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Zurich Herald, 1915-09-03, Page 8
• C1 0 0 gig Reductions In . Linos of Summer Goods Ab Summer Dress Goods to be sold to make." room for Fall Goods which are now arriving Silk crepe reg 35•aud 40c per yd now for 28c per yd All 25c'goods now fc'r 20c a yd All inuslils, and mulls, reg 15 now 1Oc a yd Orin hl3 cloths to clear at 12 1-2c per yd 2 don Ladies Waists to dear at 50c each Men's tweed Pants reg $1,75 and $2.00now for $L Straw fiats All Straw hats for men, women and children to clear at 25% off. Dinner Sets I only 96 piece Dinner sett reg $11.00 for $9.75 1 only 97 piece. Dinner sett reg $12.00.for $10.50 Fresh Groceries al ays on hand. RTIBT and GASCHO PHONE,_i K <. <=;. ke!�`.�"eek�ar�.o4,1e'k'?'�i°".i'fim�.:i9{vet y,o,u7 ONE YEAR ti 1r:� One year ago todaywe eaterel upon the ', i.,� CASH SYSTEM. isi We wish to thank those who helped us to make ' it a success. "I The business will be conducted as 'ti� it has been in the last year. Y t�►C)CSt 5r GHIT PRICES RIG HIT r' "Ever ver at your Service" 4 Mi. ZURICH 0 FORMERLY F. W. HESS & CO- C:_..1117,7 �y� sx TirnothySeed ACASH_ SYSTEAVL�... GEORGE R. HESS & CO JEWELLERS }Iave received a. shipment of first-class timothy. seed. No. 1, as to purity. Price is right Flour and Peed of all kinds Groceries, Salt, Stock:Foods, Etc., Etc, Eggs taken in exchange foregoods Georges McBride Telephone 23 .T'.* w**"(p}..{p}.. ..Tal. O«(6}+*.i"r **+7` - O O Q ....o.._O O A. Levier From Home The weekly paper is ju t the absent ones. Tri fact, it is goes regularly every week. neves and keeps then info reel of of the home town. ':e a letter froin home, to ' ter than a letter,' for it ;fives thein all tl,e home the progress, and welfare W0 will send the Zurich' Herald to a.badd'• to the endlof X915' re>4cs In Canada, r 35 In U r $e .a for 60 cen SU �C E NOW ; :***-**************** q:(j �,��'/iV**+.`r• Q. Q .p..wQ Q 'O 'O ,Q 0 0 0 * a *- a " LOCAL' ;t1c1,44K^ 'T8 Corrected every T,hursdey, Butter Dried Apples .. 05 Potatoes 80 Wheat old , $1.00 $1.00 Wheat new .85 .90 hats, .,., .... .., 52 54 Barley 80 65 Buckwheat 75 Flour' 8.25. 8,60 Brim ` $28.00 Shorts,.., 33.00 Low Grade... .........:38.00 Live {logs fob Hensall 8.75 ,,.,, 910,22 Local News Dr N F Schram of Dashwood was a visitor in town on Wednesday,' Mr Lorne Weber, of Preston, was a visitor in town on Tuesday; Miss Florence Hartlib is spending the week with friends in Toronto, Mr is Hardy, of .Exeter, was a visitor in the village last Thursday. Mr R H Kalbileish, of theM•oisons Bank staff, is enjoying a fe;v. week's holidays. ?Jr Henry Deters had "workmen' from London patting a elate roof on the new residence he is building. Mrs II Axt and children 'left for their home in Exeter on Saturday, After a pleasant visit! with relatives here. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wed- nesday, Sept. 8st and Wednesday Sept. 15th. A large number from here attended the lecture given by Rev F C Berger' in the Evangelical church. Dashwood, on Tuesday evening. The many friends here of Mr Alf Suntan, who conducts the flour and feed store in Hensall, will regret to hear that he is seriously ifs at present. The horse races this year arranged- by the directors for the Zurich Fall Fair will be a Farmer's Trot and a Free -For -All. Boys, speed up the old nag. The Sax mills have started thresh- ing: the season's. crop of flax.., Tbs crop has been an average one bet the fibre is not so good as in some kinkier years. Miss M Walker, of Maysville, and Miss Veitch, of Platsville, returned to town Tuesday eve and resumed their duties at Zurich Public School on Wednesday. Last Sunday forenoon while Ed Willert, accompanied by Charles Beaver, was driving on the Town Line near Sarepta, they met a motor cycle with a basket attached. The horse took fright and before it could be quiet- ened down had stripped the bridle off and got away. The buggy was wrecked. and the horse, which is a valuable one,• was so badly injured that it will be crippled for life. Messrs C Hartlib, E Seim, S E Faust and A Hess motored to Clifford, and Neustadt one day this week, Mr Hartlib's home was near Clifford at one time and it has been nearly forty years since he Ieft there, He noted many changes in the locality since be. last seen it and very few of the old residents are left. The crops are ex cellent but the wet season has retard= ed the harvesting Operations there also much of the oats still being uncut. After it. look over the orchards ,of l3uron Mr David Cantelon thought 'fora space that his occupation of aptlc buyer would scarcely be worth lowing this season, but before fin, y decided to drop out be biked off the counties contiguous to Toronto also on Georgian Bay where he nd the. prospects surprisingly good;• consequence. h beleives there will only be apples for home comae. u but a goodly Iot for export, — ton News Record. A CHER',S GRADUATED facia interest was taken in the nation, exercises held in the ugelical church last Sunday even - when a class of eight redeived' • diplomas as teachers of Sunday` al work. Rev F C :Berger,. of eland, 0., was the speaker for the sion and his subject on "Training self foe Teaching was delivered in ter•1y way and showed that the end gentleman had made a close.. of the subject. The church was to' capaelty for the occasion,: o who graduated iv'ette:.Rev G 7+' n, Misses Olive O'Brien, Muriel er, Vete Siebert, Tusnelda Two., Ada .Brown, L Brown, Taydia e fel all to and fou In not ptio Chin TE grad E va in g, thei, Scho Clev occa your a Mas rover study filled Thos Dro w Preet toner F ENO OF THE DEFIANCE. Built For Arnerica's Cup Honors, Goes to the ,hunk Heap. ,Staving 'Misses iii the preliminary ahs list year, the Defiance, built in hope that she would ,prove worthy race against Sir Thomas Lipton's c leeger for the America's cup, has sold for junk. The i;iefianee was by a syndicate of xfew fork, Ph delphia and Boston yachtsmen cost over $100,000,46 build and e duet through her brief season of ►ng. Defiance Rad the smallest late Paine of any of the three aspirants cup defense laurels, . and yet was signed to earry, a larger spread of s than either Resolute or Vanitie, S was so much overcalivased that aft a race or two her sail plan had to eut down,, and later in the season was still further reduced. She was der and ireiik,Iriatierg,Inill ported, that those 'vtio sailed on h were afraid oi? the. 'raft. Finally was announced that there were fie in ber mast step, and the yacht wa immediately withdrawn from the tria races. Commodore- E. Walter Clark, the lar gest owner,bought out the interest o the other •nzefnbers of the syndicate the end of theseason and after a thor examivatzon at the "craft it wa derided she was not fitted for a furthe career on the water and thus was sold for junky -Exchange. Ship kri- the to hal-. been b fila. and on rac- sal for de - ail be ee be it ten, er it is s P at r e r HOW MANY POLES DO WE USE? So far from modern inventions snaking wood less necessary they in crease the demands upon our forests. This is brought out in a bulletin of the Dominion Foresty Branch on Poles and Cross -ties which has just been prepared by the Branch and is now in the hands of the printer. With the extension of telegraph and telephone lines thousands of poles are used and each mile of railway means the need of thousands more cross -ties, The demand for these two commodities is very irregular in Canada as the Bullet- in indicates and explains. The differ- ent kinds of wood employed, where grown and where used are described. The bulletin will be issued shortly and any person interested may secure a copy free, or information in the mean - 'time upon any special point, by.:writ- Izig-to the Director of Forestry, Ottawa. ,DIED Moore—At Hensall on Aug 22nd, John Anthony Moore, :formerly of Clinton, aged 89 years, 7 months and 18 days. BORN Sanderson—Le Exeter, on August 22, to Mr and Mrs Cecil Sanderson, a daughter. Pfaff -4b Grand Bend, on August 28, to Mr and Mrs Wilbur Pfaff, a daughter. Sterling—. At Hensall, on Aug 21, to Mr and Mrs Russel Sterling a son, William R Travers, ex•general man- ager of the Farmers' Bank, who has now served over three years and a half of his six-yearssentence in Portsmouth Penitentiary, will, it is reported, be released next month. The Western Fair • London Ont. The Railway`rates ~for the Ex- hibition this year are very favor- able. One way ordinary first glass fare will "prevail over all roads from Toronto west, and fare and one third from outside points. Tickets will be good from Friday September loth to Monday, Sept- ember 20th, Exhibitors rates are good at one fare and a third from Tuesday, September 7th to Wednes day, September 22nd. These rates and long dates should be an induce.. went for the people of Western Ontario to pay London a visit dur— ing exhibition week, There will be a number of changes this wear The Ladies Work and School ex Mbit, instead of being in the gal- lery of the Main,l•3ullding; will be in a separate building on the grow nd floor, next to the Agricultural' Building and connected with it by a passage way, A new building has been erected for the Dog Show near the Machinery Building and just opposite the Ali (1way . There will be a first-olass programme of. twine daily and the management are confident that with good well, ther conditions the Exdibition will be a great success. All information prise lists and programmesfrom the Secretary, London, Ontario, NOTICE'• I would respootfnlly asst all those who are indebted tome to square II) Were elm& 7J . W. Hess. • �• • �1+ p• . V" b C1' ,•Cs•� �` mist f It is se one year singe my' book ither by cash or note er 's Pride. anis Satisfaction in know-. y lag that you have pleased ycu' wife. No Worry, Perfection in Cuokind Easy' io Aerate, Economical This ,Stove ;Burns O'il pox Gasolinenap 'DETR01T VAPC 'Work Li! &llt�1 like N City Ga s 'Stove It's cheaper than Wood or Coal. Come to see them ' at our store. Ten styles to select from. e. 1J1f �"L, I zC Oki 1 n HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE THE HERALD' CLUBBINC LIST FOR 1915 •Heaald and Daily Globe ...... ...$3 75 Weekly Globe 1 75 " Daily Mail and Em- �, ..... 8 75 Feely Mail and Empire:::...... -1 75 Si Toronto Daily Star 2.85 Daily News 2 85. " 1Veekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition._.. 8 50 Evening Edition.,,. 2 c9O Weekly Edition1 85. London Advertiser Morning Edition.,,. 2 90 Evening Edition.... 2 90 Weekly Edition.....1 75 Perin <tr Dairy 1 75 • Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate... 2 40 :Montreal Family Serald and Weekly tai.......... 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 tr. '1 4' << ,C �bOY It 4' 4f '> L> 4' OVER tis NEAP. EXPERiEiai.c"• TRADE MARK* ®EsnnNs Aknyonesending a sketch and COPYRIGHT* on mq Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention fe probably patentable. Communiea- tlons strictly confidential. WINDROW( on Patents sent free. ofdeat agency for eecnnng� ppatents. Patents taken through Worm di VO. ?SCOT' special notice, without charge, intim Scientific Jlmerlran, d ,andsomely Illustrated weekly - 'Largest els enlation of any eclentifo journal, Terme fel Canada, San u year, yeetage'Srrekeid. Bold by.._ all newsdealer,. • IUNN & Co.3618resd1l,.Nci 7 pri Fy P w.. Waebinaton. T'•. '40 91g , 17S�S„L IP1 oileAu Coupons ray bit, l,, '!:�• i' Zurich Agency HERALD. OFF1CE v vu• �: �;y o•©: ogo4 L4' ao 1 , f OgQpp T,'Ve leg- to announce to the e T D of Z -u rzc• l2 and vicinity > 5 ogle ity that we have . QQ� taken over the stock . . 1 and b�oodzrizl�' of /he ?.):°.'g1 buszness forme ty conducted by lilt co D p We ask for a share of your. tzt �1 0 0 ro�Zcz � c' on Me..� � D p p iritic le of a Faze ezx d i A S9uare deal. v D pp sur° aim will be to ciiv 0, 0 der>ee of service Ctt:a fair livin+s h7, h A Tie expect shipments o fLW prop. 4. > >:' , , i'.f new' goods to q D 0 p (r,z 7 I,ve in el, few days and we Mal be in D 0 pgp a position to sz'pplz. O , pQD .� your7,UCG7Lts 7,7L any !% cerci all stns, of J3rygoocl,s Gr'ocer•' • p Cloth? n pS, slat s, Caps etc,, etc. yes, p p, ,,Sfor�e7PnW open: T� ateh t7L%s space 41 • p lrii7Lo7t�7aceznr e�zt of oWM 717 324 sale., Ogg•. r�- �o J ©� �(Y YC�Y 61/SS Y TO SSS OR �� schen%Lorre ; R el: J,JIIER,XEB s" • .