HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-03, Page 2tsne -oe-s vou go, 2nd not bdbire, Is that '101ent T' : AVUL the young My dec:ar-, -:Rgbt ho; cbeerl-My. -Now yo -ti io Fashion Hints e and 1. The Uttle Jew g"S"30 NIZ, a new dres,$-Ma44 06;;, eld, -i i, �.The standard, we e set our rH GOLD selve's e t�p for d:nner. We"re ' rev,�`y, "Mi, I t makes her Ir"04 th, at OIL 111 he, A dven of Led9A.M."' 7-r, bcre goes the.Q1.01 demands lures -%or Of ,,Whe,t He .0ost Her.#' v. re b9th z--- hungr . 7, What to Wear and How to Wear It lay tlha� Aut** Look sharq` Trenz enterej the hoase. Da So-;zn, BIOUF(10 of vollas and erepef3 are . ....... .. . ed with: bullet butt<4ns, v;hila a Wacli: -red with organ4y ap- tiny buttons cow, Years had. deak lijghq�y Vr:.th n'­r:�, pear on organdy. bodices, htr cumal'a Qf Ei3glani-J, rms, e3i?e t" ;- -- ­ � Blue linen and'white organdy are, ymmg vvv=-. arl in ig!:Zier to hit yeUs-,r. sREn tbas t!�­�, 4 X. L ­ 1 1 " . . t "44% W.'ean t�: fr�o�,ten �To �,f the C-Od Coast. He combined in shirtwaists, aoi in Tiome- yol�, lae Sad. 1��s the 1,eat, I a pa!a laae dizaer lrezi was dar,,,"ng U, an ur5pen rmifence. Treni;",s, eyl�% greevel TrenT vOtli a heartiness -.rhj��h spun linen and cyolet enabroidery, an a4twek like thl-, sametLmes. y&;Z r�a Xr. Trent. I ffd.cn�'­ 1=iw -.T3:a* flaiihed vn:h anger. an! hiz. cheeF:5 "'VaZZ ternat`ive, vgrt�y b.slstr--r- Litth., waists; of handkerchi(.4 linen are =e. . -a ;Z F Con-tafil only tEe finest, fresheSt wsions of puffs, held together here., n7c:."ye 1. The -* =:ce was a Inus, JU.F. - , succe an,i, t3he ges=res -were =-it mfin- **Baic�k frcim, -ihle c*�5nirg of the she,- �with bandii of va), They are. very she e-�J. Bef,�re he stsri him Js, in:;- glear fr'end, he exfelaime�'. young I-eaveso a o 0; blaclis MIXed and GreeA h is ; se:f an el quaint and of course every stitc r1ce ,if int;:2 to sav -Pgor ­Blaek fr,-= t1he sp-ciling of the Eg7 'i done and. Machine vrork simply ca- !.,2� 3 1 icen frrom h, ,: P by b ;L7 -JJ- �Ir -rJ re eh�. Hsrw T.as treiner, to-d-vy?" e-'r&n, gJanr'le a- __a:: dainty effects. h bar -3 TCUMD M. rd r --h -h easser," Tre;t �rfg�rft only to mobilize the spiritual m.- won't do foi hs 9n rg , you 4=,;-. wba,: I have 1;aenr -7 Z ed A now idea in blouses is the full soft wy ry "";:g ple 1--'aughed "-,aaa (), A. Da Sf.=a fd=s-zed al�s=t -.dth -+�Ie stli:rccs of the mation, but to give the peasant shirt with a little overvest P ... Xotbizx t-nUe -�!;mt Yie:n aw sy." -,r sksiM e.a7- -s!: clear call to unity ard servLe." anL f-,na2:y 10,2210wed Mm. of linen. 'The vest bas a rolling big 11 d was a word.r, ke re- U,Cks as tbi a =-7S= t b7T ?y 1) . Doroned the Hhaki. collar, closes with three or four cro- R­ . 0 vktmre of rV. a.,,�jse" �EA­ 't�= 6 Elk E., I0ffl14' IIS U, =-arked, -a %­�rd I wanted =4--b t buttons and boasts two pockets 67M- nLrt ur� '1- -u,: Trent leh ',�esm`.,, The Bishop 7,ent to re tlz,it4- cruit A c 'Veg�j In Err R cu!' n Ii.:� n'arn�r. "ba=:ing Lishop"? -No; no Fn; PZL,� - - -1 t , bit of about the rilve of postage stamps. The and talk while I w, h ;- e,; Z. asn' T -an turne� C�,!- cuffs of the shirt are bound vrith flat y Lc e7t �n t said shc�rrj�% ­Msmee.s On, ;F� -j HE 1 -9 -AS WORKEDTO SIRF-NGTH- gen-' "'I"N" Make fu:l " a;- -, . , �e church= linen I edging braid, which also is used --a'six4nate:v "nzi eear cn Im' I*rs hurg?�%" Man. -zafrjl a EN THE ARMY. as a finish for the sleeveless vest. If Souza "It is an utter mistake," he says, one wan -A what`, he rmr-eate.d fL­e,-1:y. Da She Un for a msmcnz, Sur- r re "t-3 s- pvse that the Old Testament' .e Hv,�,n -,z- a,: h-, sullen veh-enterns. There �1, - tre but to make a skirt to match the wes- "I A 'r 15 - MUM— '4 c1r,zi­ -he- drzr bah; ts a complete gown one has A, :.�7�rna2lst.. I'm an �i, -h r-= Thns is -n'-, mv wcrk F5 a r%i�e; L -.:s The -;,-,a -- L,:� leing jr. f--- -M as - ;ey iarak-ory. 7-it-mr-Z are -to be 121d asi,.k- because, r47 cu ;s ew�.:ernirg z.6sse , ng Aladies." Slays It Is a ML-sfake to Lay Aside t, and one is all there. Voila! mrar. vrko sh;--'d haxe ,2,rme L- and m�5-t. She her the New Testament su lllss Xr,=7--ssor and her pplements his J='e'r carn't skez�.h. sr, Vtey --- e 3, done, -;.M, 1 ut "her ton e w her, re d Enflre3y the Old Testament th e-ra b�y humility and self -suffering end? 4 - Tren. -rawke'. uIe'. Don% lsmuk a: -t-b-2,44h, I WErG a Ep-k,�: was mcre 1�iendly. "mis head '-'V� the vAd watar. and personal wealaness. -No-, courage, The fine handkerchief is always gLest. please. Tilat-en*t yru evi:r heard Taalr, me _g, Virtues. nzile 31rger :zPhew r in 4", a kiz-1 karna*4-n 'h-eisre?" fin'sh P­"yye-3,7,­ ih. flewiess, und. -g courage, is the spe f - ­Exa`­L;­�:.-z : Two very chvmlt- worthy of a monogram, which gives- a cb-al charac-,eristic of the Christian' EaZ;; Dme w - -h little personal touch of possession and ever.�' he an- My ds.�r a --end, very Jam- Lsndon ms disi-nassing I e 'I 4idni know ladles- chd Mch ear' z.­=,,rrw.; m��-.;rjng? Vhi-.at :=e , soMer as it was the snecial charac -Y harming =--eef J -u: a BttJ"o.n;-,, POPe's n*3;t.xn of nc-atrality I found marks the owner as a woman of fas- thab .411 d. 7, :ew. e� 4trm :he CitT Zenlstie of Christ himself." And so you lfarz�-. a 2 1" thm Smdr, off the Bishop ME tidious taste. -an '-r f st I -ghed ggd:y 1,=t and r,*s�, any rave " _qadn.,: he g- 1e4 himself to rouse his fellow a =-cz!zel It," Trent answer- Landon. who quine p!ain;y 6d noz - ; Some of the new designs in hand- oun J e .75a hp CE;i ­Conne to -morrow, certain- *'V*-' h2, Trrm Trera =6*rs;tavj then n and to stimulaite himself ed. dr, -=g h1mEe'5. hat abDsk it" i to Uve up -to the dual;Mm c by ­,;,;he =75.94c O,� a Wrlman, S 27�-JTZ:e -e-er 7S -a like. YC7 to pla the man in this great "Day'. kerchiefs -are fascinating beyond `Z, .1 nee 3n z Da. So"-za =gged at his little, Nack in y -1e. 71 see Y�a 5fa divis: the temDoTal and SDI- words, and strong of mind must a ie sfraidsf lbal� ra6L I land inri7ad uneasilly abv=. r,:, l :�l �t*s. MA�at, all. ma. lmteranmn= q-m't tn, go near them." 4 ver, writes Mr. Richard of God.' wornan be to resist them. One, sig- - 9 We-er�mer of the world, my -pa - - And so, this being a Day Of the'nificant of the interest in stripes, has -4011192 Sbe ii�!� him "71-C,-2 mzit piease nut make czear Tren-­ vie need mut be so p2r1fien- ---me* Should the Ch7arch be neu- I in time of. war? Is it maldng a VW= Z. Mir, d my inteMaming 7QU, wiM feren-ce a:ter ycrur arrangemenss L'ord, the good bishop donned his a border of diagonal lines grouped t --e 'Hez lh� ladies on my I ­ :ftr, e7 the '.adi -t of and the monogram appears in she sa-M. I a= �­ khald as a chaplain of the army and boldly, - , ! are sfil compromise in the surmort this `D617 -Z wh-w:?" 1�e asked blan1:11-v. used -eennz- -.11 5�5r�s 'l::7 perp�e In sfl:es?' Trent P­Sked eooHy. WaT? "Thoti sshalz not 1, " Hov, to hearten The men in the fields, 'the white centre. Another is of hair - That's �.hsl 3r.7 -Sns. and 1 dfn% Dbject 1�rl 1-1-� is m- vi -ho has been tallIn'rag can the Chureb comzrOmise vnihh the 'Then smrangelly the bishop asks L lines with a plain white border, rather I've, ctme for, you kz:"5-; and wewant j--, su Z,�, now? ts Ae:� 1�a Souza cor-Ohnned- "YoU csmtnandment� eas+ , 4r�.r% y he T r; na 1himself the queseon- "But ran a broad, with a narrow hem. In mauve, s litfl.e slketeih �: yz,-:ar h�-::se fsr t,- - h -hat Va.- Yom- d=er- see J--1- - 1 zlzc. -e 's SO youn fierce and bloody -war ever conduce to rose and tan it is very effective. I i'm Y --a 'dSn"I ilke it. g" " "One can:' said the Bishqn, for he hetzrvsaeve 1,eer- 7= Jr e, and� 71 as a pao t , tie spreading of the GosDel of Peace Beautiful and perfect workrn,-nsbip s :,-, P a < He lc-F*�ated .1--nnusly e3=Sarr­=s-: igh�er she is 1�ut a child. 2s d log-cian. "Orf course, -War Z=,`le. ldorristn cJ :he Pius:; I'll bs! li%,=-- leter Tny wife Ears. we cannot b� t.00 par- . M,nea. 42ZDU - I I 'th 'in the -world?" is displayed in some of the hand Under- IS Wr'C"? " caref%a'�, Christian, very ;,Mrefu�l -lh-- I say and -.ery There 15 One W!";S-QUkdn.�' he sa!a. A "Yes, but w,-,,ven fabrics with bands of Cpen- And he answers hil �.anc. "vih-ch I should -�e-y much Hike �o go - He Fr,�Fc-d N�-�fjkinlg a� her, a dazed as- -Y -4u wan -- them 2 Ls that, what if this is a war for peace? work-, of filet pattern, and utterly ex- it wjj� F'S'UM: imDer:2nen-Z. I What if the ideas which have m2de, quisite are some of the materials that and t--­,V2,de�&-_, znam. Fr-'alm the dlc-Z:�*t =­ean it S�. I can'exp:aIn ex- - ba Souza spread out I-q-nds--an peace up to now impossible are finally are as fragile as cobweb. An irregu- Hv-tle hat, -,.ith --ts w;h-he :tand arm a -7,"n�y I '. Fnt to '-M -� W. I ha-ve s, ch- . on;v. n,.r,.v. the loallms were lam- h==- sf tc. zhe a reasm:,n: and forever killIed? What ii the gos-Aarbemstitchingwhic gives t'he bor- White an ­1 h.e aja=7� ds real. ate -:2 pament. sh - ­­ w. -.. - - 'What if der the effect of sea a :-he -Zas �ear n ,S:� 3 ne SP .Fo, "=1 "I find pel iz shown to be a sham? llopers att ched ar Z the war is st:rip Ed oft its glamor to the centre of the handkerchief, is Ad i-11in-n!v dresseL A ­1�1- the:- 1,1 answer I-- I ner--:.y, In. - na"---t�*, He gaz�Edl once mrre Ints hher. =em charming� I- is my wLe who -P 'FEram, those and seen in its nativ e hideousness for unusual. are. at z:- gays se to me. -e Ero­­ eyes watehinng hb-n ­Yvu say zlaz ons. they arc- ncz- lr-k company Z -d3' 'all time? a pn7s r It- % -he 71�lr a 1, ale anXk,=e:. t -w 1:h T Pa ?ear. innecent shall Among the most expensive hand - 'a Z -taken s - "!,a -=e. earr =Sre-y 4 * .he hamormtis ai - Corner Jul_ YOU War for Peace - 160 Mr. Trens. He i% --M umler- 'kerchiefs are those trimmed 'With lace 71 ��T 'Mhaz if the churches tbatt believe ���er The �152­ Cf hair '-T,i earn nx----ey -Sy a I eansL Qi2. s:RM a Eli?" insets, so tiny as to make one -wonder �ashsd again -,-, -.he it Was vns;w cred. ;azenin�g' th2 Trent had afinished his tailp't and in the Tmearna-cion of the Son of Go' how they were ever' a2bieved by �hle: He had f.5mnd -her. ",-Z I sh-:-a:dn,t caXe for it So _.or ehhe hair -brushes still in his �4LL: 1 J are drawn together in a -wayr in which e tCLDk his ZE _ta T - ref Iving all 4 they have never been before and fused m, ch ;-A; I ddidn�l my 1 thread and needle and ninible fingers. into -tirch k. Did yon ink that I was an ama- face vmth a queer sm2e liwnl a united missionary Ch az, 4�1 e'un't-AlMed a TH-C-0e. a=dr'-,sTh-. hands, 1-ovIffing at Da Se-aza's a= We ire having our fashion inter - really won't as you many ape- esft aroused by hats made entireliv of "But wh t --hall perma-, rjns�, annd� it wk sj;7�d a --Aet & "I lajdn�'� lmvw�4' Be answered slovir- petersham. ribbon. This ribbon -w a s a, if France yor _tai�J� Da smina"', ne:, 4 nentlY �d gcud t.5 gp: an Inter7few wl l'y Marak You. You *r -A come to- :on he stared to see what she was ;sed by our grandmothers for 1heir Faid. 0 dsubt :. ap, are Olf se I G=ghtmft sm have began T�r -­" rL" casting away in her Church"I N"bat .,rro CarX 'I- -too b six e e ear Jl_ YOU 1314, ft en -inch walst bands, and is as 45 ;Ocezeh -A-- 40-ut permisemn. 11 4'0 F rse! C.6cil eenil-�Z.11 If the English and French churches yc= mini that, F.11 give it un." "Gr, -cd ever -Ing.` be nar-ticular."' e old-fashioned as hollyhocks and sweet l5a Souza He was ab*L� to: william. bloom. The little ribbons are The Bishop of London. 4 sshould learn great truths He found his tongue iwk-7ar`EY.' Trent 1--f-ted his hat. and turned sneak, tat Trcnr interruoted him. another I 'What if the Russian, ded and -wrinkled and go round --igorously. Ming: , i, crinh Lnvn v to-mmrds home, PA? .W0, F:1 tela you thisi, amd you man Ch away owmy -hRe the Chris- _-a-!h shoiald be touched with that' and round ahat frame, one circle fol - "Yon mtn eke%en Just az long as of a zsnse tbit'srmeihing k'n princivies, but meanv, missionary zeal which it only needs �.�r the mizsis fond fatler.. - ar yr�u P.easie. ani raelke what Use &-d hapr-4rs-i to him. He wms absenm* at g­�, *a -the choice of the' Thev"71, '---ve to7morrow. Is th tL n has to malke lowing anothm% pnj -me el ft"' 1�e said. '*It's only a =.;rde1,11.`b­,-­, he stopped to pat a 11=7. to make it one of the greatest' The finest color in the petersham. enou gli -the -world' 'What if the �2�,v - second best. Because our Lord dd thoUgh!" 4 -hi�.: - -n- zgTer- cAhurches in r'r�g v ze aztc r� -d:5n he us. . Da- So-jza cought ar his host's '--ans', '�at 2 particular moment fhat his, ser- " ribbon is the pale champagne tint, Andthe inter-' ed,andhepick-1 a creammy--Whfte e great German people shall .e crossed tne la:wm and ­ � i- ' - "' I ,�-;eav T' as 1, 1'o5e Tr nt srAtched k away. �vants were not To fighL He -could not gain which harmonizes beautifully with. �-`ere'3 -1 y dear -my r6lb3e through pain and suffering a new, -usually, a few flowers 111 tell. you whatiever you want to wh-- I mean that they were to see their wo- ­, o,, soldat blue, so, pouiII rem 1,11n. OZ n,?3% Md - -Here. shu� up and don't pav, me,"' Lnow.' he said auletIv. men and children treat ted as the Beli- of that color are used as decoration. She' could sca;R-e,y 'believe in her CHAPTER XL Trent interrupted. ­Mlind, not a -,v�:4,,,d gian -woman and children have been '-Ti-e are flghthig�` says the Bishop,: One hat of ribbon was made particu- , ,g off this t-4 any one but your wife; :"ne 1or- tke holiest things ever intrusted 1 ,md $�-rtiane, especiall-y when she re-' Tren-.1`. appearance tmon the I and do notthing�' of -, larly ravishing by the addition of Iiiembered the description of the man. alm gir!s d4on't krcrr,.- they're going ther-14 to the care of man -the freedom ye. roses of champagne colored velvet, was greetead with a Asimt of enithu- selves So it is necessary for the Bishop - -,vhleh one of the sta6 had g:ven. He our country, the honor of our women, veined with black silk. Flowers of 0 -tempered-, the siasm- The -yo-urg 12dy in blue eye- The7 entered the dinin to reDresent , God alore, like the Pope. r e cutei a pas seul, an' d nation. - h right to live for the smaller na- -that kina are frightfully expensive, ;dclked for letzing 1 came ac-r�ss to where every one else was a]1reea y as- He can also re-oresen' . the tions. in' ternational honor, as the con- but are effective trimming, This -was wbat she him or her toes. ar�d- the girl -;�ith :he sembied. Mrs. Da Souza, a Jew ess,: a -ad, fortunately for the Bishop, when U hcr ;' n r vellrow baLr, a:zhough sulkv.gave him n rtr ditio� off the future brotherhood of 'mad I.eAu,41.1 She 12ughed scatly to 0 y and typical, resplendent n, that nation believes it has a Christian lo mr nations, and the Christian princi rsp t derstand b7' 4-id4' - glance Eack satin and mary gold chain -a and' Ples The demure little poke bonnet is _e cause. th2z her favor waB nDz permanently tang7,--s, occupied the seat of h n- 'which are to govern ths future of the It is very gard indeed of yo% Mr. - ; There was a cloistered hush. about � R 'still appearing, and it comes some- rrent," she'si5d eamnesifl,-,. "I Was .7i7hdra-­- They neither off them nj- a"ni '.-,v her side -was a 11-ttle bro-n Narid. I and white check taffeta. s fsr I MP -r ±Js ss-MeW;Ift 1-C'MiMus air 0i girl, -,�ith darla, timid eyes and du��kv:tQe room we sat in, The Bishop's, times in b ael ,�pite nerv-,a about coming. & To be very demure, under the poke :1TPd To id'ea that :-On wr, ty ­.!th whith he Teeeivsii their iiompiexicin, pitiably ov�r-dressed j:*�'; Idndly face seemed incong Uld be so hill 4; _ nawas with t -A eff-Nke beauby, -w . ' I drew of him, dressed. in O.K." as an expression of satis- 'bonnet should be a lace baby cap trim- Sh.41 I fim:;sh MY sketen first, LgTee-.1-raggs, or the e-rntempet in his %y1th a Certain - hr- ch'i the Picture ains.11 -,hen perhapz yovu will be able to aves as he kl�kei the= sKsnt',y over. it was hard 5 believe that she ec ild Iffiald as he -was last summeer, s-peekl- factflon is derived from "Aux Cayes,": med with Pink roses. This is suitable �5r,are me a few ml-xtes for t1he inter- "V1 t'�re are the lfst triba?" he in- e-,er have inherited. Miss Montrez�or ing to the men in the camps Iromwa-'. frorn which once the best tobacco and only for the Ruffv girl. Others, will " ?�7 quired, as the gMIE. one i,,ma ekher s.;de, and her friend sat on either side C.f L gonS. "For if the ew.3se was hold, rum came. Ultimately eve not. look well in such infantile head- E�w rything of a I hi.m "Juat aE von Mke,' he answered esc.-�,z ter to the house. th--ir hsst-an ar-,angement. rien the duty of the Chureli is not the best was designated "O.R." Nvear. ;.�- - - They �e�aeived his wk-Uism a MIrs. Da Ssuza lamented, but fo--nd, A navy gabardine suit has the high, xi-, I s*'Y2t itr� "C�� Z h,..n4r, rXercing shriek off lwueker. herseH4 inriwerlesE to prevent, and her ------- -rt�ainlv ' she answered, `Mw-nma ard her ras of a daugh turned -down collar and the false -the "i,;�t ft isnit fir'sh ter - husbanf took the va�ant place. Din- med &-e in the drawing -room, - d yestee of navy velvet, the collar be- ex- ner was served, and with the open"h'.1- take 3ong-?" - med Miss Mrrtress&:--the -ae, which was r-'. !ab T"Une V. the champag d9b in- buttoned with gold link- buttons ladv whh hak- %xho dressid in 7.�rg trngues were loosene--l' a 'd. the vestee with single gold. but- -#A16= an- lt�ur, I -Chm1s." 90 "Y,y blute and co�L;7s danee� I -Such . J to"ns. The Norfolk effect batl the u are very c!ever," he said, ek�: "It was very hot in the Cit.v to- GereraE Thes. don"t 2ppirtme r front plait trinimed with large, black a '­tltle sigh: if Is. flay�" Mrs, Da *&.­uza remarked to her UP "I 11haze to host. "Dear JuUe was saying what She 1�=,hsd outright. Mamma says that she w% I silk darts at the ivaistline. The eides 'MIR "Pe -:1ir take her Julie awsy if we remain. T*Ve a shaine ft seemed th, at V-oi should :�e splie are t �g vrju the cle er- and back of- the cont are belted', The are not fit for her. Rich there ard -we sht�,27d be �njoving vo-.1r, co ttuffs are made witli a strap, trimmed F* mtm in Ltmdon she sau isnt it'! The �:Jd chap's scre,,vir UP beautiful. gardens. She is S6 thou"ght-. "Pen-aw: isn't it -thie, C:eve-ress 9 t c-,ttr4ts. 16.- awthing that makes 'th u4th black darts. nts coUraze nll�w Va brand.-. and ful, so sympathetic! Dear girl"l- Another nutumn suit of black. pinne srila to t�ll you ss-!" -Ver -r kind of vour &ujhter," e4, his teq-�th bard together' .,Un 1�6 s Trer.t laug plush has the frout reaching onl.-y to .�hed heartily. T�,e situa- Trent ar!iWered, lavEmg direc.11V a-. nd --niTsre -.429oronsly Lut sil'ently. tion bes-ran to appeal t; him. Irnere her ird razher inclined to -vitv' her the waistline, where it is trimmed hu or * it which he alone could ob-,ious sb:mess. "Come, diink -4% i�a had lecome suddenI7,- interested 9`ac- .." In > with Nvide black braid, galloons and - 4ate, Da Souza, rlr;.-k up, girl n lar wo-&L A shrill luiet of l h Lrjr.re;L s! I've had; pondants, holding the fullness. There 'Drr-s he exnect. me to sezu; yl�u a hard datr, and I wan't to forget fxr U is a vertical breast Pocket lit enell .eT frf-= J,,e laxn in fre'nt had ung he asked. a bit, that-there�s an.37 such thing as side of tho tront, which is flastened That's a cert:" Miss 'Mon-hessor af- vZ'i:1 Nvith two faricy, fan-shiped Ix firmed, "The o",d vmmans been. play- (To be vntlnued.) 'alloon ing the respectab:e all day, turnin"7 frog,-. The Aillness of the baek is up t, . .41t -ND THE NVORLD. 1-0-RRIDGE 7 he wl b- 'S 1. ine, be- held by a strap, the Peplum below be- iftea cf her ev � a POUR IT ON ED' m i a high Zck G the hall, and ing- slashed. The eollnr Ie edged with grranirg at F!�,ssie 1�ecause -he had a few brar-dies; ain't. - - Alaziks ;s -nrv-e than t-7,4ice as large OU can't imao-ine how delicious a dish of Oat- er at SOS 17 as th'e Germ�r emp-2-p-, Ytneal Porridgebetc`omes when it is sv.eetened with 1`0 'I'he vtut,- la1v virith ve]Row hair ple-d-ditt-b is where al' Btith-h necdIes Bra;&" C, yrub. 00nflnr�ed- the stitement with much are made. "That ould villain of a Raistr has I dignity, United Stat*s farmers are still I -lave it for brealkfa-st to-MOITow-watten the kiddies- eN s ftirned iveryt-11in . R t0P8y-fnrr",V "kinee- 1­�ea how they come for Inio WAr-l' etArted," sr Winter Evenhigs "I had P. tGrythache,7' she said, 'lane] m%ing into Western Canada. sparkle with the firz i le the Pleasaaf .2drs. Da. S"uza, or whatever the old G!asgow flour put cut 2q,05R' creatu and sugar -better. for t,,e that, 1"Iftibrit P 11tich cbc�n*p�r than at--11110-jabbers, in oulden, times they uncid to ball � olve ve�nr �,!:l to 9*ay at aat ealls herself, was most rude. I Pr a is V� cblldrz�n, via. 9 hcmr-� al'ad vm- r yself as mspectable as she saae�s of fll�pu-r vf SM tiun� Snread the Dread with B;-,agd, I thieves on eroqqo4i lmt now, begorra, . eekon rn� -01 vortiblo �;avre ts'�-.er nn,�.Y tl:�Prd :. it, day, dragg Argentina has 21.4,5 `.*1,f,(;0 cattle and serve it Ism. gitg that yellqw-falced b plensive t4l ill daulghter e3f hers about n.,ith her and 9,70,0,000 bf*rses. P­nwiaes �nd IlOtBist4i' --,on Manc.Nlange and it's ero-.q0e t1JOYL . Ck hanghip. oil i . Baked AD it for Candy�Mal-dng. ThIs table- rv��Uid klok In, yevar 'i thr�ndng her all men's heads," Alaska bas the greatw-t fishing va., F�AWAPSW. 1 1; th . iev", BItting rof=, r2fT.Erg rt"O'm Miss Montressor who 'had stopped 'ters,in the world. NV*, bW`ld ttenn 3 X 6� and U 7. to pick a &-wer, rejoined them. Cement was lmowri and used in an. ASK YOUA ORO 0111y" 01w. Cat t* puvpl�t�Q with . ptpa*r :,Dur, CZ11-IN 2, 5,10,& 20 to. TiNs. *-quare tand wr.��a2rl ,�4,ry .W- 1 111 say,, GeneraWl' she, remarked,` cient Rome, VAR 'What, marry lily dalightior, sir?" T14F, CmNADA S1 -CHCO. LIMITED t* V.;ur home Nfe. atiel "fair's fair, and a promise is a pro- 'I An eel with pink eyes was recently' A Nlktrz dr lite 1`.anious Divrrdsburg Zmad& cried the rich oltl maii; 'why, $h*'$ 1,� a �pat 01-wiureand i e- We didn't come down'beri tol ene-ut i�', anrfriewii. made fouls of by a fat old Jewess. captured in -Massarlinzetts waters. my only child.11 The youTIJ!, m4n tnnil- e)r ard ed. "Oh, thats all tight," ka snid, iYou won't send ua� away because of U .11AY & C6.,. the old wretch Theroo are just over 320,00 Red 1 unaaunted; "you see, sir, one xv.-s all V-'­� 61. Weur, Toroam "r promi:e; said Trent, "tbzt wben 1 liadians in the V, nited States. I wanted."