HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-10, Page 7--THE CHURCHES EVAN, CHURCfI SERVICES. Sunday, Geril:►an 11.00 a, m. " Sunday School 9.45 " T. • " Junior Y, P. A. 1.00 p` a` (Service) English 7.00 Teache0 meeting 8.00 " Mon., Tri-MuBrotherhood 8.00 « Tuesday, Y. P. A: 8.15 " Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00 " Friday Teachers Training. ,� Class 7.80 ". choirpractice• ' • 8,80" Ladies Md meets let Monday ' of each month at 7.80 P.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES German, Sunday 10.80 a. m. English " 7.80 p. m, Bible School ` 9.00 a. m. Men's Mis'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00 p. m. Luther League Friday •8.00 p.m. L A S 1stWeds'yl of month 8.00 p, in, You a're cordially invited to take an active. part in all these "meetings and; services. "Blessed are' they that hear the world of God, and. keep,ht.Ltt71e 11.28, r 11 111 Andrew' F. 'Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC FIRE INSURANCE ` PLATE GLASS INBURSNCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN WEST FOE ..GREAT PERMANENT LOAN CO. ,ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE .Herald Office Zurich DASIHWOOD 'SHOE STORE A large stock of Slippers & •Pumps Satin Pumps, reg $3 00 for $2.00 ' - Patent Pumps, reg 3.25 for 2 50 • Tan Oxfords reg 3 00 for. 2.50 Patent Oxfords reg 3.25 for 2.50 High top white canvas 2 50 for L75 ' Tan . Shoes reg $4 00 for *3 00 AlI our Ladies' Pumps at Greatly Reduced Prices David Pfaff Dashwood - Ont MASS 13Y J4ARRLS• IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills; best and light- est made, all steel Manure Spreaders and 'all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying` else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 1.4 H. P. $75; 2?: H. P. $85; 4 I1. P.$125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P. i2S5; 12 H. P. $375; all warranted first class. At the old Stand:— 'Square Dealing Our Motto" F. Hess 86 Son. LOCAL NEWS Miss Ruth Hartleib re u:ned Tues- day from a week's visit a; 'I pronto. Miss St Clair of Loudon is visiting at the home of Mr Conrad Theil at present, xr Mrs I) Dirstine and Mrs ' Pope, of Hensall, visited friends in tow!' on Wednesday. Mr Clayton, Hoffman and Miss Minnie; Verner are attending high School at Exeter. Mrs Schmidt of Robley is visiting at the •home of her danghter, Mrs C Hartleib, at present. . Mr D Miller of Sebewaing; Mich., is visiting at thehome of his. mother, Mrs Miller, of toii'n; •Mrs Wm Smith and Miss Emma Smith of Sodom spent Labor day at Mr John Vollick's on the Parr Line. • Messrs GMcBride, E Howeld, F Theil, C Silber, W. Bender and . L Hoffman spent Labor Day at London. Mr Alvin.Surerus left on Tuesday for Oakville:., to -resume his- duties: as' teacher in the public school of: that town. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats 'Mice etc. Don't Die in the House.. 1.5c. and lac. at Drug, and Country' Store i. • Messrs Jacob Deichert, Wellington, Johnston, Ferd Hess and John Deich- ert visited friends in Port -Elgin on Sunday; - Two rinks of bowlers played in Iiensall last Thursday and were trim- med to a "frazzle" as T Roosevelt, Esq., would say, Dir and 'Mrs C Hartleib and -Mr and Mrs SE Etinst visited relatives in Stratford on Sunday. They returned home on Monday. Miss Agnes Kaercher left. on Wed- nesday as a rltlegate to the annual con- vention of the Young People's Alliance being held in Elm' rathis week. - Mr and Mrs \ii'ler and son, Gustave and Mrand Mrs Jlelchin and family of Berlin were viiiting at the home of Mr and Mrs :Jacob Ho wa•Id for a few days. The services in Lntheran church next Sunday. will be contlected either- by Rey 0,0 T Maass;- of PresFnn,` or, Bev • Mr Rernbe, a student of_the Waterloo Seminary. ' • ' Misses Verily Fuss and Celia Hess attended the convention of the West District of the Luther League held in Galt on Monday. They visited rela- tives in. Berlin on Sunday. A Sitting of the tenth division court was held in the town hall here on Dionday,with Judge Bolt presiding, The (locket way light, a few judgment summons crises. b-ing disposed•off. Dlisa Mabel, daughter of Mr and Mrs 7 Pieeter, underwent an operation for 'throat• trouble on Monday. The patient is progressing very favorably which her.n.a ry friends will be pleased to hear. ' The many fr'ends of Mr Jac:13 Reg. lr will b p'eace:l to hear that he attended obtrreb one clays last week. This.is the first time he hes been in the village srnee hit serious acci•lent some weeks ago. . Ile John Vollick fwd.—Mrs Alice TTohner, tr.ndmaster 7ac l: flohmar have returned home from Port litiron where they were visiting the former's brother in law and sister, 1 r and Mrs George McDonald, John I{e1ly, who has been, engaged by the directors to furnish part of the program for the concert on 'Thursday eve, Sept 23rd, will give n, free per- formance on the Fair Grounds on the afternoon of the last day of Zurich' Fair. HICKS' 'FORECASTS •• The second regular storm period is central on the 14th," extending from the 12th to 17th; inclusive.' It will turn decidedly warmer and renewed storms of rain, -wind and thunder will take up their eastward march passing over the great central valleys about the 14th to 16th, and reaching the Atlan- tic states a day or two later, The.reg- ularupward swing of the barometer will follow from the northwest,; on the heels of these storms, bringing high gales, -Blearing weather and change to much cooler, autumnal weather. Frosts for several nigh LSfollowing, say about the 16th to 18th, will be natuta1 in central sections. opiirimodwripioni °TICE I would respectfully ask all thrse who are indebted tome to Square tip either by..ca$h•"er •note '. ,It is now.one yolk:since were eloseilr. AUCTtON BALE In the matter- of the Rotate . of Clarissa Brisson of Town of Ridge town, County of Kent•Spine'ter, de- ceased. The undersigned have been instruct— ed by the administrator of the above Estate to sell by Public Auction at the Garner House, Chatham, Ont., on Tuesday :September 28t1h, 1915, .at one o'clock p m ten sharesof the Cap- ital stock lot The Blonde Lumber and Manufacturing Company Limited fully paid and non -assessable, the pro- perty of the said deceased, The Comp- any is located at the City of Chatham and carries on a successful 'business there. Terms of Sale: 20% deposit and balance within ten days there -after. For father particulars apply to McCoig & Harrington, Auctioneers, Chatham, Ont. Gladman & Stanbuty, Exeter, .Ont.,. Solicitors for the Administrator. Mortgage Sal e • Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be prociuee&at;the time of sale, there will' bet offered for sale by Public Auction .: by Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer, at the -Col- borne Hotel in the To•.vn of blolerien,-on Saturday,.the...:Lath day of- September,. I9L1,14 the hour of 4'o'cfock, in the after= i noon, the following property: All .and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and, being in the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. being composed of part of the south half of lot Number Ten, Lake Road, West .Concession, commencing on the easterly limit of said lot at a point distant. northerly'froni the Zurich Gravel Road four hundred and seventy feet ten in tfhes: Thence north along said easterly limit of said lot two hundred and thitty- one feet;. •Thence west parallel 'to the' Zurich Gravel Road three hundred " and ninety-six feet; thence south parallel' to the easterly limit of said lot, two hundred and thirty-one feet: Thence east parallel to the Zurich Gravel Road, three hundred and ninety-six feet to the place of begin- ning, which lands are now known as Lots Numbers Might, Nine, Ten and Eleven west of Vallee and north of (Campbell Streets; numbers 13.20, save and exeept the northerly thirty-three feet thereof, in- clusive, south of Dansareau Avenue, and west of Vallee Street, and Lots Numbers 9.16 north of Bissonette Avenue and west of, Vallee Street, according to the St Joseph ;Plan. For terms and conditions of sale apply to Proudfdot„ Killoran & 'Proudfoot, Barristers &c:, Goderich,, Ontario. Dated August 23rd, 191,5. G B Bursa», St Catharines, Vendors, Solicitors.: FERTILIZER I have a carload of Fer tilizer on hand Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity oan secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have all kinds on hand, riinging from *10 to $90 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co, EST , BY TEST LEGAL CARDS. .. PRODUEOOT, KILLURAN, & PROUD - FOOT. 13arristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public) &c, Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderioh.. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDr OOT, K. 0. j. 'L. KJ:mon/us, W. PROUD,WOOT, Jn, MEDICAL: CARDS DR A. J. MacKINNON late Hons.:. Surgeon, Erie County -Hospital, Bu5'alo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, Drug store in connection.' office, Z•urioh, Ont. . �r N. F. Soh ram Late Ih,use Surgeon --and Haase • Physician of Victoria Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of illeditIhre of Western University, London. Main Office at : Dashwood,, Ont.,., Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. Zurich Meet MARKET' :DEALERS IIiI Fresh and Salt Meats .l?olegr.a Szrfz ice, etc CASH •FOR SKINS & HIDES ungbiut & Deichert!rf? Prompt Service Moderate rha1•ges Tailor Shop and Laundry • W. H. HOFFMAN GHOLTZMAN! Zurich, - Ontario . I32s11raaice Agent t Zurich - Out High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Con- ductors. Am very busy, please hand in your orders early, as I do the work myself, Prices right on easy terms. Telephone 34. Stable IquJpuicnt We handle the most improved Stable Equip- ment on' the market, Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will .be well repaid for .the extra cost by the increased results. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. We recently installed an .outf;tof stanchions and fixtures for John Erb, Bronson Line, and parties ILterested are welcome to inspect same We also install equipments of every kind See us about it ZURICH Carload of Cedar Posts For s)IE•-- C. X F' LIFLEISC ZURtC pt -D aNlE. In or= ' mom COUNTER Check looks For General Stores fr E are selling agents for Appleford's yJ popular counter check books. Our prices are the salve as city travellers charge you for ihem. Let us' know your wants and we will cheerfully show. you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. Phone3O books �ess,l Habib of reading Advertisements NLig WSPAPERS would be less enjoyable, instructive and valuable than they are if they contained no advertisements. Many persons read the advertisements quite as thoroughly as they road the news matter This is just as it should be. - Tbs. more ' advertising, the more buying; The more baying, the greater the consumption of tho goods or ser- vice advertised. More business would be done by the merchants of Zurich if they adver- tised tnrre and. if more of them advertised. Much business goes to the big city mail order houses beeanse they advertise. 'Chose houses would cease to draw business from this corn - inanity if they ceased to advertise. To thea enchants of Zurich Advertise more, and the big city mail—order houseswill get less and less. business from this community', and you will get more. Advertisement Reading is Worth Whuie r �jn @ s �V r,I4g�,i.Lli'Y7 AtI A new shipment just in of Ben:Bons, Chocolates,' etc. The best that money can' buy A large variety of Comic, Patriotic(. Scenic, etc., Post Cards. all prices... We also have the • Flag Gam, i Spearmint, Etc. : i,eallh j Brandy of Ciders, Neillson's'Fainous' Ice Crown McCORMICK'S RESTA RANT x .. LOCAL NEWS Miss Ruth Hartleib re u:ned Tues- day from a week's visit a; 'I pronto. Miss St Clair of Loudon is visiting at the home of Mr Conrad Theil at present, xr Mrs I) Dirstine and Mrs ' Pope, of Hensall, visited friends in tow!' on Wednesday. Mr Clayton, Hoffman and Miss Minnie; Verner are attending high School at Exeter. Mrs Schmidt of Robley is visiting at the •home of her danghter, Mrs C Hartleib, at present. . Mr D Miller of Sebewaing; Mich., is visiting at thehome of his. mother, Mrs Miller, of toii'n; •Mrs Wm Smith and Miss Emma Smith of Sodom spent Labor day at Mr John Vollick's on the Parr Line. • Messrs GMcBride, E Howeld, F Theil, C Silber, W. Bender and . L Hoffman spent Labor Day at London. Mr Alvin.Surerus left on Tuesday for Oakville:., to -resume his- duties: as' teacher in the public school of: that town. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats 'Mice etc. Don't Die in the House.. 1.5c. and lac. at Drug, and Country' Store i. • Messrs Jacob Deichert, Wellington, Johnston, Ferd Hess and John Deich- ert visited friends in Port -Elgin on Sunday; - Two rinks of bowlers played in Iiensall last Thursday and were trim- med to a "frazzle" as T Roosevelt, Esq., would say, Dir and 'Mrs C Hartleib and -Mr and Mrs SE Etinst visited relatives in Stratford on Sunday. They returned home on Monday. Miss Agnes Kaercher left. on Wed- nesday as a rltlegate to the annual con- vention of the Young People's Alliance being held in Elm' rathis week. - Mr and Mrs \ii'ler and son, Gustave and Mrand Mrs Jlelchin and family of Berlin were viiiting at the home of Mr and Mrs :Jacob Ho wa•Id for a few days. The services in Lntheran church next Sunday. will be contlected either- by Rey 0,0 T Maass;- of PresFnn,` or, Bev • Mr Rernbe, a student of_the Waterloo Seminary. ' • ' Misses Verily Fuss and Celia Hess attended the convention of the West District of the Luther League held in Galt on Monday. They visited rela- tives in. Berlin on Sunday. A Sitting of the tenth division court was held in the town hall here on Dionday,with Judge Bolt presiding, The (locket way light, a few judgment summons crises. b-ing disposed•off. Dlisa Mabel, daughter of Mr and Mrs 7 Pieeter, underwent an operation for 'throat• trouble on Monday. The patient is progressing very favorably which her.n.a ry friends will be pleased to hear. ' The many fr'ends of Mr Jac:13 Reg. lr will b p'eace:l to hear that he attended obtrreb one clays last week. This.is the first time he hes been in the village srnee hit serious acci•lent some weeks ago. . Ile John Vollick fwd.—Mrs Alice TTohner, tr.ndmaster 7ac l: flohmar have returned home from Port litiron where they were visiting the former's brother in law and sister, 1 r and Mrs George McDonald, John I{e1ly, who has been, engaged by the directors to furnish part of the program for the concert on 'Thursday eve, Sept 23rd, will give n, free per- formance on the Fair Grounds on the afternoon of the last day of Zurich' Fair. HICKS' 'FORECASTS •• The second regular storm period is central on the 14th," extending from the 12th to 17th; inclusive.' It will turn decidedly warmer and renewed storms of rain, -wind and thunder will take up their eastward march passing over the great central valleys about the 14th to 16th, and reaching the Atlan- tic states a day or two later, The.reg- ularupward swing of the barometer will follow from the northwest,; on the heels of these storms, bringing high gales, -Blearing weather and change to much cooler, autumnal weather. Frosts for several nigh LSfollowing, say about the 16th to 18th, will be natuta1 in central sections. opiirimodwripioni °TICE I would respectfully ask all thrse who are indebted tome to Square tip either by..ca$h•"er •note '. ,It is now.one yolk:since were eloseilr. AUCTtON BALE In the matter- of the Rotate . of Clarissa Brisson of Town of Ridge town, County of Kent•Spine'ter, de- ceased. The undersigned have been instruct— ed by the administrator of the above Estate to sell by Public Auction at the Garner House, Chatham, Ont., on Tuesday :September 28t1h, 1915, .at one o'clock p m ten sharesof the Cap- ital stock lot The Blonde Lumber and Manufacturing Company Limited fully paid and non -assessable, the pro- perty of the said deceased, The Comp- any is located at the City of Chatham and carries on a successful 'business there. Terms of Sale: 20% deposit and balance within ten days there -after. For father particulars apply to McCoig & Harrington, Auctioneers, Chatham, Ont. Gladman & Stanbuty, Exeter, .Ont.,. Solicitors for the Administrator. Mortgage Sal e • Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be prociuee&at;the time of sale, there will' bet offered for sale by Public Auction .: by Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer, at the -Col- borne Hotel in the To•.vn of blolerien,-on Saturday,.the...:Lath day of- September,. I9L1,14 the hour of 4'o'cfock, in the after= i noon, the following property: All .and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and, being in the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. being composed of part of the south half of lot Number Ten, Lake Road, West .Concession, commencing on the easterly limit of said lot at a point distant. northerly'froni the Zurich Gravel Road four hundred and seventy feet ten in tfhes: Thence north along said easterly limit of said lot two hundred and thitty- one feet;. •Thence west parallel 'to the' Zurich Gravel Road three hundred " and ninety-six feet; thence south parallel' to the easterly limit of said lot, two hundred and thirty-one feet: Thence east parallel to the Zurich Gravel Road, three hundred and ninety-six feet to the place of begin- ning, which lands are now known as Lots Numbers Might, Nine, Ten and Eleven west of Vallee and north of (Campbell Streets; numbers 13.20, save and exeept the northerly thirty-three feet thereof, in- clusive, south of Dansareau Avenue, and west of Vallee Street, and Lots Numbers 9.16 north of Bissonette Avenue and west of, Vallee Street, according to the St Joseph ;Plan. For terms and conditions of sale apply to Proudfdot„ Killoran & 'Proudfoot, Barristers &c:, Goderich,, Ontario. Dated August 23rd, 191,5. G B Bursa», St Catharines, Vendors, Solicitors.: FERTILIZER I have a carload of Fer tilizer on hand Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity oan secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have all kinds on hand, riinging from *10 to $90 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co, EST , BY TEST LEGAL CARDS. .. PRODUEOOT, KILLURAN, & PROUD - FOOT. 13arristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public) &c, Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderioh.. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDr OOT, K. 0. j. 'L. KJ:mon/us, W. PROUD,WOOT, Jn, MEDICAL: CARDS DR A. J. MacKINNON late Hons.:. Surgeon, Erie County -Hospital, Bu5'alo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, Drug store in connection.' office, Z•urioh, Ont. . �r N. F. Soh ram Late Ih,use Surgeon --and Haase • Physician of Victoria Hospital, London, Graduate of Faculty of illeditIhre of Western University, London. Main Office at : Dashwood,, Ont.,., Visits Shipka Monday afternoon of each week. Zurich Meet MARKET' :DEALERS IIiI Fresh and Salt Meats .l?olegr.a Szrfz ice, etc CASH •FOR SKINS & HIDES ungbiut & Deichert!rf? Prompt Service Moderate rha1•ges Tailor Shop and Laundry • W. H. HOFFMAN GHOLTZMAN! Zurich, - Ontario . I32s11raaice Agent t Zurich - Out High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Con- ductors. Am very busy, please hand in your orders early, as I do the work myself, Prices right on easy terms. Telephone 34. Stable IquJpuicnt We handle the most improved Stable Equip- ment on' the market, Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will .be well repaid for .the extra cost by the increased results. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. We recently installed an .outf;tof stanchions and fixtures for John Erb, Bronson Line, and parties ILterested are welcome to inspect same We also install equipments of every kind See us about it ZURICH Carload of Cedar Posts For s)IE•-- C. X F' LIFLEISC ZURtC pt -D aNlE. In or= ' mom COUNTER Check looks For General Stores fr E are selling agents for Appleford's yJ popular counter check books. Our prices are the salve as city travellers charge you for ihem. Let us' know your wants and we will cheerfully show. you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. Phone3O books �ess,l Habib of reading Advertisements NLig WSPAPERS would be less enjoyable, instructive and valuable than they are if they contained no advertisements. Many persons read the advertisements quite as thoroughly as they road the news matter This is just as it should be. - Tbs. more ' advertising, the more buying; The more baying, the greater the consumption of tho goods or ser- vice advertised. More business would be done by the merchants of Zurich if they adver- tised tnrre and. if more of them advertised. Much business goes to the big city mail order houses beeanse they advertise. 'Chose houses would cease to draw business from this corn - inanity if they ceased to advertise. To thea enchants of Zurich Advertise more, and the big city mail—order houseswill get less and less. business from this community', and you will get more. Advertisement Reading is Worth Whuie