Zurich Herald, 1915-08-27, Page 4THE T mRP LD issued every Thursday afternoon l \err, the ' tIEKALD PRINTING OPP1CR Victoria Si Zurich,l`-v . NDRRW E. il'ESS and ClikISTER L. SMI rel vs( iB iTRit coli PRICE 00 A YEAR ha 911, S' subscripton ,yr,sa strictly in advace, fla ADVERT TS:IND TERMS, f t Itates ler display and ca5tractadvertisements will be 1\1 tiven'aa appliation. mss Transient notices such as legal, corporation, so cet Cie., so cents perlint'fot first insertion and 5 centsper lit Ilse for each subsequent insertion, I*Totices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an atdmiss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken willbe charged for at the regulara,lv,irttstn* rates ices of religions or other meetings the object of ch is thebettelit of the Community and not for per... toned or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheerfully xserted free. Estray advs . $s for three insertions. No paper III scontinued until all arreatages are paid. Changes for contract .eotherw se they willsements must be ibe left he Oh= by .6 p. Tuesday, ever until the tollowing week. Advertisments without specific directions will be inserted utuitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tram, sient :trivet tismenrs must be paid for in advance. Address all communications to THE HERALD) Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, AUG. 2 6, 1915 COR EBPONDENOB BRONSON LINE Mrs Walter.Ireland and Messrs Frank Monowhalu and Thilbert Hertz of Detroit, who visited at the home of Hy Walper's, returned toy, their home Saturday. Miss Adeline Baeohler was the guest of Miss Pearl Kaersher on Sun- day, Master Edgar Restimeyer, who un- derwent an operation on Tuesday is progressing nicely. Mr and 11Irs C Wolper of Dashwood called on Mr and 11Irs H Wolper on Monday. Mr Henry Olausius is all seniles. A Tittle baby boy has come io brighten his home. Mr and firs Art Weber spent Sun- day at Dashwood. .Quite a number from our line atten- ded the funeral of Mr F Preeter at Dashwood on Sunday. Miss Frieda Krueger spent the week With Miss Fern Walper, The Catalogue ' Where did Simpson get his money; 'to'build the big seven storey mail,' .arder house in Regina? He gob it .from the profits of business done with 'the general public; How did he get' the business? He got the business ,as the result of a jndicious campaign of radvertising; Whet 10 you mean by j ndicious" ? H.e.advertised his goods in such a way as to speak directly to the purchasing public—through a catalogue. Can'the local merchant. combat that kind of advertising? Yes., How? By sending what he has to' may right into the homes of people who ought to buy from him. But the local merchant cannot go to the expense of printing catalogues? ' No, of course not, but he has the use of 'local paper which beats the annual catalogue to -a frazzle by its weekly 'Persistency. Guess that's right. It .certainly is. The above is clipped from the Prairie 'News, Govan, Sask., and should be .cut out and pasted up near th l clock. 'Last week "bushels" of catalogues 'from the Toronto departmental stores ,were distributed in this section, Each I .catalogue bore six cents in stamps for postage. It also means a large expense Ito issue these books. Owners of the large mail order stores in Toronto are emulti•millionaires. Do they sell their goods•at a profit? Just as surely as the sunrises in "the east. EENSALL Dr F A Sellery and family returned to their home in Toronto last week, Mrs George Joynt is recovering from her severe illness. H J. McDonald and family intend moving to St Marys soon. STANLEY TOWNSHIP - -Last Monday was young people's day on the Varna circuit. The ser - Vices were held in Kippen church, The address in the afternoon was given by Rev J F Knight of Hensall, subject, "Knowing Christ," and the a`clress in the evening was given by Mr Geo A Stanley of Lucan, subject; 'The young man's visions of life." The music in the afternoon was fur- aeishedby the Goshen choir, and in the evening by the Kippen choir. Solos were also given by Miss Roxie Palmer of Goderich, The chinch was packed full at both services and the visitors were well entertained by the good people of Hippen. The Misses Butterfield of Bay City are spending a few days with friends on Goshen Line. Mrs Atkins, Mr Harold Atkins and Miss Rose Atkins of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs E Robin- son, Our council have had men engaged in fixing up our niain streets, The following efffcers were recently stalled in Zurich Lodge A. F. and A. M., by pa stmaster, W. E. Hoggarth. F Manns W M; A W E Hemphill. S W; R Dalrymple, 3 W; R J Drysdale Chan. W C Davis Treas. J W , Bontb- ron, Secy. G J Sutherland, 5 D; A L Case J D; J Johnson, Tyler R J. Cam- eron I G; A Smith and F W B Dejean Stewards. It should be known by everybody - in these days of gasoline lamps and stoves that gasoline will not explode until its filmes have been mixed with air. Gasoline will catch fire as quickly as any liquid known, but let it alone and it will burn out, doing no damage and leaving no sear or sign of fire. Mixed with air in' proportions men- tioned it is far more dangerous than dynamite. No receptable of this liquid should ever be left uncorked to do so' is to make the room where it is kept far worse than a powder magazine. This platter of safely handling gas- oline is very easy, and no one should be ignorant of how it is clone, M A N: TIIOUSAND MEN REQUIRED for the HARVEST IN WESTERN CANADA Thousands gf Men willbe require It is reported that Colin Hudson has sold his blacksmith shop and that it will be torn down and a business block erected in its place. BAUBLE LINE SOUTH 1ti,essrstO Sharrow, Mort Turnbull and J Mason of this Line have left for the west. Messrs Lorne and Harvey Taylor spent the week ,end with their uncle Mr Sam Taylor near Brucefield. Mr Beierlin.g, who is working for John Luther, had the misfortune to fall off a roof he was repairing on Tuesday and dislocate his shoulder, Drs Balfour and McKinnon attended him. DASHWOOD - COUNTY NEWS The Goderich Organ ,Co has re calved an order for 10,000 shell boxes Bayfield public library was opened to the public last week. Two blind. red volumes are now ready for mem! bets, Harvey Curry; of Bayfield has en- listed for overseas service and has left for the London training camp; John Laing has disposed of his 100 acre farm, near Cromarty, to James and Russel Scott, for $9,000. Murray Fisher of Kippen, who holds a first class certificate, has been engag- ed as teacher of the Parr Line school, 1* miles north of Hillsgreen. Miss M J Tom, daughter of In- spector J E Tom, Goderieb, won the third Edward Blake scholarship in' the. remit junior matriculation examina- tions. An expert from•the Hydro Electric commission was in'Crediton recently securing information as to the cost of the proposed hydro line from Devon to that village. The police trustees will likely ask the people to vote on the money by-law when the report is received. • Alex Buchanan,, Sr.; and family will soon move into the dwelling he recently purchased from Dr Mair. A S Case, G T R Agent here, and Mrs Case are enjoying a few week's holidays. John McAllister has sold his dwell- ing on Richmond street to George F. Case, Ernie Steamy of Orillia, Lloyd Steacy of Alviriston are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr and Mrs John Steacy. Real estate has been very active here for some time. Among the latest changes are the following:. Colin Hudson, who has sold his blacksmith shop to Alex Murdoch has purchased from R J Drysdale the residence on Queen street in which Mr Hudson has resided for some time. Wm Truerc- nor purchased from the H Pfaff estate the frame residence and two lots on the corner of Queen and Elizabeth streets.. Special Services.—Rev. F. C. Ber- ger, Field Secretary of the Evangelical S. Schools, Cleveland, 0., will grad- uate a Teacher's Training Class of 10, at the Evangelicalachurch next Sab- bath morning at 10.30. For the past year the class has been taking a course in Ilurlburt's "Teacher's Trainiug Lessons, All are invited to these graduation Services.' EXETER. and Mrs A Ramsay said family of Hamilton, visited relatives here last week. Nelson Sheers has rented J N HOW - ma's house on Main Street and will move his family, here. • Dr W J Browing, who has been • as- sisting his father here, has returned to his home in Caledonia, Minn. Dorothy, the eldest daughter of John 0 Snell, Usborne, underwent a successful operation for appendicitis one day last week. Miss Irene Hardy has returned from ayisit with friends at Imlay City, Mich. Lee Blatchford, who bas been in delicate health for some time, : under- went another operation at Victoria Hospital, London a few days ago, for a1pendicitis and other internal trouble. ST. JOSEPH The judging of the field crops under the auspices of the Seaforth Agricult- ural Society by the Agricultural Coll- ege. Guelph, has been completed turd the competitor who received the high- est number of points for• oats is William Black, Tuckersmith, who received 85. Private Sale of Piano, 8 bedsteads bedsprings and natresses, 8 tables, child's desk belay carriage, folding go- cart, several chairs, sanitary couch and nlatr'ess, garden rake, hoes, and numerous other articles. Apply to Rev W C Miller, Zurich, on Saturday Aug. 28th and Monday, Aug. 30th. About 2 o'clock Wednesday morning of last week fire was discovered in the house occupied by Walter Bezzo, Clin- ton, and had such a start that the fire- men were unable to save it. -Both Mr and Mrs Bezzo were away at the time and they are unable to give an explan- ation as to the cause of the fire. On the furniture in the house there alas $250 insurance in the McKillop Com- pany. The house was owned by Jacob Taylor, who carried $300 insurance. • The adjourned case against W Bender for selling liquor without a license was tried at Clinton last Thurs- day and dismissed. The same roan faces another charge next week, as the rmtcome of asbipuient of liquor sent into the county under an assumed name. A silnila.r case was tried in Goderiab, where the shipper, express agent and hotelkeeper were each finer] $50 and costs. Inspector Torrance has also laid several charges in Sea - forth as the result of receut raids. One young man paid into the county treasury $50 for supplying liquor to a dry citizen of Seaforth. Cases of drunks are also being severely dealt with, and in no case get off with less than $20. Mc S J and Miss II Spencer 'spent Sunday at'Grand Bend. Mr and Mrs Ed Stelk of the. 14th con, called on friends here on Sunday d The masons are hixsy at D Tita.man',s i gfternoon, from Ontario to help in ti wor'b of new residengo, � ffbreshingllas eomtnence:i in this hzti'vestin� the X�esbern crop and prao- Dr Schram bas iitt5ved to town and vicinity, The wheat 3eilds fairly tii;ally the chill's taslt o@ ti'#tt]91;orting has opened an office in Mrs Ball's good but oats are badly damaged by this great army of Harvesters to the house. smut. West drill fall to the lot of the Caned Mr. A L Screenan, our veteran, tan Pacific Railway, fisherman, has completed removing Excursions from points in Ontario s y' d h his nets, He has pulled his boat lip toManitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta high and dry for the winter. 'The will be run, and special trains operated catches were still very good but his making the trip in about thirty-six supply of ice was exhausted for pack - hours and avoiding any change of cars 11Ir I3 int; and shipping purposes, or transfers. Mr and Mrs H Wenzel of Crediton "Going Trip West," $12.00 to Win• nipPg, He y , and Mr and Mrs T Behnke of Detroit "Return Trip East," $18,00 from h were business visitors here on Theirs- 'Return On Satui y day last. Consult C. P. R. Agents regarding Miss Albertine Brisson has returned pet -Healers in connection with trail age of Deceased had been bo her home, after spending alnonth's 1 th vacation at Chatham. J Kellerman was in Toronto, Wed- nesday, on business. Mrs Alex 'Zimmer has receive the news of the death of her stepmother who lived at St Agatha. Hotchkiss wife 'end child, visited at the home of Mr P Mcisaac last week. Henry Willert of Romeo, Miob, attended the funeral of his mother. er. Saturday last there passed away Mrs Henry Willed at the advanced r 92 years. ecease h a living with her son, Chares, on e sportation west of Winnipeg. August 24th and 28th -Froin Toronto Town Line, for many years, The and stations West and North in funeral was held on Monday, inter- the Province of Ontario, but . not meet being made in the Lutheran including. Stations on line North cemetery. of Toronto to Sudbury and Sault Site. Ont. Por frill partll'oi it`el regarding trii-ie- sortation West of Winnipeg, etc., see nearest 0. P. R. Agent, or write M. G, Murphy, Distrha Passenger Agen'r, Toronto. 'Tamils lit hiss' cleare nor, Irate 1t1ice ot' 1), 1, r. in the Ilolne. 15c. and gfl"o. ' and Country 130EN A.vmstrong—Iu Stanley township on. August std. to Mr and Mrs Atch, Armstrong, a son. DIED Preeter—At Dashwood, on Friday, August 20th, Frederick Preeter, ged G"> yrllraAnd 1.lnioi>tlis, Willert ---• West of Dashwoorl, on i inset ill some bine: Those subscriil• ageddist 21st, Mrs Henry1iV%llert, tions should be paid atonee. 92 years. Wes. n9 .o 1 Canada 9 and Attractions Sept. 1 t h a i S t h Prizes increased this yoariTlyo Speed. Events Daily.. by S3,000,00 iFireworks Every. Night, Excellent Program of At_ New Steel' Grandstand. g�. tractions Twace Daily • ;Midway Fetter Than Ever. visit by the Best Available . ands OINGLE ,;i1°OVER ALL RAILWAYS West of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third from outside points Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all,inforination from the Secretary. W. J. REID, Presicent A. M. HUNT, Secretary What About Your Vacation? If you intend taking a trip we can supply your wants in the line of Travelling Goods. `Vv e carry a nice line of Trunk, Buit .uses, oto. to choose from at reasonable prices. We also carry ii full line of Harness, light and heavy, Dusters, Fly Nets Etc. Light Work a Specialty CRF. ZURICH ISI I have made arrangements with Silvi rwocEls• • Dairy,' London, to take eream at My Residence, Zurich, any time during the week, Cream is te:tted when brought to lay store and paid for on delivery. Price poid this tis eek was 2G cents per pound. I. IIUDSON, ZLJRICll- Zurich lElxete r Seaforth Toronto London Brusse 1s FALL FAIRS Sap t 22 28 Sept 20-21 Sept 23 2.1 Aug 29 Sept 18 Sept 10-18 October 1 .........October 5 6 Sept 28-80 Oct 5-6 Bayfi eld............ Goderich Blyth COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All sizes ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. LOOK UP YOI111 LABEL Take a look at the label this week We have corrected our subscription list up to August 4th, and those who have paid their subscription account during the past several weeks should. find that the correction of date bas been made.: If you find that the label does not read as it should call at> the office or write tis and we will see that the correction is made, And by the way, there are a few who have not bad any change , made it there CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER 1 .8 �1•bbb ttln to Lora 10tnhetter, the sir war hen only begun. "The War Summary" Almost front the very day the great European war began in August last, the outstanding feature in Canadian journalism covering the conflict /has been "The War Summary" daily on pages 1 and 2 of TUE GLOBE. In the eonc5.sest possible form the writer has given Ms readers a pen picture of the developments in all parts of the world. while the details of the movements along the extended frontiers have not been overlooked, the readers of TEE GLOBE have been enabled to follow intelligently and with confidence the general outlines of the stupendous conflict. "The war summary'' of TEE GLOBE is reproduced dailyby several papers throughout the Dominion. m The Ecdiitorial Page TILE GLOBE on its editorial page has striven to place before the public in proper perspective the broad background of:. the titanic struggle. This, series of articles has attracted the attention not only of the. Canadian ' people, but of. leading men and Journals in all parts of the world. The ceases leading app to the war, the''elements entering Into its conduct, and the results likely .to flow from the cessation of hostilities have been deltlt with in that 'bold and clear-cut form charac- teristic of TUE GLOBE'S editorial page. , News Service The abov�ff... features, nisaddition to a cable and letter .service trona the front unmatn ed in Canada, have placed THE GLOBE Sar in the lead of Canadian papers, and pertly .explain the phenomenal increase of 381.8 per cent, in THE GLOBE'S circulation swing recent mouths. Other Features • ° The sporting pages, the flnanoial and comm reial pages, .the woma 's pages, etc., etc., with the additional pages in Wednesdday's issue devote to "Farm and Conntry. Life," are mpintained at a high standard 0 eqrlFeelnouce a standard that has ;justified. TUE GLOBE in its title o canridles National Newsiiaper, and has givenit by many thousands the largest circulation of any morning paper in the Dominion. Lead 'and City Papers Be, all means tak@ your local paper, but 15 the field of metropolitan newspapers THELOBE uneiuestiotistbly offers you the greatest value to be bad in Canada. Order it to -day. R5 cents per month—one dollar for four months•-thrde, dollars par year. tet, THE GLOBE, Toronto int 4