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Zurich Herald, 1915-08-20, Page 8
Gila..' . f.! r,.s In All Lines of Summer Goods All Summer Dress Goods to be sold to make room for Fall Goods which are now arriving Silk crepe reg 35 and 40c per yd now for 28c per yd All 25c goods now kr 20c tL yd All muslins, and 1nu11s,•reg 15 now 10o a yd •Orimiale cloths to clear at 12 1-2c per y1:3. 2 doz Ladies Waists to clear at 500 each _ Men's tweed. Pants reg $1.75 ai.ld $2.00 uo\ fol' S 1. Straw Hats All Straw hats for men, women and children to clear at 25% off. Dinner Sets I only 96 piece Dinner sett reg $11 00 for $9.75 1 only 97 piece Dinner sett reg $12.00 for $10.50 Fresh Groceries always on hand. RUBY and GASCHO See Our env 1h1ights New eat Safe Fine Stock of Jewellery Just Arrived. '1 LOOAT:' S Corrected every Thursday. Butter $0,22 1;ggs.. ,,. ,' 19 Dried Apples 05 Potatoes, ... • ....... , .. ... 80. Wheat $1;00 $1.00 oats 52 54 Barley 65 65 Buckwheat 75 Flour.......... ........ 8.50 8 90 Bran $28.00 Shorts 88.00 Low G rade 88.00 Live Hogs 'fob Hensall .8:50 Local News Messrs Willie and Lenard Davidson visited friends on the Sauble Line recall tly, Miss Mary Thiel left on Wedneslay. ! 1. attend the millinery openings at Toro to. Mr Tbos MoMillan, Liberal candid- ate for South Huron, was a visitor ill the village on Tuesday. Mrs G T Yui g'ilnt of Waterloo' and Mrs J Bonthron of Hensall were visit- ; friends here on Monday. Miss Elizabeth Truemner, of De- troit, Mich„ is visiting her mother and other relatives here at present. The total estimate of. fall wheat harvest for Ontario is 27;080,000 bushels, an average of 27.86 bushels per acre, Mr and Mrs T L Wurin returned last Friday from their wedding trip and are oeoupyirg part of the resi- lience of Mrs E'iza Truemner, Miss Dorothy Truemner, who has been spending a few weeks at her home here, returned to Toronto last . Friday where she is training for a nurse in the Western Hospital. Mr and Mrs F Hess, Sr., Mr and Mrs Ferdinand Hess, and daughter, Ethel and Mr .A. Hess visited at the home of Mr and Mrs G F Bissett, Saltford Height, on Sunday. FLOU FEED & SEED1STORl Having purchased the business lately conducted by I, lliudsou, I beg to notify the public that 1 have a complete stock of Fleur: FIVE ROSES, MILVERTON, ROYAL IIOUSEHOLD and EXETER BRANDS. Also Feed of all kinds. All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds Groceries, Salt, Stock Foods, Etc., Etc. Eggs taken in exchange for goods Geon x : ` c ride Telephone 23 GRANAa OJ P+nirl,l[tp, Canada's Clain, is Prvvin;; to ?3e No Empty I3oast.. The prose^lt conflict in Enron() has demonstrated leyund Lim i i" sibili•y of doubt that the rails-enauce of Britain's superiority at sea, and tl is expansion of the wheat areas in British Dominions, have been linkod Rev E G Powell of Clinton, Ont„ Secretary of the Moral Reform Forces of Huron County, will preach in the Evangelical church next Sunday even- ing. Mr Powell is a powerful speaker and in his special work, "A Terror to Evil Doers." A cordial welcome to all, Thomas Johns, of Exeter, who, is well known in Zurich, and is a driver for a produce company of Exeter, had the misfortune to fracture his leg be - ween the knee and the ankle when he was climbing up to an oil tank wagon a few days ago. His foot slipped with the above result. He will be laid up for some weeks. .3:******** K'*')c*,°*°r l°*°*r**$'*$ °r*r .°* 0 A Letter From Home .ates.sazoner —_. The weekly paper is j t''e al)seut ones. In fact, it 1. got s regularly every week• news anti keeps thein info ine.1 of the home town. ike a letter from home, to Iter than a letter, for it It gives them all tee home oi: the progress and welfare We will send the Zurich Herald to any address • to the end of 1915 tl In anada for 35 cents In I»g:l.a for 60 cents 4'b The PrairieNews, of Govan, Sask., edited by S. J. Latta, :11 P P., will en November lst next put its subscrip- tion business on a strictly cash in ad- vance basis. No paper will be sent to any subscriber unless payment for the same is made in advance. This is a move that all weekly papers will hays to make eventually and the step Mr Latta has taken only shows in an- other way how the West is more pro- gI'essive than the East. According to official announcement by Senator Lougheed, Aeting Minister of Militia, "My wife won't let me," will no longer be a barrier to would- be recruits in Canada. It has been decided that the regulation requiring married men to obtain the consent of their wives and single men between the ages of 18 and 21 the consent of parents or guardians should be abolish- ed; and a militia order to that effect will be promulgated. The order will. also wipe out the provision that en- ablEd a man in the overseas forces to purchase his discharge for $15. together as basic factors in the con- sideration of plans for Imper.al or - fence and defence, The lawmak.is in London, as ec matter of policy, have allowed nottl ing to interfere with the b lid nghu� of an all-powerful navy, y have steadfastly ignored the pro- tests of Englishmen who have con- tended that Great Britain would lie in an impossible position if a war should develop with a powerful maritime power. There were nu- merous men in Enuland who .believ- ed that in the event of an importan` European struggle involving Great Britain, "the hunger of London would dictate terms •of peace." But the Admiralty were convinced that tin sea power would keep all the routes Oran for foodstuffs. The lands in the British Isles which might have been devoted to the growth of more wheat were left as before, and the investors of Britain by placing their funds in the bonds of railways in Canada, in South Africa, in Aus- tralia and in New Zealand, where vast stretches of fertile country re- mained to be opened up, encouraged the production of a steady supply of foodstuffs which might be called up- on in case of emergency. The under- water craft of Germany -have failed to throttle the shipping of Great Britain. Her ships come and go al- most as they please.. And the re- sources of wheat lands, in them- selves many times the area of the British Isles are available for the need of the people of Britain. In facilitating the expansion of the various railway companies in the Dominion during the last thirty years, the successive Governments, federal and provincial, have enabled Canada to take up the burden of a greater production in this year of the Empire's peril, Canada is measuring up to her advertised destiny as the "Granary of the Empire," or, more emphatic still, "Bread Basket of the World." The prophecies of leaders of thought for three decades are on the verge of fulfilment. The large exportable surplus of the wheat fields in Canada will go to feed a fair proportion of the dependent mil- lions of England, and probably, the war -harassed Belgians as well. The railway lines which have been con- structed east and west and north and south throughout the country• have made her present position pos- sible. Without these essential traf- fic arteries the Dominion would have been merely a helpless spectator while' the greatest war in history rumbled through to a conclusion. Canada's most important contribu- tion to the cause of Empire is in wheat and flour and bread, The bulk of the supplies of Cana- dian wheat for export are drawn each year from the wheat fields of the prairie provinces. The total sup- ply may be computed by a study of the carryings of the railways. Dur- ing the crop year 1913-14, the Cana- dian Northern alone handled from the territory served by its western lines, 47,295,000 bushels. Estimat- ing the increase this year at 20 per cent. the C.N.R. should haul out ap- proximately 56,750,000 bushels of wheat from the provinces lying be- tween the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountains. That quantity of wheat, converted successively into .our, and into standard loaves of bread, would feed Greater London, with its estimated population of 7,- 252,963, ;252,963, for more than four and a half years. According to the millers, a barrel of flour, 196 pounds, is made from 4 1-2 bushels of wheat, and accord- ing to the bakers, 187 standard loaves of 24 ounces each, are made from one barrel of flour. The antici- pated carryings on the Canadian Northern this season, then, repre- sent 12,611,111 bushels and 2,358,- 2777,757 loaves of bread. If this were divided in London each indi- vidual in the Imperial city would receive 325 loaves. There "S Priv Satisfaction in k ing that you pleased your wife Vo Worry, Perfection in Cooking E Ope •ate, Economical. rrhis .Stove, Burns til .or Gasoline Just like a •City Gots Stove It'd cheaper than Wood or Coal. Come to see them at our store. Ten styles to select from. e. 14U.:rTLEIB, FOR OUR HOME Towx—If you have . the interest of your home town in mind you always try to say a good word for it and for its people and for the busi- ness places in it; besides saying good words for it you should patronize it as much as possible. Encourage the .or growth of your town by making it a good town in any way you can—hays the improvements put in for they help. to bnild up a town; keep your houses ° well in repair, paint them whet paint. O is necessary, for this encourages the other house owners to do likewise it .tss, makes property worth more and it looks it. If anything i, made in your Viltr town do all you can to boost it as it gives employment to the citizens of the town. Whatever is good in ,the town needs Your help. The success of • a town is only kept op !.y the patron • age and good will of the citizens. Sue that every plaee is kept in a sanitary condition especiallyplates c food d n is sold, if the 'propriety nu n t attend ' to it see that the al.ttlioritics notify' him, ****" c'"***'* 40. HURON'S L,fARCEST CON'IEINATION STORE THE HERALD CLUBBING UST FOR 1915 Herald and Daily Globe $6 75 " Weekly Globe 175 Daily Mail and Em- pire Weely Mail and Empire Toronto Daily Star " Daily News " Weekly Star.. London Free Press Morning Edition.... Evening Edition.... Weekly Edition London Advertiser Morning Edition.... Evening Edition.... Weekly Edition..... arm tC Dairy Weekly Sun Farmers Advocate... Montreal Family Serald and Weekly tar ,. Weekly Montreal Witness Doing Good Shooting. A letter from Col. John A. Currie, , •p„ received in Ottawa recently, contains some thrilling references to the terrific fighting along the west- ern front. He wrote on April 6, when the Canadians were resting a few miles back from the firing lines. While they were in the trenches, says Col. Currie, the fighting was in- cessant, shells by day and rifle fire at night. The fight at Neuve Cha- ' pe11e was very hot. The Canadians were not in the thick of it, "but the A, ride and artillery fire sounded like KR Niagara." The Canadian artillery at were doing good shooting, and he adds that the Canadian troops would as soon trust their own artillery to r„ shoot over their heads as the British n batteries. Even back from the trenches, as V, they went to sleep at night, they could hoar tho patter or German bul- lets against the was of tho building. At the thee of writing Col. Currie was the only Canadian M.P. in the trenches, tt 4 tt ar t C it tt tt it /C IC tt tt t. it 3 75 1 '75 2 85 2;85 1 75 8 50 2 90' 1 85 2 90 2 90 1 75 1 75 1.80 240 1 85 1 85 UbER as -,�QI. EXPEFli_..CH TRADE MARKS p� DES1csNS C0PYRIGHTS &C• cknyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether as Invention is probably patentable. Communtca. tiona strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken trough Munn & Co. reoeiV. ppecia1 notice, without charge, in the CielltifiC Jimtricatt, atoiltfiv)aLrPrelt,of an sc illustrated ourrnl. Largest Canada, cut. a year, postage prepaid, Sold by Kll newedealere. 361Bro dwa . U^ Oi; i:' �. wag iNi>� f �. ti• Zurich Agency HERALD OFFICE Ontario's Indians. Ontario has tin linden popuitztion of 23.044. ;c�•4 4.44.0. 1.9.r� ©d�4c�� • inweemeezmewi/ We beg- to announce to the )5eoJle pl of Zurich and vicinity that we have 4( taken over'the stock and goodwill oldie pi busyness formerly conducted by Wr. ' erner. We ask • f oar c share ofyour Oat ronag e on the trinc'ij5le of a Fair and %IP Square deal. Our aim, -will be to &rive the highestD i ?cif' e 0 , •5er t7i, le at Ct. ail' 11V7.77 -J 77'0-. t, 0Q Wo e.w)eet stziZrraa:eri!.ts ofiiew goods til` �0 .,,',e -i l �'" 1� >z . an( We zr.7l,Z 7 e in arrive z7�cr �-rz a fi�z.t, days Gp a position to supply 7071)7' mutts 7:77, any 4 D C1,71 (7, (di 11 OS ofY 1)71 00(7S, Gr ocer^les, pa Clothing, flats, (�l(7)S, ete,, ete. Store. , p p Stornow open ,. rl''c(teh this spaco for Q a .,lii.n.ozr,7toc>n(ent of opper(z,rt,. sc(iee 4 n oa S1?YCRS+SOR TO b ` eletrllroue Q. Cti•Ct,'a es ► elJiRRXE:LL 77�(ch %• '`'3•a•`•,! +S`4�'`��'"�•Q Caw' ��•1w'�•