HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-09-03, Page 1URIC HERALD Vol. acv i ZURICH, FRIDAY MQRNIcifO,'SEPTEMBER 3, 1915. st•••••e.,..•••••••••..*♦•• .••••♦♦••••••••......♦.N• : 1 ' ♦ •w jflkl-Sunirroerl i • • • • : I To clear out as much of our I Summer Goods as possible we s I are offering thernat the following ; reduced prices. You get the i benefit, we get the room. • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • • ILadies white lawn, organdie and • • voile waists, very latest. 1-3 off Ladies and childrens middy blouses • ♦Lad s e 4.newest •styles. 1-3 off • . Girls' dresses • in checked ginghams, : • neatly trimmed.: 1-3 off ♦ w • • Ladies corset covers in crepe and •e. 1.3 O�� e ,.�� � la Ladies white petticoats deep ein :• p I broidery. 1-3 off • - Ladies embroidered flouncing for • dresses at reduced prices v only• ladies hot weather parasols •,• •to clear at 85 cents • •e Childrens straw hats Half Price 1 : Boys and rens straw hats to clear • •• at 1-3 off Z `� ♦ • ..-e . • ♦ Children's Summer Coats We have a few children's coats left which we are clearing fo 0 ♦ $1.00, regular $1 50 and $2 00 : • ' Khaki Coats and Trousers •• t Jest received a new line of men's khaki coats and trousers, also• boys khaki knickers • • • is Silk Striped Shirts • • ♦ We have added to our stock a new line of mans fancy silk striped*..! e shirts, Something very nifty. • Sizes 14? to 16. Price $2.00 ,� • is. . �y GOLD IVIEDAL.4.� G w Ig� ; 1 �i '�;-I''r-Il" Londeist and � till �� ���i�►tr • i I�I .,,, Strongest est + ,��' tl�.,�,;We fully guarantee it .ff, Two only GasolineStoves to clear Below Cost • comiaivenameommileammoieestsposonmsnmemmasarn • Produce of all kinds taken 1-- , ,40 • ,40 Telephone No. 9 41, eate3�'p -1 + -14++ .++++4'++++++4 + •4++++++�i�++++ ++++4++ +++: ESTER • 4. ♦ 4. 4. 4. 444. 4, 4. ZURCI A NOTICE ICE. BASEBALL House and Lot For Sale -also shopZfJ RIGH 8,, rRIEDITON 2. Possession given October let it necteseei the f rst.time+ in seven years a ary I am building a: Bueiness Bloch balsedall team from Zarich defeated a in Zurich and offer the above Propert'' from Credit ny a,nd on the latter ties et right Prices;.applly'tol? W Hesse diamond at that. The score stood 8 Jeweller. tp 2m in favor oto boys in a six in ung genie prayed list Thursday eve at Crediton. I.ft was a big surprise to l?e "Stars,' tha.`ti,they lost, and a big surprise to the, " ringgers" that they won, in fa*,itiwaas a regular, old-time, r uch enjoyedisiaepJJise party to all present from, Zevivieh. Metz, the home hppe's pitoheu„ vis freely batted, as he score indicates, our boys seaurin *tallies in the second innings. . pffman,waa good in pinches and hie: snpiort-was excellent. • The lineemp for Zurich was as £ca.t Mrs C Maher left tan, Detroit •on lows.. Pit l'er,L W Hoffman; catcher,• Saturday, tetattend the funeral of a. Fritz; let b, W Brown; 2nd, relative in, thatcity, aytom Hoffman; 3rd base, R; J, Mr C Firnt. and fancily and Mr E' I4 .bfieisalm; s s. H Graupner; 1 f,, A. J Magel visited relatives •. in Berlin, Etl'�gh iebaro f, Clarence Hoffenen,r,, Waterloo; and Guelph over Sunday. r fir.iibi. Miss Margaret Lamont .deft last F' Derr reads a satisfactory umpire.. recce ty innings: Z.arioh -1 4 1 2 0 0-S; tuseiliton-0 1 1 0 0 0-4 Batteries: Zurich, L Hoffman. and. W Fritz: Crediton, Motz anaFebarer.. oar omf0.110.431,4-..11074-1 1( LOCAL NEWS Labor Day, Monaleyr, Sept, 6th.. Mr William, Snyihh„of Detroit, visit- ed relatives.hene• duvu>,ng the week. Mrs H Raeey ,. and children, of Stratford, visitedi relatives here during the past week. Thursday for . Minneaapolis, .Minn.,; where she will visit relatives for °a time. Mr and Mrs W Finkbeiner, and daughter, of Milverton, visited at the home of Mr W H Hoffman for a fray days this week, Mrs Charles Hey, of Bad Axe, Mich and Mrs Daniel Zinn, of Cavalier,• l; D, arevisiting relatives and frienda in this community at present. Mr and Mrs Daniel Steinbach and Mr and Mrs Rudolph Heideman motored to Woodstock and Elmira on Sunday where they visited relatives. . The Annual Meeting of the Zurich Branch Bible Society has been post- poned from September the , lst to a ;later time onl:aeeount Of the illness of :the Rev Fc J,,Bbwen, District of the society: Mr and Mrs Kelhofer and . two children, and Mr and. Mrs'S Brown of Crediton were visitors at the home of Mr J Preeter on Tuesday. Mr Kelhofer is a missionary to China and is home on vacation. There is a penalty of $50 for first offence, $100 or jail for second offence and three months in jail without op- tion of a fine for the third offence for persons hiring or accepting money for the use of their autos without a chauffer's license. Rev W C Miller, wife and family, left on Tuesday for Newcastle, Pa., where Rev Miller will be located in future, He conducted both morning and evening services in the Lutheran church last Sunday. During Mr Miller's stay here, himself and family have made many warm friends who, although regretting their departure, wish them God's richest blessing in their new field of labor. Albert Snaith and George Har- man, who live in Stephen Township and who have been playing pranks on automobile drivers and others, were taken in custody by County Constable Whitesides of Hensall a few days ago. They were taken before Police Magis- trate Andrews of Clinton charged with blocking the highway with planks and other obstructions for the purpose of troubling the auto drivers, They were fined and severely reprimanded for their tricks. sweeammeimmusaamemanozamtsgsmamatirm Incorporated 1855 The • l IOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERV $8,800,000 - 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR, LETTERS 01? 0RCDI BANK MONEY ORDERS � ny Department Savings Bank � hitores& nt hfgliost current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager In onie of the most exai,ting, awl hotly contested games of baseball played on the local diamond,. Parkhill. defeated Zurich by a rete of 2, to 1, on Tuesday evening. . It was no- bodys until the last roan, was octet in the sixth, In the seeped and fourth innings Zurich had two and three lien on bases but the necessary hit which meant ons or more runs did not S Materialize, Bath pitchers did splen- did work and received excellent sup M port.. But it will not be out of place E. at popular .prices. to mention that Barnes and. Weir the E •t cher oe 1' arkhall' are = More n.ew:.waists- 'a rons and ready-�na.de dresses a t u f ,. d ti P t� tr : in� htr ane: and-siz ` sed�� ' yo � .. . �� - •..> 1 Ail tbt7;:t' 111 ;s �. ve gra � t g �� _ andir�ss gooti� 3u a�e�iecl rp be the pick of the Ailsa Craig district, stocked up with the latest; and bet that money while the majority of the Zurich team have just graduated. from the junior = Call buy, Come and see for yourselves and be department. With this game the = con yin Ced Zurich team closes the baseball season N. DOUGLAS fill gt 1st 4I t u.. ##irwi * - z, #11144101+11011041600411.#410•11**** WHITE AND TA/ Our stook of shoes fol. summer wear' is' now complete. We have never s-laown a larger or of prettier range. See our line • of White Pumps, Outing Shoes, White Canvas oes,-,Sandals, and the newest in Tan, etc. Butter and eggs taken iin exchange for shoes. � C. FRITZ Zuric The Home of Good Shoes .4api e4601.ibM1i1#i41 #tlMMli4i ff rMf IIIIII! 9dilllPrh{hlllllhlllllllllllllhlllllhlllllllllllllllhlkilltlllllllllllllllllllllllC�IhI(IiCdI11P;;l iIIhlllll ' 111111111111111111111111111111111111(Illllllllil�l iilR'.111111illlillllllllllllllllllllii(Ikl IIIfhIINfllllilt(II 'l . = Are you. goii • to:paint this spring? If spa, we can supply yea with the famous. ELEPHANT BRAND Ready -Mixed Pmts For floors and Telrandahs or anything that needs paint. N'one better and few as good. New and upatomdate Shoes' for 1915 with five victories and four defeats as its record, and if the boys put up the class of ball that they have shown in the last two games next year, they should have a still bettee average The line up: Zurich L Hoffman p F Howald c Brown 1. b Clay Hoffman 2 b Kalbfieisch 3 b Graupner s Eilber r f Clar Hoffman c f Edighoffer 1 1 Score by innings: Zurich -000001-•-1 Parkhill -0 1 0 0 0 1-2 Umpire J E Hess. Parkhill Weir Barnes Holman Conner McColl Penrose McRoberts Morrison Hawkey Lost -Ladies' rain coat, between Zurich and Dashwood. Return to C Fritz, Zurich. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the TownHallon Wednesday evening Sept 8th at the usual time. SOMETHING NEW Much interest was taken by the farmers along the Sauble Line ie a new scheme to harvest the oat and barley crop. Owing to the many rains it was found impossible to use the binder in the usual way to cut the grain, as the ground was too soft to carry the weight of the machine . and operate it at the same time. This difficulty was overcome by the use of a one and one-half horse power gas- oline engine which was attached to the binder near the seat and was con- nected with the cutting and binding Dart of the machine by means of a chain and sprocket pulley. The engine performed the work very satisfactorily leaving the horses to pull only the weight of the machine. It was also found that two horses were quite able to do this and that the softness of the ground did not interferewith the Cut- ting. The idea was tried oat on the. and the farm- ers r e ml)uAtana farm of W ... c present wore much taken up with the method. It is not an experiment, however, es other parts of Ontario effected by the wet weather, had to resect to the same planner of cutting the crops. BLAKEONTARIO lllllllllllllllllf(IIn011irlfli g lifilIIIIIIIIIIi'llllii illililllliilllMiligir,,ii.lt !I lint IGIiIHVILiiIIIIIIIIIIIR.1111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfllllll!IllllllEI7nl;flllhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf11T11. BARGAINS in Boy's Clothing Following are a few lines which we are offering at Bargain Prices. 80 BOY'S SUITS• AT A SNAP $1.40 to $1.50 Suits for $I.00 .50 to 4.00 Snits for 2.50 4 50 to 4.75 Suits for 2.65 5.00 to 5.50 Suits for 3.25 6.00 to 6.50 Suits for 4.00 7.00 to 3.00 Suits for 5.25 Bay's Pants Boy's Cotton Knickers, regular 50c for 85c All kinds of wool Knickers and Bloomers at HALF PRICE Boy's Overcoats at Cost and Under. Don't miss this chance for cheap clothing. ; :Above prices: Cash, Bette r or Eggs. E. APPEL - ZURICH "The Clothier" NOTICE Notie is Hereby Given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Town Hall at Zerlch on the 10th clay of Sopteinbor 1915, at 10 o'clock a m to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Votet a' List of the 11.iinieipality of the Township of Hay for 1015 Dated the 2.4th clay 01 August 1015. I+' Hess Sr, Clerk of the. Municipality of the Township of Hay LOOK UP YOUR LABEL Take a look at the label this week, We have corrected our subscription list up to August 4th and those who have paid their subscription account' during the past several week should find that the correction of date has been made. Tf you firm that the; label does not read as it should call at`, the office or write us and we will see that the correctinn is made. And by the way, there are a few silo have not hard any ehange niece in thein label in some time. 'brio subscrip- tions should iie paid at onee,