HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-10, Page 10Big Reductions In All Lines of Summer Goods Alii Summer Dress Goods to be sold to make room for Fall Goods "which are now arriving Silk crepe reg 35 and 40c per yd now for 28c per yd All 25o goods now fcr 20c a yd All luuslins, and mulls, reg 15 now 10c a yd Orimble cloths to clear at 12 1-2o per yd 2 doz Ladies Waists to clear at 50c each Men's tweed Pants reg $1.75 and' $2.00 now for $1. Straw Hats All Straw hats for men, women and children to clear at 25% off. Dinner .Sets I only 96 piece Dinner sett reg $11.00 for $9.75 1 only 97 piece Dinner sett reg $12.00 for $110.50 Fresh Groceries always on hand. RTJBYand GASCHO PHONE 17 : ILS • °w°:° 4.4.. acxy. o ..co e!. :°° °: .!siori!u°4o.s° * ONE YEAR One year ago today we entered upon the CASH SYSTEM. We wish to thank those who helped us to make it a success. The business will be conducted as it has been in the last year. - "'"morCAS.H SYSTEM! GOODS RIGHT PRICES RIGHT "Ever at your Servi ce � t 4. GEORGE R. HESS & CO., :;!: JEWELERS: ' ZURICH FORMERLY F. W. HESS & CO. Z5.1 'J FVK��:.°.°`�°.!.. L•!., :'!i.�s.�°.. y°mss°.�a .°oar°t'w°,.,x..S.�!:.�t.°.°......z�.*.�.c°. ,.!.a.L!>.1��.';�I Timothy Seed Have received a shipment of first-class timothy seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right Flour and Feed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, StockFoods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange forigoods George McBride Telephone 23 * ' * * ° *** **** 0 0 o ° '-* * o 'o 'o*�•`or . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 a 0 0 0 • A Letter From Home The weekly paper is j I t the absent ones. Ial fact, it l� goes regularly every week. new and keeps them info tm d e. of the home town, ike a letter from home, to Ater than. a letter, for it It gives them all tine home ofh progress t e p ro � es5 alta welfare We will send the Zurich Herald to any address to the endlof 1915 In Canada for 35 cents in U. ga A. for 60 cents wLIPSORIBM 0 0 0 ai•t O LOCAL IW A;1K T S Corrected every Thursday. Butter $0,22 Dried Apples: ,..,,,.,., ,.., 05 Potatoes .....: 80 Wheat old.......,...., • $1.00 $11.00 Wheat new • .85 ,90 Oats old 50 new 85 Barley 5 60 Buckwheat 75 Flour , 8..25 -8.60 Bran $28.00 Shorts 38.00 Low Grade 88.00 Live Hogs fob Hensall 8.75 Local News Mr Arnold Hildebrandt left for Detroit on Wednesday. Misses M Walker and J Veitch spent Labor Day with friends at London, Misses Alveda and Selma Weeeloh, of London spent the holidays at their hoarse here. Messrs Milfred Molsaac and Wil- bert Greybeil of Dashwood, spent Sat- urday in town. Lost -Ladies' rain coat, between Zurich andDashwood.Return to C Fritz, Zurich. Miss Melissa Smith returned to Detroit on Wednesday, after a pleas- ant visit with relatives here. Miss Laura Mosser of Dashwood is spending the week.yisiting with her grandfather, Mr F Schroeder. Messrs George R. Hess and R. J. Kalbfleisch attended Toronto Exhibi- tion for a few days this week.?. Mr C Fritz and son Ward, were on a fishing trip to the Pinery on Monday and report some fine catches being made. The plan of the town hall for the concert on the night of Thursday, Sept, 23rd, can be seen at S E Faust's shoe store. 1,1r Wm Logan -of Varna accompani- ed by his sister and Miss Cox of God- erich, visited at the home of G Douglas on Sunday. • Mrs G S Howard :and her sister, Mrs McDonald of Blake ars this weel attending the funeral of the late Joh; Allan of Fairgrove, Mich. Any persons wishing to top•dress their clover this fall. I have Agri- cultural Lime, it is just the thing for grass. Sold at $10.00 per ton. I keep it at niy barn. John Hey, Jr. Rev Mr Kelhofor a Missionary from China, who has returned home. on furlough, will preach in the Evan- gelical church next Sunday, both morning and evening, A cordial wel- come is extended to all. Weekly Sun says the new silos built by the farmers of Ontario would stretch 22 miles if placed end to end. There were said to be 3,500 put up in 1914. This advance should mean much to the butter and cheese supply to say nothing about improved con-. ditions in feeding the stock. Farr ing is like every other line of business the better it is done the chances are greatly improved as to success. Mr J B Whale, of Toronto, district representative of Middlesex eounty and inspector for the Canadian Seed Grower's Association, called at the farm of Oscar Klopp one day recently. He reported only i% smut and no wild oats or noxious weeds, oats being" exceptionally well headed and first class for seed. He awarded 944 points out of a possible 100. These oats were grown from registered 0 A 0 No 72. Seed which won second prize at Hensel). Show, also a winner at East- ern Ontario:Seed -Show, Brockville. Orders are being booked fori oats or will exchange some for clean feed oats. Phone 18 on 93. Mr Whale regrets that there are only two mem- bers of the C S G A- in Huron, County. HYDRO ELECTRIC A representative of the Hydro Electric Commission of Ontario was in Zurich on Wednesday and interviewed some of the prominent business inen regarding the possibility of supplying Zurich andl surrounding country • with hydro power. He will visit Dashwood, Crediton, Centralia and other intervening points and each of these towns, including Zurich, will receive reports from the Commission, containing all the necessary informa- tion relating ter the work, such as cost of construction, cost per horsepower etc. Tho proposed line supplying the above towns with power will be built from Exeter to Centralia, thence to Crediton, Dashwood, Zurich and Hen. salt, HAI COUNCIL The flay Council met en Saturday Sept 4th,, 'All were present, "Moved by Casper Wulper, seconded by Sam- uel Delta, that the following accounts be paid; Bell; Telephone Co,, L D tolls re • for July $80.58;Independent Telephone Co supplies, $136..86; 'I+` W Farncoznb Hay's portion Beierling Award, $5.80; G T R Co freight on telep supplies, $2,60; Can Exp Co express on telep supplies $2.40; Joel, Baeehler, culvert on Side Line, $2,50; Chris Hey, 1 new repairing 6 culverts, $5.50; Municipal World, Blanks, $1.90; Wm Walper tile and repr culvert, 1.50; D Witmer work on tel, $2,60; D Oswald work on telep, $1.00; Hy Volland repo bridge sideroad con 9, $15.09; Chris Erb repr culvert, ,75; John Hey cut- ting weeds C R $3.00; Albert Zettel malting tile, $31.25. Moved by Edward Daters, seconded by Samuel Deitz; that the council be adjourned to meet again on Saturday the 2nd of October, at 2 p.•m. F Hess, Sr., Clerk. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs Kerr and -Mrs. 'S 'Pollock of Stephen, spent a few days visaing friends in Stanley. On Sunday even- ing Mrs Kerr very acceptably address- ed the Goshen Epworth League of which she used'to be a valued memb- er. Mrs S Erratt has gone to Toronto to take the position of Matron of the Methodist Deaconess Training School from which institution she graduated last May. Miss Roxie Palmer, who has been visiting f riends around here for some. time, has returned to her home in Goderich. Miss Irene Douglas has resumed her duties as teacher of No 5, Stanley. Miss Elliott of Goderich, Tp is en- gaged to teach in No 13 Stanley, and Miss Reta Keys is engaged to teach near Benmiller. Mr and Mrs Ralph Stephenson, Sr, leave this week for the West, and intend spending the fall with their children who reside there. The Patriotic Society of Varna will meet in the Town Hall on Friday for the election of officers for the com- ing year., The Patriotic, Garden Party held in Varna on Thursday evening of ,;last week was a success in every way. 'The. weather was fine and the : attendance good, the gate receipts amounted. .to $128.00, The tables were well pro- vided for, by the ladies of the society. A number of Patriotic speeches were given and music was furnished by the Clinton Band. THE WESTERN FAIR Sept. 10th to 18th SPECIAL NOTICE The Management of the Western Fair, through the efforts of Hon Sir Adam and Lady Beck, are able to an- nounce that the Red Cross Society will have an Exhibit in the Transportation Building during the whole Exhibition of a number of curios, shells, machine gun, and a large number of very in- teresting articles of warfare, which will occupy over 1000 feet of floor space, also an Exhibit of articles, etc., which have been prepared by the Red Cross Society for the use of the Sold- iersat the front. This will afford an opportunity of a lifetime for Visitors to the Exhibition tosee these interest- ing articles. Single fare over all rail- roads west of Toronto starting Sept. 10th, good till Sept. 20th. Notice y to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Clarissa Brisson of the Town of Ridgetown, County of Kent, Spinster, deceased -1 Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chap- ter 121 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Clarissa Brisson, who died on or about the llth daylof Deeemiler, 1911, are requir- ed, on or before the 30 day of September, 1915, to send by rest, prepaid, or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, of the Village of Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator, their Christian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Acliuinis• trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Admin istrator twill not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. )acedat Exetot the7th dayof 1 hSeptem- ber, pt ber, 1915. GLAn a&N & 8TAIrellitY, ExrsfiEki Solieltora for Administrator, There's hide and in know Satisfactionn ` , - ing that you have pleased your wife. No Worry, Perfection in Cooking Easy to Operate, Economical This Stove Ba a l l ',ar, 1 s®link Just like a City Gas !Stove It's cheaper than Wood or Coal. Come to see them at our store. Ten 'styles to select from. I- ;'DETROIT VAPOR STOVES �_WorK.Like Gas C'. IIARTLEIB, zuiiicn HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE THE HERALD CLUBBING LIST FOR 1915 Herald and Daily Globe $3 75 Weekly Globe 1 75 Daily Mail and E><n- pire., ...... '3 75 Weely Mail and Empire 1 74 Toronto Daily Sear 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition3 50 Evening Edition2 90 Weekly Edition1 85 (( at ii t( " (( I/ if If 14 '' (I " (I I( London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 2 90 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition-- 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate... 2 40 Montreal Family Serald and Weekly tar ,. 1 85 Weekly Mon treal Witness 185 OVER 415 YEAR:•. EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRADE MARK* DElilieND COPYRIGNTs .&e. Anyone sending a sketch and description MeV quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communion, /dons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK onPatenta Hent fres. Oldest ngeney for securinpatents. Patents taken through. Munn .t,g Co, receZva Special notice, without charge, lathe $ckuIi it .lmerican. d handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr. mistier, of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, sim a year, postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co 6AT 18 ..b,Newlfrrlf• r;Jt, 4i ii, Affil '411!e i a ,-jam ,\7 GC'' < t , lit 01- .- . -.eel r :�rni of nors'` l,• nyi Coupons i syLble i7U i'•. I HT' Zurich Agency HERALD OFFICE �'�o'��'a�'�o•�•�b• vo.�o�.o'�oo..00�•d•p 40 T'Ve beg to announce to Me j5eoy5le 4G0 of .Zurich and vicinity that we have 0 taken over the stock and goodwill of the.. 0$ business formerly conducted by Mr. 7. . l �•erner. ' We ask fp7r a share of your ,at ronag e on the j5rincOle of a Fair and Square deal. • - Oar ai7n will be to give the highest degpee of service at a faiir living p7°ofiit. Tie exvect shipments ofnew. goods to arrive in, a few days ancwe will be in a position/ to supply our wril2ts in any and all lines o f .D.ra Drygoods, Groceries Clothing, Hats, Gaps, etc,; etc Store 7601V open. Watch this space f o7° o. e, g7L77.ouL71Ce7n1ent of opening- sale, o. O. o. ob 4.0 OD OrD. 10. Dr o.r o. o. ato. o. _,,,nweetwevemere, 0.14,104 ql �I 0D SUCCESSOR TO J J .711ERXER ppm Telephone 38 - • Zurich, Q'l "�G't✓�•a���.14-"?%,G/.�'.7� �'� c"�7+OG7'd.> �'� �•+�'�^✓•��.. •.•'"�.�"^a. �'0 O/ G