Town Hall last Friday His Honor, Judge Doyle, senior judge of Huron County presided, Quite a number of changes were made in the list, some names being added while others were struck off. TO SCHOOL TFAOIIERS We arepleased at all tunes to publish school reports of the various schools in the Township of Hay and Stanley and would ask the teachers to furnish us a report of the standing of the pupils monthly. This undoubtedly creates interest among the pupils and gives the parents an opportunity to learn how their children are progress- ing in school work, Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS/J CAPITAL and RESERV $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A. Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDI BANK NONLY ORDERS Savings Balk Department Iutorest'eurcei3t rates Zu rwh Br�a;nnh R: T'. DIUNLOP, Manager FALL FAIRS Discussing fall fairs, the: Farmer's Advocate remarks that if ruraldwellers remain away from the annual ,exhibi- tion thereason is not that they grudge thepayment of the admission fee .but. "too often they consider the loss of the day on the farm is not compensated by the enjoyment an ideas received at the fair, lr,nd too often farmers do not at- tend in a receptive mood.' Criticisms are often heard from speotatore, that they' have better live stock, fruit, farm produce and other articles at home. If such be true they should exhibit or keep their opinions to themselves, for they have not clone their duty in making the exhibition a success. The way to have a successful fair is through cordial co-operation on the part of all wt'o have an interest in the develop- ment and progress of the community in which they live. Far' Sale Only When in Bar. Seaforth, Sept. 11.—In a case brought under the Canada Temper- ance Act a short time ago, against Thomas Stephens, hotelkeeper of Seaiorth, the prosecution showed that some liquor was found on the premises, but not in the bar -room. Lawyer Best, whoacted for Stephens put no evidence in, but be contended that, as no liquor was found in the bar room, the prosecution must prove that,the liquor found in any other pert,of the premises was there for sale, and that it is only where any liquor is' f cued in the bar -room that it is, under the act, deemed to be kept for sale. The police magistrate, Mr F Holristead, K 0, accepted Mr Best's contention and dismissed the case. Mr Seager, who was acting for the prosecutor; argued that the liquor is deet ,a� F.n' be kept for sale tf ,.found an hei'e-in the hotel premises and declared he would carry the case to a higher court. It is reported that Mr Seager has since found that Mr Best's contention was right and that it would bd useless for him to appeal. The de cision is an important one from the hotelkeepers' Standpoint. A DAY OFF No man can afford to stick too close to work. True, him who would succe- ed must -be industrious, but there is nothing which makes quite so good a stimulant for work as getting away from it for a day or a few days as the case may be. Then the best of going away is the returning. It is just as necessary that the farmer and his wife take a day off now and again as it is for thebusiness man to take a holiday. Too much work and worry stagnates and depresses. Human nature dem- ands change, and the farmer deserves his share. More work will be accomp- lished in' a year if a few holidays are taken than where the man and his wife and children plod away day in and day out, After harvest and before cold weather comesis the time to en- joy a little rest. - Plan a short trip and forget work until you return. There are other things • in life than work worry and money. --Farmer's Advocate. IN - MEMORIAN In loving memory of our dear mother and beloved wife of Mr. Char-' les Brill, who departed this life, on Septenper 181h, 1914, in Zurich, Ontario. One year has passed and still we mjss her, Friends may think the wound is healed, But little do they know the sorrow, That lies within our hearts concealed. And often when our hearts are sad And grief weighs down our load 'Tis then we trust in the glorious hope She is resting with the Lord. The flowers we placed upon her grave, Will wither and decay, But the love for her who sleeps beneath, Will never pass away, Husband and Family.. A Grand Fowl Supper under the the auspices of the Ev'angelical chinch will be given in theirtine cbrirch Ands, Thursday 'Gaining October 1.4 th. Loolc for announcemoiits, bills, programme, etc. ,*t,*4 4* f4 f #11040041-110**S4000146.fialgitossaitittaittagi •- a 1 I 0 NEW FOOTWEA We take much pride in announcing to the public that we have now a complete stock ,of; Footwear for Fall and Winter wear for Men, Women and Children. All new styles are represented and quality and value are unsurpassed. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. e. ITZ Zurich The Home of Good Shoes .041.1110.411. ismalas4: -M444f+Mi44lri**44 44448 4fi'r«w' 44 vis w. 1 1111111111111118IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!tJLlllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllll!Iliiiflllllllllllllll(Illllf NIIIII111111GIIII?IiI1111111111Cillllillliillillllllllllilltilllllllll! IIIA �t ill I+III II!.'i i in iiiiiliif ii+llt �; 1'e you goiig to;paint this spring? If so, we oan supply you with the famous ELEPHANT BRAND Ready -Mixed Paints For floors and verandahs or anything that needs i,r,trit. None better and few as good. New and up-to-date Shoes at popular prices. amore new waists, aprons and read - nad.e dresses and dress goods just opened up. All our lines are stocked up with the latest and best that money can buy, Come and see for yourselves and be convinced. BLAKE DOUGLAS ONTARIO 1111111111111111111111121111101111111 �Blllilllllllll!!i(IIII81811111l11111111181111111111111tINilili'�'ili�I;lliii!llltfull'1811illiiii1114t111!IIIItIIII1�Pf'X19+;;+,:Ilial811i8iu!fllillit}lllllll'� �� I'^''. " ' ],11iIIIliIUII;i:PBR!!I� _ ARGAINS in Boy's Clothing Following are a few lines which we are offering at Bargain Prices. 80 BOY'S SUITS AT A SNAP $1.40 to $1.50 Suits for $1.0.0 :3.50 to 4.00 Snits for 2.50 4.50 to 4.75 Suits for 2.65 5.00 to 5.50 Suits for 3.25 6.00 to 6.50 Suits for 4.00 7.00 to 3,,,00 Suits for 5.25 Boy's Pants • Boy's Cotton Knickers, regular 50c for au All kinds of wool Knickers and Bloomers at HALF PRICE Boy's Overcoats at Cost and Under. Don't uritis this chanac for ' Above prices: Cash, Buta r or Eggs. cheap clothing. E APPEL - ZURICH "The Clothier" Timothy eed Have received a shipment of first-class timothy seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right Flour and Feed- of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stocle,Toods, Etc., Eton EggEggal taken in uxvheuge fors oo.l Telephone 23 '�4 All. hi