HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-10, Page 4THE HERA.X.D-
issued every 'Thursday afternoon from the
Victoria St. Zurich, by
4IJAPI,LTW F,47§5 and i,:i1X S�Tglt L, S14 Cat
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Rates for display and contract advertisements will be
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Transient notices such as lc al, cotroration, societ
iste., so cents per line tot Brat a^sertirn and 5 centsper
tat for cacti subsequent Insertion.
Notices of entertafnrnents, socials en., at which an
admiss ion fee is'chatged or a special vollection taken
will bechargedfor at the regular adv,•.rtistng rates
kes of religious or other meetings the object of
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' *nal or sectaria'e interest or gain, will be cheerfull y
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'Astray advs, $t for three Insertions,
No paper 'discontinued until all arrearages are paid,
tC;litinges Ger contract ogvertisemeats must be in the
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Advertisments witi:out specific directions will be
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At:nt advertisntenrs'tnust be paid for in advance.
tkddress all communications to
THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont.
Autumn Sown Crops
Mr John Sperlinger and Mr 0 Brid-
shaw of Berlin, John Litwiller, wife
and family, Mrs Chris tSchwartzen-
truber, son and daughter, Miss Ida; all
of Baden, were guests at Mr and Mrs
J L Gerber on Sunday. The trip
was made in autos, After paying a
few short visits to friends on the Bron-
son the party returned home, except
Miss Ida Schwartzentruber who re-
mained to spend a few days with her
aunt Mrs Jacob Gingerich in Stanley:
?Ars Howarth of Toronto is visiting.
her parents, Mr and Mrs k Reercher
Miss Laura Messer of Da sb'Wood is
visiting at the home of •S Zimmer-
Myr V Gerber visited her invents,
Mr and Mrs Dan Gingerich •on Sat-
unbroken, 94; skin over germ, broken,
76; :sprouts one-quarter inch long,
80; and sprouts one inch long, 18
Not only were the sprouted seeds low
in gemination but the plants produced
-were very uneven in size.
Results of Co-operative Experinens:
Three hundred and eighty-eight
nkarmers throughout Ontario conducted
,experiments with autumn sown crops
• «during the past year. Reports have
'been received from 'thirty-seven
-lend ,ai:ltriets throughout , Ontario.
'Those -sending the greatest numb sr of
reports were; Nipissing, Simcoe; Ont
e ario, Hastings, Huron, and Parry
1' Sound. The greatest number of good
r' •reports were furnished' by Simcoe,
,e • • Ontario, Lambton and Halilurton.
Five varieties of winter wheat were
;distributed last autumn to those far-
mers who wished to test some of the
leading varieties on their own farms.
The average results of the carefully
conducted cooperative experiments
with these five varieties showed the
;following yields per acre: Imperial
Amber, 35.8 bushels; American Ban-
ner, 32.5 bushels; Banatka, 30.8 bush-
▪ els; Crimean_ Red, 27.1 bushels: and
:Yaroslaf 28.8 bushels.
In another co-operative experiment
a (the Petkus winter rye surpassed the
as gmperial Amber winter wheat by an
T :;average of 880 pounds per acre.
The co-operative experiments with
hairy vetches and winter rye for fod-
•dfier production showed that the yields
initons of green crop per acre were as
Inflows: Hairy vetches 11.1 in 1915,.
and 111,4 in the average of four years;
-anal winter rye 8.7 in 1915, and 8 in
-the average of four years.
Distribution of Material for Ex-
periments in 1915.
As long as the supply lefts, material
will be distributed free of charge in
the order in which " the applications
.are received from Ontario farmers
wishing to experiment and to report
the results of any one of the following
tests: 1, three varieties of Winter
Wheat; 2, one variety of Winter
Rye and one of Winter Wheat; 3,
'spring application of five fertilizers
with Winter Wheat: 4, Autumn and
Spring Applications of Nitrate of Soda
and Common Salt with Winter Wheat;
5, Winter Emmer and Winter Barley;'.
6, Hairy Vetches and Winter Rye as
Fodder crops, The size of each plot
is to be one rod wide by two rona !^no -
Fertilizer's will be sent by express for
Number 4 this a>,iti nn and for Num;
er A next spring. All seed will be
sent by mail except that for Number
Folir Which will accompany the fer-
C. A. Zavitz.
0. A. C., Guelph, Ont.,
August 20th, 1915,
t. nye
S b
t -y
The council of the Township of
Stephen met in the Town Hall, °red -
icon on Monday, the 6th of September
1915 at 1 p m. All members were
present. The minutes of the previous
meeting wore read and adopted.
The following orders were passed:
Jos Lawson Pt bridge contract Cons 4-
5 $300.00 John Jacobs gravel contract
118.75 Thos Webb concrete culvert
$3.50 G Mason Rep bridge $13.00 J
Kenny $1,00 Ernest Keys Gravel
contract ate $14.45 Geo )Iartl gt'avel
$17.50 Geo Hartle. S B .$6.90 Robert
Adair Sheep killed by dogs$18,65 F
trent Orravef ''tint$41115,
Tito (;A(in, al rt.aijimvni.il to Lreo t
tkftviri in the Tow 5 11411, 'Creditors t o
otay, the 4th of October nest at 1
m. henry Filber 0terk..
1,100 r,taalt post offices in Ontario
n blosed in the last three
lt%ng from rural mail daslivet
Mr Thos Hawkins and Dr Robert
Hawkins of Marysville, Kansas arriv-
ed 'Tuesday to visit the fornier's broth -
ger, Mr George Hawkins, London Road
North and other relatives. The, two
brothers have reached a great age,
Thomas being 04 and George 97.
Both are active and in good health.
'Arthur Baker, an Englishman resid-
ing at Elimville, who some years ago
married Miss Kellett daughter of Mr
George Kellett disappeared from his
home after 11 p mon Thursday even-
ing last 'an 1 has not since been heard
of. It iirsrirmised ho may have en-
listed under another name. Besides
leis wife he ha,s two daughters.
The marriiege took •, place at 475
Sin�elaii Street, • Edmonton, at high
noon, on Wednesday September 1st, of
an Exeter old boy, Dr Edwin John
Eacrett, son of the late George Eacrett,
to. Miss -Florence',Gertrude Webb,
daughte'rof Mr and Mrs Francis Webb
'of.EdLnantan., The young couple will
Reside -in Ll syi1minstei, Sask.
After several adjournments, Robert
Eingef Goderich was fined $50 and
costs. making a total of. $77, for hay-
ing liquor for sale. The inspectors
made a raid on. Mr Ring's place and
found two partly empty beer bottles
which had been left over from the
night before, which,. on testing, was
away. oyer , the, proper test. King
claimed it had fermented over night.
MT Lannon of the• Union eves found
not ginilty on the same raid.
.1 Bedford of Hotel Bedford was
found guilty and fined $50 and costs.
This is his third offence, but owing to
some flaw in the first two judgments,
this bad to come in'as first offence.
ha ve b'se
Years rtysni
The rains of the lest few days have
hindered the work of harvesting (the
bean crop,
Mr Thole I lumpsp, oun t mitpion
thresher, is doing good vwrolk with his
new outfit, He is a good alalia at the
job and things have to go nettle when
be is the plash. Heys beings assisted
by the old veteran thresher, Mr 11
Stanbus, who has put in twenty eight
seasons, and Mr Levi Hamacher, also
a good tman at the work. One day
hist week when they were, through
threshing at one farm they pulled up,
moved a distance of three qualrtersof a
rniile to another farm set ° and were
ready to thresh in twenty; five min -
ides which is pretty quick work: Now
let us hear from some one with equal-
ly good snowing.
The milliners have again returned
and resnmed control of :that depute
ment of work.
This week we, must:recoilEthe death
of Mr Henry Kraft, Sr., which sad,
event occurred on Sunday ' afternoon,
after a Iingering illness • of over •tarp;
years. In life he was a consistent,
member of the Evangelical Church
and was particularly well versed in;
the Bible. He leaves to mourn hie
demise his aged widow and a • grown-,
up family, besides a host of friends(
and neighbors. He was buried 'on`
Wednesday afternoon, Rev J HI
Grenzebach pastor of the Evangelical
Church of this place officiating. Pearce
to his memory.
Mr Mose Baechler spent Sunday
under the parental roof.
Mies Florence Sureres is spending
a few Jaya at Hensel'.
Mr and Mrs Jake Ortwein were visit-
ing with Mr and Mrs 'Cyrus Schoch.
Mr and Mrs Percy Mollterd from
Exeter visited with Mr aid Mrs Henry
Walper, 'Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Chris Ertle'visited with
the Tatters parents Mr and Mrs Joel
Mr and Mrs-Wm`Beett1er were visit-
ing on our line Sunday -afternoon.
e'tF,. Mr Dennis Duchene() visited, his
friend ri Mr Chris Baeeb'ler Sunday
Mies Lila Melickentertained a
number of her friends on Monday
Mr Clayton Ortwein sperm Sunday
with his friend Harry Bassow.
Miss Fern Walper spent Sunday
at the home of Mr and Mrs Joel
Mrs Neuschwanger, Who has been
spendinga few days with her sister,
Mrs George Merner, has returned
home to Dashwood,
Mr Ernest Page. and Miss. Sneak
Ducharme of Goderich, visited with
the latter's parents Mr and Mrs Peter
Dueharrne on Sunday,
Mr and Mrs Louis Shoemaker
spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs ,Geo
ith and Mrs Wm Basso anddauighter
Emma of the Bronson Line were
-visiting at Crediton on Sunday.
Mies Mary Spencer of London lel
spending the holidays at her hones
Messrs E Kaercher and H Snider
of Berlin called on friends here on
NIr Peter Kropf of Zurich paid a
business visit here on Friday last.
Miss Albertine Brisson spent Sun-
day with friends in London, -
Mr A L Screenan paid a business
visit to Grand Bend on Thursday
Mr Gordon Sonatas of the Bronson
Line spent Sunday at the home of
Mc J Sareras.
bfessrs n 0 13niitlt and A Brisson
paid a business visit to Hensall and
other points on Tuesday,
What May have resulted a in serious
accident occurred last week, when Mr
James Overholt while engaged in
threshing, astone of some part of the
cylinder flew out bitting Mr Overholt
on the cheek, below the eye, thereby.
cutting the flesh and bruising the bone.
Dr Campbell of Zurich was at once
summoned and dressed the wound.
We aro howeyer pleased to state
Mr Overholt is again able to attend
to his duties.
(Too late for last week) •
Mr and Mrs Clifford Levy of Clinton
spent Sunday witb Nit ' and Mrs J
1Vlesers Enlry Desj rillne and Harold
Wolper spent Sunday in Bayfield.
Miss E M Stinson has taken charge
of S• S No 11, which opened on Wed,
nesday last,
Mr and Mrs Wm Jennison spent
Sunday evening with'Mr and Mrs. R.
Me daames Overholt is busy thra3gh-
ing this tebtik.
Miss B ll!t*rrihull is on the sick list.
The operation performed on Mtn
Dora Link in the General Hospital,
Toronto, was successful and the pact-
ient is progressing favorably,,
H Eiiber and Mrs W ' Wenzel at-
frtended the funeral of their neice, Miss'
Ethel Cawley at Detroit last week.
Roy Fahner has returned to Chat-
ham after spending his holidatee here.;.
Henry Kiahn's family eat ander
quarantine fox diphtsria. ti
Rev M Jefferson has returi ld front
London and is able : to` take ;.alp ; his
work again.
Franeis Clarke is the owner of a
new Ford auto.
The Connor Machine Co is having an
exhibit at Toronto Fair this yettr.
The Medical, association of Huron
County met here on Wednesday.
Exeter council has appointed- Jos
Senior clerk and treasurer taking the
place of the late T B Carling.
Rev W G McAllister and wife have
returned from their vacation and NI r
McAllister occupied his own pulpit,
last Sunday. .
W J Smith is taking a business'and
pleasure trip to Detroit, Cincinnati,
Cleveland and Rochester,
Edgar Horney has enlisted for over
seas service.
Bert Rivers has purchased a new
A large number from here are at-
tending Toronto exhibition.
. - 4....
A public reading room will be open
ed in connection with the library in
the town hall.
Geo 1! Case and son, Garnet have
purchased the flour, feed and coal
business conducted by Alf Scruton
and have taken possession. -
G C Petty has purchased a 7 -pass-
enger Hupmobile,
W Hoggarth, wife and family moved
to London last week.
George Trott is taking a business
trip to Saskatoon.
Mr H Arnold, who has been seriou
sly i11, is recovering,
O F Case has purchased both nub-
ile weigh scales,
G 0 Petty is building a large frame
Warehouse to be used for storing beans.
'Ochenk---At Blake, on August 27th;
to Mr. and Mrs Wm Schenk, a sten.
ti'►'bclfleten---AtBlake, on Augnstr rel
''to Mir end Mrs Gilbert Freiakletoil,
`•`A Man's Ability is his Passport'
Frank Weaver
Professor of Music London, Ont,
Teacher ttf Organ and all branches
of Piano Playing; Voice (Culture and
ArtistieSinging a Specialty. Sixteen
years practical experience.
For et•ns; apply n t the .,Herald (i lice..
reliable ?nen to sell
fie tiDY il4NA111IaN (-MOWN
el'ist;1C IN ZU1i117N null HURON
Sr ft rt ,w nt tht' l'e t seMina time
SI i1 nen li:tt of Spring Offerings
Holl t,rrny t" itgents ILiherel cntn—
nti-Rr -, flttnciar lute Free Outfit
Ston v & Wellington
nthili Nn-e,ie:t
(l .itthlished 18:11)
W es tern
London 10th • 18th
Canada1 9 15
.:$30,000.00 in Prizes
and Attractions.
Prizes increased this year
by $3,000.00
Excellent Program of At–
tractions Twace. Daily
Two Speed Events Daily.
Fireworks Every, Night.,
New Steel Grandstand.
Midway Potter Than Evers:.
Music by the Best Available Bats
of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third fromoutside points
Prize Lists, Entry .Forms and all information
from the Secretary. _
W. J. REID, Presicent - . A. M. HUNT, Secretary -
What About Your Vacation?
If yon intend taking a trip we can supply your wants ian trite
line of Travelling (foods. V'1 e carry a nice line of
Trunks; BuitCaso, etc.
to choose from at reasonable prices, We also carry a full line of
Harness, light and heavy, Dusters, Fly Nets Etc-.
Light Work a Specialty
I have made arrangements with Silvt,rwoods
Dairy, Loudon, to take ereain at
My. Residence, Zurich, any time
during the week.
Cream is teaed when .brought so . my store
rt. and paid for on delivery. Price paid this':;
- week was 27 cents= per pound.
Zurich Slept 22 23
Exeter Sept 20.21
beaforth Sept 23-24
Toronto Aug 29 Sept 13
London Sept 10.18
Brusse 1 October 1
Bayfi eld October 5 6
Goderich sept 28 30
Bluth : ,..oct 5 6
' awingtoconti1)ne(1 illness
I have been forced to dipole
of my Flour & Feed mud
Coal business in the village .
of B ensall.
Accounts settled at once
will receive my personal at-
"The War Summary"
Almost from the very day the groat European war began in Antj111
6`got, the ontetanding feature in Canadian journaliam covering the On
baa been "Vb. War Summary" daily on pages hand 2 of TE (51.0 .
Ya the conoiseat possible form • the writer has given Ida r�ietaders a
!es 'pyicture of the developments In all parts of the wort. while the
details of the movements along the extended frontiers have not been
overlooked, the readers of THE GLOBE have been enabled to foliose
totlelligentiy and with confidence the emeriti outlines of. thetupond res
millet. "The War 'summary" of THE GLOBE Is reproduced' daily by
immoral papers throughout the Dominion. .
The Editorial Page
THE GLOB on its editorial page hap striven to pace before the
piddle in proper perspective the broad bed:greeted of tlho titanic
etrurgle. This series of articles has attracted the attention not *illy of
the Canadian people, but of leading men and journals'in all parte
of the world. The causes leading up to the war, the elements entering
into its conduct, an the results likely to Aow from the eeuttation .01
hostilities have been dealt with in that bold and cleat -cert form obarac•
teristic of THE GLOBE'S editorial page.
News Service
The above features, in addition to a cable and letter aervtee• the
front unmatched in Caeatja, have placed THEGLOBE tar in the lead of
Canadian papers, and partly expiate the phenomenal increase of 331-3
per cent, in THE GLOBE'S circulation ,during recent menthe.
Other Features
• The sporting pages, the financial and ceatita4rdol padetb the we °
wee,etc., etc., with. the addittotiaL pages in neo try g lieu. de •e
to. "arm and Country Life," are mpintained ate high litandird o
axe tlenee, a standard 'gist has justified THE GLOBE in its title elf
eitsSit:'a National Newspaper, and has given, it by many thousands.t ee
largeot'aircubitton of-any'rnorning paper in the leenttnlpne
LAW rand( City Paper*
S7 all H e to*M year local paper, but in the field et" metropolitan
howepape ra T 111 4 L0aIC ua9vetdtiensbly °Semi sou' -the• greatest value
to be htd, in Canada. Order it te•daa. SS cats per month.—one dollar
tar Holt natontia—thtiee dollars per year.
THE GLOBE Tirol�etoT