HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-03, Page 5-----HECHURHES' ENO, CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday, German 11.00 a, T. Sunday School 9.46 " Junior Y, P. A. 1,00 p, (Service) English 7.00 Teachers meetiog 8.00 " Mon., Tri Mu Brotherhood 8.00 " Tuesday, Y.PA. 8.35 " Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00" Friday Teachers Training Class 7.30 " " " choir practice 8,80 " " Ladies Md meets 1st Monday of eaoh month •at 7.80 p.m.., LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVI0Ef3 German, &today 10.80 a. m. English ,". 7.80 p. m. Bible School 9.00 s. m. Men's Mis'ifry S Tuesday 8.00 p. m. Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m. L A 8 lstWeds'y of month 8.00 p, us.. You axe cordially invited to take 41,11 active pert in all these meetings and services. • "Bleesed are they that hear the word of ,God, and keep it. Luke 11:28, Andrew F. Fless CONVEYANOANG, frac FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE InanastimoR PRIVATE FUNDS TO LGA.N AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN Co. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT Ism -NDE Herald Office 'Zurich Rs LOC A L NEWS Ed Eisher of De: lin i, holidaying at bishome here. Miss Pearl Worts is visittng at Ber- lin and Guelph at present, P Lamont shipped a earhad of cattle to Toronto market on Satur- day. Miss Celia Hess visited her sister, Mrs G F Bissett,- Saltford, during the past few weeks. . Next Monday will be Labor Day and all places of business will be closed as it is a public holiday. Found—In the village of Zurich last Sunday, a shawl. Owner can get same from Mr Andrew Theil, Aliso Idella Brenner was the h lJer of the ticket which won he bed sprend at the drawing contest oanducted by Mrs 0 Wagner. The trustees of 8 S No 6, Hay, have engaged Miss L McGrath, of Atherly, Ont, as teacher 'for the school year a salary of $600. Selaeola reopened op.. Wednesday for the term. The teacheas in •shirgeraterPrinci pal, Mr G Howell:a: Assistants ,„ Misses M Lamont, M Walker and J Veitch.: D A SHWOOD SHOE STORE A large semik of Slippers 8z Pumps • eSatin Pumps, reg 4a8i00 for $2.00 Patent Pomps, reg 8.25 for 2 50 'Tan Oxfords reg :8.00 for 2.50 Patent Oxfords reg 25 for 250 • High top white catives.2 50 for1.75 • 'Tan Shoes reg 64100 for 63 00 All our Ladiesinups at - Greatly Reduced' ,Prices David Pfaff Dastnvood Ont MASSEY- HARM IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers„ Al kinds nif Cultivators, Discs oa.mad Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made all steeL Manure Sprzaders and all kms of plows an repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, mail Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 11L P. $75; 2?-; El. P. $85; 4 Mt P.$125; (6 H. P. $175; 8It P. 12 H. P.. ti375; all warranted fizatl class. At the old Stand:— 1 "Square Dealing .0 ar Moto""1 F. Hess 86 Son. lqtraOrt . ?Iitigat CAIDIBt A new shipment just in of Bon- , 7 Bons Chocolates etc. The best that money Can •hay A large variety of Comic, • Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Pont. Cords, all prices. Dit Wa have• the, Flag; Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Lendind Brands of Cidars., Neiison's Famous Ice Cream MoCORIVIICK'S RESTAURANT Mr and Mrs Samuel Madatt, Dr and Mrs L A Moffatt, of London 4atid Mr and Mrs Walter liksoray df !Hamilton, were visitors at theiiorne 'df Mr 8 McBride, Sr, of this wiillag a on Satur- day. Mr Frank has Ibsen decorating a .nninber of oar Ibyneiness establishments with large diAplaw signs during the past few weeks. 'The work is nicely done and is ta ((relit to the young painter. The °thief:411w while Mr JFRickbeil was turning the corner, from the. Town Line onto the 14th con road wet of 14Ila', ith his Ford, the spend of the malt° caused it to -111 rii over into the dibch.. Luckily the .ocennatits escaped fill Alert and the ear so Ile red only tuiteon. !damages, More ta,iiilhas fallen in Toronto than hasrever qui len during the month of August tonithe past 70 years. Not only has lit lbeen the rainiest A ugnst on.reeord, 'but. i t ranks third. in the list, of all rAhliVanonths.,The .two months in whicill the liainfall exceeded that of this mouth were September, 18-13-, when 9.'7(6 inohes fell, and. May, 1894, when 8a01.iinches fell during August. Mortgage Sala Under and by.virtue of the powers eon - tabled in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time ot sale, there Will be offered for sala by Public Auetion by Thomas Uundry, Auctioneer, at the Col borne Hotel in bh3 TO a of Gelation, on Saturday, the 18th day of September, 1015, at the hour of 2 o'clock, in the after- noon, the following property: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Hay, in the Uounty of Huron. being composed of pelt of the south half of lot Number Ten, Lake Road, West Concession, commencing on the easterly limit of said lot at a &vat distant northerly from the Zurich •Gravel Road four hundred and seventy feet ten in- ches: Thence north along, said easterly Kink of said lot two hundred sad thirty- one feet; Thence west parallel to the Zurich Gravel Road three hundred and ninety-six feet; thence south parallel to the easterly limit of said lot, two hundred and thirty-one feet: Thence east parallel to the Zmich Gravel Road, three hundred and ninety-six feet to the place of begin- ning', which lands are now known as Lobs Numbers Eight, Nine, Ten and Eleven west of Vallee and north of Campbell Streets; numbers 13-20, save and exeept the northerly thirty-three feet thereof, in- clusive, south of Dansarea,u Avenue,, and west of Vallee Street, and Lots Niunbers 9-16 north of Bissonette Avenue tied west of Vallee Street, according to. the St Joseph Plan. • • For terms and conditioas of sale apply' to • Proudfoot,: Killdran & Proudfoot,. Barristers &c., Goderich,, Ontario. -- Dated August 23rd, 1915. G B Burson, St Catharines, Venders, Solicitors. BOWLIEIRiS ATTENTION All abase who have not bowled off the first aoand in the Scotch . doubles event are:a5Ilie1 to do so next Monday, Labor Ban. HICKS" P0)11111:30ASTS A Reziallair fitorm Period is can tral on the 2nd,, lbeginuing the last two days of ilaumet, and extending to Senteinher atilt. 'We do not hesitate to say Clout jibe latiobabilities of very forceful and dangerous storms are multipliedeatiihieitime. With low and menacing eenditions of the barometer, Hygrometer tundallierinometer, it • will be wise and ,prudent to anticipate general and aiidlen t torms. As noun t- erparts to great West, India storms, vast inland sitcoms f'froni western and northwestern siegiona will sweep east- ward and southward, rforming e jiine. tion with southere., toyclonic stoims, and sweeping in fflarky !through eon tr tl states and over Clime .northern lakes, eastward tn the Adaartic (Ocean. • They will culminate ott gradallhursday, the 2m1, to Sunday the 6,511, .notably the 3rd and 4th. Autumnal 'thunder, hail, rain and possibly iniarrdlitonnadoes, are at,mong the thing pnsaiible eat] prob. .kble especially in regions the ,tilleaolith. ward. After these eariy September steins, do not be onrprioeil if very •eeel nights with frosts tiortlawsand,, at- tend the rising barometer wail *oath (Ray wiiul that are sure to follow. 'Te First,Reactionary Storni Peeled s8entrat °tithe 7th, 8th . and Otita Th,e Venue period is central, an tne Ithl the Moon is in conjunction with Sun and Earth, and on the celestial equat- or on the 91b, Saturn and Mars are in close conjunction on the 10th, and Venus is at superior .conj unction with Earth and Son on the 1241i. It must, also be remember that- the -Earth is passing its annual crisis of electrical •and magnetic disturbance, from about the 5th to, 11th. All these things, con sidered„ this reactionary period may be regarded taxa time of -probable don. ager a time that may take np and prolong disturbances horn the preced- ing:period entailing danger en land, . itike and sea. There will be danger of killing trots cluing the nights, follow - big within forty-eight hours of elaet- rical storing on the Oth. The proba,b- ilities of violent seismic trOeble are a $0 atrong at this. tilPe. LET PEOPLE KNOW Classitied Ads L,EGAL, CARDS, PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, A PROUD Foca. Barristers, Solicitors, Notarle. Public &e. 015m, on the Square, 2w1 door from Hamilton St, Goderloh. Private funds to loan at lowe4 rates W. PROTJDFOOT, K. C. J. L. KX.LLORAL W. PROUDFOOT, Lost, strayed, for sale, wanted, found, to rent, card of thanks, and all want ads, for insertion in this column will he charg- ed for at a rate of 25e each insertion prov- iding they don't exceed 5 lines, payable strictly in advance, Money To Loan—I have various sums of Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Current late of interest. Apply to Andrew I`, Hess, Zurich., BICYCLE FOR SALE Good as new. Will be sold reasonable price. Apply to George Lilley, Goshen Line, Stanley. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Willson my house and three lots situat- ed in Zurich. Also good barn on premises. For particulars apply to W 0 Wager, Zurich, Ont. Wanted ---General servant who can do plain cooking, and help with children. Mrs C K•Saunders, Goderich. Ont. FERTILIZER have a carload c,f Fer tilizer on , ht'ind Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can sectare it from me at any time at my farm. • Have all kinds on hand, ranging from 610 to 640 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for. Canadian Fertilizer Co. EST BY TEST G. HOLTZMAN Insurance Agent Zurich Out High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Gon- dnctors. .Am very busy, please hand- in your orders early, as 1 do•tho work myself, Prices right on easy terms. Telephone 34. TILE! All 'sizes of first-class tile on hand 1311101i! For all u.ses-purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices 'Right St. Joseph Brick Yards Louis roster, Manager. Tel No, 3On 85 Zurich Cential. MEDICAL CARDS. DA A. 3. MacKINNON late Hous Surgeon, Erie- Comity ilospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternii) Hospital N. Y. eit,0,i Late of thi: House Staff, New Y9•61.k Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store, in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. nr F. Soh real, Late lliluse Surgeon and House PhIsician 'of Victoria Hospital, London, Giaduate ef Faculty of Med.e ne of A51 estern Uin varsity, London. Main Office at Dashwood, Ont. Visits Shipka Monday afternoon ot each week. ,611 Zurich Meat MARKET :DEALERS Fresh and Salt Meats • Polcgra SetssEcs, etc CASH ,,FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungblut Beichert Stable EquiPmen • We handle the roost improved Stable pquip- 'Daub on the market, Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will he well repaid for the extra, cost by the increased results. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. 011121111111k tiNDERTAKING - e recently installed an outfit of stanchions and fixtures for John Erb, Bronson Line, and parties interested are welcome to ins! eot same, Prompt Service Moderate cha.t.ges Tailor Shop and Laund ry W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario miumatessuunsuseari 11, We also install equipments of every kind See us about it LOUIS PRANG zumn Carload of Cedar Posts For Sale C. K1 4.4i4 ..L444 pg1( IND in MOM • 210 = ZURICH COUNTER Check Books For General Stores , (E are selling agents for Appleford's J popular couut6r check hooks. Our prices are the same as city travellers charge yon for ihem. Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully Show you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. Phone30 Habit of reading Adver tisemen us NEWSPAPERS would be less enjoyable, instructive and valuable than they are if they contained no advertisements. Many persons read the advertisements quite as thoroughly as they read the news in t: er This is just as it should be. Ths more advertising, the more buying. The mare buying, Mae greater the consumption of the goods or ser- • vice advertised. More business would be done by the merchants of Zurich if they adver- tised mire and if more of them adveetised. Much business g)a4 to the big city mail order houses bootatse they advertise. These.houses woitlil cease to draw business from this com munity if they ceased to advertise. To the1fferolivat,3 of Zurich • Advertise more, and the big city mail-order houses will get less and less business from this community, and you will get more. Advertisement -Reading, is Worth While