HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-08-27, Page 5'TIRECHURCHES EVAN. 01IURCH BERVIOES. Sur,tday, German 11.00 Sunday School 9.45 " Junior Y, P. A. 1.-.06 p. (Service) English 7.00 ;I Teachers meeting 8,00 " " "• Moll., Ti Mu Brotherhood 8,00 " " Tuesday, Y. 2. A.. 8.15 "" . Wednesday Player Meeting 8.00 " Friday Teachers Training • Claap .1.80" choir practice 8.30." Ladies Aid meets ist. Monday • each month: at 7.80 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES German, Sunday 10'.30 a. in. English . • 7.30 p. Bible School „ 9.'00 a.m. Men's 1\ lis'n'ry 8 Tuesday 8.00 p. n. Luther League Friday 8.00 p. m. L A 51st Weds'y of month 8.00 p, m, You are cordially invited to take an active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of ,God, and keep lb. Lnke 11.28, Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING,'• ETO FIRE INSURANCE PLA'sr GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. A003UNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich D A S00 7 SHOE ST 4 LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs E 13 )isenlierry mote:trod lo Berlin on Thursiley. • , T L wttrto wilt4 in London, ThurSday, ea business. E Appel left Tuesday for a short visit, with friends in 11.1 ichigan. Miss Lavine Deichest of New Ham• burg visited relatives here over Sunday.; 'Mr E Riehl, of Eamoeten, Alta., is visiting his uncle, Mr A G Elutes, at present. Mrs Wm Klopp retaruel Tuesday from a visit with bee awighter, Atte Ohnreh, Miss Nora Seibert, of Lansing,. Mich., trained nurse, is visiting at her home here at present. Mrs John Gallmeri reternea Tuesday' from a Visit wel ith relatives at Pigeon and other Michigan points. Themembers of the Sunday School of the Lutheran church picnicked at Grand. Bend on WednesdaY. Miss Esther Zettel returned to Bev.' liti Tuesday, after a pleasant visit at her home here for a few weeks. Mr. J. McCracken t f S. Marys, tscretary of the Canadian' Flax Growers was a visitor in town ot Tues- day, Percy Rolley, who has been work- ing forth' John McKin'ey Stanley M township, left on 'onday for London where he has enlistea, Mr Wm Lehman of London, was called to his home here o Wednesday owing to the tieti Us Hitless of his motherM , rs Lehman. Airs Jos Enure and tie.° children, of St,' Paul, Miele, visiting her brothers, Messrs. Albert. ana John Zettel, of this village, at present. .A large stock of Slippers & Pumps GERMANY 'SECURE TWENTY - Cla,s'sitied Ads Satin Pumps, reg $3 Clp for $2.00 Patent Pumps, reg 8.25 for 2 50 Tan Oxfords reg 3 00 for 2.50 Patent Oxfords reg 2.25 for .2 50 High top white canvas 2 50 for 1,75 Tan Shoes reg $4 00 for $3 00' All our Ladies' Pumps at Greatly Reduced Prices David PihE Dashwood - Ont MASSEY- HARRIS LET PEOPLE KNOW PROODFOOT, EILLORAN, & PROUD. FOOT. flarristers, Solieltore, Ilotariet. Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich, Private funds to loan at lowest tates W. PROU01,00T, K. C. J. L. KILLORAN. W. PuouDFOoT, MEDICAL CARDS Stable ifituipment • Wo handle the most improved Stable merit nn tin' nutrient. Partnere, fa your stables in a md oern and sanitary way tind you will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased, results. Get our prices on Stanchions, Water Bowls • ancl Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. Wo ree( fly iT.:+'alled an out it of stanohions and fixtures for II Bele ,Bronson Lino, Laid pal ies interested.are welcome to inspect 81) B. A. J. MtteKINNON late House Surgeon, Brie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant reel - ant Physician, Manhattan Matertiity Hospital N. Y. city. .Late of the Hans° Staff, New York Palyclinie Medical School and Hospital. •Drue store in oonnection. Office, Zurich,. Ont. • "A Man's Ability is his Passport," Frank Weaver LOUIS PRANG Professor of Music London, Ont, A Teacher of Organ and all branches of Piano Playing; VoicelCulture and Artistic Singing a Specialty. Sixteen years practical experience, For terms apply at the Herald Office. (1; • • 1111111111110t We also install equipment of every kind See us about it Lost, strayed, for sale, wanted, found, to rent, card of thanks, and all want ads, for insertion in this column will be charg- ed for at a rate of 25c each inseitien prov- klieg they don't exceed 5 lines, payable strictly in..alvance, Money To Loan -I have various sums of Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Current rate of interest. Apply to Andrew F, Hess, Zurich, BIOYOLE FOR SALE Good as new. Will be sold reasonable G Iloltztu to left, last week for an price. Apply to George Ldley, (..voshert •extended visit eith hiss() is in western Line, sumley, IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est' made. all steel. Manure Spr.*ders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 1*. IL P. $75; 21. II. P. $85; 4 H. P.$125; 6 IL P. $175; 8 H. P. $285; 12 11. P. $375; all warranted fist class. At the old Stand:- `'Sciu are 'Dealing 0 ar Motto" 118 Hess & Son. :631;f6tON't 21143rle CAND:Cit A. noweshiptitent just in of Ron Bons, Chocolates, 860. The best that money can hay A farge variety of Comic, Petriotie, Scenic, eta„ Post °Arras. ell prices .„ We also. have the Flag Gnm,S peal%) nt, 1r.. to . LAadind Brands of Cidars. Neitson's Famous Ice Cream IVIcCORMICK'S RESTAURANT Canaaa, out, ef .,v11 nn 1. Gated in Saskatoon and other two • t Fiske, Sask. Rev 0 0 3 Maas of Preston deliver- ed two powerful sermons in the Luth- eran churcl.i at last Sunday's morning and evening servicEe. Large congreg- ations greeted hint. Mrs Harris and ilaughtor, of Mont- real, were guests of Mrs E Appel for a few days this week, They have left for Brown h.. nee mpanied by Mrs Appe.1, where they will visit relatives for a short time Rev W 01\ filler return( d front New- castle, Pa., on,Ifonday ovoning and is busy packing his household goods preparatot y to moving to the above city. He expects t ) leeve well bis family some time next week. Mr and Mee Peter Munn, tray township announce the emgauement of their yunitge,t daughter, Margaret Bertha, to Mr Milton W Ole:vein of Hensel], Out ,• the tuarriege to take place quietly hi September. • Mr Ernst Gies, of this ) Hinge, pick - ba twenty p o Is f litmus from one tree the other dy. lle sa)s this is the heaviest yieldhe has PviAr soon for a plum tree. The jam I. tel j .11y crop ShO al a not he s, f !item) tee section. 11 lIossenb,4rr) , \\It, keen me. dueling a h 'tee ir dog -.tab 0 u. Daell w))1, 115 in ) reel to 11 i -4111 awl on Montlav took 1-0 eeeeeimi .,t tb Ring George llotel, u 1y vacated by Weir Acheso 1, w") 1'W 0 InanCIS the Commemisl I 'mei in Chat town. If the wet wetttber 0 mtioqes there is some liklebood of potatoes hecoming scarce this fall Those Nv how have startea to dig them rep•Irt that they are rotting Owing to the large yield last year end the failure of a mai ket lett spring m much smaller acreage sown IhH yftar. HOUSE ANI) LOT FOR SALE Will sell my house and three lots situat- ed in Zurich. Also good barn op premises. For particulars apply to W 0 Wager, Zurich, Ont. Wanted -General servant who can do p1 tin cooking, and help with children. Mrs IK. Saunders, Goderich, Ont. VERTILIZ114: --e I have a cerlotid of Fer tilizer on hand Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any 'time at my farm: Have all kinds on hand, ranging from $10 to $.40 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Ce. BEST BY TEST • Two rielts of Eieii.nll howlere, ,skipped Ity A. Whitosides ;Ind F linsh played a game toi the Yeu. lett green IASI. Thursday evem,pg against two local rinks, skipped by P Lamont and T L Warm. Skip AV Urm won his gatue by six sbobt4 and slip Lamont, th rough a liitle bard luck lost by six shots, making the, score a tie at the end of play. • HICKS' FORECASTS The Third Reactionary Storni Period is central ow the 26th, 27th and 28th. The Moon being onIlle 26th, the dis • titrbances from the preceding period will hardy elisappea't before renewal of etorm`Conditicms will be Apparent on • satel.uesi to that date. The Mercury, Wilts end Earth forces willbo inten- sifying at this period, promising many active disturbances, and calling for waGcbful precautions on land and seas. The first two days of a regular storm pS1 id wind up the • month, Thie period is central on September 2nd and Will be dosoribod in the forecasts for that month', Imurance Agent urich ()BA High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Gon- cluctors. Am very busy, plea -'e hand in your orders early, as 1 do the work myself, Prices.right on easy terms. Telephone 34. TILE! All sizes of first-class tile onhand ‘.2.11;,• R1C For all uses purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right 41 - Zurich Meat MARKET :DEALERS IN Freda arid Salt iVeats relcfra t€s.Efc 1.1 p FOR SKINS & HIDES ungblut Deichext PINE earn atm= y =RIC: Carload of Oe ar Pos s For 1 F. C. ,„offeenglionamsmommagmEm UNDERTAKING A..... • ZURIC a . • Prompt Service Moderate rhavges Tailor Shop and Laundry 0,091•1•111MMIMIIII H. Zurich, HOFFMA Ontario St;Joseph Brick Yards Louis roster, Manager. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central. amzer.serazt... 04„,..„•ofOUN R (-9 Check tiooks For General Stores ,(E are selling agents for Appleford's J popular. counter check books. Our prices are the same as city travellers charge you for ihem. • Let us know your wants and we will cheerfully t,how you samples and quote prices. • Herald Printing Co. Phone30 ' f , ,,,,A....GDZIES.11-75,12EMBEEMONECESSEMZESSEM A1 -C.17 smarewascr-rorzesdana.neacr,......maegormatatnazuzur a oit of reading lvertisements i\TEWSPAPERS would be less enjoyable, instrwAiVe and V a lu ble lhau they are if they contained no advertisements. Many persons read the advertisements quite as thoroughly, as they read tun tn 118 AI'S matter Thisls just as it should be. Ths more advertising, the more buying. Tbe mere buy Ing;' the greater the consumption of tho.goods or ser- vice advert/teed, More business would be done by the merchants of Zurich .i E they adver- )1 Ill Il!.) as 11 if 111 ) et Olen) wlvertisel. b ieiae43 gets t) • ' the big city lertil melee ti eis 35 1)1.3aa5e they laver tlis 1.' le.es 11.).1ses W teld 035ie t) mIi v bedn 154 Er ' ti this 0.13))' 11) ility if they 0315.3.1 4, Iva!;ti ie. To '1011 11;1 of Zurich Advertise more, and the lEAg city mail-order houses will get less and less business from this community, and you will get more. Advertisement -Reading is Worth While .:.•111r* __.....ammgiog•••••••=1111111.1.1111