HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1915-08-20, Page 5THE CHURCHES EVAN. CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday, German 11.00 a, m. Sunday School 9.45 Junior Y, P. A, 1.00 1?. T. (Service) English 7.00 Teachers .meeting 8:00 a .c « .t Mon., Tri•Mu Brotherhood 8.00 Tuesday, Y. P. A. . ... 8,15 er" Wednesday Player Meeting 8,00 rs Friday Teachers Training Class 7.80 " choir practice - 8.80 " Ladies Aid meets 1st Monday of each month at 7.80 p. m. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES ,a t German, Sunday 10.30 a m. English " '7.80 p. m. Bible School ` 9.00 a. m. Men's Mis'n'ry S Tuesday 8.00 p. Luther League Friday 8.00 p. an. L A S 1st Weds'y of month 8.00 p, rn, You are cordially invited to take an active part in all these meetings and services. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep 1t. Luke.11.2.8, r Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC FIRE INSURANOE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANOE PRIVATE FUNDS, TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. AMOUNTS COLLECTED AOOIDENT INSURANCE Herald -Office Zurich LOCAL. NEWS New ads..,—T+, Appel, C Hartle), T L �tprul. Mrs W Fritz is visiting friends in 'Centralia this week, Mr William Davidson has disposed of a colt for $ 185.00. Mr Chris tress of Sarna visited friends hero over Sunday. We have made a special rate of 35 cents for The herald to new sub.crib- ers; in U. S, GO cents. Quantity of Michigan Amber seed wheat for sale. Well saved, and good sample, T Hoy, Jr. The drawing contest for the bed spread will lake place aa• the hone of W 0 Wagner next Tues l l.y evening at 8 o'clock. Znrich and Crediton will play a game of baseball on the lo'a1 diamond this Friday night. -Came culled at 6 o'clock. Mr Louis Sipple, a member of the Detroit fire departlner%t, visited his mother, Mrs H Sipple, of town, for a few days this week. Mr J Elgin Hess was successful in passing the recent Junior Matrieula- tion examinations at London Collegiate with second class honors. DASHWOOD SHOE STORE A large stock of Slippers & Pumps Satin Pumps, reg $3 00 for $2.00 Patent Pumps, reg 3.25 for 2 50 Tan Oxfords reg 3 00 for 2.50 Patent Oxfords reg 3.25 for 2.50 High top white canvas 2 50 for 1.75 Tan Shoes reg $4 00 for $3 00 All our Ladies' .Pumps at Greatly Reduced Prices - David Pfaff Dasl<iwood - Ont M]SS EY - H}1RIZIS 0 IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds of Cultivators, Discs and Fer- tilizer Drills, best and light- est made all steel. Manure Spr. aders and all kinds of plows and repairs always in stock. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and Wagons before buying else- where. GRAY MOTOR ENGINES 1h H. P. $75; 2?z II. P. $85; 4 H. P.$125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P. $285; 12 I3, P. $876; all warranted first class. At the old Stand:— Square Dealing Our Motto" F. Hess S6 Sin, .I.V a l t i.T.LV't , A. new shipment just in of ;1 Bon Bon;,, Chocolates, etc.. The best that money can bat, A urge variety •ofComic, Patriotic, Scenic, etc., Post Cards. all prices. We also have the Flag Gum, Spearmint, Etc. Leading Brands of Ciylars. Neilson's Famous Ice Cream McCORMICK'S RESTAURANT Comforts Reaching the Mien. In a letter received from T. G. Col- mer, secretary of the Canadian War Contingent Association, in England,. he :tells of the work which is being done for Canadians at the front. "We are in communication," he says, "with all the different units and are sending the consignments of comforts to there each week, as re- quisitioned, and often when tlrey are not requisitioned, as we have a very good idea of the men's wants, Socks and other woolen comforts have been forwarded, and towels and handker- chiefs, tobacco, pipes and cigarettes, matches, soap and .candies have been arranged fox and are on the way, "Shipments will be continued at frequent intervals as far as our re- sources will allow. We are also see- ing what can be done for the recrea- tion of the men in conjunction with the Y. M. C. A., when they are not in the trenches or on active work. Papers and magazines are also being sent to them, and any requisitions we receive from the front will, you may be cure, receive special attention." We are prepared to do all kinds of job work, no matter how small or large the order may be Oar facilities en- able us to turn. mita thousand copies as quickly as a'lundrecl copies. Let us quote you. prices Threshing started in this section this week and reports say that the wheat is a good sample mil an average yield, although s.1me is damaged owing to the c.lntinned wet weather and growing in the stooks. The oat harvest is now on and the crop is a good one although some difficulty is being experienced in harvesting it. The heavy growth could not withstand the exorbitant moisture mid truth of it has been flattened to the ground making it difficult to harvest. The bean crop has also suffered from the wet weather and some fields have been drowned ant. The damage to the beaus will amount to many hundreds of dollars in this section as the acreage sown this year for exceeds that of auy previous yeare. St Swithin, the martyr who takes a horrible revenge by causing the rain to descend for 40 days if by any chance a shower should fallon the anniversary of bis birthday, has his inning this year, but he will soon be struck out, for his inning comes to an end on Wed nesday, when the 40 days will have expired. St Switnin naay have been a fin man and his friends may have been many but that does not apply to this age. The nnpopnlar man, if the oldsaw is right, especially with the farmers is St Stwithin. That is, of .course, if he is responsible for the 40 'days rain. Bat then, you never can be sure of anything since the revelation that it was Noah, not Adam, that caused our downfall. --London Free Press. Increased Production. Nature has been .aiding. one of oar subscribers this spring in complying with the request:, of the patriotism and production campaign. Mr. Joel Grimsha 'i's flock of sheep have evi- dently caught the spirit as two of his ewes gave birth to three lambs each and all are living and smart. It is hard to boa, that 'for increased production. -- Lionnt 1 a1:st t.op e- sentativ e. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Notice is nereny given that the lift of laird for sale for the arrears of taxes- -bus. been prepared, that copies may be .had at this office, that the list is being published' in the Ontario Gazette of July 24th, 31st, August 7th and 14th of the year 1915, and that in default of the payment of the taxes and costs thelland will be sold by public auction at the Court House in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, the Second day of November, 1915, at,2 o'clock, p, m. WM. H01,1V1ES Treasurer of the County of Huron Treasurer's Office, County of Huron Goderich, July' 27th, 1915 • FERTILIZEH The Western Fair Loudon '1'he Railway rates tor• the Ex hibition tins year are very fu vor able. Ono way ,,,dimly 11'st ola,,s fare will preva 1 over all rc ads from Toronto \('1-t, and f.,re and one third from ontatile point-•. Tickets will ba good from Friday September loth t r Monday, Sept ember 20th, Exhibitors r,ltes are good at one fare and.a• third from TCeSthLV, September 7th to Wednes- day, Septelilher mid These rates and lung dates should be an induce- ment for the people of Western Ontario to pay h rucl0u to yisit dur- ing exhibition week, 'l"bine will tic u. number of rllauges this year, The Ladies Work and School ex. hibit, instead ia beim, in the gal- lery of the Main Building, will be in separate building on the gron. nil floor, next to •t,11si A_ricultturel B,1,licltn; and nuicnected with•i.t by rt it1; Ease Way. A new banding hay been erected for the t) )g Show near the Machinery Building and just opposite the Midway. Thera will be a first-class programme of twioe daily and the lnanagente1nt• Are 0 arlfi lent that With good wea tiler 0041 lition3 the liixlibiti,in wilt be a great sacoess. All informati'7; prize lists and programmes frdiu the Sooretary, London, Ontario, I have a carload of Fer , tilizer on hand Parties wishing to buy some in any quantity can secure it from me at any time at my farm. Have allkinds on hand, ranging from $10 to $40 per ton. JOHN HEY Jr. Agent for Canadian Fertilizer Co. BEST BY TEST G. HOLTZMAIN Insurance gent Zurich Out High Grade Copper and Aluminum Lightning Gon- ductors. Am very busy, laleose hand in your orders early, es I do th•' work myself, Prices right on easy terms. Telephone 3-1. siert s.4. l �a A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN ta11.OW.N STOCK IN ZURICH and HURON County St,rt now at the hest selling time, d for list of Spring Offerings and terms to agents Liberal oonr- mi Aiuns, Handsome Free Outfit Stone S. Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries ,(Established 1837) TORONTO TILE! All sizes of first-class tile ori hand 1CK! For all uses purposes BEST QUALITY SECOND TO NONE Prices Right ,__•__ Classified Stelae Equipment C.EC, AL. CARDS, PP.OUDPOOT, KILI,ORAN, & PROUD. FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notarier Public &c. Office, on the Square; 2nd door from Hamilton St, Goderieh. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. Paouei'ooT, K. C. J. L. KIrL0RAS. W. PnouDr'oox, Jn. MEDICAL CARDS R A. 3. MacKINNON late 'House Surgeon, Erie Comity tiOSpl6al Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi• dent Physician, ;l1anhattun Maternic) Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, Ntw York Palyclinic Medical School and llospital, 1)iup store in connection. Office; Zurich, Ont. "A. Man's Ability is his Passport" Frank Weaver Professor of lfusic London, Ont, Teacher of Organ and all branches of Piano Playing; Voice iCulture and Artistic Singing a Specialty. Sixteen years practical experience. For terms apply at the Herald Office. - Zurich. Meat MARKET .DEALERS INl Fresh and Salt Meats PcIcira EE ti C1, €ic CASH ,FOR SKINS & HIDES Yuugblut & Deaehert PIijllNE4 We handle the most improved Stable Equip- ment on the market. Farmers, fit your stables in a modern and sanitary way and you will be well repaid for the extra cost by the increased results, Get our prises on • Stanchions, Water Bowls and Fixtures, Litter Carriers, etc. �l. We recently installed an outfit of stanchions and fixtures for Jol Erb, B: onson Line, and parties interested are welcome to insl-eet et. We also install equipments of every kind See us about it ZURIC Carload of to a ' Posts J'or Sale 1 ® C. KAL1YLEIS 14 ili UNDERTAKING 19 09 == ZURICH Prompt Service Moderate r'hal_ges Tailor Shop and Laund ry • HOFRIV Zurich. - Ontario I Check � For General Stores fE are selling agents for Appieford's J popular eouutEr check hooka. Our privies are the same as city ti avellers -charge you for ihem. Let us know your wants and We will cheerfully .$how you samples and quote prices. Herald Printing Co. PIione3O i St. Joseph Brick Yards Louis Foster, Manager. Telephone No. 3 on 85 Zurich Central. 11a1'bit of tea. g Advertisernents EC 'SPAPERS would be less enjoyable, instluetive and 1-aluable than they are if tliey contained no advertisements. Aluny persons read the advertisements quite as thoroughly as they rr?:tcl tai lle',vS 111:1 tier• This is just as it should be. Ths more advertising, the more buying. The more baying, the greater the consumption of tbo goods or ser- vice advertised. More business would be done by the merchants of Zurich if they adver- tkel mgrs ail if 101 e of t111n1 a'lvartiso 1. H!1:11.1 b 13i11e45 g 1 f i t o 01t big city mill caviar h111134 ban is? th.1yativ1rti,3 .I' 134:3 homes 1n1,1 e'1811 to rlr.1 v basin$; fr.)n1 this o 101 1111 lily if they c.aiel t) advertise. To the .' '3rolia its of Zurich Advertise more, aixcl the big city mail.—order horses will get less and less business from this communis y, and you will get more. Advertisement -Reading is Worth While